Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy Constitution Day (United States)

    Constitution Day (or Citizenship Day) is an American federal observance that recognizes the adoption of the United States Constitution and those who have become U.S. citizens. It is normally observed on September 17, the day in 1787 that delegates to the Constitutional Convention signed the document in Philadelphia.
    When Constitution Day falls on a weekend or on another holiday, schools and other institutions observe the holiday on an adjacent weekday.
    The law establishing the present holiday was created in 2004 with the passage of an amendment by Senator Robert Byrd to the Omnibus spending bill of 2004. Before this law was enacted, the holiday was known as "Citizenship Day". In addition to renaming the holiday "Constitution Day and Citizenship Day," the act mandates that all publicly funded educational institutions, and all federal agencies, provide educational programming on the history of the American Constitution on that day. In May 2005, the United States Department of Education announced the enactment of this law and that it would apply to any school receiving federal funds of any kind. This holiday is not observed by granting time off work for federal employees.
    Universities and colleges nationwide have created "U.S. Constitution and Citizenship Weeks" in order to meet the requirements of the law. For example, the Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE) has created a celebration week that includes "Constitution Trivia Contests", distribution of free copies of the U.S. Constitution, a campus & community fair (in which volunteer and community groups can share information with students), a web page with facts and links related to the Constitution and history of the United States. MSOE has also distributed thousands of free "Presidential quote" T-shirts to all students on campus.

    It is every man's obligation to put back into the world at least the equivalent of what he takes out of it. ~Albert Einstein


  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    edited September 2015
    My weigh in was not at all painful, lost .4. Phew! And Happy Constitution and Citizenship Day to you to @Morgori !
    @Kah68 I moved a lot as a kid and hate living out of boxes, funny thing is my brother doesn't usually unpack until he has to make his house look good for sale. We sorta went opposite directions.
  • JLKulio
    JLKulio Posts: 15 Member
    Thursday Truth- I'm totally going ham sandwich on a Chinese buffet on Sunday and I don't even feel bad about it. I plan on doing well before and after. B)
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Truth- This week has been okay but I am started to crave milkshakes again. I made my own tonight so a little better than getting them somewhere else. Exercise has been reasonable as well, plenty of core work so that is good. I am hopeful that the scale will down tomorrow since the muscle has had time to recover.

    I am still busy but it should be okay. Tomorrow I will climb and Sunday, I need to decide if I am going to pay to run a 5K or just do it on my own. Tough call at this point.

    Not much to report tonight, feeling lazy and tired so low key night but I still have work to do and papers to grade. Have a great night.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Woo Hoo!!! It's Friday - FINALLY!! The week has been good overall eating and exercise. I've just been feeling really lethargic for some reason and just not sleeping well (hence the feeling lethargic). LOL!! Hopefully, things will start balancing out soon. I do feel like I'm in a good pattern though. Plus, I'm 6 weeks without Diet Coke. I was craving one really bad the other day, but I haven't even sipped one. I'm really afraid if I take a sip I'll be hooked again. It was an addiction no doubt.

    @Angelika - 4 lbs? Yipee!!! It wasn't as bad as you thought it might be, which is always great to see. Good for you!

    @Laurie - Nice job making the milkshake at home. I've been getting back into protein shakes with frozen fruit so I feel like that's my milkshake. I normally do chocolate with raspberries - so good! Hopefully, you can find a little time for R&R this weekend. You need some down time for sure.

    @Shamrock Shuffle attendees - Well, my friend was able to book the condo. Now he did say because it's still 7 months away it might be safe to still hold the hotel and cancel as we get closer. If the President or one of the executives need it, that normally trumps everyone else (surprise, surprise). Karen - It looks to be in the west loop. The address is 1207 West Adams Street. If I remember correctly, it's a 3/2 and each bedroom has a queen or king bed plus an l-shaped coach. We should be able to fit quite a few folks. I'm going to go ahead and confirm so I'll register for the race. Can't wait!!
  • jnfer98
    jnfer98 Posts: 11 Member
    Hey @susan2396, yes I think I've had a solid week. I've had a busy week and attended lots of events after work. Though my schedule has been busy, I brought healthy snacks and it kept me on track. I've been battling a wicked sweet tooth this week too, but so far so good. Thanks for asking. How about you?
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy World Water Monitoring Day
    World Water Monitoring Day was established in 2003 by America's Clean Water Foundation as a global educational outreach program that aims to build public awareness and involvement in protecting water resources around the world by empowering citizens to carry out basic monitoring of their local water bodies.[1] Roberta (Robbi) Savage, ACWF's President and CEO created WWMD and Edward Moyer was the first WWMD Coordinator.
    A simple test kit enables everyone, children and adults, to sample local water bodies for a set of water quality parameters including temperature, acidity (pH), clarity (turbidity) and dissolved oxygen (DO). Results are then shared with participating communities around the globe through the WWMC website.
    World Water Monitoring Day is celebrated on September 18. It was initially chosen to be a month later (October 18) to recognize the anniversary of the US Clean Water Act, which was enacted by the US Congress in 1972 to restore and protect the country’s water resources. In 2007, the date was changed to facilitate participation in parts of the world where temperatures reach freezing at that time.
    In 2006, ACWF transferred coordination of the event to the Water Environment Federation (WEF) and the International Water Association (IWA). The collective goal was to expand participation to one million people in 100 countries by 2012. In January 2015 the management of World Water Monitoring Day was again transferred - this time to Phillipe Cousteau's educational non-profit EarthEcho International.
    2008 saw students from Indonesia[2] to Arkansas[3] taking part in water sampling to bring attention to the importance of water quality.

