

  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Michelle - Welcome, and happy anniversary!

    And happy September to everyone else! I am beyond ready for fall to arrive.

    August goals recap:
    1. Track on MFP every day. Missed some weekends, but generally have been able to keep with it.
    2. Cardio at least four times a week. I need to step this up. I'm bored and uncomfortable with the exercise bike so I need to find ways to change this around.
    3. Start and finish a sewing project. Substituted getting my sewing room set up for this one, but it's not done. Taking this off the list, though, so I can focus on MFP related goals.
    4. Clear up the back patio so it's ready for guests. Done!
    5. Clear out the storage unit. We've realized this isn't realistic, so we're now shooting for having it empty by the end of the year.

    Overall, I haven't been posting but I've been doing pretty well about staying on track. I made some changes in the way I track - primarily not eating back my exercise calories - and I'm making progress again. However, I'm having a lot of trouble with pain this week (bursitis in both hips and arthritis in my hips and spine), so I'm changing up my goals a bit to make sure I get in more activities that help with that. Having to wear my arthritis gloves a lot lately too, especially when I'm doing a lot of work with my hands.

    Bought some new (to me) jeans at Goodwill a couple days ago. I was grumpy because I've lost nine pounds and ought to be seeing some difference in my clothes by now, but so far I'm not. The new jeans are the same size I was wearing before. In the big picture I think it's fine, though. I'm on a laid-back kind of plan here, because that's what takes to be sustainable for me. So it takes awhile for the results to show - I'm still better off without those extra pounds.

    -Yvonne in TX

    September goals:
    1. Track on MFP every day.
    2. Yoga at least four times a week.
    3. Introduce at least one new option for cardio workouts.
    4. Work on some simple strength training.
    5. Use up all the frozen fruit and veggies in the freezer.
  • mtowne002
    mtowne002 Posts: 152 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited September 2015
    SSC1958 wrote: »

    Mary: Whew..I get tired just looking at your list of goals. Love your quote! I know you can too :smile:
    2.Plan and Do - 2 fun things every week - success
    Carey in Edmonton

    My goals are ones that I have had around and have hopefully turned into a lifestyle except nighttime snacking. That is hard for me and has become a new goal this month. I love your goal of doing 2 fun things every week. Since you have been posting that I have tried to incorporate it into my life! Thank you!

    Rori Have a save trip.

    Miriam thanks for sharing that tragic story. It really make you think about how our brains will try to protect us.

    Yvonne congratulations on your weight loss! Even though it doesn't show in your pant size it would probably show in measurements. I was just at GoodWill last week!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • 35mustgo
    35mustgo Posts: 4 Member
    Another newbie joining in for the first time, from Devon, England.
    I have tried slimming world and WW in the past, initially with some success then it all goes back on plus a bit.
    Just got home from my summer hols and can't believe how gross I look on my photos, so here I am , going to try and lose it once again.
    I would like to lose50lb, but 40 would do!( anything is better than nothing!)
    Lost 2 at the end of week 1 :-)
    VJay x
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,896 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    VLJay wrote: »
    Another newbie joining in for the first time, from Devon, England.
    Lost 2 at the end of week 1 :-)
    VJay x

    Welcome! Congratulations on your loss !

    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    well, saw the doc. he said my shoulder isn't a-typical and he has to be creative on how to fix it., short version, he will have to take a tendon from my hamstring to use for my shoulder. 1 wk forced off of work, 6wks in a sling, he would HIGHLY recommend that I didn't ride to/from work so I won't. I don't want to risk all this trouble that i'm going thru just to have it mess up or not heal well due to my stupidity. one thing I CAN do is ride a stationary bike. so I will be able to have Kirby set my bike on a bike trainer that we have at home. i'm thinking about a lot of stuff, still have to schedule when I am going to do this and if we will able to afford to go back to California so he can do the marathon. I did the numbers with a co-worker and I may only loose 4-5 hours of pay (taking into account the pd time off that we get each payday)

    will type more later.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    Miriam so sorry you went through that tragedy. Life can change in a blink of an eye. Thank you for being there for them. My heart goes out to your friend. My cousin Joe lost a son at sixteen to a car accident. His sister was one of the weddings I went to this summer. His memory was acknowledged at the ceremony. His brother's wife lost a daughter right after High School graduation to an accident where someone went into diabetic shock and hit her head on. They were going to take a tour of Europe that summer. DS#1 and I went to Sweden that summer to celebrate the wedding of one of my nephews. It made that trip even more special to me. Reminds me as difficult as this time with DS#1 there is hope with the right treatment and work on his part he has a chance at a good life. I need that reminder right now.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good early evening beautiful ladies :flowerforyou:

    Thank you Barbie!!! Sure hope you get to feeling better soon :flowerforyou:!!

