


  • Azuriaz
    Azuriaz Posts: 785 Member
    Even spam should have an expiration date. Back to the grave, thou foul revenant!
  • miluti
    miluti Posts: 30 Member
    Azuriaz wrote: »
    Even spam should have an expiration date. Back to the grave, thou foul revenant!

  • smckean4
    smckean4 Posts: 5 Member
    Are you still on Saxenda? How much have you lost now? What was your starting weight?
  • Susan5314
    Susan5314 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi. I have been on Saxenda for 2 weeks. Started at 230 and I am down to 223 for a total of 7 pounds in 2 weeks. This is a miracle for me. Never had any nausea. I had a mild stomach ache for a few minutes the first few days. I do feel tired at times and that is when I know I need to get some protein in my body. Otherwise, this has been awesome. I just do not feel like eating at all. I will continue to post updates. I would love to get information on long term use of this product.
  • samsweetz
    samsweetz Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone I'm new to saxenda. Tonight will be my 2nd dose. . Reading your comments have made me feel hopeful about trying this medication. I have a lot of weight too lose so I hope this helps me.
  • amypaine091011
    amypaine091011 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone! Today I started Saxenda and my new life! I'm hoping that this time I have success and that I'm able to stick with it and see results!
    How are you all doing on the medication? So far today I haven't been able to tell that I took it.
  • teach4heart
    teach4heart Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I am on day 4. I have noticed mild nausea, especially if I eat anything with a high sugar content (Thanksgiving food trap!). Has anyone else noticed this? I'm not complaining! If eating poorly makes me feel bad, then it is certainly easier to make healthier choices! I have not weighed yet...trying to not be a slave to the scale! I'd love to hear feedback or share experiences. :)
  • curvygirly911
    curvygirly911 Posts: 105 Member
    teach4heart- I am also just on week one so far.
    I am taking this because my antidepressants make me gain weight and I am hoping Saxenda can ward this off. I am noticing that I am not hungry but I am also on Concerta so hunger was never a real issue for me, just mindlessly snacking. However, I am finding it hard to eat now and therefore choose healthier foods now.
    I am nervous about being dependent on this medicine and gaining weight once I stop but I am trying to teach myself healthier attitudes about food.
    It is costing me about $450 a month so hoping my drug plan can make an exception and cover this.
  • t_A_BRUNER
    t_A_BRUNER Posts: 1 Member
    I started Saxenda two weeks ago. I did not have any side effects until I stepped up from .06 the second week. I am tired, my body hurts and I'm nauseated so I haven't wanted food. I've heard this goes away but I am at the point where I need to step up again. Am I going to be this way with each increase in dosage? I can't bear the thought of feeling like this for weeks until I get to the full dose. Love the weight loss though - 8 lbs in two weeks. Anyone else in my boat? I am not stopping, just wondering how to manage this.
  • stwale
    stwale Posts: 1 Member
    sistererth wrote: »
    I'm a week in (on my second try) and feeling much better. I made it through the first syringe in March with some side effects (nausea, burping) so I didn't fill the script. Went back to doc and after talking with him decided to give it a go again. It is amazing how it curbs my appetite.

    I used to always be hungry, seriously hungry, so of course I was a snacker. Now I'm working on reminding myself to eat regularly throughout the day, scheduling it even. I've had success with weight watchers and adjpex in the past but the effectiveness wore off after a year and a half. Excited to see how this works and the long term effectiveness. So far down about 5 lbs.

    How is everyone else doing?

    How did you deal with the nausea? I started at 0.6 and even dropped to 0.3 because the nausea and vomiting was so bad. I just stopped it altogether. Wanting to go at it again since I'm reading everyone's great results. Any tips?
  • azelizabeth
    azelizabeth Posts: 34 Member
    edited December 2015
    I have been on it since the end of July and I am down 40. This drug has really helped me. Initially I was nauseated and I ramped up very slowly. My doctor had me go to the next dose one click at a time, rather than straight to the next number. I am at 2.4 and will stay here, doubtful that I could tolerate 3.0. I initially was very tired and nauseated, thankfully it has subsided.

    Feel free to send a friend request if you are on Saxenda too. I have found this medication so helpful as I have been struggling for years to drop weight.
    I have been on it since the end of July and I am down 40. This drug has really helped me. Initially I was nauseated and I ramped up very slowly. My doctor had me go to the next dose one click at a time, rather than straight to the next number. I am at 2.4 and will stay here, doubtful that I could tolerate 3.0.

    Feel free to send a friend request if you are on Saxenda too.

  • miluti
    miluti Posts: 30 Member
    Finally got my prescription after a full 12 months of discussing it with my doctor, going through tests, allowing him time to research it and consult with my psych... Will be picking it up Wednesday.

