Just for today --- daily commitment thread



  • WellingTX
    WellingTX Posts: 617 Member
    WellingTX wrote: »

    Will work out for 80 minutes. Will give me 7 hours for the week.
    Will continue my under calorie streak to two days in a row.
    Will verbalize the reasons I'm becoming healthier both in the morning and afternoon.
    Will spend time organizing myself for Monday morning so I can hit the ground running

    Good day yesterday. Worked out for 84 minutes including a 2.75 mile walk at 16:59/mile pace.
    25% under my net calorie goal, two day streak.
    Reinforced out loud the reasons I'm becoming healthy, morning and afternoon.
    Prioritized my Monday to do list and got a head start on packing for a trip

    For today:

    I will work out for 40 minutes.
    I will move my under calorie streak to three days in a row and not overindulge in any single food.
    I will reinforce out loud my reasons for getting healthier; morning and afternoon
    I will be productive when I get home
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member

    J4T Friday
    1. Stick to 1200 calories :smile:
    2. Log everything :smile:
    3. Exercise 1 hour

    JFT Monday
    1 . Stick to 1200 calories
    2. Log everything
    3. Exercise 1 hour
    4. Drink plenty of water

  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member

    1. 12,000 steps :) 13,296
    2. swim or dance :)
    3. under 100G carbs :)

    I was out until 3 in the morning last night and my legs hurt from dancing! Contemplating a rest day...but for right now my plan is...

    1. 10,000 steps
    2. swim a mile
    3. 10 freggies
  • vicky1947mfp
    vicky1947mfp Posts: 1,527 Member

    1. 12,000 steps :) 13,296
    2. swim or dance :)
    3. under 100G carbs :)

    I was out until 3 in the morning last night and my legs hurt from dancing! Contemplating a rest day...but for right now my plan is...

    1. 10,000 steps
    2. swim a mile
    3. 10 freggies

    What is a freggie?
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Fruit or veggie.

    I tend to have 1 serving of fruit and about 9 of vegetables on an ideal day. When I get lazy, my freggie count sometimes falls to 5 or 6 a day, so it's helpful to have the goal and remind myself to get more in my diet.
  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    Thank you, azul, for the new word :-)

    Just for today, I will prepare for tomorrow morning, tonight, and go to bed early. Appointment with physical therapist at 6:45am. I intend to ask her if she sleeps there, lol.
  • vicky1947mfp
    vicky1947mfp Posts: 1,527 Member
    Fruit or veggie.

    I tend to have 1 serving of fruit and about 9 of vegetables on an ideal day. When I get lazy, my freggie count sometimes falls to 5 or 6 a day, so it's helpful to have the goal and remind myself to get more in my diet.

    Thanks. ;)
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member

    JFT, Sunday, August 23
    1) Knee exercises
    2) Take cousins to Brunch
    3) Unpack at home

    ^did that

    JFT Monday, August 24
    Today, I:
    1) Had a bone dr. appt.
    2) Rode my bike 7 miles each way
    3) Signed on as a personal trainer with a private club.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    just for today I will not go over my calorie allowance
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,318 Member

    :) This thread is helping me so much to stay focused :)

    JFT Friday 21/08
    1. Maintain focus on health and fitness :)
    2. Pre-plan/follow through :)
    3. 40+ minutes each strength/flexibility exercise; 5,000+ steps :)
    4. 1.5+ litres of tea/water and remember to log it! :)
    5. Finish clearing away all the wedding paraphernalia :)

    :star: Have a Fabulous Friday! :star:
    It is good to be alive and striving!

    JFT Saturday 22/08
    1. Maintain focus on health and fitness :)
    2. Pre-plan/follow through :)
    3. Concentrate on Strength today; 5,000+ steps :)
    4. 1.5+ litres of tea/water and remember to log it! :)
    5. Visit my elderly aunt. :smile: One of my cousins took her out for the day, so I will see her next week instead.

    My niece and her partner have come home from USA with their 11 month old daughter, Sarah, to meet the family. She is so adorable. Born 3 months premature at 2 lb 1 oz last September, now a thriving 13 lb plus. So...
    JFT Sun 23/08
    1. Pack healthy lunch for family picnic. :) Not necessary as the raindrops kept falling on our heads lol
    2. Pray that the rain stops lol Otherwise we will be picnicking indoors. :) We had afternoon tea and our wee :star: behaved beautifully. She lapped up all the attention.
    3. Enjoy the day. :grin:
    4. And, of course, pre-plan and stick to plan! :) Special day, so planned to have cake and buns. Still under goal by 512
    5. As much 13 lb weight-lifting as I can manage. We are a big family, so lots of competition to carry Sarah lol :heart: :heart: Sarah is now a happy healthy 15 lb 10 oz so more than enough to exercise my muscles.
    Good morning, all you wonderful people.
    JFT Mon 24/08
    1. Pre-plan menus/stick to plan; increase water intake. :)
    2. Prepare healthy lunch for family outing to Folk Museum at Cultra on Belfast Lough. :) Had the healthy lunch, but the outing was postponed. Spent some time working on a patchwork project.
    3. Do 30+ minutes of strength/flexibility; 7,000+ steps. :)
    4. Enjoy family time. :) Had afternoon tea and a meal out with visiting American relatives.
    5. Appreciate life. :) Always live each moment to the full!