    “If you want to be happy, be. ~Leo Tolstoy “


  • 71480kf
    71480kf Posts: 7 Member
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    @GOINST - I feel so bad for you and your DH - I know personally the affects anxiety has on health problems - it makes your breathing and BP just soar and multiplies all issues - so sorry you are bearing all the brunt of this. I'm sure his physician has tried anti-anxiety meds on him I hope something helps him and you in the longer term. How is YOUR HEALTH I know you suffer as well with diminished lung capacity. Are you getting any help from your community yet?

    @20Paws - congrats on a month of gym usage. Going every other day is a great objective! Sure does take a while to learn all that equipment. Good for you to get used to free weights.
    How did you pick 20 paws for a moniker?

    @Kah - I hear ya on the medical expenses coming up. So, don't know if you'll need this but I saw it at the Aldi's Grocery store on sale til Sept. 22 for 19.99 - a very mushy - pushable, squashy ottoman/footstool/poof -its sort of squarish-20"x20"x12" - its so light weight! if you need one at work, this would be ideal. Then handy at home after.

    @Morgori - love the avacado - mmmm.....

    @Skinny - Lori is coming the weekend of the 25-26-27 - such fun I have planned for her!

    @Susan - you are definitely NOT a helicopter mom and I believe you always make the right calls for Cyrus! Its the coaches I worry about! If Cyrus had to quit on Drs. orders right now, I truly believe in another 2 years he could just walk on any field and pick up the ball in any sport and be a star! Inate talent is always there - just like riding a bicycle - so don't sweat it.
    As for you young lady - I'm so impressed with your stick-to-it attitude! This new city is so good for you. Exercising, watching your food, happy at work, doesn't sound like you travel much at all! And a nice fella in your life to boot. Sigh.....

  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Hello All,
    Things are not going well for me. Between work and home I am stretched pretty thin both emotionally and physically. The scale is reflecting the stress as well. I was up 3 pounds this week.
    I am keeping up with everyone's posts but just do not have time or energy to contribute much. Please forgive me.
    Karen, I am still in for the Shamrock Shuffle.
    Ellen, I PM'd you with my travel plan. See you soon.
    I need to get some sleep tonight hoping that will help my mood.
    Love to all,
    Lori <3
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    edited September 2015
    @Laurie - what a good solution for your dad and its better for both your mom and you. Really, when would you have found time to help your mom with your meetings after school, or time for your work-outs. That fellow who has been helping your mom sounds great. Every family deserves that kind of help for these complicated issues. Hope you got most of your papers graded last night. Good core work.

    @ Angelika - nice to hear about your French exchange student - would really make life extra interesting! I really got a lot out of your comment to StrawbC about emotional eating and finding a substitute activity. And if that doesn't work, to consider counseling to "unplug the trigger"
    I sought counselling this year and it was so good for me, I can't find the words. So, I am saving your sentences to re-read whenever I have a struggle, you said it so well. I may re-post it here for others, but I will give you credit each time.

    Congrats on your weight loss - .4 or 4 - either way its great!

    @JLKulio - Welcome! You made me laugh - ham sandwich on a Chinese Buffet! - Go for it! Its your destiny it seems. Sounds like your planning to cover your - ahem - big salty meal before and after -well done. Hope to see you back here so we can hear about crab rangoon etc.

    @Jnfer98 - you are doing so well! Keeping healthy snacks on your person is the way to go. I keep cottage cheese in a little cooler quite often. It's my pal! What activities fill your after work hours can I ask?

    @Morgori - another gem with Water Monitoring Day.
    Can I add an interesting factoid I learned over Labor Day Weekend? On the farm, in Western Nebraska the pasture land has been invaded and over-run with a type of cedar tree that is spread by birds pooping the seeds - its called the "western red cedar." Farmers are doing controlled burns to regain their pasture land. Studies have shown this tree (as well as its relative the Eastern red cedar) suck up about 240 gallons of water a day - if available- away from the aquifer - thats AMAZING, and thats a WASTE of water! After the pasture is burned you can see that the tree trunks are very crooked and therefore no good for logging. It is now considered a noxious weed here.

