40+ Club: Summer Slimmers



  • crewellademel
    crewellademel Posts: 168 Member
    Hi Everyone: So tired today....so I'm procrastinating going to the gym by chatting with you guys........probably NOT what MFP had in mind to help each other out! :laugh: I really worked out heavy yesterday with swimming, biking and running (just to see if I could) nothing big mind you on any of those but did want to try to do all 3 in one day to see how the bod felt afterwards. Like I said TIRED!:yawn: But I feel good in the sense that I might be tired but I did my body good! So off I go to the pool. If the weather holds I'm going to bike there and back so I don't have to bike when I get home. We'll see. :flowerforyou:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: crewellademel...I also am using MFP for encouragement when I could be using the jump rope in my locker.:laugh: I really need to get my bike out now that the rain will be gone for a couple of days.

    :flowerforyou: tron...my second from the youngest is graduating this evening. The school is having it in the football stadium. So, everyone is hoping that the weather man is correct that no rain is coming. Isn't it great when your family members get on board with us to eat healthy and get exercise. My youngest son and his girlfriend have joined Weight Watchers and he was given a Total Gym.

    My graduating daughter has ask me to take her to the restaurant, where she works, tonight before the celemony. Unfortunately, no one in our family, with the exception of her, likes this restaurant. It is a Chinese buffet. I have found that most of these buffets have wonderful, yummy foods. Not this one.:grumble: Anyway, since this is a special day for her I will be doing this. My husband will not be going with us. Nothing can get him to eat there. Oh well, when I think about it...if their food taste bad I will not be eating much of it.:laugh:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning!!! Two days without checking in and soooo many posts. :laugh: Can't remember them all. I do want to say, congrats to all the graduates!!!!!:drinker:

    I lost a little bit of a weight this past month. I am under my desired max (125) so I am happy!!! :happy: I have been eating more protein and good fats and less carbs in the form of bread, etc. I do eat fruits and veggies and oatmeal in the morning. Exercise wise, continue with Zumba and some resistance trng, not heavy weights. So with the good diet and some exercise I have been maintaining.

    My little brother is here this weekend!!! He finally made it to San Antonio after 13 yrs of me living here. I have seen him but in Puerto Rico or in CA. He came as a surprise! So I will be busy showing him around. :drinker:

    Take care!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,443 Member
    Kimkelly- How was the docs? Hope it went well!!!

    SwissMiss- I have one last kid at home. Soccer, band, Reading olympics Boyscouts and this summer he is a counselor in training at camp. I drive a min of 300 miles a weeks in outside activities..mainly due to our rural community. I understand KidChaos.

    Zebras- congrats on Graduation and hubby doing so well

    StiringWendel Hope you had a rested rest week:)

    VictoriousOne- I started Cto5k also. I love it and cant believe I ran for 2 mins strait

    Alf- I love Brazillian steak houses. But can only afford them once a year so it is well worth the splurge:)

    Tron3002- Congrats

    One of our boys just hot excepted to study at Oxford in Jan. I am so excited. He just went back to take summer coarses to keep his core classes up. My oldest is on tour with Moveitmovement- a Cartoon network fitness program; so if you see a skateboarder in the commerical thats my son:)

    It has cooled down from the 95 degree weather by 40 degrees. Great NEPA micro-climate. Have a wonderfully fit weekend!!
  • Victorious_One
    Victorious_One Posts: 174 Member
    Tron3002 - The time...who knows? I think kids are on their own clock, growing up twice as fast as time passes. Congratulations! I hope your hubby wins the pot.

    Crewellademel - You're doing great! Rest when your body calls for it. Don't feel bad about doing a little less on those days, especially when you've been working so hard.

    Swissmiss - Congrats to your daughter! I hate the Chinese buffet near my house, too, so I get it. I couldn't even sit there just to celebrate without getting sick!

    Alf1163 - I love surprise visits! Have a great time with your brother.

    LadyPersia - Congrats on running 2 minutes! I have to get a medical clearance to continue, but that 90 seconds had me about to pass out the other day! And congrats to your son on Oxford. What an accomplishment. Wow!

    So, like, I was almost down to goal yesterday--0.6 lbs away. I weigh in this morning...back up near the max I set for myself (155 lbs). Other than that banana pudding I ate yesterday...and all that bread on my Subway sandwich...and all those grapes...and no exercise...what gives? :sad: :laugh:

    Today is my hubby's b-day. We're going to the movies, and that's where the evil popcorn is. I have to eat a high-octane protein breakfast to withstand the temptation. Then he wants to go to this nasty Asian buffet. I'll be starving and unable to eat, so I need to figure out a plan and fast. Somehow I have to get a walk in before 11AM. Yowza!

    Everyone have a great weekend!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: alf...not to worry about getting caught up on all the posts. I have been trying to check in twice a day and I still can't keep up.:ohwell:

    :flowerforyou: LadyPersia...I mentioned the 300 miles I am driving, didn't I? That 300 is on the weekend only. It doesn't include all the driving during the work week. Congratulations on your son being accepted to Oxford. Wow, I am sure that you are very proud !!! I will have to watch some cartoon channels with my girls. Yes, they are teenagers and still watch cartoons. I'll be looking out for your son.

