October 2015 Running Challenge



  • runner_girl83
    runner_girl83 Posts: 553 Member
    @7lenny7 congratulations! You PB is fantastic! Good for you!! :smile:
    Sorry your wife missed the finish though! And I'm not surprised about the bag unfortunately.. They have rules in place for good reason, yet putting your bag into a plastic bag wouldn't stop much so it's a waste of time and not good!!

  • rogue024
    rogue024 Posts: 1,484 Member
    @7lenny7 congrats on beating your goal time! I love the finisher's medal, very cool! I'm so happy for you!
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    @7lenny7 Great race report and congrats on crushing your goal! Sounds like an excellent race! And those splits are great!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »

    LSD today, 22 miles in 3:09:11 at 8:35 avg pace. 10 miles at or below GMP, then 1 mile recovery, then 9 miles at or below 9:00 then 2 miles c/d. Took a lot out of me today. HUNTSVILLE HALF MARATHON in 2 weeks on Nov 14, then it's ROCKET CITY MARATHON: on December 12th. It's getting close.

    My wife and daughter raced in today's Spooktacular 5K. Skip and @skippygirlsmom also raced. It was nice seeing them. Shall I share the pic @skippygirlsmom with the group that we took? Lot's of neat costumes. I should have took more pics. The one good thing about running in the fall is that I don't have to get up at 4:30 to run on Saturday morning. I could actually do my run after my wife and daughter's race. Although I did have to take a 2 hour nap after running for 3 hours. lol

    @stoshew71 definitely post the picture. I don't have the one with you in it since you took that one on my phone.
    Some people went all out that's for sure!

    Thanks everyone, it was actually good to have him to talk to because it took my mind off what I was doing. At the end I hugged him and Skip said "Momma did you kiss that man" LOL I guess from her angle it looked like it. Then I saw a picture that the race photographer posted and it does looked like we kissed ha ha

    Scandalous! LOL!
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    @skippygirlsmom - Congratulations and love you helped the guy! You could be a running coach! LOL on the picture!
    @9voice9 - way to go!
    @7lenny7 - love the racing commentary! Also that medal is really nice!
    @Elise4270 - Congrats to you also!

    I’ve been sick since Friday but feeling better today. I decided I should really rest another day.. but dying to get out there!
  • sybabe35
    sybabe35 Posts: 99 Member
    10/1/15 3.64 mi
    10/9/15 4.6 mi
    10/14/15 7.53 mi
    10/15/15 5.11 mi
    10/17/15 6.53 mi
    10/22/15 5.11 mi
    10/23/15 5.11 mi
    10/24/15 3.1 mi
    10/28/15 4.01 mi
    10/30/15 6.76 mi

    Made it!! I'm so happy to see so many people meeting their goals! Keep it up!

  • Somebody_Loved
    Somebody_Loved Posts: 498 Member
    @7lenny7 - Congratulations! Great time and awesome pictures!

    @skippygirlsmom - Congratulations to you and Skip - so awesome!!

    I had such an amazing time being part of this challenge - what a fantastic, supportive group. On to November!
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @7lenny7 great pictures! Love the medal, you just killed it!

    See you all in November!
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    Date: 4/10 Length: 12km Duration: 1:12:50 Total: 19.1 km of 100 km
    Date: 6/10 Length: 8.2km Duration: 0.50:02 Total:27.3 km of 100 km
    Date: 7/10 Length: 8.6km Duration: 0.55:23 Total:35.9 km of 100 km
    Date: 11/10 Length: 8.1km Duration: 0.42:45 Total:44 km of 100 km
    Date: 13/10 Length: 8km Duration: 0.47:56 Total:52 km of 100 km
    Date: 15/10 Length: 8km Duration: 0.42:49 Total:60 km of 100 km
    Date: 17/10 Length: 10km Duration: 0.53:44 Total:70 km of 100 km
    Date: 21/10 Length: 12km Duration: 1.07:02 Total:82 km of 100 km
    Date: 24/10 Length: 5.95kmDuration: 0.38:45 Total:87.95 km of 100 km
    Date: 25/10 Length: 21.50km Duration: 2.06:02 Total:109.45 km of 100 km
    Date: 28/10 Length: 8.3km Duration: 51.15 Total:117.75 km of 100 km
    Date: 30/10 Length: 7km Duration: 43.08 Total:124.75 km of 100 km

    Exceeded my goal this month which I am pleased about. It has been a good, consistent month. Apart from a few twinges / soreness nothing by the way of injury but I did experience a bout of man -flu.

    @7lenny7 - congratulations on a great HM. You knocked it out of the park with your time!

    Now on to the November challenge which already looks exceedingly busy.
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    @7lenny7 - Awesome all the way around! Great job!
    @skippygirlsmom - You are so nice! Way to be encouraging to everyone! Plus, a great race!
    @kareF - dogs...eek! I have been "bit" once by a dog...actually more of a scrape with a tooth. Try to run around them now too.
    @kristinegift and @stoshew71 - Insane mileage totals! Wow!