    @71480kf - well hello back at ya and WELCOME! Home you drop in again.

    AFM: Did dinner with friends John and Ann - they've been married 37 years and have 4 sons -2 M.D.'s, 2 Ph.D.'s - nice, huh? and 1 grandson. So we jointly fixed chicken, spaghetti, and alfredo sauce - split the alfredo into 2 pots - mixed cooked chicken into 1 pot. After chopping up the fancy pants mushrooms and sautee-ing them in mod heat in non-salted butter, the 'shrooms were added to the other alfredo pot. Some 'shrooms were left to be served on the side of our salads to taste alone. We all agreed the alfredo sauce with the mushrooms in it (2 types) was the best! We also decided of those on our salad plates, we preferred the Mitake Frondosas to the Trumpet Royale mushrooms (although they were good too).
    When you look at the Trumpet mushrooms, (and start playing with them of course) they will remind you of the Dancing Mushrooms in the Original Fantasia movie by Disney.
    I think you can google images of these under the common names. The Mitake Frondosa is a Trademark Name for a version of a mushroom called Hen-In-The-Woods Mushroom. It is very common in China and used in their traditional medicine and also has been studied by western medicine. It is considered very healthy for you.
    Not so informed on the Trumpet Royale - again its a Trademark Name. I'll bet its just called a trumpet mushroom. Fat tall stem with a tiny cap.

    Busy going to PT for my spinal stenosis, lifting weights to strengthen arms for work, using a hand grip to strenghthen hands. Twisted high part of left ankle yesterday and it hurt light a banana slap but is better today.
    Eating a high protein diet and still can't eat anything with edges like popcorn or a rice krispy square.
    At least I'm off the ice cream. I bought a flavor to try- they came out with "FLAN "- oh so good, but too rich so I still have some left.And no desire to eat it. And I can't justify buying any more ice cream while there's still some in the freezer.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    edited September 2015
    pics of the Mushrooms: Hen In the Woods(Bottom picture (Mitake Frondosa) and Trumpet Royale (from the trademarked Site):

  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good afternoon everyone.

    Happy International Eat an Apple Day!
    When Celebrated
    Always the third Saturday in September
    About the Holiday
    International Eat an Apple Day reminds us that an apple a day will keep the doctor away. In addition to being extremely healthy, the apple is very versatile with many tasty varieties and recipes. Use this holiday to enjoy an apple, or two, and as a reminder to have them more often.

    ” There are exactly as many special occasions in life as we choose to celebrate. “~Robert Brault


  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    My weight is creeping down very slowly, but I'm okay with that. I just need to continue the downward trend. I find the exchange concept of the Beachbody less combersome to keep track of than the calorie counting on MFP. I am still on here at least once a day to post my exercise and keep up with my friends.
    Today Cathy and Nicole walked a 10k with me around town. Anya went along for the ride. Our walk included a section of the Rails to Trails path along the river, and a walk around the city fishing pond. It was really a perfect day for a walk and we did it in less than 2 hours, so I feel ready for the FitOne race in Boise next Saturday. Cathy, Amy and I will walk the 10k. Nicole will run it.
    DH is mowing the lawns today. It really tires him out, but it is good for him to have the activity and some sunshine. The mower helps give him balance.
    I went to the podiatrist on Wed because the pain in my right foot has come back. He gave me a round of Prednisone. He warned me that it would make jittery, irritable and unable to sleep. It has done none of that so far. Hopefully, it will take care of the inflammation. He told me that I needed new walking shoes so I have some on order.
    I really appreciated the post about stress eating. That is a huge problem for me as well. I learn something and take strength from all you every day.
    @laurie I'm glad that you have found a possible solution to the problem with your father. Failing health is such a difficult thing to deal with.
    Hope you are all having a great weekend.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited September 2015
    @Robin~Thanks for the ottoman suggestion. Have you thought about sorbet instead of ice cream? I keep Haagen Dazs raspberry sorbet around, so few ingredients and a little healthier than ice cream--for me, its easy not to overdo but gives me that sweet treat I want every once in a while.

    @cblue315 (Lori)~I'm sorry your struggling so much right now, you have a lot going on and a lot to work through. You're strong and I know its easier said than done, but just try to take it one day at a time. Hang in there.