    Any recommendations for how/when/where to take it? Assuming morning is better? With food? In your thigh or something? I've never had to do an injection before so I'm a little nervous...
  • miluti
    miluti Posts: 30 Member
    Three doses of 0.6 in thus far; no real changes or side effects as of yet. A little nausea a few times, but thats not something unfamiliar to me so it may be completely unrelated. We'll see how it goes.

    **FYI to Canadian users: take a look at and give them a call! They had me speak to a registered dietitian (who is going to do follow-up calls with me at least two times in the coming weeks), are helping me with a meal plan and exercise plan, and had a RN call me to teach me how to safely inject. They're also available for me should I have questions. Really cool support program! I'm assuming the US has a similar program set up.**
  • mrskarenlea
    mrskarenlea Posts: 2 Member
    I started Saxenda about 10 days ago. no real side effects except I had a bad headache the first couple of days. then I got the flu over Christmas. I can tell the Saxenda is working as normally I have a big sweet tooth but I find I am choosing more of the savoury now so cravings are definitely decreased. I am rarely hungry and when I do eat, I can only eat a small amount or I feel sick. I am taking it in the morning and I am up to 1.2 mg/day. I go up to 1.8 in 3 days. For a girl who hates needles, I have to say that these ones are so small, I can even watch them go into my belly :smile:

    I'm down about 5 lbs in 10 days - that works for me! I was worried that I would have issues with IBS but its the opposite - this causes me constipation but that is easily handled with a bit of Senokot

    This drug is not cheap. I am in Canada and my drug plan covers 80% of the cost. My first month cost about $800 and then I paid 20% of that. I have struggled with my weight for so long that if this continues to work like it does, I will gladly pay the money every month. I am eating less so it probably balances out
  • CrazySalsaMomma
    CrazySalsaMomma Posts: 2 Member
    So I started this conversation six months ago. I lost 20lbs with Saxenda so far. But I've been stuck for a few months at the same weight. I'm coming back to track what I eat in hopes I can loose 20 more with Saxenda's help. I was lucky. My only side effect was the headache when I up the dosage for a day or two. Some burping. I kinda wish I had some of the nausea. I've also been lucky that my insurance covers it and with the manufacture's coupon, I pay about $30 per month. I have PCOS, and insulin resistance.
  • miluti
    miluti Posts: 30 Member
    So I started this conversation six months ago. I lost 20lbs with Saxenda so far. But I've been stuck for a few months at the same weight. I'm coming back to track what I eat in hopes I can loose 20 more with Saxenda's help. I was lucky. My only side effect was the headache when I up the dosage for a day or two. Some burping. I kinda wish I had some of the nausea. I've also been lucky that my insurance covers it and with the manufacture's coupon, I pay about $30 per month. I have PCOS, and insulin resistance.

    I have PCOS and Insulin Resistance as well. I started Saxenda on Dec 16th and have been lucky enough to lose 5lbs and almost 2 inches off my waist thus far (the latter being more exciting to me, where visceral fat is more dangerous than fat elsewhere). I'm on 1.2mg dose right now, going up to 1.8 this coming Wednesday evening.

    The worst side effects for me have been increased thirst, nausea, and an insane feeling of fullness after I upped to 1.2mg (I had about 48 hours of not really wanting to eat because I felt so damn full! I actually was sick to my stomach on Christmas morning while trying to brush my teeth (activated my gag reflex!!)...not so fun, especially when your stomach is basically empty. Hoping to avoid the fullness/vomiting when I increase this week. We shall see!

    Kudos to everyone for sharing on here - it is great to have a place where we can bounce off of each other and discuss progress! Special thanks for starting the thread, CrazySalsaMomma. :)
  • cwagar123
    cwagar123 Posts: 195 Member
    ... it sounds awful. What is Saxenda?
  • miluti
    miluti Posts: 30 Member
    cwagar123 wrote: »
    ... it sounds awful. What is Saxenda?

    It is a medication for those who are considered obese and are unable to lose weight with exercise and meal planning alone.
  • Mana0783
    Mana0783 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone. Just starting taking Saxenda a week ago and wanted to find some folks to share info with! Very little side effects for me...most common being the bloated/full feeling that keeps me from eating too much. I've lost 5 lbs. in the first week which is super awesome for me. Just upped the dose to 1.2 today so we'll see how it goes!

  • miluti
    miluti Posts: 30 Member
    Mana0783 wrote: »
    Hi everyone. Just starting taking Saxenda a week ago and wanted to find some folks to share info with! Very little side effects for me...most common being the bloated/full feeling that keeps me from eating too much. I've lost 5 lbs. in the first week which is super awesome for me. Just upped the dose to 1.2 today so we'll see how it goes!

    Yeah the full feeling and some nausea is all I really have to deal with. I'm down about 6.4lbs and 2 inches off my waist since starting on Dec 18th (I'm currently at 1.8mg). I could be losing faster if I amped up my exercise. Little by little, I'll get there! ;);)

    Any bruising at all at your injection sites? I always end up with at least a yellow bruise for a few days after, no matter the instruction/advice I get for injecting.