

  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Good Afternoon, I think it's HOT at 94 here, so I think I will stay inside.!! Did do my bike ride this morning before the heat set in, I probably will be doing the stationary bike in the basement the next 2 days, don't like it, but what you gonna do?

    Drank 10 glasses of water today, don't know why, but I drank an extra 2.. can't hurt..


  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Here’s a question for you. My DGDs are here this afternoon, munching down on some mouth-watering watermelon. Olivia asked if it was a fruit or a vegetable. I didn’t know! So, I went to the Internet. Some sites said it was a fruit. Some that it was a vegetable.

    Here’s what the fruitsandveggiesmatter.gov website calls it: “Watermelon, the fruit that is really a Vegetable.” That clears it up.

    They also say…“Recently research has shed new light on its potential health benefits. Watermelon contains high concentrations of lycopene, an antioxidant that may help reduce the risks of cancer and other diseases.” Hmm. Just the kind of fruit, uh, vegetable, I like. Delicious and good for you!

    Joy, hope your headache is a thing of the past by now. You are doing a great job eliminating sugar. I think I’ll wear that jacket when I’m NOT around my DD.

    Amanda, I like your attitude. I remember the pic you posted last year of those fabulous, red high heels. I loved them.

    By golly, I WILL wear that jacket, but tastefully!

    Michele, I like what you said, “I feel good, that's what matters.” Right on.

    I’m envious of all of you who are having warm, summer weather! We should see some sun in a few days. Then, I’m sure, it will get really, really hot!

    Gramma5, you are so right. Reading, posting, and logging what you eat are a tremendous help.

    Faye, we’re on track!!! I’m intent on getting down to the next decade.

    Cindy, I’m glad you got the situation with your mom’s caregiver straightened out. It’s funny how our words can be misconstrued so badly when we have the very best of intentions.

    Donna, men and directions! Hard to figure out that one. I’m glad you got a good walk out of it.

    Aim2lose, how’s your fruit and veggie intake? I call them my willpower for good reason! I had zero willpower before I started eating more of them. Now my “willpower” is pretty amazing. :laugh:

    I received a friend request from someone and ended up writing a whole lo-o-o-o-ng message to her. I wanted to pass it along. For those of you for whom it’s old news, scroll on by! For anyone else, I’m glad to share a little about my story in case it helps you.

    “Whoever told you that you are too old to lose so much weight is full of --- baloney. :noway:

    I'm 63 and don't find losing weight to be much harder than when I was younger. In fact, this is the only time I have confidence that the weight loss will last. I'm not at my goal yet. I've been bouncing up and down about 5 lbs since October. I consider this a victory though. It's the longest I've ever maintained this kind of significant weight loss. I know why I'm bouncing around. I haven't made my eating a priority when I've been in social situations. As I spend 2-3 days visiting my folks every couple of week, I've gained weight on my visits and lost it during my time away.

    I have a strategy though. I've talked to my mom about having healthier snacks around (she and my dad like their wine, cheese, and crackers in the evening!) when I'm there. She's put on a few pounds herself and at her age (85), even a little weight is harder to carry around. I'm also planning to bring most of my food when I visit and weigh it before eating. I was brought up not to make a fuss but this is one time when a fuss is called for!

    From what I've read, most (not all, but most) of the weight gain people see as they get older is due to being less active not to some mysterious age-related slowing of the metabolism. We can handle that! I was completely (I mean completely) exercise averse before starting MFP. Little by little, I've been getting more exercise. As you stick with MFP and, especially, the 50+ group, you'll see what people are doing and start doing a little yourself. I honestly never thought I'd like to walk and it took me almost a year to get to where I can say I truly like it. (I do!) I vividly remember walking that first mile. It probably took me an hour, with many stops to rest along the way. Now I walk that same mile at a good pace and don't even consider stopping - no need. (It's exciting to me to write that!)

    I love how MFP adds the calories to your target when you exercise. It's truly the first time I "got it" about the correlation between exercising and how much you can eat. A revelation!

