How old is too old?



  • melmelw03
    melmelw03 Posts: 5,332 Member
    @melmelw03 = too old for @jadob_123 :D
  • burning2much
    burning2much Posts: 4,846 Member
    I'm too old for everyone...
  • navyjen
    navyjen Posts: 1,043 Member
    I don't thing 12 years is to much of a difference. You're both adults.
  • Determined_ella_89
    Determined_ella_89 Posts: 1,710 Member
    I'm too old for everyone...

    :open_mouth: You are not! ...
  • jennmpantoja
    jennmpantoja Posts: 1,080 Member
    I'm too old for everyone...

    There is no way.
  • melmelw03
    melmelw03 Posts: 5,332 Member
    I'm too old for everyone...

    Shut your hole. Every chick on this site lusts after you.
  • sbauer933
    sbauer933 Posts: 78 Member
    In my opinion age is nothing but a number. Honestly, I am naturally attracted to guys older than me vs guys my age. If you have a good connection, get alone well, and feel comfortable I'd say go for it!
  • striderb
    striderb Posts: 5,843 Member
    <<<< Think I'm the oldest guy on here. Not counting the ones that say they are 100 or older.
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    I'm 21 years old. I've started seeing a guy who I've known for years, before this in a friends-only context. He's substantially older than me. Without me telling how old he is, how old would you think would be too old for me?

    1) If you watch the same movies/TV and listen to the same music as HIS KIDS...he's too old.
    2) If his most recent high school reunion was a larger number than your age...he's too old.
    3) If most of your conversations involve lengthy explaining cultural references to each other because he doesn't get yours and you don't get his...he's too old.

    Now that the jokes are out of the way...33 doesn't sound out of the realm of possibility if you have lots in common. I do agree with @ThePhoenixIsRising though that your past could make things difficult at times if he's known you as a non-adult as well as a young adult.

  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Chaelaz wrote: »
    I am looking for young hot girls with Daddy issues, oral fixations, and lesbian tendencies. I have a strong portfolio and a weak heart.

    Apply within...

    Boo. Then I'm out since I'm old. :cry: haha're too good for me @_SummerGirl_

  • _SummerGirl_
    _SummerGirl_ Posts: 3,791 Member
    Chaelaz wrote: »
    Chaelaz wrote: »
    I am looking for young hot girls with Daddy issues, oral fixations, and lesbian tendencies. I have a strong portfolio and a weak heart.

    Apply within...

    Boo. Then I'm out since I'm old. :cry: haha're too good for me @_SummerGirl_

    Lies. You're just being silly now.
  • ilfaith
    ilfaith Posts: 16,769 Member
    I was thinking about this earlier today when I heard on the radio that both Catherine Zeta Jones and her husband Michael Douglas were celebrating birthdays today. She turned 46 (my age) and he's now 71 (a year younger than my dad). I remember when they got together thinking the age gap was creepy...then Tony Randall (who was born the same year as my grandfather) married a woman a year younger than me.

    Most of the men I dated were within five years of my age, although there were a few 10-15 years my senior. I found it easier to find things in common with men closer to my own least superficially, simply because we shared the same cultural touch points...the movies we loved in high school, the music we listened to in the car on family road trips, the news events that had an impact on our lives.

    But sometimes people do have a deep connection with someone who appears wildly inappropriate, based upon anything from background to religion to age.

    And for what it's worth...I've yet to come across anyone on MFP I would consider too old for me...but that may just be because I am pretty old myself.
  • Hey_Its_That_One_Guy
    Hey_Its_That_One_Guy Posts: 21,763 Member
    Personally... Age means nothing ( must be over 18 though! ) if I fell in love with a man.. I could care less what he looks like.. Care less what his age is.. If you truly love and care for someone you see their beauty whatever age they are or how they look. People think it's wrong.. Or they get harassed because others believe the younger partner is after the elder persons money... When in fact they care deeply and share something so very special.. I think it's a beautiful thing to find someone that makes you smile.. That makes you happy.. That would do anything to protect you.
    It's not the body that counts.. It's the mind, heart and soul that counts.. You can have an aged body.. But have the mind of a 20 year old however you can have a young body and an aged mind ;) don't be fooled.
    However a lot of today's generation base a person on their looks... One day they will realise looks fade.. And they could be left with someone they dislike underneath.. However not all people thankfully think that way :joy:

    So true. Have I told you lately how much I missed you around here @Determined_ella_89 ! Don't you ever leave me again!
  • mhiggi02
    mhiggi02 Posts: 5,988 Member
    -b +/- square root of b-squared minus 4ac all over 2a
  • ilfaith
    ilfaith Posts: 16,769 Member
    edited September 2015

    You make great points and on the surface I agree with them. However, there are valid reasons why people are skeptical of a MUCH younger woman being with an older man. Especially if that older man has money.

    Ah yes I agree that sadly there are women (pathetic excuses for human beings) that get with an older aged men for their money only... I wonder when they get older and get fleeced in the same way.. Will they feel proud of what they have done? I could never get with a man for money.. If he has money... That's his business. Some older men know these type of women do that to them.. But they love the company... But why would you want bought company? I'm sure many women would want a man that will want their company. Little rant there 0_o gold diggers and money anger me :neutral::joy: Lol

    I remember a local news story about a website guys go to help college girls with their tuition. Some of the girls discreetly interviewed said some guys just want someone to talk to.

    When I was in college (way back in the late 80s) I came across an ad in the local weekly arts and entertainment paper placed by an older man seeking a college girl for "companionship, fun and games"...the ad promised assistance with tuition and spending money. I tore it out and sent it to my dad telling him I'd found my work-study job for the year.
  • Hey_Its_That_One_Guy
    Hey_Its_That_One_Guy Posts: 21,763 Member
    mhiggi02 wrote: »
    -b +/- square root of b-squared minus 4ac all over 2a

    As long as you don't get caught.