No Alcohol on a weekday!



  • tasmaniamo
    tasmaniamo Posts: 6 Member
    I'm in too! I had decided exactly as kirstywillia said... it's the alcohol that is contributing to the weight gain. I eat healthy and exercise a lot (love it!). Thanks for starting this.
  • Talan79
    Talan79 Posts: 782 Member
    That is also my goal. And to limit it on weekends. I can easily have 4 glasses in one sitting. Even if I fir it into my marcos, not the best decision. Training next day is a struggle.
  • kirstywillia
    kirstywillia Posts: 74 Member
    I never just had one glass of wine, if I was buying a bottle of wine I was having the whole lot plus beer afterwards haha. I'm drinking tomorrow but I'm limiting myself to 2 glasses of wine and then I'll have another 2 on Saturday.

    Thank you all for joining in btw. Anyone is welcome to add me as a friend :)
  • CasperNaegle
    CasperNaegle Posts: 936 Member
    I would usually have 2 or 3 glasses in an evening. Sometimes more. I have not had anything for 5 days!
  • Vickilick
    Vickilick Posts: 81 Member
    I'm also trying to do no alcohol on a weeknight too, so I'm glad I found this post!
    I've already realised that by removing my alcohol calories I can eat more then a boring salad at lunch as I don't need those extra calories for a glass of wine (or 5) later in the evening.
  • coyotegrowl
    coyotegrowl Posts: 18 Member
    projectsix wrote: »
    Something that I might suggest is that spirits are carb free. When I drink and I'm dieting I try and have only drinks like vodka+water or crystal light+vodka or rum+diet cola (coke/root beer etc).

    This is the lowest calorie zero carb free way of drinking and is about as good as it's going to get for your overall calorie count.

    yup.. 'rum and diet coke' are my middle names
  • tthinckley
    tthinckley Posts: 1 Member
    Just joined this app. Start at s gym on Tuesday. Need to stop having wine during the week. Gained 30 lbs over 6 years probably to do with wine! Here we go!
  • AJMB704
    AJMB704 Posts: 590 Member
    Welcome TTHinckley! Today is a "school night" so no wine for me. I had drinks on Friday and Saturday night. It definitely seems doable to not have alcohol on school nights! It sucks...but I am successful so far. It will get tough on September 17 (Thursday) because my in-laws fly in for 11 days. And they love to drink wine! I will do my best to limit my wine intake during the week.
  • elizabethymartin
    elizabethymartin Posts: 198 Member
    I feel bad how hard that is for me! Lol but I've been trying to do the same. Cuz I also feel bad about the empty calories. So uv got my support!
  • lizziegs
    lizziegs Posts: 71 Member
    I'm joining now. I just finished the last of our bottle tonight so it should be ok for me.
  • debziwebzi
    debziwebzi Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in! It might be tough at first, but I know I can do it! :)
  • kimadm4
    kimadm4 Posts: 68 Member
    Count me in too! Thanks for starting this!
  • patesq
    patesq Posts: 111 Member
    When I did the calculations and discovered I could lose about 3/4 of a lb a week by eliminating beer, it was gone immediately. If I feel like a drink now, I use Crystal Light raspberry lemonade with a shot of vodka - 79 calories, one third of a beer's calories.
  • kirstywillia
    kirstywillia Posts: 74 Member
    Last week I lost 3lbs and I'm so sure that's because I've cut out my alcohol. I'm actually not as bothered as I thought I'd be about not drinking on a weekday. Some days has been hard but I'm trooping on. Hang in there guys <3
  • CasperNaegle
    CasperNaegle Posts: 936 Member
    Had a few rum and coke zero's Saturday evening and a couple glasses of wine.. 7 days before without anything. Back on the wagon this week.
  • ScubaMare01
    ScubaMare01 Posts: 5 Member
    I've been cutting back, too. And it is so hard, especially this time of the year when the weather is nice and I so want to sit outside in the evening with a drink and watch the sunset. Only enjoying one drink on Friday and one on Saturday. And no beer during football season! ;)
  • kunkelkatie839
    kunkelkatie839 Posts: 3 Member
    I want to try too! My husband and I are craft beer fanatics so we always seem to have beer in the house, weather we've bought it or brewed it ourselves. We make it to Thursday usually and give in.
  • AJMB704
    AJMB704 Posts: 590 Member
    Today was a good day! I am not craving wine and I am feeling really great about it. I am starting to get anxious about my upcoming visit with the in-laws. They're here for 11 days and it's always restaurants and alcohol with them. Tons of both. They come out every September and we live it up. I need to game plan on how to work this. They arrive Thursday. For now, my plan is to be as good as I can until then, and then carefully consider my meals and alcohol intake at restaurants. I need to stick to seafood and maybe 1-2 drinks max. Not easy to do.
  • 4homer
    4homer Posts: 457 Member
    I'll lend my support. I totally gave up booze about 40 days ago. I realize it was becoming a problem. I was drinking 2-4 pints of vodka a week. Something clicked and so I have for now swore off all booze. Not forever but until I believe I am ready and not drink so much
  • kirstywillia
    kirstywillia Posts: 74 Member
    Wow good on you @4homer that's a great achievement to not have a drink for 40 days and a very responsible decision to cut it out till you believe your ready. You have my up most respect for what your doing. You have my support :)