    AFM~Like Kaye, my weight is slowing inching down--as long as its a downward trend, that's all that matters. Spent the day with friends & had lunch downtown, then we ended the day at a place called Tom + Chee which is short for tomato soup and grilled cheese. They specialize in a variety of the the duo. One special thing they have on their menu are donuts sandwiches--we shared the s'mores which had a gooey chocolate, graham crackers and marscapone cheese. It was to die for, glad I had only two bites! :lol: We did earn it though, we walked 3 miles this morning. :wink: Tomorrow is church in the morning, then to get some soup cooked and in freezer for when I'm recovering.

    Have a great night!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Well, today my dad moved to the new facility in a private home. It is very nice and he was happy there today. Spent the day with him and he did well today. I have high hopes that this placement will be get my dad back on track.

    I am truly sad tonight for another reason. Here is the short version of what is going on. I am currently serving as the president of a local park's friends group and I am one of the youngest people that is involved in this group. This past June, a local businessman came into the picture, he is younger than I am but is also married and has 5 kids. (That makes him off limits except as a friend.) I recently screwed up and now I need to figure out how to make everything better. Screw up- I asked a question about a health department issue and the responses questioned his ethics and mine, rest assured no violations occurred. Instead of keeping the final response to myself and just giving him a no response, I made the mistake of including him on my response to the last email, in my defense I thought I had included him on the first email but I guess I did not. It must have been the argument I was having in my head about whether or not to include him. I have caused unnecessary tension in the group with regards to this issue. To top it off, I got a lecture tonight that basically said-I was spending to much time with this guy due to the fact that we were working on finding sponsors for the organization and impeding my judgement. It was with his help that we were able to find sponsors for the events and get some better prices on a few items. I was basically told to stop seeing him so much and not to confide in as much. Sadly, the person who I was speaking to said they were my friends for the past 15 years. Yes, I have known them longer but I am not sure they are my friends but only people who I see once a month and they don't know anything about me. Now, I am trying to figure out the solution to repair my relationship with these people while not offending this other person. Their is nothing going on between this guy and myself except a friendship that is starting to form. Yes, I am enjoying his friendship and his outlook on life with the added benefit of having a guy to talk to, which has been missing in my life.

    Now I need to repair several relationships without losing this new one that is starting. Truly, I am not sure how to go about it and right now it is tearing me up inside. The only thing I can think of is to write an apology note to everyone involved and reassure them I do have the best interests of the friends at heart. I will talk to the business guy and we will find a solution even if it means losing a sponsor. I just don't want to lose a friend over this.

    Wanting to end on a happy note- my cousins from CO are visiting this weekend so we get to see them. Tomorrow, I am going on a very long walk with one of them while the other watches football. We will all be together on Monday night for dinner so that is good. :)
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys!

    I'm still fighting this sinus cold, but went to help my friend unpack some of her house today. We got a lot done and then went to dinner. Tomorrow will be filled with grading and laundry.

    Eating has been off and on, but exercise has been pretty much non-existent. I thought about going for a run the other day b/c the weather was perfect for it, but all of this congestion would make it a horrible experience. I still have to finish a lot of grading this week, but plan to get to the gym once or twice. Even if I just do the elliptical and some weights it will be better than nothing.

    @susan-- The condo is in a great location--just a couple of miles from Grant Park where the race starts and finishes. This means it's also close to Millenium Park and other great sites for those of you visiting from out of town. I will keep the hotel reservations until we get closer to the race date--just in case. :) I'm all registered for the race.
  • jnfer98
    jnfer98 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks @RobinsEgg ! I'm finding out that I'm leaning too much on snacks and not eating enough veggies (though my snacks are pretty decent). I'm a graphic designer by day, and at night I'm a grad student, so it seems like I'm always busy and always hungry, lol. For exercise, I walk and every Saturday I hike with friends. Any suggestions on sneaking more veggies throughout the day?
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Hello All,
    Today is my 35th and sad to say last anniversary. It has not been mentioned between hubby and me. I am having a rough day today. Emotions are all over the place. My IBS is flaring up again. I am sure it is due to the stress. Not to mention the not so good eating. Dreading the weigh in on Thursday.

    Another rough week ahead. Very busy getting all the ducks lined up for when I am away. My sister will be in charge and she does not always do well when she is alone all day.

    I am looking forward to the trip. Leaving Wisconsin on Saturday. I do plan on stopping by for a visit with Ellen. Driving from Omaha to Boulder on Monday. If there is anyone else who would like to chat and maybe a cup of coffee on the way I would love to meet in person.

    @Lauriek70 - I have found myself in similar circumstances far too many times. For me the best way was always to just be as open as I can and remember my personal values. My top three are: Authenticity, Responsibility and Respect. If I stay true to those three things then it usually all works out.

    @Morgori - Loved the apple day. I had two, baked.

    Love to all,
    Lori <3
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi all hope you are all doing well. I am holding my own. Just thought I would change my profile pic to the one I took on mine and zeuses hike today. This is my big doggy whom I talk about all the time :)