Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    @BarneyRubbleMD ... one hour is when everyones blood sugar is highest after a meal ... it takes about that long for the glucose load to occur ... after any meal. Below 180 at that time is very good and that is the recommendation for a Diabetic with tight blood glucose control. Of course ... you take insulin so that could be the difference maker ... I do not take insulin and am still - and hopefully will not progress from - metformin for my type 2. My mom and brother both progressed quickly to needing insulin but my sister has not, and so far neither have I.

    Good luck to you ... sounds like you are doing really well.
  • BarneyRubbleMD
    BarneyRubbleMD Posts: 1,092 Member
    edited October 2015
    Nikion901 wrote: »
    @BarneyRubbleMD ... one hour is when everyones blood sugar is highest after a meal ... it takes about that long for the glucose load to occur ... after any meal. Below 180 at that time is very good and that is the recommendation for a Diabetic with tight blood glucose control. Of course ... you take insulin so that could be the difference maker ... I do not take insulin and am still - and hopefully will not progress from - metformin for my type 2. My mom and brother both progressed quickly to needing insulin but my sister has not, and so far neither have I.

    Good luck to you ... sounds like you are doing really well.

    Actually, this isn't true with most of the type2 diabetics I've met (who are taking insulin & who knows how quickly that pre-meal insulin is absorbed)--most of the people in my diabetes class have their blood sugar peak at about 90 minutes after first bite (which also got me thinking about checking mine at other times). For my dinner meal, that peak sometimes occurs at 90 minutes too (recently, I've occasionally checked it every 30 minutes) which might be dependent on what I eat but I'm not sure about that yet. It also might depend on how fast or slow I eat--it use to take me 60-70 minutes to finish dinner as I'm use to eating slowly & I was having larger meals than I am now. I still have more post-meal testing to do for my dinner meal (i.e. solid food) at 60 & 90 minutes after first bite to see where my peak blood sugar level occurs most often for that meal. I've been aiming to keep my peak blood sugars under 140 mg/dL since that's what my dietitian has recommended for me and so far, it hasn't been too difficult to do. The other reason I aim for that 140 peak limit is because whenever I go above that (i.e. 165), my appetite seems to get stimulated & I feel hungry again but for all the "wrong" things like bread-type foods or sweets.

  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited October 2015

    Actually, this isn't true with most of the type2 diabetics I've met (who are taking insulin & who knows how quickly that pre-meal insulin is absorbed)--most of the people in my diabetes class have their blood sugar peak at about 90 minutes after first bite (which also got me thinking about checking mine at other times). For my dinner meal, that peak sometimes occurs at 90 minutes too (recently, I've occasionally checked it every 30 minutes) which might be dependent on what I eat but I'm not sure about that yet. It also might depend on how fast or slow I eat--it use to take me 60-70 minutes to finish dinner as I'm use to eating slowly & I was having larger meals than I am now. I still have more post-meal testing to do for my dinner meal (i.e. solid food) at 60 & 90 minutes after first bite to see where my peak blood sugar level occurs most often for that meal. I've been aiming to keep my peak blood sugars under 140 mg/dL since that's what my dietitian has recommended for me and so far, it hasn't been too difficult to do. The other reason I aim for that 140 peak limit is because whenever I go above that (i.e. 165), my appetite seems to get stimulated & I feel hungry again but for all the "wrong" things like bread-type foods or sweets.

    I knowwhat you mean about the appetite after a high rise un BG ... recently read that when the level gets high after a meal and then has a fast drop that you get a hunger for more, usually for stuff that converts quickly.

    I mispoke about the 180 at 1-hr after a meal ... it peaks at about one hour but needs tobe below 180 at 2-hours. This iswhat the American Diabeties Assoc. says ...

    The American Diabetes Association suggests the following targets for most nonpregnant adults with diabetes. More or less stringent glycemic goals may be appropriate for each individual.

    A1C: 7%
    A1C may also be reported as eAG: 154 mg/dl
    Before a meal (preprandial plasma glucose): 80–130 mg/dl
    1-2 hours after beginning of the meal (Postprandial plasma glucose)*: Less than 180 mg/dl

    - See more at:

    Plz excuse typos - holding insistent kitty in one arm and typinf finger pecking keys.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Wednesday Wish ... that I could have those foods that I crave in moderation when I let them into my house. It's one thing I have never been able to master. Really envy those who can have, say a dessert, in the house and it just sits there for a week.

