Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - June Challenge!!



  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Meag- I hope things start getting better body image wise. Have you tried and mirror exercises or anything? Body image is a tough battle and I think most girls deal with it( I have it big time too) I know I had to go to therapy regarding mine and I have to keep myself in check constantly. I know when I was having really bad spouts I would do mirror exercises, looking in to mirror and telling myself I am beautiful, worth and strong. I am rooting for you chicka! Have a great day/night, or at least a better one.:smile:
  • anitanz
    anitanz Posts: 72
    Hi Ladies,
    Thanks for welcoming me to the group!
    June has been a bit of a struggle for me so far; an afternoon tea at work yesterday, restaurant meal last night, and another morning tea at work today. Now I am sitting at my desk trying to ignore the big table of food left over from this morning, only 5 steps away! Honestly it is full of chocolate, chippies, cheese and crackers!
    Meag- hopefully you will feel better after your weigh-in tomorrow, looks like you have made amazing progress so please don't feel down about your body.
    Take care ladies x And roll on the weekend!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Heading to bed asap, just wanted to reply quickly.

    I really appreciate your kind words :happy: My body image "problems" are really more just problems with my own expectations than anything else. They stem from the discord that I acknowledge exists between how much progress I've made and yet still feeling like I totally can't give myself a break or any credit at all. Instead of being able to say "wow - you look great, Meag" it's always "damn you look good, but.... " followed by some qualification that totally detracts from any positive I might be feeling. Usually it has to do with the fact that my body just WILL NOT, under any circumstance, ever look tight and toned. I'll always have additional "girth" around my tummy area and my hips and there's just nothing I can do about it. I also can't seem to change my loose skin probs or tighten my abs. It's definitely disheartening that I feel so confident when I'm dressed up, I feel awesome knowing how fit I am, and yet I still feel that I could never be seen publicly in a bikini. That's lame.

    I *know* from my stats, my size, and my general fitness level that my progress has been nothing short of awesome-sauce. I am really and truly proud of myself. But it SUCKS to look in the mirror every day and still feel like you aren't living up to your own expectations. And the worst part is that you know your unhappiness is all your own doing, but feeling like you really can't change your perspective on it. My weight has never been the final artibiter in determining how I feel about my body but at this point I wish it was, because it's about the only thing I feel really good about right now. \

    That's it folks. I'll be back in the morning. Keep working hard!
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Wow look how much I missed already.

    New *kitten* Kickers, welcome!~! your gonna love it here. I have noticed alot of ppl start here then leave so if you want to stick around i suggest that you get to know us all!~! And The more you share with us(posting a few times a week if you want) , the more we will get to know you and the more likeliness there is of you wanting to stick around here. Its really great here, lots of awesome support!~!~!Like Meag posted, Of course you dont NEED to post anything if you just want to start out the month and then end it with us, we're glad to have you. Start Kicking *kitten*~!~!

    ~Meag... I never thought that maintaining would be so difficult. I am so glad that you are sharing your experience with us all so we know what we are looking at once we get to our goals. Thank you for that. I have taken may tips from you on how to love myself. I hope you dont forget how amazing you are and how much love you deserve. !~!~! Expectations are premeditated resentments. So now you realize that your reality doesnt completely match your expectation, well, now you know that and you can work on letting that resentment go. You created, you get rid of it!~!~! (that sounds a little harsh, but I hope you can see that I didnt mean it that way!~! I really look up to you and your strength and I know you can do it.)

    ~Angela... I love your possitivity!~!~! Your really getting those miles in early, I love it!~!~!

    ~Anita... Try keeping a water bottle on your desk and every time you think about getting up and eating cookies drink water! Soon you will be so full you wont even want to eat a cookie. (Just make sure you have enough time to get up and pee!~! lol)

    AFM.....I have had pretty rough start to my Birthday month. I totally let my mind take control and my emotions run wild. I have been sooo depressed, I just couldnt get out of it. My doc is changing my meds still, I couldnt believe it would get worse than it was a few weeks ago however. I am back on track now and not planning on letting my emotions get the best of me again.

