sexy things a man accidently does



  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I also swoon for a guy who's not afraid to love a kitten or a little fluffy dog. :laugh:
  • SunLovin1
    SunLovin1 Posts: 682 Member
    Swinging an axe to cut firewood. Something about the movement and the thud of the axe going through the wood goes right through me.

    The way he squints when he's working on fixing something for me around the focused and intent.
  • helenium
    helenium Posts: 546 Member
    I guess geeks are out of luck. No one said they thought it was sexy to see a man configure a network or clean up a computer virus. Damn.

    I don't know about sexy (am asexual), but I'm sure someone who is confident with editing a Windows registry entry for you without destroying the computer deserves some romantic credit! :P (unfortunately I use a mac.)
    Using the DOS prompt with calm determination and speed, then shelling into a Linux computer and mastering the switch-over of command usage without a single "-bash: _ not found" message is highly commendable :wink:

    In all seriousness, I am not that interested in physical things that someone does. If they have an amazing genius, witty mind, it'll be hard to resist. If they can outwit me in an intellectual debate I would swoon. If they're knowledgeable and give off that hidden-genius vibe, my heart would jump out of my throat :laugh:

    No relationship at the moment (never has been one) so I don't have first-hand experience of this. Wish me luck :huh:
  • ladyluck5210
    ladyluck5210 Posts: 78 Member
    such a sweet topic.. bump, though, bump!
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Feast your eyes ladies. This is no accident. Pure pre-planned sexy!!

  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    When they drive big jacked up trucks :love:
    Not really accidently... but ya know...
  • EdieBird
    EdieBird Posts: 38
    My guy is a geek, but then, so am we have some fantastic debates about the nature of science fiction versus fantasy, various historical figures and what their "real" motivations were, and which version of Dungeons & Dragons is the best. Very stimulating, for both of us, really.

    I found it very sexy when he said to me, "Your family is an important part of your life, and I want to be a part of your life, so they're going to be part of my life, too." That even extends to my pets...he cried like a little boy when we had to put my old dog down this past winter, and he worries over all my pet rats if they get sick.

    I swear, just knowing that he thinks I'm sexy, makes me think he's sexy. LOL
  • Myslissa
    Myslissa Posts: 760 Member
    I guess geeks are out of luck. No one said they thought it was sexy to see a man configure a network or clean up a computer virus. Damn.

    I find smart men VERY sexy.....Geeks, Nerds....they are all great.
  • CoachMaritova
    CoachMaritova Posts: 409 Member
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    No one mentioned being a hayseed plow boy. :ohwell:
  • Froggy1976
    Froggy1976 Posts: 472
    Not missing the toilet soooo hot
    Love this one!
  • SunLovin1
    SunLovin1 Posts: 682 Member
    No one mentioned being a hayseed plow boy. :ohwell:

    Well, I did say using an do that, right? *smoooch*
  • TruckinThePoundsOff
    Will be taking notes writing.gif

    me too. One day I want to be the husband that is sexy...
  • Buca412
    Buca412 Posts: 367 Member
    This topic kind of depresses me, especially since you are considering this as "accidental." I keep hearing women say that her man doing the dishes, helping out with chores, etc. is sexy. Is this sexy only because your man never does it? At what point does it lose it's sexiness and it simply becomes expected? :huh:

    On a regular basis I do dishes, cook often, change diapers, take out the trash, vacuum, dust, I do my own laundry and ironing (my wife has never had to do my laundry/ironing and that's by my own choice). Never has she let on that this is sexy. It's just part of my job as the husband and being in a relationship. More and more I'm thinking I'm the fool in doing such because apparently the men who rarely do are getting a benefit out of it for when that one time they do.

    If my wife finds it sexy, well, then she never lets on that she does. What a bummer. :frown:

    So if you ladies do find this sexy then please make sure you let your man know it and that you appreciate he's contribution to your relationship! :bigsmile: :devil: :smokin:
    They letting you see them naked. Or so i always thought.

    GAME. SET. MATCH---Binary_Jester!

    I was always under the impression men for the most part were visual just confirmed it.

    We're into OT then because I am a visual learner! Unfortunately, I don't get the visuals. Thus, my rant.
  • MissKickinCurves
    MissKickinCurves Posts: 15 Member
    Bump ;)
  • shallo
    shallo Posts: 353 Member
    I think my husband is sexy pretty much all the time, but he is extra sexy when he is teaching our boys things like which plants are edible and which aren't, or what the bird that just flew by is. He has a strong love of the outdoors and his passion for it comes through when he is teaching our boys. It makes him that much sexier.
  • LixxiKitti
    LixxiKitti Posts: 116
    when you're in public with a date and they do something like put their hand on your waist or on your arm. HOTTTTTTT.
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    Almost anything that involves breaking a sweat or getting dirty.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    This topic kind of depresses me, especially since you are considering this as "accidental." I keep hearing women say that her man doing the dishes, helping out with chores, etc. is sexy. Is this sexy only because your man never does it? At what point does it lose it's sexiness and it simply becomes expected? :huh:

    On a regular basis I do dishes, cook often, change diapers, take out the trash, vacuum, dust, I do my own laundry and ironing (my wife has never had to do my laundry/ironing and that's by my own choice). Never has she let on that this is sexy. It's just part of my job as the husband and being in a relationship. More and more I'm thinking I'm the fool in doing such because apparently the men who rarely do are getting a benefit out of it for when that one time they do.

    If my wife finds it sexy, well, then she never lets on that she does. What a bummer. :frown:

    So if you ladies do find this sexy then please make sure you let your man know it and that you appreciate he's contribution to your relationship! :bigsmile: :devil: :smokin:
    They letting you see them naked. Or so i always thought.

    GAME. SET. MATCH---Binary_Jester!

    I was always under the impression men for the most part were visual just confirmed it.

    We're into OT then because I am a visual learner! Unfortunately, I don't get the visuals. Thus, my rant.

    In our house, it is expected, but I sure don't mind when takes his shirt off. Or when he gets lost in thought at the sink, but, as I have already mentioned, he is pretty unapproachable when lost in thought. I just give him a kiss on that absent cheek and save it for later.
  • Newmammaluv
    Newmammaluv Posts: 379 Member
    Hrm... accidental things that I find hot??? I don't know if there IS anything like that. I don't find guys who do household chores attractive at all... too feminine. I like watching guys lift heavy weights, play football, surf... chop wood, really get into driving and driving well. All of that "manly" stuff.

    Should also add love watching a guy have that uncanny bond with dog or horse. Speaking with body language only to achieve a task. Basically I am a strong girl with a strong personality and I am always calling the shots at work and with being a Mom. The LAST I want to do is be married to someone I have to parent. At home I find a guy who has everything planned and is in calm confident control incredibly attractive.