Things That Make You Irrationally Angry



  • Krodr021
    Krodr021 Posts: 3 Member
    ephiemarie wrote: »
    How yogurt sounds when it's being vigorously stirred. (My office mate at works stirs her yogurt like she's trying to make sure it's dead before she eats it and the sound is disgusting).

    Thank God I'm not alone in this one! My husband thinks I'm psycho, but I've actually banned him from eating yogurt in my presence. The stirring....and then the repeated spoon scraping noises when it's nearly gone. On one particularly PMS-y day, I actually said to him, "Stop scraping the f'ing yogurt cup, fatty! It's OK to leave a little behind."

    Well you have to stir vigorously with all those live cultures. Wouldn't want your yogurt to get up and walk away now would you? :p
  • jenmovies
    jenmovies Posts: 346 Member
    Lame but definitely every day traffic laziness or rudeness: not indicating, tailgating, furious passing, not letting people in, etc. We all share the road & these actions just make that daily part of life so much worse. I don't see the point in it!
  • healthymentality
    healthymentality Posts: 4 Member
    Being on the verge of sneezing but getting scared or distracted at the last secondso I get that tingly feeling for another several hours -__-
  • jenmovies
    jenmovies Posts: 346 Member
    I want to change mine to 'anyone who is unaware of themselves in a shared space'. Road, plane, movie theatre. Just be *kitten* polite. It is not that difficult! Be on your best 'I'm five and at Grandma's house' behaviour please? Ok, thanks.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    jenmovies wrote: »
    I want to change mine to 'anyone who is unaware of themselves in a shared space'. Road, plane, movie theatre. Just be *kitten* polite. It is not that difficult! Be on your best 'I'm five and at Grandma's house' behaviour please? Ok, thanks.

    THIS. People who take up the entire lane to look at peanut butter, who walk 3 abreast down an aisle at .0000000006 mph. Once I was behind someone in a mall parking lot, and after stopping several times, THREW HER CAR INTO REVERSE AND RANDOMLY STARTED BACKING UP. Apparently it never occured to her to look into her rearview mirror? Thankfully I honked and she heard me so she didn't hit me.

  • 19gabriela01
    19gabriela01 Posts: 2,090 Member
    People standing on the escalators on a wrong side and make you unable to walk.
  • 19gabriela01
    19gabriela01 Posts: 2,090 Member
    Or this!!!!!! Unbelievably lazy ppl e7372dxxq9b1.png
  • blu_de_ville
    blu_de_ville Posts: 4,296 Member
    Hand cuts because they sting and heel weird
  • deathfromtexas
    deathfromtexas Posts: 158 Member
    Old people driving
  • kaihunter45
    kaihunter45 Posts: 192 Member
    People that cut the strings off of interoffice envelopes then staple them shut. Drives me insane.
  • entwife
    entwife Posts: 134 Member
    My mother :s
  • amykay9377
    amykay9377 Posts: 98 Member
    Parents who don't know how to properly use the drop off circle at my kiddo's high school.
    #1 Our circle has space for about 20 cars. Lazy parents with special snowflake children will pull up to the area that is covered and stop, effectively blocking the 19 other cars behind them from also dropping off their kids!
    #2 Parents who, when the circle is full of cars, stops in the pull-through lane to let their kid out, effectively blocking anyone behind them from also leaving the circle, causing backups....
  • amykay9377
    amykay9377 Posts: 98 Member
    People who cheat traffic. There is a road in our city that is very busy, when you have to turn left onto it. Generally the turn lane will be 10-20 cars deep, waiting their turn. It annoys the crap out of me when you see people speed by, then pull a U-Turn to turn on to that road - doing this means that the turners in the turn lane have to wait LONGER, so basically the u-turners are linejumpers. Seriously, the wait is about 2 minutes from the back of the turn lane (I've timed it). Just wait!
  • WJS_jeepster
    WJS_jeepster Posts: 224 Member
    People that cut the strings off of interoffice envelopes then staple them shut. Drives me insane.

    PEOPLE DO THAT!!?? That's appalling.
  • for_ever_young66
    for_ever_young66 Posts: 2,878 Member
    Not hitting the reset button on the microwave. Not sure why but that irritates me like crazy.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    ready4_50 wrote: »
    Not hitting the reset button on the microwave. Not sure why but that irritates me like crazy.


    Having too much to do on a Saturday. I'm running all over God's green earth tomorrow, doing fun stuff, but I still find myself irritated that I can't just be a couch potato.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    Dogs. And conversations that revolve around dogs.
  • for_ever_young66
    for_ever_young66 Posts: 2,878 Member
    VeryKatie wrote: »
    Dogs. And conversations that revolve around dogs.

    I don't dislike dogs, I like dogs but you are right. Folks here at work talk ad nauseum about their pets. This one lady at the water cooler at work somehow got me to listen to her have a long long discussion about her 2 dogs. I mean, seriously, I want my 35 minutes back. Woman wasted my damn time. lol.

  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    ready4_50 wrote: »
    VeryKatie wrote: »
    Dogs. And conversations that revolve around dogs.

    I don't dislike dogs, I like dogs but you are right. Folks here at work talk ad nauseum about their pets. This one lady at the water cooler at work somehow got me to listen to her have a long long discussion about her 2 dogs. I mean, seriously, I want my 35 minutes back. Woman wasted my damn time. lol.

    People who stand at the water cooler for 35 kidding!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • branflakes1980
    branflakes1980 Posts: 2,516 Member