Venting and Kind of Being a Jerk, Sorry...



  • I know what you mean. Stay true to yourself and keep your goals in mind. Dont let other people's negativity drag you down.

    a little bit harsh dontcha think, people are here for different reasons, first of all i congratulate them for being here and wanting to make the change at all, whether they have a disorder whether they are FAT or skinny, i don't judge anyone, we're all here to support each other whatever the reason we're here, and not every FAT **** goes to MacDonalds 4 times a week !!!!!!!!!!

    I agree with SJD here...why is it OK to be harsh and judgemental but not to be insecure regardless of weight? I've never been the "skinny" girl, but I am sure they have some of the same hangups us chubsters do! I will support 'em regardless!

    Great support! This is why we are all here :)
  • KierstyPants
    KierstyPants Posts: 468 Member
    I think you should avoid the forums

    Why is that?
    She's completely correct in most people's views. In mine for that matter.
    She's just venting and not saying it's fact.

    Correct in most peoples views? I think youll find this thread has had mixed responses. If you dont like it then dont come to the forums, simple really. chose who you want to be friends with and stick to them so that your no longer irritated by skinny people.

    I reread this post and I read other people's views. I changed my perspective really. And I'm sorry I made a completely Incorrect generalization. You're right. People choose their frieda and that's how things go (:
  • KierstyPants
    KierstyPants Posts: 468 Member
    HOLY TRIPLE POST. I'm so sorry.
  • KickassYas
    KickassYas Posts: 397 Member

    i remember when pancake bunny died. 01/07/2003 i got the saddest news of my young internet life. I sniffled and blogged about it. YOU ARE SORELY MISSED OOLONG!!!

    to the OP: the journey is different for everyone and i understand your frustration. I felt that way too. until i fell off the wagon so hard i bounced. when it rained in my life it sh*tstormed. so yeah. we all have our own ways of dealing. some aren't ready. some are complainers. some take it quietly and continue to fight. some are extremely successful and some fail miserably. this site is a site to allow us to be selfish and do what is needed for us.

    so anyone you are tired of seeing, remove from your wall. :) and take a deep breath and feel better that you won't have to deal with their emotional baggage on top of your own. I gut my wall when needed. sometimes i find a friend is more of a frenemy. sometimes i end up with a negative nancy and sometimes i need my pals tell me to stop being the negative nancy. human beings are just that. human.

    i don't know whether i'm ready or not. what i do know is i refuse to give up regardless becuase i can't. i just can't. i'm 311 lbs. there is no excuse for that. I may never be ready but i'm going to do this even if i ***** all the way down this road. :)
  • In this thread:

    Fat people hating on skinny people.

    Then skinny people hating on fat people for hating on skinny people.

    Thanks for the hearty chuckle

    Good read

    That's the attitude I like! LOL
  • miss_ally08
    miss_ally08 Posts: 167 Member
    You go girl!
  • ace175
    ace175 Posts: 518 Member
    I see where you're coming from a bit....I had an old roommate who was probably 110 pounds....idk how much but she was a twig, and all she eats is junk. One day I come home and she's like "want to hear my new resolution....I want to lose 10 pounds , work out more, and eat healthy" kind of annoyed me b/c she does NOT need to lose any weight, and I had just started my weight loss journey. But at the same time, she did add that she wanted to start eating healthier and work out more, which is great! Everyone and anyone should/can do that! (oh and she only worked out once, and continued to eat crap!) But anyways, I do understand a
  • [I agree!! [/quote]

    The only negativity here is from the OP... why do you all care about what other people are doing? They are the ones that have to live (or die) with their choices... the real insecure ones have to try to inflict some sort of control on the actions of others... Get real and spend more time developing your own lives.

    Now THIS is well said!!! There are always going to be people that say something that makes you roll your eyes. Big freaking deal, get over it. It's their lives to live and you have your own. Quit worrying about how many times a week they go to McDonadls and then complain about it here.

    The beauty of these kinds of message boards is that....if you don;t like the freaking topic...move the hell on.

    I have had weight issues for a few years...I KNOW I need to lose it, but I also can't stop eating...I love food, lol. So I am here trying to find a balance and to get healthy. No need for YOU to worry about whether or not I am serious about losing weight.


    I agree 100%.
  • Noctuary
    Noctuary Posts: 255
    I agree with the OP. I too could care less about the need for attention people have via posting rants about other people's struggles.
  • shonasteele
    shonasteele Posts: 473
    Everyone has their own struggle - for some of us it's food, for others its exercise, or drugs, or smoking or their big nose, or being too tall or too short or having pointy ears. Whatever the issue, it has an effect on you that only you can fully realize the extent of. I think we just need to be compassionate and realize that we're all here to achieve our goals and try to improve ourselves in whatever way we can and (supposedly) to support each other in that process.

    Having said that, I think we are all entitled to vent every once in a while and get out our frustrations. As long as you're not being a 'hater' all the time and you don't treat others badly, it's okay to get some of that out when you need to, especially if you have no other place to vent it.
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    In this thread:

    Fat people hating on skinny people.

