All the Lies



  • CoffeeNCardio
    CoffeeNCardio Posts: 1,847 Member
    I always told myself that I was fat because I made good food choices but ate too much and at night. Yeah, I know. not how it works. Plus, what part of the hoagie was a good food choice? Maybe the lettuce? I've since learned to put down the cheesesteak.

    Yep. Me and the pontiff. Chillin.

    Ok, maybe it's me and a cardboard cutout of the Pontiff. Who can tell?

    Oh LOL that's awesome. I didn't even notice, my mom recently converted to Catholicism and she noticed reading over my shoulder and I was like "WOAH YOU'RE RIGHT ZOMFG" That's hilarious, give that cut out a big hug for me ha ha
  • CoffeeNCardio
    CoffeeNCardio Posts: 1,847 Member
    I'm getting older
    I don't look that bad
    I should be able to eat what everyone else eats

    This right here. I still off and on feel a little resentment toward my friends (all of whom are skinny and eat whatever they want), but mostly these days I just try to accept that everyone is different and more I worry about them eating unhealthily cause I care about them!
  • Ponkeen
    Ponkeen Posts: 147 Member
    Told myself I was just naturally fat and couldn't do anything about it. Everyone else in the family was fat, so we must just be fat people. But as soon as i started actually calorie counting and trying to lose weight and be healthier, the weight started peeling off. Funny, that.
  • CoffeeNCardio
    CoffeeNCardio Posts: 1,847 Member
    Ponkeen wrote: »
    Told myself I was just naturally fat and couldn't do anything about it. Everyone else in the family was fat, so we must just be fat people. But as soon as i started actually calorie counting and trying to lose weight and be healthier, the weight started peeling off. Funny, that.

    So true! I'm a huge science buff, so I found every reason in the book to tell myself I was just this way or that way and had no power to change it. Like you, my whole genetic family is on the larger side. So it was easy to accept that this was how things would be for me. But eventually we find that "this is how things are" really means "This is how things are.......... unless I change the rules of the game."!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,663 Member
    That it was OK for me to be fat because I was reasonably fit, strong, and (mostly) healthy. I read a number of things suggesting that being active was truly more important than body weight per se to health. (This may be true in a general sense, but my torn knee meniscus *is* feeling ever so much better now that I'm down 48 pounds.) And yes, I really *was* reasonably fit, strong and active, at least for my age. Still am.

    That I probably had a slow metabolism. (It turns out it might actually be a little bit on the fast side for my age and such - I'm still losing half a pound or so a week at a calorie level that MFP seems to think is right on the edge of maintenance. Speculation: I may be a little more muscular than most women my age, from that activity thing, thus burn a teensy bit more.)
  • CoffeeNCardio
    CoffeeNCardio Posts: 1,847 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    That it was OK for me to be fat because I was reasonably fit, strong, and (mostly) healthy. I read a number of things suggesting that being active was truly more important than body weight per se to health. (This may be true in a general sense, but my torn knee meniscus *is* feeling ever so much better now that I'm down 48 pounds.) And yes, I really *was* reasonably fit, strong and active, at least for my age. Still am.

    That I probably had a slow metabolism. (It turns out it might actually be a little bit on the fast side for my age and such - I'm still losing half a pound or so a week at a calorie level that MFP seems to think is right on the edge of maintenance. Speculation: I may be a little more muscular than most women my age, from that activity thing, thus burn a teensy bit more.)

    Great self-assessment! The path to weight loss starts first with self-analyzation, second with diet and exercise imo!
  • BurnWithBarn2015
    BurnWithBarn2015 Posts: 1,026 Member
    edited October 2015
    I didn't lie to myself or searched for any excuses to lose weight or not lose weight. I just didn't. I accepted the way i was because i was doing fine and feel good ( enough).
    Of course now i feel thousand times better lol.

    But what i was shocked about for 2 weeks ago was something i was confronted with.

    I lost a lot of weight now and i was cleaning out my wardrobe again. I only kept 2 jeans and shirt from a year ago ( when i started).
    So everything in boxes and off with it......while doing this i also bumped into those 2 jeans and just for fun i kept one in front of me.
    I was first smiling look how much i lost. Than like a hammer it hit me. OMG how big was i really!!!!
    Totally shocked for hours.
    The realization that that pants was even tight for me. That i just fitted in that stretch jeans. Now that was my biggest eye opener and to be honest it was shaking my world that day.