    :flowerforyou: Nicole...I am always getting stuck in a 3 to 4 # slot. Can't get the weight to go down. Just keeps bouncing around those same 3 to 4 #. So frustrating. There are only so many calories that we can cut out and there is only so much exercising that we can do in a day. Let me know if you find the answer.:smile:

    My supervisor has left for the day, leaving me in charge. I think I will give everyone a raise in pay.:laugh: Hope that I don't have to work over. I want to get home in plenty of time to get ready for gradulation.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Good morning all,

    Wow, lots of posts to get caught up on. I was busy these past few days and was unable to post.
    Swiss issue, I think I want you fir a boss!:laugh: Everyone can use a raise in pay these days to help keep up with gas prices!

    So, i did check out that book on clean eating and it looks very interesting. I have to try something and stick to it!! Some of the recipes look very good and not difficult. I don't mind difficult, but I need fast n easy as I am usually home around 7:30 - 8:00 each night, so fixing something to eat has to be fast. The other thing I need to do is have my sweet tooth removed! The dentist won't do it.:grumble: I tell him, it's his fault I can't shed the last pounds.:laugh:

    I ran again yesterday and my ankle felt ok. Am going to really test it tomorrow as I attempt to do a 10 mile run. I really need to build up my miles, so....no time like the present.:smile:

    Golfing today with DH and son in a tournament. We haven't done that in along time. Really looking forward to it.

    Have a great day all.:flowerforyou:
    (congrats to all the grads and to the young man that is off to Oxford!! Alf, enjoy your visit w your brother. What a lovely surprise.)
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Ugh! My computer died, so am using my iPad. It puts words in that IT thinks belongs, so I apologize for any errors. I noticed it changed my Swissmiss to something else. Sorry!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member

    So, i did check out that book on clean eating and it looks very interesting. I have to try something and stick to it!! Some of the recipes look very good and not difficult. I don't mind difficult, but I need fast n easy as I am usually home around 7:30 - 8:00 each night, so fixing something to eat has to be fast. The other thing I need to do is have my sweet tooth removed! The dentist won't do it.:grumble: I tell him, it's his fault I can't shed the last pounds.:laugh:

    Have a great day all.:flowerforyou:
    (congrats to all the grads and to the young man that is off to Oxford!! Alf, enjoy your visit w your brother. What a lovely surprise.)

    Clean eating is not a diet, it is a lifestyle. I don't really make the recipes in the book, some seem complicated and can have some fancy ingredients that I know I might not use in other recipes, so I dont bother. Eating clean for me is avoiding processed foods as much as possible, alcohol, sugar, salt, saturated fats, etc. Eating more natural foods such as veggies and fruits, lean meats or other lean protein sources, complex carbs, etc. A meal can be as simple as a nice salad with balsamic vinegar, 4oz of wild grilled salmon and a pear, a small meal can 2 hard boiled eggs and an apple, celery with natural peanut butter, oatmeal with ground flaxseeds, mixed berries and walnuts. I add to my oatmeal 1/2 scoop of whey chocolate protein, yummy!!!!! I used to have a really bad sweet tooth but eating like this has really taken it away. Yes, sometimes I crave a nice slice of cake and I do eat it but not very often at all!!!! I love your posts! :)
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: sdereski...no problem. signed "Swiss issue". :laugh: I have the problem of typing out a long (at least for me) post and then somehow lose it all. :mad:

    :flowerforyou: alf...glad that you explained the concept of clean eating. One thing I have heard recently is that our food should be as close to how God made it as possible.

    I think I did fairly well yesterday, even with the Chinese buffet. The orange shrimp should have maybe been left on the heat table. This morning I made bacon and eggs. I was hungry. My husband had to work today and he left at five this morning. I slept in so now I don't have the car. Both of my daughters are upset over this. One of them got her boyfriend to pick her up. Other one is on her cell looking for a ride to a party. When my husband gets home we have a party to go to. Going to be good.
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,443 Member
    Thank you Victorious and Swiss.....I still watch cartoons and cartoon movies LOL Sometimes I laugh at the jokes my son doesnt get because he's too young.(14) I gained weight with my new workout. I'm starving actually.

    I am looking up the info on Clean eatting. Sounds interesting.

    Have a great weekend everyone:)
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Alf,thank you for the explanation. I generally try to eat clean, but as I said, I have a terrible sweet tooth that does me in. I try and use organic as much as I can, and fresh fruits n veggies always. It's the white sugar & flour I use when baking that does me in. I know, I know, "don't bake". Much easier said than done. I host bridge and have to serve dessert; and, my slender DH also has a terrible sweet tooth that he likes to feed....with my baking. I do have a cookbook that I use called "out of the sugar rut" but there are some things that just seem to require sugar. Does using organic flour and organic sugar make it better? :wink:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    alf, I would love to view your food diary. We could all learn what is acceptable by watching what you are eating.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    HELLO!!!! :drinker: It looks like a lot of people have been busy this past weekend! I was very busy and I am sooo tired. :yawn: I did a lot with my brothers. Didnt eat so well and drank some alcohol but not too bad. One exciting thing I did was a Segway tour in Austin with my brother. That was a lot of fun. Now I am ready to get back on track and tackle the week head on.

