The official nightshift thread....



  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    I am so looking forward to a day off. Now all I need to do is figure out how to get one. :smile:

    Good luck!
    I requested vacation for my sister's wedding and now that our other night shift guy is coming back from back surgery and we have filled our relief position, I might be able to take a 3 day weekend at some point!
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,239 Member
    The interview for a new vet on Wednesday got pushed back to Thursday, but I've been waiting for a year so an extra day won't matter.
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    I hear you guys on being the weird kid. I spent several years as a child in a very small Midwestern farm town...I was ALWAYS the weird my family, amongst classmates...I've always felt more progressive (although I wouldn't have know how to describe how I felt...I just felt weird and different than everyone else) than the people I was surrounded by. When my mom moved me to the area I live in now, it was more urban and I felt a little less odd, since there was actual variety and diversity in my new environment. I was STILL the weird kid though...I wore crap that kids teased me for and I was baffled why people can't just wear what they like...I still feel that way. Midwest living just isn't for me...

    @jen_417 I feel ya. My mom sounds a lot like your is reeeeeally tough to work through that shizz...

    Stray cat, whom Elka named Scotchy...went to the shelter. No chip. But he is sweet and used a litter box so he shouldn't have any trouble finding a family!

    Thank goodness it is my Friday because my patience is running reeeeal thin with guests. As I'm walking in, a guest is at the desk (2nd shift is not at the desk) and says his key isn't working. I tell him I'll be with him in just a second as soon as I make it around the desk. Let me preface this by saying, I move fast. I always move fast. I can't help it...and I don't want bothers me none. But this jackhole says "Whoa, whoa, whoa....slow down!" I said, sorry, I always move quick, with a smile on my face. He says "I know you are working but I'm not...slow down, you are stressing me out!" Eff YOU, buddy! Why do you think it is ok to SAY that shizz? And he wasn't being playful about it...just being a jackhole. This is within seconds of the beginning of my shift.

    Then this guy from last night...omg. (This is the guy who tried to make me feel bad for taking the cat to the shelter.) Within minutes of check in last night he tells me that the entrance at the far end of the building isn't handicap compliant, there is no ramp and he can't roll his cart of luggage to the room. (He is not in an accessible room/parking space) I say I'll pass it on to the manager. He keeps going on and on about it and I tell him the handicap accessible rooms are all right at the lobby...where we have a ramp in front and a ramp in back. And maybe he's right...maybe all entrances need to be ADA compliant...I'm not sure, but I tell him I'll make sure the manager is alerted. He just stands there and stares at me like he is waiting for me to go bust out a jackhammer and cement truck to replace the sidewalk with a ramp. Whatev. (Not the ADA compliance, this guy...) Then during breakfast he is on his phone for an hour (no exaggeration) having a loud conversation about his dysfunctional family. I can hear him at the desk...clear as day...nearly 30 feet away. Now tonight...he's rolling the luggage cart back to the lobby from his room. He tells me that we need to retire the cart because it sounds like a freight train coming down the hall. I tell him I'll have maintenance take a look at it in the morning. He just stands there...again. He says "What are your thoughts? Don't you think it bothers guests?" I told him I've worked here for years and this is the first time I've heard a complaint about the noise level of our carts. He just stands there as I'm writing a maintenance ticket. He then asks if he should return the cart where he found it or leave it (it is directy in the middle of the walkway through the lobby in front of the main desk...uh...put it back.)...I tell him to return it for now...maintenance won't be in until morning anyway.

    I. am. going. to. lose. my. shizz.

    On a good note...I made the bodice part of the costume. Well, I haven't hemmed/trimmed it yet but the front and back panels plus linings are a cohesive piece. It came out pretty nice. It is soooo stressful though...lining, zippers, darts, puffy sleeves...much more difficult than an apron!

  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member

    I. am. going. to. lose. my. shizz.

    On a good note...I made the bodice part of the costume. Well, I haven't hemmed/trimmed it yet but the front and back panels plus linings are a cohesive piece. It came out pretty nice. It is soooo stressful though...lining, zippers, darts, puffy sleeves...much more difficult than an apron!

    Wow...BUT don't you feel so accomplished with having come so far on the costume already?!
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    My dad made a chicken stir fry this go-round and it is AH-MAZE-ING!

    I'm eating pieces of heaven I swear.