    About the fruits and veggies...yes and yes! I call them my willpower and I mean it. I failed at the other diets I was on because, eventually, that feeling of deprivation overwhelmed me. I turned off consciousness and ate...and ate...and ate. I'd go into the grocery store on a mission. I'd buy a whole box of Haagen Dazs ice cream bars, a bag of cheddar cheese potato chips, and a tub of sour cream - and usually more - then sit in the car reading a book and eat all of it. Then I'd throw the wrappings away so nobody would know what I'd done. As if they couldn't tell by looking! :noway: :laugh: :noway:

    It cracks me up when people say they hardly eat anything but can't lose the weight. Yeah, they probably don't eat a lot --- in public! Unless someone has a real problem with their metabolism, which some people definitely do, there's no reason not to lose weight when we're eating right. And if they do have a problem with their metabolism, usually they can get help with that. I figure all of us would lose weight if we ate nothing (!) so it's really a matter of finding the point at which we lose it. Fortunately, for me, my weight loss coincides well with what MFP calculates.

    About the calories...be careful not to get into deprivation mode. You might want to start with a goal of 1-1/2 pounds a week then increase your deficit more through exercise. One thing I've learned along the way is to aim for reasonable goals - goals that I know won't be too challenging to make. That glow you get from succeeding is worth a lot.

    That brings up something else that has been crucial to my success. I had the habit of being very self-critical. I could find what I was doing wrong, no problem. Then I'd give myself a talking to and yada, yada, yada. That NEVER worked. I try very hard and am pretty successful (not perfect but pretty successful) at thinking positive things about myself, focusing on the successes and not the failures. We all have plenty of both. Our attitude depends on which we focus on.

    Phew. This really is a book. :laugh: I encourage you to weigh your food for every meal (the highest-rated scale on Amazon is only about $20 and works great - and weighing is a lot easier than measuring), log what you eat (carefully estimating the calories if you eat out (that is so hard!!!)), read the posts on 50+, and post frequently. So many people are lurkers. I've done a whole lot better being active. I try to post every day, even when I don't have much to say. :laugh:

    10 years ago, I weighed 324 (I'm 5'8"). I had lap band surgery and lost 80 lbs. then gained back all but 24 of those lbs. The lap band, which focuses on restricting the quantity of what you eat, was the wrong solution for me. I like to eat lots and lots of food and feel the healthier for it. Over the next 9 years, I gradually got down to 265 or so. Then I found MFP and lost 70 lbs over the next 10 months. (I lost more in the beginning then slowed down.) As I mentioned, I've been stalled since October but am finally getting a handle on it. I am so thrilled just to be under 200 lbs I can hardly stand it. For the first time in my life I feel almost pretty. That's a new experience for me and I like it!

    Take it one step at a time, one day at a time. You probably won't turn overnight into that svelte athlete (or whatever your goal is) but you can keep learning and keep heading in the direction you want to go. When I started out, the amount of weight I wanted to lose seemed daunting. Now, my goal is in sight. Hard to believe. When I reach my goal, I'll weigh less than half of what I weighed 10 years ago. :happy: "

  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    Hello everyone, my name is Geri. I'm 54 & discovered MFP on Saturday so I'm still finding my way around. I have a teensy cardiac issue which is being investigated so I need to get serious about my weight loss after too many years messing around. Trouble is, I love to cook & bake. Currently, recovering from a persistent chest infection - 7 weeks now which has affected my exercising but feeling pretty good today.

    I need to get portion size under control & I think MFP will help me do it so maybe thats my goal for June. Everyone is so supportive here & I'm glad I found MFP.

    Good luck to all in your healthier life styles.

  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    I just popped in to read your posts before switching the light out...