    I am a pretty stubborn person. And i can say when i do something i do it. I take things simple, dont make a problem of it. And dont moan about it. Self insured yes i would say, never had any doubt to do this or if i could do it.
    I just did.
    I told myself "i have no excuses to not lose this weight" So i did!
    Still want a bit more but not in a hurry lol

    But that day standing there in front of the mirror was very emotional. I know i will never gain that much again or let it come that far.
    I know now that i was a very big girl and that my eyes and mind looked at myself at least some sizes less than i really was. They lied to me! Big time.
    Staring at myself there was all kinds of feelings and mixed emotions,
    **Anger...why didn't i do this 5 years ago.
    **Shock... i look pretty good now
    **Sad....what time did i waste
    **happy...dang i feel good now i am strong and fit!
    **Proud....I did it! easie peasie :)
    **humorous...think of all the nice new clothes i have to start buying again to fill this space
    ** that really me standing there behind that jeans i was holding up.
    **Be trait....Damm i looked at myself the wrong way

    ***oh nooooo is that a wrinkle?....rofl

    Well like i said before, it was not the time before i started to lose weight. I just did. I fall bad one day, to sick. Picked myself up and said to myself oke time to lose weight. That was it.
    No hesitations no doubts.

    But that day 2 weeks ago was like somebody smashed me big time and i really needed the whole day to get my head on right. And accept the fact my eyes and mind were lying to me for a long time hehehehee


  • noraron
    noraron Posts: 31 Member
    The biggest lie I told myself was that allowing myself to binge eat was a treat, a reward for working hard or a consolation for being stressed or unhappy. In reality, I was just shovelling the food in, not tasting it, taking no pleasure in it, until I made myself so full that it hurt. Binge eating was more of a punishment than a treat!
  • Enic03
    Enic03 Posts: 160 Member
    I only gained 2 pounds? No big deal, that will come off by the end of the week. Oh, another 2 pounds? I'll start my workout tomorrow. Another 5 pounds? Well, that is only 5 up from the last time I weighed in so once I lose that it will be no time at all until I am in shape again!.....

    Almost 20 pounds later you see how this went
  • glassofroses
    glassofroses Posts: 653 Member
    I recovered from two eating disorders (not related to body image) in my teens so I went the other way and ate everything as a sort of FU to my EDs. I developed some very disordered eating habits over the years but I am breaking them every day. Another reason was I didn't care what I weighed. I was always happy in my own skin. Sure, I could lose a few pounds but I still wore nice clothes and took care of myself. It wasn't until a huge health shock in the family shoved a foot up my butt that I decided to get healthy (not skinny). In retrospect, I did feel a lot of shame for doing what I did to my body, but every day I work hard to correct my mistakes.

    Exercise-wise I have always been awful at 'traditional' exercise. Running and the gym are my worst nightmare but ever since I discovered yoga and martial arts (kickboxing specifically) I have fallen in love. I'm actually not awful at them! Like a lot of people, I have asthma and those first few awful workouts would always send me running back to the comfort of the sofa. I've only been working out since June (aerobic DVD), doing intense cardio for kickboxing since August, and my lung capacity has improved significantly. I've also stopped doing my weird habit of holding my breath when I run/exercise. I don't know how or why I started doing it but it used to make my life so difficult, lol.

    I think we all just have that lightbulb moment where all the excuses in the world can't excuse our reflection/scale reading anymore and then we're ready to make a change.
  • tabithaeverafter
    tabithaeverafter Posts: 1 Member
    My excuse....ummm...not sure it is an excuse..but it just IS what I always do. I research and choose a way of dieting(Atkins, Paleo, Vegan, etc.)and go at it hard core for about three weeks. Then, I freak out and HAVE to have something that I have restricted and begin analyzing my diet choice. I usually eat freely for a few days to a week and then I am right back at the beginning with researching and choosing a diet to follow. To sum it up..I am nuts.
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    I told my m.i.l that fat went right through means didn't stick to me and she said obviously not! I was stuck in a weird way of thinking and now when I look back I find that convo motivation to keep going. 33 down!
  • jokoh92
    jokoh92 Posts: 112 Member
    I don't know if this has already been said but:

    Starting from grade school days:

    "Its just babyfat, it'll disappear."

    "You're just big-boned."


    "If you drink, don't eat but one meal and you won't gain weight.

    "Liquor doesn't have as many calories as food. In fact clear liquor has zero calories because its clear."