    I did HORRIBLE on the first. but Yesterday and today have been great. Today I already did a crazy leg WO and a nice walk, I am about to do my Shred (level2)... so thats like almost 400 cals burned today!~! I need to watch my food though, I ahve been cheating alot. That is all going to stop though. It would be a whole lot easier if I could eat vegetables but this ecoli scare has taken away all the veggies!~! :sad: I will fight through it though!~!~! :devil:

    I hope everyone has a great weekend!~!
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    I finished 30DS yesterday, thought I would share my results for anyone curious to see what it does...I did take about 45 days to do it and combined with cardio 5 days a week, weights 2x a week and 1200 calorie intake with a few fail days.

    Weight: -8lbs

    Top size: Down 1 now at UK 10 (US 6)
    Bra size: From 38B to 36C <--WIN my cup size grew!
    Tummy: -4.5 inches
    Waist: Initially no visible waistline, -7 inches!!!!! <-- biggest victory
    Underboob: -2.5 inches
    Upper arm: -0.5 inches

    Bottom size: Down 2 now at UK 8 (US 4)
    Thigh: -2 inches
    Calf: -0.5 inches

    I am planning on starting NMTZ on Sunday. Can anyone offer any experience with it, how frequently to use it, what to combine with etc?
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Morning ladies! Off to work in a few mins here but I just wanted to touch base...

    Weigh-in this morning with mixed results. I'm pretty indifferent about the actual number (124.1lbs) but I am curious how I managed to gain weight once again, considering how well I've been eating the last week. Ah well. I guess I'll just have to wait and see what my body does...

    Kan - Thanks for the pep talk :wink: I certainly know that it's something I need to work on. My goals right now are almost exclusively geared towards feeling better about myself and making every day great. I just can't afford to have miserable days anymore - Time seems to fly by and before I know it the summer will be over and I will have not had any time to enjoy my fabulous new body and all the awesome stuff it can do for me. I absolutely need to feel good about ME! Glad to hear that you are back on track this month. I am sure you're going to do great! I love how dedicated and motivated you are to making this change. Just stay the course and keep rocking it :drinker:

    millie - Amazing results! Truly inspired. Its not surprise with a regimen like that, though! How did you manage to stick to all that exercise on 1200 calories a day? I would have been famished! Make sure you are getting enough fuel to keep yourself from burning out - food isn't the enemy :bigsmile: I have no experience with JM products, so no advice on NMTZ, but I hope you enjoy it! Just beware - I'm a total "mom" when it comes to making sure people are eating enough so I may start nagging you :tongue:

    Anita - good luck!! work can be incredibly hard for snacks and treats. I notice all our meeting rooms are always stocked with cookies and other garbage... It's just a matter or making a decision no to eat anything and sticking it out. No excuses. Every once in a while you can decide to have a treat but make sure it's on YOUR terms and you feel good about it. If you're eating it emotionally or because of pressure, or because you're STARVING, then you'll end up feeling crummy about it later. Just my experience.

    K gotta run! I'll be back later folks. Have a great day! :heart:
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Morning loves... Off today so only checking from my fone sorry bout any typos!

    Tweaked something in my should (old highschool sports injury) so I am passing on my crossfit WOD but going to get a run in. Hopefully by MOnday I will be ready to get back at it!!! Going down to my rents with J tonight for my dads birthday dinner and to work on wedding stuff! Just finished designing the invites with help from my artist friend and I am super pumped about them!!! Yay!

    Have a great Friday everyone!

  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    Happy Friday everyone, I won't be around too much over the weekend, just enough to log my food real quick and exercise. Keep your heads up and keep your goals in sight this weekend and you will do great. If you "slip" it's no biggie, it's back on the wagon the next day! Life is good .. and you ladies are awesome! xoxo
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    Happy Friday everyone, I won't be around too much over the weekend, just enough to log my food real quick and exercise. Keep your heads up and keep your goals in sight this weekend and you will do great. If you "slip" it's no biggie, it's back on the wagon the next day! Life is good .. and you ladies are awesome! xoxo
  • shelsab
    shelsab Posts: 138 Member
    Good afternoon everyone!!