    Swiss, I havent been tracking my calories lately. I just try to stick to the same foods most of the time and go by how I feel. It can get too time consuming for me so at this moment I am not logging in my foods. Eating clean is not hard at all though, really.

    sdereski, organic flour and organic sugar won't make that much of a difference either. Nice try!! LOL The more sugar you eat the more you crave it, even if it is artificial sweeteners. Just try to cut back, as much as possible, slow and steady... When you are baking how about using other type of flour, whole wheat, even half whole wheat and half regular until you get used to it. And how about reducing the amount of sugar you put in the recipes? Also you can still bake but keep a small supply at home and give away the rest or eat smaller portions. I also have a sweet tooth and my husband is even worse than me but we have changed considerably, what works for us most is not to keep sweets at home. You can conquer this but no, it is not easy, and you have to be willing to do it. How about eating fruit instead of sweets when you get a sweet tooth?

    Have a great day!!! :flowerforyou:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi all! Ended up taking a quick unplanned trip at the end of last week out to Los Angeles to see the general my husband used to work for retire from the Air Force. It was a fun but really quick trip. Thank goodness we have tons of frequent flyer miles on Alaska Airlines because it got us there for nothing AND direct from here in DC. Without that, it wouldn't have been worth it. But I'm glad we did it. It was great to catch up with friends.

    All is well. My eating is actually getting better. Being reminded of how healthy and fit I was in LA (where I was living when I lost all the weight) has been surprisingly motivational. I also started on Shaun T.'s (the guy who did Insanity) new program (Asylum) yesterday. Not sure what I think quite yet. I'll keep you posted. So all is good!!

    Off to catch up on posts and some stuff around the house. I hope you are all doing well!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    alf...thanks for letting me know that I am not alone.:laugh:

    :sad: I will not be able to post in the thread this lunch time. I just worked through lunch.
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    :flowerforyou: tladame...You are doing so well. I know that I should be utilizing the extra time I have at work in the morning to do something. My problem (and this is going to sound stupid), I really want to go to the gym. I have a membership just no time in the evening. I need to sit my family down and tell them that I will be going to workout and they will have to keep their schedules in line with mine. Please let me know how the Jillian Michaels' 30- day shred goes. Have you been doing this long? And, does it last only 30 days?

    Well, it's going to take me a little longer than 30 days to look shredded! I finished the 30 days on Saturday, so I started again at level 1 on Sunday with heavier dumbells (I used 3-lb weights, now I'm using 5-lb weights). Not sure why they call it the 30-day shred, as it takes most people longer than 30 days to get a 6-pack. I like it, it's a great workout and takes less than 30 minutes.
  • Suze130
    Suze130 Posts: 7
    Hi 40+'ers! I am new to MFP but am enjoying it so far. I was just thinking of starting a group or the like of 40 somethin's. Is there an actual group that I can sign up for?

    I'm 44 in Ottawa Canada and have 25 lbs to lose. Looking forward to being apart.

  • StacyAS999
    StacyAS999 Posts: 107 Member
    Hey, everyone! I'm new too, but love that there is a group of people my age!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Good evening all,

    Alf - I know, I know. :laugh: I really just have to get it in my head to do it. I have never tried mixing whole wheat & white flours when baking cakes. I have made whole wheat pie crust though. I don't mind whole grains at all, its the others that don't care for it. I'll use it in loaves, muffins, breads, etc. I do not use artificial sweeteners of any kind. I will use agave or honey if I can, and often substitute applesauce for fats in certain recipes. That works really well. Ugh - the thought of using so much oil in a carrot cake or muffins~makes me shudder. :sick:

    I just have to do it - stop eating sugar!!

    Man oh man, does weight training ever give me an appetite! It doesn't burn a whole lot of calories, but I'm like a hoover afterward. Yikes!
    Did an hour of weights tonight and then walked for an hour. It was muggy out, but I love it. Would rather the heat any day.

    Ran my 10 miles yesterday and my achilles did not give me too much grief. Didn't bother me at all while running, it was into the evening that it started to nag me. I was pleased though, as I am definitely on the mend.:bigsmile:

    Have a staff appreciation dinner tomorrow evening, so am going to be really good all day. Also, hope to get some hill training in afterward. We have daylight until almost 10 p.m. so I should have plenty of time after dinner.

    OOo - watching the hockey game - Boston vs Vancouver...big brawl happening right now. I don't care who wins so I'm happy either way. My son is a HUGE Boston fan - always has been, but it would also be nice for a Canadian team to win, so...either team works for me. :laugh:

    Have a great night all - it's my bedtime.:flowerforyou: