I've never seen a persons daily meal include junk food.



  • rocknlotsofrolls
    rocknlotsofrolls Posts: 418 Member
    Thanks WinoGelato. That's what I thought. Usually, when I read an article from the latest guru, which in this case, is Dr. Axe, it sounds so convincing and believable, but at the end, he tries to push supplements. I get so tired of these kinds of people, that I should just stop listening to them, correct?
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I've heard so many people claim that they eat whatever they want, as long as they stay within their calorie limit, but I've never actually seen a sample diet that included junk food, i.e, cookies, chips, etc. Do any of you guys diaries include junk? The reason I'm asking, is because I find it really hard to stay on a diet that doesn't include at least some of the foods I love. I become grumpy, and just kinda depressed in a way, because junk food makes me feel good, if only for a little while. I would just love to know that I'm not the only one that thinks like this. I cannot manage, however, to just eat junk in moderation, without totally binge eating on the stuff. Do any of you have a way to incorporate sweets into your diet, without ending up on a binge? What's your secret, so to speak?

    You mean do we ever log sweets? I log ice cream all the time -- I usually have about half a cup after dinner. I only just started logging again, but if you go back a few months you can see that (or check Monday).

    How I do this is to focus on my calorie limit and eating a really healthy diet overall with enough vegetables and protein and all the rest, and to eat satisfying and tasty meals I enjoy. I don't snack in an indiscriminate way, but I have dessert after dinner if I have the calories. I stick to the calories I have, generally. I also schedule in other times to have foods I enjoy but which are harder to fit in than most of what I eat -- for example, one of the members of my book club bakes amazing stuff, so I eat light earlier that day to make room for my planned indulgence and I usually get in a harder workout on the weekend anyway. This is similar to how I fit in stuff like my favorite Indian restaurant. Once you tell yourself it's okay to have it if it fits in your calories (so there's no feeling of "I'm cheating" or "this is the last time, better make it count") BUT that it needs to fit in, it seems easier to control.

    Crucial for me, though, is also understanding when and why I tend to overeat. I don't overeat after a satisfying dinner if I have dessert. If I eat because I had a crappy day or am sad or stressed or angry or simply at work where I'm used to using eating to put off stuff, I tend to find it harder not to overeat (although I can stop myself with force of will it's harder than it should be and sometimes I don't want to). So best for me is to make snacking at work really rare and only for special occasions and not to eat much outside of mealtimes. So I'd say give it some thought as to what your difficulties are.
  • soulofgrace
    soulofgrace Posts: 175 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    ohmscheeks wrote: »
    entwife wrote: »
    Body scans - mentally scan myself from head to toe and ask which bit of my body really wants this food?
    Oh, this is kinda neat; hadn't thought of it before. I eat/log lots of junk food when I am off track. When I am on track, I save the cals for "eating out".

    I don't get it tbh

    so does my left elbow want a snickers? No? What about you right elbow?

    LOL! My tummy insisted on that half a Kit Kat yesterday and I happily obliged.
  • preeJAY
    preeJAY Posts: 46 Member
    Thanks WinoGelato. That's what I thought. Usually, when I read an article from the latest guru, which in this case, is Dr. Axe, it sounds so convincing and believable, but at the end, he tries to push supplements. I get so tired of these kinds of people, that I should just stop listening to them, correct?

    Yes. :)
  • robertw486
    robertw486 Posts: 2,390 Member
    I've heard so many people claim that they eat whatever they want, as long as they stay within their calorie limit, but I've never actually seen a sample diet that included junk food, i.e, cookies, chips, etc. Do any of you guys diaries include junk? The reason I'm asking, is because I find it really hard to stay on a diet that doesn't include at least some of the foods I love. I become grumpy, and just kinda depressed in a way, because junk food makes me feel good, if only for a little while. I would just love to know that I'm not the only one that thinks like this. I cannot manage, however, to just eat junk in moderation, without totally binge eating on the stuff. Do any of you have a way to incorporate sweets into your diet, without ending up on a binge? What's your secret, so to speak?

    Take a look at my diary for Friday the 2nd. 680 calories from cookies. I just commented today on how a friend here had Twizzlers and Peanut Butter cups in his log from yesterday.