    So much I want to say and so little time to say in it right now :'(

    DJ :) I love the pic of you, you look just like what I thought...a beautiful sassy classy woman!!!

    Mary :) Woo hoo!!! Girl you look great, I think I`m going to be giving those strong lifts a try!!!

    JanetR :) The RV is awesome! I know you`re going to have so much fun!

    Margaret :) Love the pics from the fair!!! Get advice on bullying!!!

    Sylvia :) Glad you`re feeling better!!! Sending a hug to your granddaughter, I know you did the right thing contacting the school!

    Joyce :) Sure wish I was closer, I would be right there with you!!! Sending you prayers and hugs!

    Michele :) I`m so sorry I was out of town for the get together with Rori and Carol, hopefully one day we can meet up!!!

    Rori :) Thanks for posting the pics!!! Have a safe trip! Maybe I`ll have to pop out to CO. for a meetup with the girls!

    Vicki :) Hope things get better at work!!!

    Rita :) It is so nice seeing your posts! Hugs to you and your son.

    Alison :) My heart breaks for you, please know you deserve someone to love you for you, not for what you do or don`t do! I agree with everyone on talking with an attorney, protect yourself!!! Hugs my friend!

    Heather :) I finished your book...fabulous!!! I have not written a review yet, just haven`t had the time, but I will! I also made the spinach and feta pie from Skinny Taste, a little modification, I use the full fat feta cheese, I just don`t like the taste of the other, still very low calories! Your fresh green beans look wonderful!

    Miriam :) Such a sad story :'( ! Hope things are going well for your son!

    Pip :) OMG, your shoulder looks painful girl!!! Hope you`re feeling better!!!
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Okay I ran out of room on the other post....that tells me I should be signing off now!

    I will try my best to post a little more often than I did in Aug. !

    DeeDee in NC
  • Micheller1210
    Micheller1210 Posts: 460 Member
    Hi group!
    Joyce, my heart goes to you.
    Oregon, I think you said your katie can't remember after 3 pages.....lol

    Sept. Goals
    1. To log my food, I love the upcoming feature you can use to scan food items
    2. Keep stepping.
    3. 3. To remember a new name.
    4. . To get up and go and not dwell on what just happened.
    5. to be thankful and to give thanks. Count my many blessings,

    Michelle in washington
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    So sad. Today Winnie The Poo exploded while we were gone.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Pip - I am glad that you will not loose very much income during your time off. You don't need something else to worry about. It sounds like your Dr knows what he is doing.
    DeeDee2211 wrote: »
    I will try my best to post a little more often than I did in Aug. !

    DeeDee in NC

    Glad to hear from you! I love stronnglifts! give it a try.

    Sylvia - thanks for the laugh!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    569147nmlfkdnzlz.gif Pip, how will the doctor's directions affect your MS ride at Deception Pass? I am in pain with you thinking about your forced time off work and the sling and all the restrictions on your exercise.

    :)DeeDee, I would like it a lot if you posted here more often....I know you post to your friends on the news feed but I don't always read everything like I do here.

    :) I sent a message to yanniejannie....she hasn't logged onto MFP for several weeks so I don't know if she'll get the message.

    :'(Sylvia, so sad about Winnie the Pooh....that looks beyond my abilities to restore dog toys to useful condition :'(

    <3 Barbie
  • mparker1216
    mparker1216 Posts: 66 Member
    GlowormI'm glad you weren't hurt too bad falling out of bed. 2 years ago I fell off a ladder and broke my ankle really bad. Had surgery twice. No weight on it for 3 months. My husband didn't think I would ever be able to walk again. And now I am doing some jogging!
    Maryann in Michigan
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good evening! It's been a long day but bedtime is near.

    Pip - I'm sorry that your shoulder is going to be such a pain to fix. I know how important the income is--believe me, I know--but be careful not to return to work before your body is ready. If you need pointers on how to survive six weeks in a sling, just let me know!

    Michele - I enjoyed another 'brownie' tonight. Thank you, again!

    Rori - I don't remember if I thanked you for posting the picture so thank you!

    Joyce- Vent all you want and have a gigantic pity party if you need to. You're struggling and all we can do is 'listen' and send you virtual hugs, so feel free to lay your feelings out there. As someone else said, talk to your pastor --they've heard it all before.

    Alison - Take care of YOU!

    DeeDee - Good to see you!

    Barbie - I hope you're feeling better and thanks for reaching out to Yanniejannie--I've been missing her.

    I'm having a case of CRS right now so, for everyone I failed to mention (most of you) know I've read your posts and am thinking of you.

    I'm going to try to relax for a few minutes before I go to bed. Tomorrow is an early PT day.