    Mary - I loved your story - chapter and verse! :happy:

    Good night all!
  • olsonspring
    olsonspring Posts: 15 Member
    I hear you with the walking...I do what other people have suggested about parking farther away from the stores......I do use a tredmill but listen to my MP3 and that helps...I just wonder why it has to be so hard..LOL Spring
  • olsonspring
    olsonspring Posts: 15 Member
    I hear you with the walking...I do what other people have suggested about parking farther away from the stores......I do use a tredmill but listen to my MP3 and that helps...I just wonder why it has to be so hard..LOL Spring
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Welcome Geri.I have a sister named Geri.Don`t hear that name too much now.
    Good luck with your wt loss
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Mimi ! :flowerforyou:

    THANK YOU!! For that Long, LONG story. When I first saw the length of it, I got a chuckle, Then thought Do I want to read something that long :blushing: .

    I'M SO GLAD I READ it ALL!! I needed to hear it.

    [ HUGE HUG] :heart:

    Again Thank You!! I want to print that out & stick on my refrig :bigsmile:

    :heart: TERESA SAVAGE
  • ritamerlot
    ritamerlot Posts: 44 Member

    :flowerforyou: Rita have you figured out what is causing your migraines?

    Viv xx

    no....wondering if it's not environmental, this time, tho. some repair work is being done on my utility room.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    great post mimi. you rock as usual.
    I remember telling you, a year ago, how much i loved exersizing and you thought I was crazy. Now you get it. :bigsmile:

    I didn't drink enough water yesterday so I had a huge water weight gain this morning so I was a bit discouraged. But I am just plugging along and I hope to keep losing all the crap I put back on. I was 10 pounds less at this time last year and losing about 5 per month. the working lifestyle is certainly taking its toll. I am so tired. Now I need to convince my self to walk for about 30 minutes (at least 2 miles) I have a little personal goal to walk 3 miles a day and I do one mile at work so I have to do at least 2 more at home. Have a good evening all.
  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Good Evening Ladies:

    Mimi: I just had to say your story hit close to home for me; I am 5 ft tall and over 5 years ago I weighed 220 lbs. My oldest son was getting married and there was no way I wanted to be in the pictures at that size so I joined Weight Watchers and did really well. I lost over 75 lbs and kept it off for these years. Then last fall and into this spring my youngest son, who is in the Canadian Forces was sent to Afghanistan for his second time for 7 months and for some reason it seemed I just ate and ate as my reaction to his being there and I know now that is what I did (in reaction to my worry). I gained 24 lbs back of that 77 that I had lost. When he came home in March I was fine again so I realised it was completely emotional eating but by then my eating habits were completely out of control, But finding MFP in May has allowed me to get myself back on track and I seem to be doing well again. I have been over weight all of my life and this is the first time that I have ever taken off weight and kept it off and I was almost 50 when I started losing the 220 lbs. so it is possible to lose weight when you are "middle aged" or whatever they call us!! :laugh:

    Welcome to all the newcomers, you will enjoy it here, there are lots of so many interesting people here and the support is wonderful.

    ritamerlot - I hope you can find the triggers for your migraines, that might help. If it is the environment, like a lot of mine are, it makes it harder but at least you would know. I hope you can take good care of yourself at least when you get the headaches.

    rjadams - don't get discouraged; your weight loss will turn around.

    Anyway, to everyone else. Have a good evening and talk to you tomorrow.

  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    CSally, way to go losing all that weight and keeping it off, then putting some back on and taking the bull by the horns and starting to take off what you gained, good for you.. wish I had done that years ago... I just kept taking off ten, and putting on twenty, and so the story went...I am now serious about taking another 20 off and keeping it off, and perhaps taking another 10 after that.. however long it takes, ME, 3 months, 11 lbs, now that is SLOW, but at least it's going in the right direction..
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,394 Member
    vicki - the Newcomers group is a social group, the idea is that people who are new to the area meet other people who are new to the area. That's not to say that we don't have some people in our group who have lived here years and years, some even all their lives!