    For me calories out > calories in works. I went slightly over goal on Friday, but that was mostly because the cookies were almost void of nutrition, so I chose to go over to make up for the nutrition goals vs hitting my calorie goal. But if I would have just stopped at 500 or so cookie calories, I would have been ok for the day.
  • Soopatt
    Soopatt Posts: 563 Member
    I got through seasons. I will live off junk for a couple of weeks and then crave veggies and eat very frugally for a few weeks (totally due to preference) and then begin the cycle again. I go where my taste-buds take me.

    I have logged days where all I have eaten is some condensed milk and a few biscuits. I felt really tired, but I chose to do it so I did it, no regrets (and still in calories).

    I eat McDonalds every Sunday of my life, which is no big deal as a Quarter Pounder with cheese and an Apple Pie - skip the fries and the soda - fit easily into my calories if I skip breakfast and have a modest dinner.

    I eat pizza every week and I am talking about the whole thing, not just a stingy slice or two. My trick is to compensate by skipping a meal here or there, so that it all works out.

    I have had people drop me as a friend on MFP because my diary offends them. I am well rid of them, methinks (Yeah, if you are reading ladies, I know you deleted me! ha ha! If my eating junk is that disruptive to your own self control, I think you might need therapy!)
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,982 Member
    You can add me. I have open diary and i eat kink EVERY day. I've lost 17 pounds in three months so it must not hurt :wink:
    I had pretzels and peanut butter last night and it's logged. My wife and I split a Mrs. Prindable's Triple Chocolate Caramel Apple last week and it went on the diary. I don't know that I eat kink everyday, but I don't really do anything to avoid it. If I eat it, it tends to go in the diary. Except weekends. On weekends, I practice eating around maintenance without logging.

    ETA: If you go back a week or so in my diary, you'll see how I worked a Wendy's Spicy Chicken Sandwich into my calorie and macro goals.

    EATA: I missed your question about working kink (and really, that's what I'm using now for calorie-dense, nutritionally-sparse food from now on) into your diet without triggering a binge. Sorry about that.

    I find that the key is preparation, both in the planning and actual food prep. I try to plan my weekly menu and pre-log daily. I leave wiggle room so I can switch out snacks on the fly. When prepping my food, especially if it's kink, I make sure to fully prepare it and "plate" what I'm going to eat, putting everything away before I eat.

    LMAO at all the presumably auto-correct of "kink" for "junk."

    If every time I ate junk in the past, I'd had kink instead, I wouldn't be overweight!
  • rocknlotsofrolls
    rocknlotsofrolls Posts: 418 Member
    I love these message boards. Real people keeping it real. You know you can count on someone when there's no money involved. I love it!
  • nordlead2005
    nordlead2005 Posts: 1,303 Member
    I eat pizza for lunch almost every day for lunch (home made), I often walk over to the other building at work (1 mile round trip) to eat cookies, chocolates, or anything else over there. I have a fudge pop almost every single night. Every weekend I grab a handful of peanut M&M's (or whatever my mom has out on the counter). I probably average ~300 calories of my 1800+exercise calorie diet to junk food (i.e. cookies, ice cream, etc... not pizza, burgers and such) every day. Some days I may go higher, on rare occasions I go lower.

    The biggest thing (for me) is to not have it readily accessible (put it in the cupboard instead of on the counter, and don't eat straight out of the bag) and don't lie to yourself (log it accurately). Also, have a set amount of calories dedicated for snacks so you can work out what to eat for your other meals. Also realize that bigger guys will always be able to snack more than smaller girls. Set your limits based on you, not on what others are doing.

    I think I've been over my weekly goal maybe 2-3 times, and even then not by much. Overall I'm down 29.7lb over 18 weeks (planned goal of 29.5lb over 18 weeks). So, I've been extremely successful based on my plan, all while eating whatever it is that I want.
  • Gavin_Campbell
    Gavin_Campbell Posts: 41 Member
    I'm not perfect. I have junk food all over my diary. I have a weakness for cookies. The other day I had a muffin. But I work it into my calories at the end of the day. I work out a lot and try to burn it off. Its my way of enjoying a treat without overdoing it on a "cheat meal" or "cheat day".
  • FGTisme
    FGTisme Posts: 87 Member
    rankinsect wrote: »

    My only "secret" is to plan for the snack in advance. I plan all my meals before I make them, and a snack is just another meal as far as my plan is concerned.