    "Because you lost weight before, it won't be hard for it to come off again."

    "You haven't gained that much weight back."

    "Oh don't worry that you've edged back up to 250. Its no where near as close as 283, your highest weight."

    "He's f*cking you, so that must mean the weight gain doesn't matter." (The harshest one to face)

    Even now sometimes:

    "This one cheeseburger won't hurt your progress." (Because it turns into days of eating like that)

    "One day without going to the gym will be fine. Two days won't hurt. Three days..."

    But now I catch myself before I go too far into thinking like that. I don't ever want to become complacent again. I've come too far this time. I now know that drinking has far more calories in it than I thought it did in undergrad. I now know that I don't have a genetic disposition to be "big-boned" or have babyfat that will someday disappear on its own. Yo-yoing is no freaking joke and trying to lose weight you've previously lost is ten billion times harder. And I now know that if I'm not happy with my weight, then neither should the person that I'm with.

  • victoria_1024
    victoria_1024 Posts: 915 Member
    I definitely blamed my babies! I would think I just had a baby so no one expects me to be skinny. Then I had 4 babies so definitely no one expects someone with 4 kids to be thin or have time to wor out and eat right! Then I told myself I'm fat but otherwise perfectly healthy so it's not a big deal.

    Excuses are gone and so are 75 pounds! :)
  • CoffeeNCardio
    CoffeeNCardio Posts: 1,847 Member
    These are so great you guys! If anyone ever needs some motivation I am so linking this! It really makes you feel like the effort we expend rationalizing is actually harder and more stressful than just bucking up and sticking to a weight loss plan! Thank everyone so much for these!
  • v_cowley
    v_cowley Posts: 70 Member
    As so many people said:
    "I don't have the time!"
    Whether I was working full time or then a stay a home mum, yet I'd manage to have hours in front of the tv at some point or another. Also it takes no time to eat less and cooking from scratch really doesn't take that long.
    "The nearest gym is 30min drive away and I can't drive. Also can't afford it!"
    I can now drive and the money I save on takeaway easily covers gym fees.
    "My husband loves me regardless, he proposed when I was my biggest!"
    Yes he loves me no matter what but why should that mean it's ok to be fat?! I don't love me in the mirror.
    "I'm trying."
    Well the Yoda quote that gets bandied about is right, "Do, or do not. There is no try." Because I'm either losing or "trying".
    "I'm not built for running."
    I've run a 5k now.
    I hate my excuses and they started creeping up again at 35lb down, 55lb to go. Well, I've nipped it in the bud. I onviously can lose weight because I have. There are no excuses!
  • v_cowley
    v_cowley Posts: 70 Member
    Ooh and MFP must have gotten my calorie goal wrong!
  • BakerAcer
    BakerAcer Posts: 27 Member
    I cook professionally and blamed my job: "you should never trust a skinny chef." I'm such a foodie; I didn't want to sacrifice my passion to be smaller, which I just saw as being vain.

    The stereotype for healthy people made me not want to associate with that group...crossfit bros (sorry crossfitters). I didn't want to be the kind of person I saw spending all their time thinking about their weight/health.

    I've also tied thinking about my weight to dating way too much. I dated a number of guys who loved my *kitten* and thought I was hot, so why change? ...for myself!!! And I thought, if someone won't date me at my larger size they don't deserve a smaller me...I'm awesome no matter my weight and I want to be with someone who realizes that. That's assuming the worst about other people.
  • pearso21123
    pearso21123 Posts: 351 Member
    I definitely blamed my babies! I would think I just had a baby so no one expects me to be skinny. Then I had 4 babies so definitely no one expects someone with 4 kids to be thin or have time to wor out and eat right! Then I told myself I'm fat but otherwise perfectly healthy so it's not a big deal.

    Excuses are gone and so are 75 pounds! :)

    This is me, exactly! 4 babies in 6 years, and I gained 50 pounds with every pregnancy. And who has time to exercise or eat right with 4 kids 6 years old and under in the house? I said when the youngest was in school, I'd have more time for myself. That day came and went, until suddenly she was a second-grader and I was still overweight. But I was healthy otherwise, so the extra weight couldn't be that bad.
  • estrange22
    estrange22 Posts: 210 Member
    clgaram720 wrote: »
    That my husband needs viagra, and not that I need to get back to being a healthy weight (or better).

    This. I took some before photos not long ago and thought to wonder. I know my husbands loves me, but he deserves me at my best.
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