    Oh and my mom is down 6 pounds since she started MFP and my dad is down 21! *dances*
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    I do. This costume is a major test for me. I'm a big giver-upper. I have wanted to give up a million times already...just trying to make sense of the instructions yesterday with the bodice lining about brought me to tears at one point...(I couldn't understand the illustrations in some parts and shizz like that just makes me so angry because it makes me feel stupid...and I know I'm not but when I can't figure little things like that makes me doubt myself) but I just told myself to just keep going. If I finish it and it sucks, oh her a costume and at least know I finished something/learned what not to do...instead of getting discouraged and quitting. I guess I figure the success...or even semi-success of something will help me with a lot of my issues of being overwhelmed/discouraged so easily...

    That is awesome your parents have gotten on the MFP bandwagon...but do they get into the forums? Reading up on your bizzzzness? ;)
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    I ordered a couple books tonight. My fiance listens to the Joe Rogan podcast and there was a psychologist named Dr Chris Ryan on there. My fiance told me that the guy reminded him of me...soooo...naturally I checked him out and now I've bought his book. It is called "The Dawn of Sex" is about human relationships, etc. (He is described as a grumpy misanthropist...I get the correlation, lol) I also got "Diary of a Teenage Girl"...supposed to be a effed up coming of age type thing? I was an effed up teenage girl I thought I might like it. I forgot to order another book recommend to me "Geek Love"? Totally forgot to order that and the movie "The Witches"...

    Anybody read any of these?

    Usually my lil' lady's soccer games are on Saturday morning and her dad never gets to watch since he is working. She has a game tonight though so he gets to watch her for the first time!
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I am so looking forward to a day off. Now all I need to do is figure out how to get one. :smile:
    If you do figure it out, let me know, eh?

  • belimawr
    belimawr Posts: 1,155 Member
    edited September 2015
    Unfortunately no biking there as it was about 150 miles away. ;) Had to take another form of transportation. First time I took her out in almost a month, and she let me know how pissed she was until I got on the highway.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Great pics!
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Love the pics as always!

    Anyone who uses a fit tracker having issues with it syncing with MFP tonight? My jawbone and MFP won't sync. I uninstalled and reinstalled MFP, made sure they were connected and nothing. I'm over my calories but I know I gained some damnit lol
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,239 Member
    Great photos!
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member

    That is awesome your parents have gotten on the MFP bandwagon...but do they get into the forums? Reading up on your bizzzzness? ;)

    Nope. They do not get on the forums. If they did, I don't really hide much from anyone.

    Although I do have this ONE person who keeps sending me friend requests OVER and OVER and OVER on here. It's bugging the SMURF out of me...
    Anyone know him? I've received probably 4 requests in the last 3 months. I'm writing him a message that goes something like this:

    I keep declining your friend requests because I do not wish to be your friend here on My Fitness Pal.
    Please stop sending me requests, blank or otherwise.
    If you continue to send me friend requests, I will consider it harassment, document all forms of contact between us(messages, requests, etcetera) and seek aid through the My Fitness Pal administrators.


    I can't figure out how to block him unless he sends me a message first and he hasn't done that. Just seemingly incessant friend requests. It's not like he needs more friends. I've checked his profile, he has like 430-something.
    I just prefer having people that I 'know' and actually talk to who actually support me. Like most of your guys!
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    He probably is one of those who just send out FR constantly. I would say, unless he's the creepy stalker type (entirely possible), he doesn't even remember sending them out previously. I had a guy (a weird guy who felt it appropriate on this very thread to comment on the size of my boobs) who sent me 2 or 3 FR, and his profile pic was a closeup of his underwear, which didn't hide much. Um, ew.
  • hamptontom
    hamptontom Posts: 536 Member
    i know i'm probably sounding like a broken record (based on recent comments on the online dating topic) but...again, please allow me to apologize on behalf of my gender for behaving like an arrogant *kitten*.

    there's something seriously wrong with a whole bunch of us, man. wow.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    @bethanie0825 -sometimes if you manually unlink and then relink them, it helps.
    @hamptontom -at least we know there are still a few good ones put there!
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    edited October 2015
    @jennifer_417 I did that and it still wouldn't work. My iphone was all messed up last night but it was working today so who knows.

    And who wants to help me build an ark? It's rained for a week already and now there's more rain coming and a hurricane this weekend. We needed some rain but not all at once lol
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Tell you what, I'll help you build an ark if you take my Psychology of Addictions test for me on Friday morning, right after work, right after a day I'll be lucky to get 3 hrs sleep. *gets hammer*
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    That's brutal. I don't know how people work full time and go to school. I barely have time to sleep some days, never mind having to study. You rock!
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Everyone is laying low tonight. Can't blame anyone, there's nothing going on where I'm at.