    This right here. Teach yourself moderation and accountability. Plan a treat in everyday if you want to. Just limit it's portion to fit your calorie goals. Some days you will be successful, some days you will slip back into old habits. Learn from it either way.

  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    I love these message boards. Real people keeping it real. You know you can count on someone when there's no money involved. I love it!

    OP since it seems like you are relatively new here and still trying to figure out what approach is going to work best for you, I strongly suggest you read the stickied posts at the top of the different forum sections. This one in particular, along with the other links embedded within it, is one of my favorites. This puts the whole process into a very straightforward, "real" perspective which I think will resonate with you.

  • preyaticintent
    preyaticintent Posts: 46 Member
    I log it all. Recently I've had to resort to some fast food, but I log it and stay on or under goal.
  • CharCharJo
    CharCharJo Posts: 22 Member
    entwife wrote: »
    I include some treats in my diary. In the past I have tended to totally cut out junk, or just overeat it - it's been an either/or situation for me and its hard to just have a little bit. I'm getting better at it though, and I don't have a 'secret', but a few different things have helped me turn my thinking around so that junk food just isn't cutting it for me any more.
    1. mindful eating - asking myself questions - why do I want this, do I really want this? Is this habit, hunger, boredom. comfort?
    2. Body scans - mentally scan myself from head to toe and ask which bit of my body really wants this food?
    3. Rating my hunger - 0 is starving, 10 is bursting full - where do I fall on that scale? Am I really hungry or do I need rest / drink / fresh air / company etc
    4. Not judging myself - so I ate it, I must have had a reason. What was the reason and would I do the same thing again tomorrow?
    5. Menu planning - working out satisfying meals that I enjoy and have the ingredients ready for
    6. Allowing treats - life is short, food is pleasurable. I can have junk food whenever I want it, so why not have an apple now and a treat later.
    7. Education - probably my biggest motivator was learning about the effects of diabetes and heart disease. I don't want to have my toes amputated or have a heart that can't pump blood around my body, thank you very much. No chocolate cake is worth amputated toes!

    this is really helpful! :smile:
  • CharCharJo
    CharCharJo Posts: 22 Member
    I allow myself treats when i really really really fancy it. I've only lost 3 pounds so far but they surely cant hurt when they're n moderation.
  • Owlfan88
    Owlfan88 Posts: 187 Member
    I'm usually better but yesterday I had half a chocolate croissant with breakfast, a small blonde brownie with lunch, half a Klondike bar with dinner and a few chocolate almonds. And it all fit into my maintenance calories (even with room to spare - the fish for dinner was way lower cal than I had initially realized).
  • rocknlotsofrolls
    rocknlotsofrolls Posts: 418 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    I love these message boards. Real people keeping it real. You know you can count on someone when there's no money involved. I love it!

    OP since it seems like you are relatively new here and still trying to figure out what approach is going to work best for you, I strongly suggest you read the stickied posts at the top of the different forum sections. This one in particular, along with the other links embedded within it, is one of my favorites. This puts the whole process into a very straightforward, "real" perspective which I think will resonate with you.


    thank you. I will do that.
  • VykkDraygoVPR
    VykkDraygoVPR Posts: 465 Member
    Also realize that bigger guys will always be able to snack more than smaller girls. Set your limits based on you, not on what others are doing.

    It was pretty liberating when I realized just how much I can snack every day while losing a significant amount of weight. Being a 6'+ male has perks. Namely in that I can eat pizza and ice cream every day (if I want).
  • spilledmilk
    spilledmilk Posts: 83 Member
    I eat junk food all the time. My diary is open, feel free to add me.
  • cavia
    cavia Posts: 457 Member
    abatonfan wrote: »
    Yup. I'm having pizza for lunch today. I don't eat "junk" that often, because it's super difficult for me to fit it within my macro targets (and because I'm a volume eater and can't eat that much "junk" for the calories).

    Fellow volume eater here so my first priority is eating voluminous foods for the calories. I do fit junk food in here and there if I'm not having a 'hungry' day. My diary is open but I'm eating at maintenance/slight surplus these days so it's easier to fit junky treats in.