No Alcohol on a weekday!



  • tasmaniamo
    tasmaniamo Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks all for the support -- it's just good to check in and see that others are struggling with the same issue, but conquering it. And when falling down, just getting back up and trying again.
  • Thomascam2321
    Thomascam2321 Posts: 3 Member
    I haven't drank alcohol in over a year.....for different reasons. However, it's great to hear so many people willing to cut back !! Good luck.....
  • Rini_s
    Rini_s Posts: 68 Member
    I don't normally drink during the week. It's the weekends that are the problem! Trainer once told me that BEER = Liquid Bread, lol. Rum and Diet Coke used to be my go-to, but I've quit drinking soda. So wine is usually what I drink. I've tried vodka & water, but I need more flavor. I'm going to limit to 3-4 drinks per weekend.
  • meeganbrett
    meeganbrett Posts: 26 Member
    I don't drink during the week either. It's actually pretty rare for me anymore. Limits the damsge. Ha. Great thread!
  • kirstywillia
    kirstywillia Posts: 74 Member
    I stick to wine at the weekend. I've cut out my beer and that's a really big thing for me to do. My other half drinks a lot of beer so I used to as well but didn't think much about it until I decided to start losing weight. Don't need any extra calories building up!
  • mike_ny
    mike_ny Posts: 351 Member
    I know it's really hard, but cutting out alcohol makes the task of getting all your nutrients and staying within your calorie target so much easier. Once you blow a few hundred calories on alcohol, it has to come out of your food calories and that's enough to leave you feeling really hungry at the end of a day. Think of alcohol the same way you think about sugar. It provides calories to burn as energy, but has no other nutrients, so they are empty calories.

    The other big problem many people have with alcohol, is that it often leads to impaired judgements in snacking and food choices.
  • highlanderthedog
    highlanderthedog Posts: 14 Member
    I'll join for support! I am a teacher and just came off 9 weeks of summer vacation where every night was like a weekend night! I enjoy having a glass or two of wine every night and I know that is why I gained some lbs this summer. I am short 5'1" so every pound shows up! As a substitute I have been drinking bai (coconut) with seltzer water. I will have my wine on weekends only. So far so good!
  • AJMB704
    AJMB704 Posts: 590 Member
    No alcohol today! Stuck to sparkling water at dinner. Feeling good. I had enough leftover calories to eat some yummy peanut butter!
  • kirstywillia
    kirstywillia Posts: 74 Member
    I'm quite enjoying drinking cold water during the week, I'm not even as fussed when my other half is drinking beer anymore and it helps he's supporting me so much to keep at it. How's everyone getting on?
  • jackie2866
    jackie2866 Posts: 62 Member
    This is something that I struggle with . I love coming home after a long day and having a glass or two of wine each night. I am sure this is what has caused my weight gain. Not to mention the bad food choices that happen after having that second glass. I am going to join you all in no wine on week nights :)
  • wearmi1
    wearmi1 Posts: 291 Member
    I feel like I try this challenge every week. Lasts until work/school or whatever frustrates me and having a glass of wine just unwinds me. I have however decided that I like Fresca and tequila, I figure it can't be too bad since Fresca has no calories. I suppose it's my lesser of the two evils approach:)
  • Koorii
    Koorii Posts: 65 Member
    I've quit drinking almost altogether (still have some on special occasions). Now that I'm more in tune with my body than I've even been, I feel extra *kitten* (physically) after having a few drinks. After all, alcohol is actually toxic.
  • sixtyinchesoffury
    sixtyinchesoffury Posts: 321 Member
    this is a challenge I need! I drink waaaaayyyyyy too many of my calories and all through the week! gonna be hard on football nights but I wanna try! so happy you started this :-)
  • kirstywillia
    kirstywillia Posts: 74 Member
    I'm happy more of you are joining in :smile: . I was drinking roughly 3+ beers a day and maybe some rum and full fat coke each day and the weekends I drink more! Definitely thought it would be difficult but it's easier than I thought. What keeps me going is the number on the scales when the week is done and I know I've saved literally thousands of calories on giving up alcohol (still drinking Friday and Saturday but in moderation)
  • AJMB704
    AJMB704 Posts: 590 Member
    Welcome everyone! This challenge has been really good for me. It has gotten so much easier to avoid alcohol while at home. We don't even debate if we should open it. Just accept the fact that we can't have any.
  • Jessbartell
    Jessbartell Posts: 4 Member
    Argh, i know i need to do this. I've been considering this and you guys are inspiring me to actually take the leap...but it'll have to be tomorrow because I'm already drinking a beer ;) *warning, excuse is about to be made* i have a super stressful job that i invest about 50 hrs a week into. I also have 3 tiny humans, so by the time work/practices/dinner/homework are done, i can't WAIT to turn off my buzzing brain with beer/wine/vodka. I know it'll get easier with time, but what tricks help in the beginning?
  • for_ever_young66
    for_ever_young66 Posts: 2,878 Member
    edited September 2015
    I'm struggling with this now and I am on my second week without drinking during the work week. It had gotten to the point in which my situation was critical and thought I'd need professional help. I posted a blog about it, it hurt very much writing these things about myself but glad that I did. I've gotten so much support from my MFP friends and they have stood by me. I am in for this challenge. Good luck everyone. Jason
  • coyotegrowl
    coyotegrowl Posts: 18 Member
    I don't miss my work night drinking... I feel healthier and just have to reign in those Friday nights...
  • kirstywillia
    kirstywillia Posts: 74 Member
    Argh, i know i need to do this. I've been considering this and you guys are inspiring me to actually take the leap...but it'll have to be tomorrow because I'm already drinking a beer ;) *warning, excuse is about to be made* i have a super stressful job that i invest about 50 hrs a week into. I also have 3 tiny humans, so by the time work/practices/dinner/homework are done, i can't WAIT to turn off my buzzing brain with beer/wine/vodka. I know it'll get easier with time, but what tricks help in the beginning?

    I'd like to say there was a trick to help hun but with me it was just to persevere. I did drink water in a wine glass at the beginning and it did kind of help but I wouldn't class it as a trick haha. It's hard breaking a habit that you've done for years but just take each day as it comes.
  • sue020369
    sue020369 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi there. I am on week 3 of my journey. I started at 154, after a week I was 148, and this wee 145 so doing great. I log EVERYTHING and I drink wine every night lol. Im still within my calories. But I have a rule for me.....No wine unless I have done 3 X 20 minutes walks a day! That's hard after a day at work. Feel free to add me. hope that helps x