

I was obese for years and not that far from it now yet these kinds of stories are hard for me to grasp "why". Does not hitting 400, 500, 600 or even 700 send up a red flag? In that case and most cases there has to be one or more enablers it seems.


  • OhMsDiva
    OhMsDiva Posts: 1,073 Member
    Did he eat the pizza?
  • tinger12
    tinger12 Posts: 62 Member
    edited October 2015
    You have to understand that eating disorders are more then just one's problem with eating too much. More often it also is a mental issue that drives the obesity. I know first hand. I was 540 and depression is my challenge. I ate to feel better. I knew what I was doing was destructive but the mind and its flaws do strange things to people.

    So don't judge based upon your own perceptions. Everyone is different and reacts differently to life's situations.

    Oh yeah, nobody "enabled" me. I destructed all on my own. Yes there could have been an enabler for this person but we don't know the full story behind his issues.
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    excellent post, @tinger12.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Of course they kicked him out! He's ordering freaking pizza when he's supposed to be following the program. If he doesn't want to try, then they should kick him out and make room for someone who does. The kid needs more help than they can give him.

    The dad's plan is to just drive around until someone helps him? What happens when he runs out of gas? That is possibly the dumbest of all possible plans.

    Both the kid and the dad need some psych help.
  • VykkDraygoVPR
    VykkDraygoVPR Posts: 465 Member
    I feel sorry for him, but you can't help people who don't want it. Unfortunately, like everyone else in existence, I had to learn that the hard way!

    And seriously, 20 pounds in 80 days? that is an abysmal rate (for someone with so much to lose). Sounds like he's been cheating the program quite a bit.
  • flaminica
    flaminica Posts: 304 Member
    edited October 2015
    I very much doubt he was discharged for a single infraction. If according to the story he was 800 lbs and had lost 20 lbs in three months, that's 1.6 lbs a week. That's a respectable loss... for someone 600 lbs lighter. I suspect he was habitually cheating via order-in or the family sneaking in food and the hospital finally lost patience.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,950 Member

    I was obese for years and not that far from it now yet these kinds of stories are hard for me to grasp "why". Does not hitting 400, 500, 600 or even 700 send up a red flag? In that case and most cases there has to be one or more enablers it seems.

    Hi father said he'll fall back into old habits of laying in bed and eating. If he can't get up, where does the food come from? His dad? If that's the case, then just bring him a reasonable amount of food and say no the other times, guy's dad.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    @tinger12 thanks for the reminder that an eating disorder can be multi-facet. I would say you having lost over 10% this time around is a success story in itself.

    Ankylosing Spondylitis form of arthritis hit me hard in the mid 20's. The physical limitations stopped me from being able to change my own engine oil and much more. High levels of pain 24/7 lead to 'comfort' eating perhaps.

    A year ago at the age of 63 I knew I was about to reach a point of no return. That lead me to stop eating all grains and most all sugars to try and manage my pain. In 30 days my 40 years of pain was managed quite well with NO Rx meds. Other side effects like IBS just went away. I can now walk a quarter of a mile or more non stop. I can get in and out of vehicles, movie seats, etc without help. The 30 pound weight loss is another plus but losing the pain was the big gain from changing my Way Of Eating. When the cravings stopped after the first two weeks and have not returned a year later was key to my continued success.

    Was there an event that lead to your recent event of eating for better health?
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    VeryKatie wrote: »

    I was obese for years and not that far from it now yet these kinds of stories are hard for me to grasp "why". Does not hitting 400, 500, 600 or even 700 send up a red flag? In that case and most cases there has to be one or more enablers it seems.

    Hi father said he'll fall back into old habits of laying in bed and eating. If he can't get up, where does the food come from? His dad? If that's the case, then just bring him a reasonable amount of food and say no the other times, guy's dad.

    If the news story I read about him this afternoon is correct, this guy has previously been on reality television with his father. He said that he would throw temper tantrums, loud ones, to get the food that he wanted. His father feared eviction due to the noise, so he would give in.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,950 Member
    edited October 2015
    VeryKatie wrote: »

    I was obese for years and not that far from it now yet these kinds of stories are hard for me to grasp "why". Does not hitting 400, 500, 600 or even 700 send up a red flag? In that case and most cases there has to be one or more enablers it seems.

    Hi father said he'll fall back into old habits of laying in bed and eating. If he can't get up, where does the food come from? His dad? If that's the case, then just bring him a reasonable amount of food and say no the other times, guy's dad.

    If the news story I read about him this afternoon is correct, this guy has previously been on reality television with his father. He said that he would throw temper tantrums, loud ones, to get the food that he wanted. His father feared eviction due to the noise, so he would give in.

    Ooooh ok. They should also move then, if possible.

    It sounds like something a baby would do. Literally a baby. Sometimes, you have to just let the kid cry, because sometimes, they really don't need anything...
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    Guy weighs 800 pounds and only loses 20 over the course of 2+ months while in a program specifically designed to help him lose weight? There's no way this was his first transgression. His father is definitely part of the problem.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    OhMsDiva wrote: »
    Did he eat the pizza?