  • Terri70
    Terri70 Posts: 186 Member
    Good morning, everyone. This move is killing me! lol You don't realize just how much stuff you actually have until you move. UGH! Just my bedroom and bathroom to pack up then it's time to hit the basement and go through all of it. Need to get rid of a bunch of stuff. Goodwill is going to love me in the next few days. lol I haven't been on plan this week. Been trying but not succeeding too much. I totally can't wait until this move is over so things will get back into a normal rhythm again. Hopefully sooner than later.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • KristineArden
    KristineArden Posts: 33 Member
    I just moved from a house my husband, son, two dogs, & I had been in for 14 years---in June. (But prior to that we were donating to Good Will and putting books and furniture in storage to make our house look spacious so we could actually sell it). I finally decided to get moving with my health this month---as things are pretty well settled now. I applaud you for working on your health while you are moving!!!
  • KristineArden
    KristineArden Posts: 33 Member
    GOINSTD12 wrote: »
    Well folks I had the wrong air dates for the Family Feud with my family, the Bells. The producers gave us the wrong dates and we're still waiting to hear back from them. False alarm!
    @Lauriek70 - do you ride to work every day? What's the distance? I've been thinking of getting a bike but I'm not sure my gluteus Maximus is ready for it!

    I'm a big fan of Family Feud (Steve Harvey is a great host), so keep us posted! Did you see the SNL skit about Family Feud last Saturday night? It was super funny!!
  • amandalopez796
    amandalopez796 Posts: 1 Member
    Good Morning! I am new here. I am a 40 year old woman I live Houston TX. I have A LOT of weight to loose. I was just diagnosed diabetic. I am kinda lost. I having been adjusting my eating for the last 5 days and I am sooooo hungry all the time. I love carbs and I have to really cut them down and I feel like I am starving...though I know that I am not :( Just really need some help and support to get this going.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy Apple Day!
    Apple Day, 21 October, was launched in 1990 by Common Ground. The aspiration was to create a calendar custom, an autumn holiday. From the start, Apple Day was intended to be both a celebration and a demonstration of the variety we are in danger of losing, not simply in apples, but in the richness and diversity of landscape, ecology and culture too. It has also played a part in raising awareness in the provenance and traceability of food.
    The success of Apple Day has shown what the apple means to us and how much we need local celebrations in which, year after year, everyone can be involved. In city, town and country, Apple Day events have fostered local pride, celebrated and deepened interest in local distinctiveness. We would still like Apple Day to become the autumn holiday in Britain. Apple Day is now an integral part of the calendar of many villages, local authorities and city markets. It is a focus for activities organised by the Women’s Institute, National Trust properties, Wildlife Trusts, museums and galleries, horticultural societies, shops and restaurants as well as for schools, colleges and environmental study centres.

    In this age, which believes that there is a short cut to everything, the greatest lesson to be learned is that the most difficult way is, in the long run, the easiest. ~Henry Miller, The Books in My Life


  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Good Morning! I am new here. I am a 40 year old woman I live Houston TX. I have A LOT of weight to loose. I was just diagnosed diabetic. I am kinda lost. I having been adjusting my eating for the last 5 days and I am sooooo hungry all the time. I love carbs and I have to really cut them down and I feel like I am starving...though I know that I am not :( Just really need some help and support to get this going.

    Welcome, fellow Diabetic ... glad you stumbled across this thread ... it's open to anyone who has a lot of weight to loss and certainly there are several of us on here who have volunteered that we are Diabetic.

    As a newly diagnosed Diabetic, I hope your doctor has offerred a referral to a dietician or a Diabeties clinic for classes on managing the disease. If you just got some books to read, that's a good start and will tell you what you need to know, but working with a nutritionist or diatician who specializes in this illness really helps a lot to start new ways of cooking.

    In case you haven't read or heard it yet ... you can eat everything anyone else can, but you need to be extremely careful about the portions. A kitchen food scale is so very helpful in monitoring the grams or ounces of carbohydrate you eat at any one meal ... at least until you learn the proportions, and then again to spot check as you go along.

    The reason you are hungry all the time right now is that you are probably curbing your carbohydrates a lot, and you are have cravings.

    A tip ... do not ever eat any carbohydrate without having some protein and fat along with it ... for example; I cannot eat an apple all by itself, but I can eat a small one if I have an ounce of cheese or a tablespoon of peanut butter with it ... if I eat the apple alone, I will be going crazy for something more to eat within about an hour.

    Another tip ... drink water often ... drink 2 glasses when you first wake up, then have a glass as you start to prepare your lunch and dinner ... about 1/2 hour before the meal is good. Then have more water in between as you want. (I've learned that sometimes I just need to hydrate myself instead of reaching for something to munch when I am feeling a craving.)