    June is here and we finally or hopefully are out of the rainy weather. It's been warm for the past few days and this weekend is supposed to get to 80!!! Definitely going to enjoy this month. Started the month off good with running again. Long 6 mile run tomorrow with some friends. Should be good. Have a good weekend!!! sorry not a lot of time to post right now....back to work

  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Hey there everyone! I hope everyone is having a good day. We had an amazing night last night at the restaurant and we are going out again for my future husband's birthday. This will be 5 dinners out since Saturday, I at first was feeling really guilty but honestly we are so good about this stuff normally and know it won't be a habit and things have been so stressful that we needed a little break I think. It was his bday so thats ok too. The good thing is that I didn't gain yay! I am still going to Weight myself once a week to keep myself in check. I wanted to do no scale but honestly that is a bad move for me. I am going to push for sushi out tonight since its healthier then mexican or something but whatever the boy wants is fine I can find a healthy option anywhere. I have 2 workouts this weekend that I will not miss! Have a great weekend everyone I will try to check in. Sorry for the selfish ness today.

    Lots of love! :heart:
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    millie - Amazing results! Truly inspired. Its not surprise with a regimen like that, though! How did you manage to stick to all that exercise on 1200 calories a day? I would have been famished! Make sure you are getting enough fuel to keep yourself from burning out - food isn't the enemy :bigsmile: I have no experience with JM products, so no advice on NMTZ, but I hope you enjoy it! Just beware - I'm a total "mom" when it comes to making sure people are eating enough so I may start nagging you :tongue:
    Thanks mom :P
    I don't ever let myself go hungry unless it is right before bedtime, and also I am very short so I think I don't need as much fuel as most people to run off. That said, I am keen to get to my goal ASAP so I can start eating more proper meals again rather than snacking all day, which is my current way of doing things! Recently I have actually found myself wanting to eat an extra 150 or so calories a day and it seems to be speeding the loss despite everything I think about starvation mode so I am going to keep just doing what my body asks for and when that stops working I will switch things up. I am totally open to any advice though and my diary is open because I am still pretty new to dieting and healthy eating!

    Hope everyone has a great weekend :)
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Morning ladies! I am taking today OFF and dedicated it to spending time with Tyler and just catching up on my sanity from this past week. Not logging my food, since it's the weekend, but I intend to eat well (just had my oats for breakfast :wink: ) and we are going to spend the day outside. Cycling down to the farmers market in a little bit and then lounging around outside for a while to enjoy the sun, I hope. We may eat out for dinner but I am pretty decent about making excellent choices at restaurants and not over-eating, so I should be ok!

    Hope you ladies are making the best of your Saturdays - MAKE TODAY GREAT! :heart:
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    millie - Amazing results! Truly inspired. Its not surprise with a regimen like that, though! How did you manage to stick to all that exercise on 1200 calories a day? I would have been famished! Make sure you are getting enough fuel to keep yourself from burning out - food isn't the enemy :bigsmile: I have no experience with JM products, so no advice on NMTZ, but I hope you enjoy it! Just beware - I'm a total "mom" when it comes to making sure people are eating enough so I may start nagging you :tongue:
    Thanks mom :P
    I don't ever let myself go hungry unless it is right before bedtime, and also I am very short so I think I don't need as much fuel as most people to run off. That said, I am keen to get to my goal ASAP so I can start eating more proper meals again rather than snacking all day, which is my current way of doing things! Recently I have actually found myself wanting to eat an extra 150 or so calories a day and it seems to be speeding the loss despite everything I think about starvation mode so I am going to keep just doing what my body asks for and when that stops working I will switch things up. I am totally open to any advice though and my diary is open because I am still pretty new to dieting and healthy eating!

    Hope everyone has a great weekend :)
    I definitely intend to reply to this in detail later on today or tomorrow, so don't let me forget. For now I'll just say that it's been my experience and the experience of NEARLY everyone I know, that eating 1200 calories and working out will not result in sustained and manageable weight loss as you near your GW. I know you are much smaller than I am, but as you get closer to your GW you definitely need to be eating more and getting into maintenance mode. I found that increasing my cals with about 15lbs left to lose actually sped up my weight loss. I was still losing 1-1.5lbs a week even with my goals set to lose just 0.5lbs.