    1. Pre-plan menus/stick to plan; increase water intake
    2. Work on patchwork project
    3. Do 30+ minutes of strength and flexibility; 7,000+ steps.
    4. Focus on mindfulness

    :star: Live! Love! Laugh! Learn! :star:
  • michelle1173
    michelle1173 Posts: 158 Member
    I had trouble logging all of my calories yesterday. I was very active yesterday and ate more than usual.

    Today will be a busy day so I don't need to make it a goal to be productive.

    Jft 8/25

    1. I will log my calories
    2. Try to stick to calorie goal and eat healthier
    3. Drink 8 glasses of water
  • WellingTX
    WellingTX Posts: 617 Member
    WellingTX wrote: »

    I will work out for 40 minutes.
    I will move my under calorie streak to three days in a row and not overindulge in any single food.
    I will reinforce out loud my reasons for getting healthier; morning and afternoon
    I will be productive when I get home

    Didn't work out when I got home. True pattern that I need to work out in the morning.
    Was 20%+ under my calorie goal and reinforced twice the reasons I'm getting healthier.
    Aside from not working out, was productive but went to bed early

    For today:

    I will work out for 40 minutes
    I will move my under calorie streak to four days in a row.
    Going on the road so I will make good choices when dining out
    I will reinforce the reasons I'm becoming healthier, both morning and afternoon
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    edited August 2015
    Struggling & need to get back to a routine.
    Today I will-

    Just track!
    Early to bed.
  • Bcramer1985
    Bcramer1985 Posts: 12 Member

    Log every meal and stay within calorie limits
    Walk for 30 minutes
    No eating after 730 pm
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member

    1. 10,000 steps :( ack! fell asleep early and ended up a few steps short
    2. swim a mile :)
    3. 10 freggies :)

    1. 12,000 steps
    2. swim or lift
    3. under 100G carbs

  • feistyjojo
    feistyjojo Posts: 303 Member
    feistyjojo wrote: »
    Monday's goals
    - 1 X bootcamp, rain or shine (forecast is torrential)
    - sensible choice at lunch out with my nieces
    - choose to avoid eating ANY biscuits at their house... it's something that has undone me in the past. If I don't have a first one, there can be no second or third!

    Very bad couple of days. Only success was I stuck to the 'avoid biscuots' commitment. But had a load of other sugary stuff today. :-(
  • feistyjojo
    feistyjojo Posts: 303 Member
    Wednesday's goals
    - 1 X bootcamp at least
    - avoid all added sugar foods
  • jenean52
    jenean52 Posts: 80 Member
    Been on a plateau for a month now, very discouraging.
    So JFT
    1. Stay within drastically cut calorie goal
    2. Water, Water, Water
    3. 1 hour of exercise ( this will be hard I'm working today)
    4. No sweets ( still craving sugar)
    5. Positive attitude !
  • WellingTX
    WellingTX Posts: 617 Member
    WellingTX wrote: »

    I will work out for 40 minutes
    I will move my under calorie streak to four days in a row.
    Going on the road so I will make good choices when dining out
    I will reinforce the reasons I'm becoming healthier, both morning and afternoon

    Didn't work out yesterday, two days in a row.
    Went over calorie goal by 150 calories. I'm very conservative on calorie logging but I'm sticking with my number
    First opportunity to make good choices while dining out went out the window at dinner. Cheeseburger and fries
    Did reinforce the reasons I'm becoming healthier in the morning.

    For today:

    Will stay under my calorie goal and start a new streak
    Will work out for 40 minutes
    Will make smarter choices when dining out. Can't commit to cutting an entrée in half but at least once today I will leave 1/4 of my meal on the plate.
    Will reinforce the reasons I'm becoming healthier, both morning and afternoon
  • Bcramer1985
    Bcramer1985 Posts: 12 Member

    Log every meal and stay within calorie limits
    Walk for 30 minutes
    No eating after 730 pm

    Yesterday was great I accomplished everything I wanted to do.