    Good luck.
  • FLAngieFL
    FLAngieFL Posts: 5 Member
    Please friend request my husband. He's nearing 400lbs. He is starting the program today. His user name is FLscottFL. Thanks for any support.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy National Nut Day
    It’s National Nut Day! Nuts are one of the healthiest, most nutritious, and most delicious snacks. Medical studies have shown that eating nuts reduces hypertension and the risks associated with heart disease. Nuts are also full of protein, fiber, and unsaturated fat.
    Did you know that peanuts are not really nuts? They are legumes and belong to the bean family. Some popular types of nuts include pecans, walnuts, pistachios, almonds, and macadamia nuts.
    Celebrate National Nut Day and eat lots of nuts as a snack or on top of your favorite dessert!

    The important thing is this: to be able at any moment to sacrifice that which we are for what we could become. ~Charles Du Bos, Approximations, 1922


  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited October 2015
    Thanks Tom ... @morgori ... for the nut article. Walnuts reign supreme in my home.

    AFM ... Thursday Truth ... wondering where all the regular posters have gone. Newbies are great but rarely find their way back here again, for some reason.

    I got a big chore off my goals list this week ... if someone had filmed me yesterday it would have been a laugh! I finally got up the courage to tackle the bed ... my queen bed needed a new metal bed frame cause all the little plastic recepticles for the rollers broke and so the rollers tipped out of their posts. Bought a new one and it's been sitting around for months waiting for me to take apart the bed and build the new one. Got that done yesterday and had to take some "All-Day pain relief" afterwards. But boy ... you should have seen me woman-handle those queen bed pieces! I huffed, and puffed, and tugged, and push-pulled until I was ready to drop. My reward was I slept in a bed last night that felt like a little bit of heaven.

    Now I need to finish moving the dressers back into correct position and fill those drawers with all the clean laundry that I washed mountains of the last few days. So ... with that ... I will
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy National canning day
    While you're frying up some eggs and bacon, we're cooking up something else: a way to celebrate today's food holiday.
    It’s in the can - October 23 is National Canning Day!
    Ever wish you could seal up those vine-ripe tomatoes so you can use them in a pasta sauce over the winter? Or did you grow too many cucumbers this year but aren’t sure how to pickle them? Canning is the perfect solution to these types of culinary conundrums.
    Canning preserves food by removing the oxygen and enzymes that would otherwise cause a food to spoil. A well-sealed jar or can means that bad bacteria, yeasts and molds have a more difficult time growing.

    While it’s not exactly the most complicated process, canning does require that you follow specific steps and use specific equipment to ensure that your food is safely preserved. The National Center for Home Food Preservation recommends using either a boiling water canner or a pressure canner, depending on how acidic the food you’re canning is.
    The NCHFP has a slew of handy tips on the science of canning, including how to work out your altitude so that it can be factored into the canning process. Yes, this is really science.
    For a first time canner, try making a jam or a marinara sauce since both have relatively simple cooking processes. Start with a small batch so you don’t ruin all your ingredients

    “We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.” ~Oscar Wilde


    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    God news, we got confirmed air dates for Family Feud. The Bell family will air 117kbaxxp7ud.jpeg
    Nov 10th, 11th, & 12th. In The Austin TX area that's on the CW Austin at 6:30 pm. Check your local stations for your schedule. Here's a photo of the family - notice how tall everyone is! My son is not short, but he looks like a midget between his two cousins!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone! Sorry I've been MIA this week. It's the end of the quarter Tuesday, so I've been finishing up a lot of student conferences during my prep periods. This leaves me with less grading and planning time, so all that ends up going home with me. I've at least been able to keep up with your posts.

    @tracy (goins)--love the pictures of your family. I need to figure out what station airs the show here in chicago and set my DVR.

    @tom-- Oscar Wilde is my absolute favorite!

    @niki-- that sounds like quite a task for one person; glad you got the reward of a more comfortable bed.

    @terri-- good luck with the move! I cleaned out our "junk" room this past summer and wow, did I have a lot of GW donations!

    @ellen (robin)-- happy to hear you at least had a silver lining of losing 6.5 lbs from the antibiotic episode. :wink:

    @laurie-- I hope you get your numbers for the zombie run-you know if I were nearby, I would definitely sign up! Congrats on the new low on the scale!!

    @newlings-- welcome to the thread!! :smiley:

    AFM--I've been less than mindful of my nutrition, but haven't gone crazy. Just being too lazy to log everything and that needs to stop. I also still haven't renewed my gym membership. Money is tight right now with the godson's wedding expenses (gift, hotel, etc.). I'm trying to be frugal in other areas, but to be honest, I'm not very good at that.