    If Cait or Gonks are around, they may have some insight on this. I know that Tara feels a bit differently, but ultimately I think we just all need to do what's best for us! :happy: As long as we are eating enough, of course! Nooooo starving ourselves, please! :bigsmile:

    Good luck!
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    Ok, so I'm a bit late joining, but I need this. My 26th birthday is July 4th and I'm having some fun pictures done on July 10th as an early present to my husband for our anniversary...I NEED THIS!

    My goals are to hit 155 by July 1st, start running again after a very long and depressing hiatus, drink at least 80 ounces of water a day, and give up eating fast food more than once a week.

    My husband and I have already given up TV for the month of June as a challenge through my no TV means more time to MOVE! I hope anyway :-)

    Thanks again for posting this challenge!
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Adding Im a runner!
    June goals:
    Angela4Health -run 60 miles in June and eat clean for 29 of the next 30 days
    CCSunlight- Drink at least 8c of water a day, lose 8 pounds, and make sure to stay on track as I move and settle in
    Ashleypeterson37:: Finish the last 10 days of 30DS, finally hit ONEDERLAND (8lbs away), run at least 50 miles and start Ripped in 30!
    ashleyk_xox- Lose 10 pounds to make it to my 100 pounds total lost, bring ALL my meals to work, complete entire 30 DS video, NO sweat tea, go to the gym at least 4 times every week, and tone my legs enough to wear shorts!
    Anitanz - loose 2kg to get down to 63kg / 139lb. Drink less alcohol and look and feel great at my 30th!
    ~KanCrav~..... Reach 135. ~ Drink at least 80oz of water a day. ~ Work out 6 days a week, even if its just Shred. ~ Finish Shred! ~Run at least 4 miles a week.
    milieitner-Get into the 8-stone-something category, Finish shred and start NMTZ, and Eat 100% clean 5 days a week
    emmaldownie (Emma)- cycle 100k, drink at least 8 glasses of water a day
    mkingraham (Megan)- Strength train at least 2 times a week, DON'T Weigh-in until July 1, run at least 2 miles 3 times a week, believe in myself, lose 8 lbs (ambitious I know)
    erinnmcpherson- Goals: Drink 6-8 cups of water a day, lose at least three pounds, run/walk a 5k scheduled for June 18, run 3x a week, cook/eat more fruits and veggies again (and less processed foods) and start 30DS again.
    Crystalfaith: workout at least 4x a week, solidify my spot in the 140s (shooting for 145), containing my eating on the weekends, drink lots of water!
    Finncmh (Cait)- Continue with crossfit schedule of 3 days a week (MWF) get back in to a better running schedule (TR, Sat or Sun), compete in Father's Day 5k (hoping for a solid PR!) work on letting myself just get outside and relax a little bit on my day off, complete my Whole 30 challenge (check out my blog to see what it is), continue to blog everyday about my experience with the Whole30 challenge.
    shannonaufman: hit 168 pounds. Drink 32oz of H2O before any other beverage. Stick with 30DS and OHR. One cheat meal a week, log everything else.
    jyopchick: stay on Turbo Fire schedule as much as possible (even through a 10-day beach vacation), make FUN not FOOD the FOCUS of the summer!! :)
    smapl001-work out 3x a week and lose 8lbs :)
    lostalykat- No weighing in until a month from my last WI day, June 26th. Focus on fueling for my workouts and staying in a good calorie range. Relax and stretch more, worry less. Check in on how I am feeling emotionally and mentally once a week.
    Allie7383- stay in the 140's.. WI once a week.. continue with the 30 Day Shred, focus on changing my eating, continue feeling better about myself, no matter the number on the scale!!
    Mariababe81 (Mariam): I want to keep up with c25k and get to week 8 by the end of june, to continue zumba once a week and shred on days i cant run, get back to my clean eating!!! I am going to try to not weigh in every day and stick to once a month or fortnightly as i dont want the scale to rule my life! get the hang of maintainance!
    kafoteh (Kristin): *Lose 2-5 lbs *Workout at least 4x a week and at least 45 mins each session *Go to the golf driving range at least 3 times this month
    guamgrly (Bethany) - no scale!! Focus on the lifestyle, the routine, and meal planning. Work out 3x per week. Drink 8 glasses of water per day. Eat more fruits and veggies
    shelsab (alexis)- lose 5 lbs. Strength 3 x week. More veggies. Read more. Find some new healthy meals to make.
    tjradd73(Tara)- lose -6.0llbs, follow my new workout plan every day, try 2 new recipes, <1400 cal avg/week, and <4 days over cals total.
    meagalayne- get settled into a fitness schedule that works with my new job and stay accountable, continue logging only 5 days/week, drink at least one cup of your coffee black every day (trying to cut back), make 3 spin classes, and make fitness social at least once a week (cycling, running, walking, something - not including baseball games on Wed night)
    imarunner8908- hit 155 by July 1st, start running again , drink at least 80 ounces of water a day, and give up eating fast food more than once a week, no TV
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member