    Carol in NC
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Awww Pip sorry your shoulder is not going to be an easy fix. When Doctors say they have to be creative you tend to sit at the edge of your seat eh? (((((hugs))))) to give you strength, and courage in the coming months. Know you are loved all be this lot....(this is when I here ladies in my brain saying....YOU GOT THAT RIGHT..)

    Glad you all thought my dress was splendid...it was really comfortable! It is a heavy thing though...and the "inner shell" is abit much. The shoes worked well, but walking around I did get a blister on each baby toe, and one on the top of my big left toe! I am not used to wearing nice shoes...

    Tomorrow is my weigh-in at TOPS and I was up 2 lbs this morning. I can make an excuse about me giving blood, and that I just put my careful eating on the back burner for a couple of days after donating. But I am back on track and eating mindfully.

    Got my walking in, even if it was done at the grocery store! Bought for meals for the three of us until the 15th, and it came to $200. My "Royal Select" tri-colored rice that I love was $9, but my husband said, well we have to buy it! Odd that my treats now a days are things like rice, or a strange pasta I have never eaten before. I really have cut down my intake of sweet items. If I do have a sweet tooth like today for lunch, I had a peanut butter and marionberry jam sandwich. Or I sometimes have a piece of sugarfree gum. I am slowly changing my mindset, and I do feel powerful about that!

    Its been raining hard off and on for a couple of days, and I know my tomato plant is drowning! Did I tell you all that I was stuck in my community garden the other evening? Yep, a neighbor accross the way came in with friends and had locked me in by mistake. I yelled for a bit to no one inperticular...then I saw him by the side of his house...and yelled like a banshee!! Stupid man...I used my pointer finger and thumped his chest, saying "Dont check your garden when you have a beer in your hand OK?" *thump...thump* He felt like a heel like I wanted him to....

    Well my rice and spinach is done...(((hugs all! ))))
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    So sad. Today Winnie The Poo exploded while we were gone.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well ladies, I am much better today and even told a struggling nephew that is going through so much that it is OK to get really mad, life isn't fair at all sometimes, but to claim it then go on. He is one of my nephews that were heroin addicts, in court forced rehab for a year. When he finally became and found out the real Matt, he found he wasn't the same person and his relationships were a lot different. Fast forward, he left his girl friend and mother of his 3 children because he felt he needed to find more of who he really was. The girl was understandably hurt and moved on. She is now living with another man who his ids are growing up to know as Dad. He is angry, I would be to. But he has a choice now of how he reacts. Well when Mom moved on, he moved on and got another live in. Now she is hooked up with his best friend from AA. So now he is in a dangerous want to go back to heroin state of mind but knows he can't.

    OK, back to me and Charlie! He has had a fairly good day. More awake but always coherent. Gets upset when his speech is slurred and slow. He didn't like it at all that I brought in some old tapes of him singing Karaoke. Said his Karaoke days were over. But I caught him trying to sing several times and he is right on key, jst slow. Infectious disease doctor put him on a regular diet since he wsn't eating any of his heart diet. So we will see how he does tomorrow. I hate it that he goes through these cycles of awake about 30 minutes then asleep for hours. While he is awake, they try to do as much as they can but he also needs to eat well. He wants a pizza and chocolate but also knows when he gets that pizza that it might not taste right to him. His taste buds change daily. Spinal tap was done, neurologist came in with what results are back. It takes days for all of the results to come back. So much I don't remember from neurology nursing! His spinal fluid sugar is way low, it's not the same as blood sugar, which says that something in up there consuming it and there isn't supposed to be anything up there consuming it. High protein level, high white blood count and real high lymphocytes. A little bit of red blood cells but it could just be from the actual needle stick in the spine.

    He got a PICC line put in so all of his very caustic IV antibiotics wont tear up his veins and also he can have his blood work taken from. Physical therapy got him up, had him marching in place, he can state all the presidents in complete order, he got that from his Mom. He not only told the therapist what county he lived in but what the population is. So he is very oriented. Neurologist says he will not need to go to an acute care/long term care hospital but straight to a rehab place. So I need to tour a couple of them. I know which two I would want, I just hope one has a bed. Their rehab to home has private rooms. The other place is very intensive several times a day therapy of many kinds. I have bought a cake to take in tomorrow for our anniverary. The neuro asked me how I thought he was doing. So I asked Charlie that if today is Sept 1st, what does that make tomorrow. he said Sept 2nd, our wedding anniversary. Then he said our 43rd. Now granted that was the first time he had remembered it. But I will take it and rejoice with it.

    Life is good today. my daughter and grand daughters taped a message on message on I message for me to play tomorrow. CI came home at 5:30 to get a real good rested evening.

    Nite, nite, Joyce
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    So glad there's better news, Joyce!

    Sylvia, Winnie the Poo made me giggle.

    Might (fingers crossed) have hired my eventual replacement today...

    Goals up when I can . (Thanks, Barbie!)