    Then skinny people hating on fat people for hating on skinny people.

    Thanks for the hearty chuckle

    Good read
    That's the attitude I like! LOL
    I second this.......
    Really people? Read and move on......this is worse than high school!
  • amy_36
    amy_36 Posts: 421 Member
    I am not one of the "skinny" girls. But I do want to say that in the medical world there is talk of a "skinny fat". People can be "skinny" and still be very unhealthy. I think everyone belongs on here no matter where they are at in their journey. It may take some people years to catch on, it may take some a few months. We all need to be supportive of one another. Who knows when we might be "that person".
  • Cherilea
    Cherilea Posts: 1,118 Member

    BAHAHA!! Love the bunny!!
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    You've written exactly what I've been thinking for a long time but I just never said anything. Way to go girl! Hopefully your "rant" will open some people's eyes. No lambasting from me!
  • gabeswife
    gabeswife Posts: 5
    In this thread:

    Fat people hating on skinny people.

    Then skinny people hating on fat people for hating on skinny people.

    Thanks for the hearty chuckle

    Good read

    You have a great way with words. I total laughed when I read this because I have been laughing along the way too.

    All I have to say is in my opinion I'm a total fat girl, and I would love to be a skinny b*tch. Here's to working hard for it!
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    I saw this on facebook earlier this year:

    The Girl you just called fat? She has been starving herself & has lost over 30lbs. The Boy you called stupid, he has a learning disability & studies over 4hrs a night. The Girl you called ugly? She spends hours putting make-up on hoping people will like her. The Boy you called a *kitten*? It kills him inside because he fears rejection. There's a lot more to people then you think.

    We don't know the struggles others are going through so it's impossible to make generalities about others. It made me realize that the girl that is skinny might be struggling with an eating disorder or body issues and deserves as much respect as I do. Sure she might be complaining about life but then at some point we all do. If someone is truly negative then just tune them out of your life but don't let them bring you into their negative space.
  • wintermama13
    wintermama13 Posts: 172 Member
    To the OP: Thank you, I have been thinking the exact same thing for years now!!
    To all the hateful negative commenters: take a chill pill. She knew that what she was saying would probably not sit well with everyone but it was something she wanted to get out. I never put it out there like that. My own experience is not ONLY on MFP but in other areas of my life as well. Skinny people, overweight people, obese people, everybody. If this is supposed to be such a great place for "skinny" people to be able to vent about their own frustrations (because of course they have them, who doesn't really?) then why can't anyone else voice their own opinion. "Do as I say not as I do" applies everywhere I guess.
    Good luck everyone reaching your goals and have a great week!
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    First, I don't think damcool was being negative or saying people shouldn't be on here. I believe she is frustrated by some of the people around her. Be honest, aren't we all. She came on here just to vent. Isn't that what this is forum is for? Motivation AND support? That said, I understand the frustration that damcool feels. There is a person where I work who keeps asking me, "What's the name of the website? I have to lose some weight!" I want to just look at her now after 4 months of asking and say if you haven't gone on by now, forget it! But I don't, because I know that she, like me, will reach the point when she is ready and will finally get on MFP. Then again, maybe not, but I will keep giving her the name. We have to remember that if someone's venting or emotional outpouring bothers us, to just go to the next post rather than start arguements. We'll all be happier for it.

    Best response yet! I couldn't agree more.
  • wintermama13
    wintermama13 Posts: 172 Member
    First, I don't think damcool was being negative or saying people shouldn't be on here. I believe she is frustrated by some of the people around her. Be honest, aren't we all. She came on here just to vent. Isn't that what this is forum is for? Motivation AND support? That said, I understand the frustration that damcool feels. There is a person where I work who keeps asking me, "What's the name of the website? I have to lose some weight!" I want to just look at her now after 4 months of asking and say if you haven't gone on by now, forget it! But I don't, because I know that she, like me, will reach the point when she is ready and will finally get on MFP. Then again, maybe not, but I will keep giving her the name. We have to remember that if someone's venting or emotional outpouring bothers us, to just go to the next post rather than start arguements. We'll all be happier for it.

    Best response yet! I couldn't agree more.

    I must have skipped over this post but that's pretty much what I was trying to get out.
  • kathy1117
    kathy1117 Posts: 27
    so, im one of those "skinny girls" who talk bout losing weight, but more-so its about being healthy for me. i might b skinny 2 others, but im not the weight ive always been,so i just wanna b happy w myself. what others think bout me isnt my concern. i wanna b my normal weight, and look healthy and tone,so whn some1 says " ur skinny, u look fine" thats not how i feel about MYSELF. once i reach my goal , im hoping 2 take more from MFP and eat healthy,excersize and im hoping itll become normal daily activity. i want heathly eating habits. we should b all here encouraging eachother, offering advice,lending a hand etc etc. i understand u were frustrated, but as some1 said earlier...take it out on the tredmill, thatll make u feel better, right? works 4 me