30 Day Shred (30DS) - Starting 5/23



  • diembroadhurst
    Day 8 and 9 and I did level 3 - you think you were dripping sweat in level 2 - you wait until level 3 lol! yesterday it was very hard work - today I found it a bit easier - but its proper hard core level 3 and weirdly I quite enjoyed it - I must be weird!!!
  • JennBona
    JennBona Posts: 255 Member
    L2D3 Complete...it still kicked my *kitten* but I find It getting a bit easier...still dripping buckets though I watched level 3 it kinda scares me lol
  • fpueblo
    fpueblo Posts: 241 Member
    Day 1 Level 2 Done Sweat my butt off today I don't have a mat or carpet so my hand were slipping by the time I get to the last plank set so I hope I didn't mess them up to much...
  • diembroadhurst
    I had a massive fail of epic proportions tonight and ate waaaay too much chocolate - I logged my calories and worked out the only way to offset the damage was to do all 3 levels of the shred!! I have learnt my lesson - I will not pig out like that again I hurt now!
  • fpueblo
    fpueblo Posts: 241 Member
    I had a massive fail of epic proportions tonight and ate waaaay too much chocolate - I logged my calories and worked out the only way to offset the damage was to do all 3 levels of the shred!! I have learnt my lesson - I will not pig out like that again I hurt now!

    Ouch all three......
  • fpueblo
    fpueblo Posts: 241 Member
    Ok I have now done Level 2 Day 2 almost fell over doing the military press leg lift. I swear I am losing my balance more then when I started this lol. the plank moves at the oblique twists and the planks at the end are killing my left calf but I made it through another day.

    BTW if anyone was curious these were my stats before I started level 2:

    Weight 164-165 (the scale was being weird this day)
    L Bicep: 12
    R Bicep: 12 1/2
    Waist: 28
    Belly Button: 31
    Hips: 41
    L Leg: 23
    R Leg: 23

    Level 1 Start:

    L Bicep: 12 1/2
    R Bicep: 13
    Waist: 29
    Belly Button: 32
    Hips: 42
    L Leg: 23 1/2
    R Leg: 24
  • minnesotamama
    minnesotamama Posts: 38 Member
    So, I didn't work out yesterday. I tried to get on the treadmill in the morning, but my thighs were burning so I quit after like 15 minutes. And then we had a crazy busy day meeting my new little niece :smile: and running errands all day. This morning, though, I did level 2 and felt like I had a lot more control doing the exercises. I'm definitely noticing a difference in my shape, but the scale's not budging. :sad: If anyone would like to yell at me to make a healthy eating plan and stick to it, I sure wouldn't mind!
  • JennBona
    JennBona Posts: 255 Member
    Took yesterday off as I was too sore yesterday from Saturday's workout ...so D4L2 done today ...was going to try to do 2 rounds to get caught up from missing yesterday but I don't know if I can do it lol
  • ruststar
    ruststar Posts: 489 Member
    I took two days off over the weekend to let me knees do some recovering, but I got right back on today and did day 3/level 2. Felt a little easier today though I hate the planks with squat thrusts - I don't need ankle problems too! I've noticed a difference in my arms, the definition of my abs, and the muscles in my thighs.
  • coquetona
    coquetona Posts: 185 Member
    Day 7 of level 2 done! Still hard but it's getting easier.
  • thomma12
    thomma12 Posts: 18 Member
    Missed the last 2 days - so dissapointed in myself. I WILL be back on track tomorrow!
  • fpueblo
    fpueblo Posts: 241 Member
    Day 3 Level 2 done It was a bit easier I used my music and had the 30ds on low so that helped.
  • coquetona
    coquetona Posts: 185 Member
    Haha, I think the music for level 2 is even worse than level 1.
  • coquetona
    coquetona Posts: 185 Member
    Level 2 day 8 done!
  • thomma12
    thomma12 Posts: 18 Member
    Level 2 done 2x today before noon - yikes! And get to look forward to doing 2x tomorrow as well - that'll teach me not skip days!!!
  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    I've only done 2 days of Level 2 so far (life gets in the way... or laziness... probably both) but I'm STILL IN THIS!!!!!! And my boyfriend just delcared a weight-loss competition between the both of us before our vacation in July so I gotta be more strict! In the past I know he's managed to lose about 20lbs in 2 months (granted he had a bit of fat to let go) so I'm a little intimidated.

    BUT. I have Jillian on my side (I can't imagine he'll be doing my DVD?? maybe...)

    I'm tempted to just watch level 3 to see what I've got myself into. Level 2 so far is intense - but not impossible.
  • JennBona
    JennBona Posts: 255 Member
    Day 5 of Level 2 is complete :D
  • crystlgrn
    crystlgrn Posts: 124 Member
    Fell off the wagon. Was going to start 5/23 but then got sick and then lost motivation. Started level 1 day 1 yesterday and wow did it kick my butt. Sticking with it this time. Gotta get ready for vacation in July!
  • fpueblo
    fpueblo Posts: 241 Member
    I've only done 2 days of Level 2 so far (life gets in the way... or laziness... probably both) but I'm STILL IN THIS!!!!!! And my boyfriend just delcared a weight-loss competition between the both of us before our vacation in July so I gotta be more strict! In the past I know he's managed to lose about 20lbs in 2 months (granted he had a bit of fat to let go) so I'm a little intimidated.

    BUT. I have Jillian on my side (I can't imagine he'll be doing my DVD?? maybe...)

    I'm tempted to just watch level 3 to see what I've got myself into. Level 2 so far is intense - but not impossible.
    I watched level 3 and OMG it's gonna be brutal but in a good way :)
  • fpueblo
    fpueblo Posts: 241 Member
    Level 2 Day 4 done still shaking after this one. I hope the shaking goes away I don't want to be shaking after every day...