    Here is the dress, I know it was a little big and if it was tighter it would have looked better. I have decided to have it be my goal dress. When I get down to the weight/size I want to be I am going to take it to get altered. It is a really cute dress I just didn't think it was tight enough grrr. I should have ordered the other dress.

    On another note we went to mexican food and I definetely ate and drank more than I should have. I did eat really healthy and light all day so hopefully it wont make much of a difference. Today I am going to go to the gym and then create a food plan before going grocery shopping for the week. We have leftover mexican food....not sure what to do. I kind of want to throw it away so I wont eat it. I am ready to really kick june into gear. At least it hasn't been that destructive of a few months. I just really want to be healthy and look as fit as possible when the weather finally cooperates. It is rainy and nasty today so I am not sure the 3 hour bike ride will happen tomorrow. I might swim instead. We will see, good luck everyone and have a great weekend!!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    millie - Amazing results! Truly inspired. Its not surprise with a regimen like that, though! How did you manage to stick to all that exercise on 1200 calories a day? I would have been famished! Make sure you are getting enough fuel to keep yourself from burning out - food isn't the enemy :bigsmile: I have no experience with JM products, so no advice on NMTZ, but I hope you enjoy it! Just beware - I'm a total "mom" when it comes to making sure people are eating enough so I may start nagging you :tongue:
    Thanks mom :P
    I don't ever let myself go hungry unless it is right before bedtime, and also I am very short so I think I don't need as much fuel as most people to run off. That said, I am keen to get to my goal ASAP so I can start eating more proper meals again rather than snacking all day, which is my current way of doing things! Recently I have actually found myself wanting to eat an extra 150 or so calories a day and it seems to be speeding the loss despite everything I think about starvation mode so I am going to keep just doing what my body asks for and when that stops working I will switch things up. I am totally open to any advice though and my diary is open because I am still pretty new to dieting and healthy eating!

    Hope everyone has a great weekend :)

    millie i found that the closer i was gettin to goal the more i needed to eat! and i just listened to my body and ate more when i needed to and the last few lbs came off easily. the first 17lbs before i found mfp were a struggle! but the last 21 were relatively easier to come off!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    hello all

    got my new polar f6 and really like it! said i burnt 370cals for doing c25k week 4 yesterday (plus 13mins jogging) which is pretty close to what mfp would estimate so very pleased with it!

    been busy today with cleaning the house and taking my daughter out for a long walk in the buggy and then to the park! hope everyone is having a good weekend!

    have not logged any of that today as ive set my activity level at lightly active for the weekdays and sometimes i feel like im cheating when i log my walks! anyone have any thoughts on this? do u alter your weekend activity level? will add in the zumba sculpt im about to do now.
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    hey ladies!! hoping everyone is having a great weekend so far! i had my second 5K this morning and though i started out not feeling mentally in it.. i ended up taking about a minute off my last time!! and there were a couple hills!! official results aren't up but i believe i came in at about 29:47 or so... they didn't have any mile clocks so when i saw that last one under 30 minutes i sped towards it...and managed not to puke at the end of it haha.. so it was a great start to the weekend.. i've been a life-long pessimist about myself, and believe me i have my body issues, but today on the drive home, i just got sooo happy and felt legit good about myself for the first time in a long time.. so i'm sending my good vibes out there to you all.. you are all so amazing, and i'm glad to see this thread has been active for so long!
    enjoy the weekend all!