    On the plus side, my DH switches over from temp status to being a permanent employee at his job tomorrow. This will mean a small raise, but more importantly he'll get benefits. He's not quite sure when medical kicks in, but he will find out everything when he signs his paperwork tomorrow. I pay over $700/month for his dependent insurance--it's pre-tax, but still! Can't wait to get him off of my insurance again.

    Grading Goals
    1. 13/41 AP essays
    2. x/ 15 Speech worksheets
    3. x/10 AP analysis activities
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Sunday Share ... hello everyone. Welcome to anyone who is new to this thread. We haven't had a lot of activity lately, however some of the 'regular's have lost the weight they set out to lose and are maintaining yet still come on here to keep up with their friends' progress. I hope you stop back again ... you can bookmark the thread by clicking on the starat the top of the page opposite the name of the thread ... so that you can find us next time you want to post. This thread is under 'motivation and support' ... with that said .. a little bit about myself ...

    ... Sometimes I feel a lack of both motivation and support, and I suspect this is a common condition for many of us. Whatever it was that 'set us off' to really want to lose weight and get healthy loses it's urgency as some time goes by. If that's happening with you also, don't feel like you have failed because you haven't, it's just the natural ebb and flow of life happening. That doesn't mean to go on and stop all the healthy improvements you are trying to make in your life ... cause if you do that, then you will regain every ounce of weight you have lost, and your muscles will go slack once again ... and it will be much harder the next time something trips your lid to make YOU be a priority once again. And truthfully, if you are trying to lose weight, it must be for yourself that you do it because you are the one that will benefit from the change. And change takes time. There are no fast lanes to it! But, meal by meal; day by day; week by week; you can make the changes happen that you so desperately are looking for ... just don't give up trying.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning everyone. I havent posted for awhile but I am keeping up with everyone. We have been passing a fun little cold around the house the last couple weeks that has messed with my food and exercise but I think we have it kicked now. Otherwise we are all doing well. Been keeping busy. Hubby doesnt have to go back to alaska this year. The company bought another large vessel and they have to totally rework the factory to get it ready to go up in january. So he is commuting to Seattle which is a couple hours every day but at least he gets to come home and sleep in his own bed at night. We went shopping yesterday and got my new dining room table I have been looking to get for the past year. I really like it. It is a counter height table with a gray marble slab for the table top and then the legs and chairs are all ash wood done in thick beam like pieces. It is very sturdy rustic looking design but in softer contemporary colors. My husband is picking it up from the store after work today so I am getting the old one moved out and doing a deep clean on the floors before he comes home. Well I just wanted to pop on and say hi so have a great day everone and ttyl. :):):)
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @tammy-- the new table sounds nice. I'm still looking to buy a platform bed, but have had no time to shop nor money to spend. I think it will end up being the DH and my christmas present to ourselves.

    Just a quick pop-in while my brain takes a break from grading. Hope to check in later tonight.

    Grading Goals
    1. 22/41 AP essays
    2. x/ 15 Speech worksheets
    3. x/10 AP analysis activities
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Hello to All,
    My name is Lori. I have been posting here for over a year.
    A whopping thank you to all who post here. I read every one. I think about all of you, your success and struggles. I do so love having a peek inside your journey.

    I have been pretty quiet here lately. So here goes:

    I own a small interior design business that specializes in window treatments. Business is very good. I work 50 to 60 hours a week. My sister works for me. We get along quite well for the most part.

    My husband of 35 years and I are navigating our way through a divorce. We are still living in the same house for now, he has said he plans to move out at the end of this year. I am pretty sure I will be buying him out on the house. I know this is taking a long time but I feel like it is going pretty well. Since we started talking divorce the pressure is off. He is no longer not meeting any of my expectations. I can be kinder to him.

    My oldest son (age 28) is currently in outpatient treatment for drug and alcohol abuse. He is serving his sentence for his 3rd DUI at the moment and is on at home monitoring. He does not have a drivers license so the rest of us in the house are driving him to appointments at the treatment center, the jail, court and work. He gets out of work at 1AM so my other son and I are taking turns picking him up at that time.

    My youngest (age 23) is currently in his 5th year of college and works evenings. I do not see him much.

    AFM: I struggle this time of year. I do use a therapy light. I am contemplating going back on anti depressants. I see my couselor on Wednesday, I will make the decision then.
    My activity levels are not what they were in the summer. I think there may only be a few more days I will be able to ride my road bike.
    Food is still somewhat of a struggle. I am only up a couple of pounds but do not like the upward trend. I am not doing my regular meal planning.
    Thank you all for listening.
    Love to all,
    Lori <3

    If you're going through hell, keep going. ~ Winston Churchill