No Alcohol on a weekday!



  • GinR59
    GinR59 Posts: 2 Member
    Its such a hard habit to break! The only way I've managed to abstain in the week is by promising my (grown up) son that I won't because I would never break a promise to him. Also I am giving him £5 daily to stick in an envelope which is the minimum I was spending! It works for me. Can't wait for the weekend lol
  • rubydrm
    rubydrm Posts: 112 Member
    I'm glad to know I am not the only one who struggles with this! Whether it be a beer or two every night with my husband or just a throw down at game night with my siblings, alcohol is certainly an obstacle to overcome. I have succeeded the past two weeks in cutting it out during the week by going to directly to bed when my husband gets home (he gets home at 10pm). I have found I am more tired though but at least I get to spend an hour I never had in the morning with my son! I'm also saving money so that's a plus too. Let's continue on into October!!! :smile:
  • elizabethymartin
    elizabethymartin Posts: 198 Member
    Those who didn't drink last
  • AJMB704
    AJMB704 Posts: 590 Member
    I stuck to sparkling water last night! It definitely helped that my friend doesn't drink. His husband put a bottle of wine on the counter as an option but I ignored it. I went to bed at 9 and slept like a log until my alarm at 6. On Sunday I had multiple drinks and woke up in the night and laid there sweating. Yuck. It is just NOT worth it to have 3+ drinks in a sitting.
  • runningforthetrain
    runningforthetrain Posts: 1,037 Member
    good point about the costs of alcohol rubydrm-- Saving some cash is definitely an added benefit.

    Good job on the passing on the wine anna418.

    icemaiden - hi! post anytime you are having a challenge. I think this is pretty informal group.

    Great job kirsty on having only a glass each evening- that is actually a huge step.
  • kirstywillia
    kirstywillia Posts: 74 Member
    I'm saving quite a bit of money not buying alcohol... I never even thought of the money side to not drinking during the week but I'm saving around £30-£40 a month. I'm so happy I started this thread. I was never sure if it was just a problem I dealed with.

    For new people asking to join in your all welcome! This is an open thread :smile:
  • summerkissed
    summerkissed Posts: 730 Member
    Well I have sucked this week but tonight I'll be back on track!! I got a few things going on at home but they should settle today so il be right tonight.....
  • Lkn35
    Lkn35 Posts: 76 Member
    I Will try too
  • fatdaduk
    fatdaduk Posts: 50 Member
    I started a new hobby three months ago - HOME BREWING! I am surrounded by the stuff and can't bring myself to drink it since starting my diet last week. I will try and fit a little in to my regime (the odd glass on a weekend only) but it's going to be a bit of a pain.

    There is an upside to this though - guess what all my adult friends are getting for xmas this year (and probably next year too).
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    drinkers, ADD ME!.,, I burn 1000 calories a day,,, but on weekends I eat and drink whatever I want. IT WORKS FOR ME!
  • elizabethymartin
    elizabethymartin Posts: 198 Member
    Ok. Major fam drama today. Not that it's an excuse but is emo drinking better than emo eating? I swapped my high cal chicken thigh in dinner tonight for a vodka tonic splash of cran. So I just had the quinoa and roasted veggies. Commitment wise it wasn't the best decision but I think it was less calories overall. Back on track tomorrow. Sorry peeps.
  • AJMB704
    AJMB704 Posts: 590 Member
    Hah! I definitely do both. Emo drinking AND eating. Unfortunately my emo drinking leads to poor food choices...

    Sparkling water tonight! My husband told me that he too is liking not drinking during the week. He has been enjoying the San Pellegrino sodas (mini ones, 90 calories). I never thought we would both feel this way. We love our wine. I just need to learn to moderate better when I *do* drink alcohol. I find that on my 2 allowed days I feel like I should "cram in" the drinking which is obviously completely unhealthy. Going to work on that.
  • TriniDiva_PA
    TriniDiva_PA Posts: 53 Member
    Everybody has a story and without getting all emotional here, I am forever grateful to all of you for continuing to share yours. The changes I've implemented thus far have been great. I haven't given up alcohol completely, but I am truly enjoying the benefits of cutting back and exercising more. The daily encouragement and support are priceless B)
  • AJMB704
    AJMB704 Posts: 590 Member
    Fantastic, TriniDiva! I am so glad for the support too. I love reading everyone's posts. Keep them coming. And for those thinking about joining us, please do! It gets soooo much easier after the first week. I promise. You'll sleep better and your body will thank you.
  • runningforthetrain
    runningforthetrain Posts: 1,037 Member
    Elizabethyma -- I only narrowly escaped a cocktail this eve. I was anxious and really wanted to sit and chill. I instead took a prescription -- very low dose-- . I don't think having that one vodka was bad at all. Just being conscious of choices are good. I in no way intend to stop my cocktails or wine: just cut down.
  • elizabethymartin
    elizabethymartin Posts: 198 Member
    I too had a prescribed Xanax w/ that vodka (it was some serious fam dramz) but u know what? I was up from 2-5. Slept lousy. And I barely caught a buzz from that drink! Not. Worth. It.
    Anna- I too overindulge on the w/e to make up for lost times. I was a pretty heavy drinker before this and my bf and I have always liked to "throw down" on a w/e. But now I wake up mon morning having a one to two lb setback. It's hard cuz drinking and having fun together is a part of us. Unfortunately became a part of my *kitten* too. Lol
  • runningforthetrain
    runningforthetrain Posts: 1,037 Member
    Hope you get some rest. And hope the situation calms down a bit. I find deep breathing exercises and regular yoga really help with stress. Old habits are hard to break. My husband does not enjoy drinking, so I have an advantage there. Take care of yourself ((hugs))
  • AJMB704
    AJMB704 Posts: 590 Member
    Enjoyed ONE glass of wine tonight at happy hour with a friend. I even told her "don't let me have 2!" I am feeling good, didn't overindulge and enjoyed a nice dinner with my friend. Back to alcohol free tomorrow.
  • kirstywillia
    kirstywillia Posts: 74 Member
    Well my no drinking is going to be lasting 9 months now haha.
  • icemaiden37
    icemaiden37 Posts: 238 Member
    Well my no drinking is going to be lasting 9 months now haha.

    Wow - congratulations!