  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    @ gale hawkins, you are inspiration,
    so cutting most sugars and grains - good to know

    @catscats222 thank you.

    Yes cutting out all grains and all carbs over 50 grams daily worked to beat back my pain, cure my 40 years of IBS, and give be back hope. I can now do an oil change in the drive and not be layed up for three days. While this worked in my case it may not work for everyone.

    It was just 30 days before I was to start Enbrel injections when I finally left all grains and most all sugars cold turkey. I could see myself getting cancer and the many other possible Enbrel side effects. To my surprise when I went back to the clinic the first of Nov 2014 and told them I had managed my pain both doctors did not get excited for me dodging the Enbrel bullet. In hindsight I guess that I should not have been expecting them to be excited for me.

    If one is not in a life or death spot I would try cutting out ALL GRAINS first. From what I have read recently some doctors thinks our driving cravings comes from the grains and especially wheat and NOT from sugars.

  • UltimateEscape
    UltimateEscape Posts: 95 Member
    edited October 2015
    VeryKatie wrote: »

    I was obese for years and not that far from it now yet these kinds of stories are hard for me to grasp "why". Does not hitting 400, 500, 600 or even 700 send up a red flag? In that case and most cases there has to be one or more enablers it seems.

    Hi father said he'll fall back into old habits of laying in bed and eating. If he can't get up, where does the food come from? His dad? If that's the case, then just bring him a reasonable amount of food and say no the other times, guy's dad.

    If the news story I read about him this afternoon is correct, this guy has previously been on reality television with his father. He said that he would throw temper tantrums, loud ones, to get the food that he wanted. His father feared eviction due to the noise, so he would give in.

    That's interesting. Here's something else I read:

    "His father Steven Veilette said he cannot take his son home because he won't be able to get up the stairs."


    In my opinion, it seems the only thing that's going to help this man would be if someone had a 100% control over his environment. They'd probably have to frisk the family member's before letting them enter into his personal space. It seems that if we can give millions and millions of dollars for the health and well being of dogs and cats then as a nation we could and should help this man and people like him. Maybe, America should open an addiction clinic's for the morbidly obese to retrain them to learn human nutrition, health and portion control. Also, teach them to integrate into a normal life and teach them how to hold a job and deal with stress and depression. There should also be training for the enablers. I think it's just as much a mental health issue as it food addiction.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,986 Member
    Guy weighs 800 pounds and only loses 20 over the course of 2+ months while in a program specifically designed to help him lose weight? There's no way this was his first transgression. His father is definitely part of the problem.

    Ya, someone was regularly sneaking him food. The family members need help as well.
  • KateTii
    KateTii Posts: 886 Member
    It seems that if we can give millions and millions of dollars for the health and well being of dogs and cats then as a nation we could and should help this man and people like him.

    The problem is, he WAS getting help. He WAS in a centre for weightloss. Given his rate of loss, it is highly likely he was either refusing the help, continuously going against clinic rules by obviously getting other food or appearing to take the help and sneaking in food.

    They can't force him to stay there against his will. Just like on these forums, you can only tell people so much. You can force them to sit through education to learn healthy habits. But even then, when they are craving a pizza at home even the best education might not beat the craving.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I read the sad cases of childhood type 1 diabetics before the discovery of insulin. The best treatment then was a starvation diet. One child that was held up as a model patient was so weak he could barely move from his cot. Even so he was ingenious in ways he found extra calories, including stealing seed from his pet canary.

    Don't underestimate the power of a compulsion and the mental gymnastics a sufferer will go through to feed it.
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    edited October 2015
    VeryKatie wrote: »

    I was obese for years and not that far from it now yet these kinds of stories are hard for me to grasp "why". Does not hitting 400, 500, 600 or even 700 send up a red flag? In that case and most cases there has to be one or more enablers it seems.

    Hi father said he'll fall back into old habits of laying in bed and eating. If he can't get up, where does the food come from? His dad? If that's the case, then just bring him a reasonable amount of food and say no the other times, guy's dad.

    If the news story I read about him this afternoon is correct, this guy has previously been on reality television with his father. He said that he would throw temper tantrums, loud ones, to get the food that he wanted. His father feared eviction due to the noise, so he would give in.

    That's interesting. Here's something else I read:

    "His father Steven Veilette said he cannot take his son home because he won't be able to get up the stairs."


    In my opinion, it seems the only thing that's going to help this man would be if someone had a 100% control over his environment. They'd probably have to frisk the family member's before letting them enter into his personal space. It seems that if we can give millions and millions of dollars for the health and well being of dogs and cats then as a nation we could and should help this man and people like him. Maybe, America should open an addiction clinic's for the morbidly obese to retrain them to learn human nutrition, health and portion control. Also, teach them to integrate into a normal life and teach them how to hold a job and deal with stress and depression. There should also be training for the enablers. I think it's just as much a mental health issue as it food addiction.

    This sounds like a re-education camp.