    Don't ask me where the day is going, I suspect that until the meeting Wednesday things are going to continue to be crazy. Let's see, I got up, went to the xtreme pump class and found out that they are no longer selling 10 classes for $40 but it's now $5 per class if you want to go. The Y has a class like this, only it's at 10:00, to me that's pretty late, after the class stopped at the Salvation Army to see if they have any unbreakable dishes -- found one and an unbreakable platter and some nice bowls, then went to a bakery thrift store (I thought I remembered they sold the hamburger rolls I like, and they did <I don't really eat them, they're for Vince>), stopped at PetSmart because Lance is getting low on his diabetic food and Jessica said I could get it there, only because it's the diabetic food they need authorization for it and the only records they have for Lance are when he got his rabies and a note that he's diabetic. I bet any amount of money that Jessica got that food from the humane society who probably said that it can be purchased at Banfield. Then bought some sardines and eggs at the store across the street along with frozen veges and some ice cream bars, came home and made one batch of the Krusteaz key lime bars. This one lady was going to make them for the meeting but then she asked me if I could find someone else to make something. By then it really was too late, so I made the bars. Lucky me gets to take the key lime bars, some fruit, and these rugelah things that someone brought to the last meeting and since we had so many snacks I brought them home and froze them. We don't know how many people will be at this first evening meeting. Then went to the free bowl, bowled 5 games, out of them I broke 100 only once but came close 2 other times, went to Sam's because they did have strawberries, but the ones I saw looked pretty bad so I didn't get them, came home and made another batch of the bars (just haven't cut them up yet, will probably do that tomorrow), put the pork chops in the oven and made dinner (I'd made the pork chops the day before so all I had to do was put them in the oven. Made these cheese meatballs to take with me to Mexican Train dominoes tomorrow night. According to the directions, you should be able to make 48 and three of them are only 148 calories. Well, I made 81! So all I have to do is put them in the oven tomorrow night before we go. Here I sit now at the computer. Just realized that I totally forgot to call people to remind them they signed up to bring a snack and to call to remind them that we'll be reserving the room and will need at least 3 tables. I don't know if we're going to use all 3, but I'm going to request they be there.

    Tomorrow I'll do incline intervals on the treadmill then go to Aldi's to see about strawberries, come home and wash them, don't know if Vince is planning to go practice bowling tomorrow but I'll be ready if he does. He went to a baseball game today. He looked at the recipe for the meatballs and said "ewwww.....you're going to put cheese in them? Why would you take a perfectly good food and ruin it?" That's one reason why I take foods that he won't eat with me, there's just so much that he won't eat. It's not that he can't, it's that he won't (that is, unless he doesn't know that the item is in the food)

    It's been pretty warm here lately. I've been wearing sleeveless shirts. Actually, the shirt I'm planning to wear tomorrow I bought in the junior's dept. I have to be careful in that dept only because so much of the clothes are so youthful and I'm no longer 20. However, this was a nice blouse, and to my amazement, I needed a M in the juniors. In juniors I usually take an x-l

    sissy - I am soooo like you in the night time eating. I'm not hungry, but I can't seem to help myself.

    Oh, Vince bought me a water bottle in the shape of a bowling pin! It's soooo cute! Can't wait to take it with me Wednesday. Believe it or not, I usually took a water bottle with me that held 32 oz, this one holds 40 oz. It may even fit into my cup holder in my car. That would be nice. The other one was just fat, this one is contoured so it just might fit.

    mimi - thanks for telling me that watermelon is a vege. I would never in a million years have thought it. You said that you feel that there are people who don't eat a lot but can't lose the weight (or so they say), that they probably don't eat a lot in public. My feeling is that it's not so much how much you eat as it is how much of what. Like a friend of mine, she's a really dear gal, is severly overweight, to the point where there have been times when she's sitting talking to me on the phone, and she's out of breath. Yet, when we went bowling Sun she had these mozzarella sticks, which, of course, were deep fried. She asked me if I wanted one and I just said "no, thank you very much, I just had breakfast". The truth of the matter was that I just can't stomach things that are deep fried. She also offered me a coupon to McD's, I just said "no, thanks, I really don't go to McD's". I know that she goes there a lot of mornings to get breakfast. I try to make my own breakfast. So it's really not so much how much she's eating, she is only eating a small portion. But what she's eating! Like when we go out to eat, she had ribs (talk about fat) with bbq sauce (sugar), I usually have some sort of fish or chicken with a veggie. Since you say that the lap band was the wrong solution for you, did you have it reversed?

    Welcome Geri. Look forward to finding out more about you. Hope the cardiac issue isn't anything too too serious.

    Talking about parking further away -- Vince has a Genesis coupe. He calls it his "exercise car" because he won't park anywhere near another car if he can at all help it. Of course, he doesn't take it out in the rain. But he parks FAR away from the store.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • sundkvinde
    Hi, everyone, my name is Annelise and I am the new friend that Mary (mimi7grands) sent that wonderful long note to. Wasn't it wonderful? It made me feel so positive, hopeful and supported. I just joined MFP and have 150 pounds to lose at age 56, so as you can imagine, I'm a bit daunted. She told me what a wonderful group of ladies you all are, and so here I am! I look forward to reading some of the back posts and getting to know you all better. I welcome any friend requests and promise to be supportive in return!

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Welcome Annelise.you`ll fins lots of support and friendship on this website.Good luck to you.
    You can do this.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: My weekend line dance adventure was wonderful. I danced all day and would have danced longer except one of the group I traveled with asked to leave at 9:30.:cry: I slept quickly, woke up early and had time for a 45 minute walk before we met for breakfast.:bigsmile: it was the first time in several months that I've been able to walk alone (no poodles, no Jake, no friends) and it was a nice change:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: when I got home, we had to clean house and then clear out for two hours for the national open house afternoon:bigsmile: it seemed like a great time to take the dogs to the dog park for a long adventure but it was too hot for them (about 70 degrees) and they wanted to leave after only about 20 minutes so we went for a drive.:bigsmile: we had dinner at the home of the friends who came to our house on Friday and they served great food but I ate more than I should have:bigsmile: today after two days of not posting either food or exercise, I am back on track with long walks and careful eating. :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: Tomorrow, I'll be back on track with responding to all of you more personally :bigsmile: I've missed you and enjoyed reading your posts

    :flowerforyou: I never expected to be 65 years old and have this much energy:bigsmile: :bigsmile: it is amazing what healthy eating and weight loss can do

  • Gettinfit2
    Gettinfit2 Posts: 254 Member
    Thanks so much for your story. What you shared helped me reflect on my journey and acknowledge my "truths" about food and weight loss. In March, when I turned 50, I decided that I needed to change my lifestyle. One of those changes invovled becoming active on MFP. Having friends like yourself and others in this group has really helped me stay focused on how to create that change. :smile:
  • joylaut
    joylaut Posts: 68
    Headache is gone, slept great last night but still got sleepy at work by late afternoon. I identify with some of you who reported working long days --- makes it difficult to fit in a workout. My schedule is looking a little lighter this week, weather is still cool enough to go out mid-day for a walk. Even though, I cut out refined sugar and and am becoming a vegan, I still ended up over calories the past couple of days. :grumble: :grumble: :grumble:

    Have a health filled week, everyone!

  • sundkvinde

    Your mom and dad sound like an advertisement for the healthy powers of red wine, crackers and cheese! How lucky you are to still have your folks around! :drinker:

  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    Good morning from a bright & sunny UK. I'm aching a little today after yesterdays gym session but in a good way. I feel much better than I have for weeks now. Perhaps its also the healthier food choices I'm making too.

    I have a question. Whatever weightloss plan I've tried (& there have been many!) I always struggle with lunch. What do you have for lunch? Weekends are not such a problem. Its the week days when I'm at work where I end up short of time & making poor choices.

    Would love to hear your suggestions.