    10/1 - 3.1 miles on the 'mill; plus 5.8 miles / 20 minutes on stationary bike.
    10/2 - Had to skip run/workout for a life insurance physical (bloodwork, etc.). Then, they couldn't get me to bleed, so I'm gonna have to do it again! Grrr!
    10/3 - 11.5 miles with HM group; cool, beautiful weather!
    10/4 - waaaayy overslept!
    10/5 - not off to a good start this month; kids up half the night with illness / asthma issues
    10/6 - 4.75 miles on a beautiful, cool morning.
    10/7 - 4.85 miles of hills with HM group
    10/8 - 4.65 miles
    10/9 - 0. Up half the night, again! Now feeling a bit under the weather. It's too early for this stuff, isn't it?
    10/10 - 7.92 miles with HM group. Cool morning, flat loop...nice run!
    10/11 - 3.15 mile "recovery" run. Slower pace with one of my 9 year olds...love getting to run with my kids! Sore hip though.
    10/12 - 4.75 miles. Beautiful weather! Hip better, but not perfect. Fired up for 5k and HM this weekend!
    10/13 - 0. Had my repeat life insurance physical, which went fine. Then spent the whole day waiting at home for Des Moines Water Works to turn water back on. Some sort of miscommunication between dispatch and the technician...UGH!!
    10/14 - 5.16 relaxing, lovely miles with HM group as we "taper" for this weekend. Got pulled over on the way to meet them at 4:45 a.m. Just a warning...woo hoo!
    10/15 - 4.25 miles on treadmill at Trek class. Took it a little slower and flatter than usual.
    10/16 - rest day before weekend race(s)
    10/17 - 2.96 miles @ IMT 5k Road Race - someone shortened the course! Oops!
    10/18 - 13.1 miles @ IMT Des Moines Half Marathon (1:48:41). New PR! Went out a little fast, but mostly had a great run on a beautiful day!
    10/19 - extended stretching with HM group. Relaxing.
    10/20 - 4 miles on indoor track with weights/strength work following.
    10/21 - 4.75 miles around my 'hood. For October, it was hot...beautiful!
    10/22 - 4.25 miles on treadmill at Trek class
    10/23 - unplanned rest day...just didn't feel like going.
    10/24 - 5 miles around my neighborhood...felt good, nice pace
    10/25 - normal rest day
    10/26 - 5.1 miles. Wish I didn't have to stop to get ready for work. Felt like I could have run forever.
    10/27 - 4 miles on indoor track with weights/ab work following. Glad I was inside...REALLY windy here today.
    10/28 - woke up too late to go to gym, it was raining and WINDY. So, I wimped out and didn't go. Plus, in my neighborhood, the wet leaves on the ground make things super slick right now.
    10/29 - tough 5 miles on treadmill at Trek class. Instructor was extra challenging today.
    10/30 - 3.35 miles on indoor track, followed by weights and abs. Gonna miss my goal by about 7 miles...too many unplanned rest days this month. :o On the plus side, I am getting back in the weight room, which I need to do.
    10/31 - group run got cancelled due to weather. So, did a quick 3.1 on my own.


    I'll take 108.83 out of my 120...again, too many rest days.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    The November Challenge is now up:


    Great job everyone on kicking butt in October.

    In case anyone wonders where we all went, we are now into November's Challenge.

  • MrsKGrady
    MrsKGrady Posts: 276 Member
    October 3 - 3.1 miles (Superhero 5k)
    October 7 - 3.65 miles
    October 10 - 4.21 miles
    October 11 - 3.11 miles (Halloween Hustle Trail Race - PR)
    October 13 - 3.9 miles
    October 15 - 3.4 miles
    October 18 - 6.23 miles
    October 24 - 2 miles
    October 25 - 6.22 miles (Screaming Banshee 10k - first live 10k)
    October 27 - 3 miles
    October 30 - 1.95 miles
    October 31 - 3.19 miles

    Didn't hit my goal this month, but still did better than last month.



  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    Final tally for October:
    01-Oct: 2.64 miles; 3.09 miles (walk)
    02-Oct: 2.44 miles (walk)
    03-Oct: 6.27 miles
    05-Oct: 3.62 miles
    06-Oct: 3.21 miles
    07-Oct: <Life Day> but 2.38 miles (walk)
    08-Oct: 6.54 miles
    09-Oct: 5.57 miles
    10-Oct: 6.82 miles
    11-Oct: 6.47 miles
    12-Oct: 4.34 miles; 3.73 miles (walk)
    13-Oct: 4.81 miles (walk)
    14-Oct: <Life Day> but 3.35 miles
    15-Oct: 3.24 miles
    16-Oct: 3.26 miles
    17-Oct: 6.37 miles
    18-Oct: 4.42 miles (walk)
    19-Oct: 3.32 miles; 3.66 miles (walk)
    20-Oct: 3.69 miles
    21-Oct: <Life Day>
    22-Oct: 3.57 miles; 3.77 miles (walk)
    23-Oct: 6.59 miles; 2.11 miles (walk)
    24-Oct: 3.16 miles
    25-Oct: 3.73 miles (walk)
    26-Oct: 6.42 miles
    27-Oct: 3.63 miles
    28-Oct: <Life Day> and 2.31 miles (walk)
    29-Oct: 3.60 miles
    30-Oct: <rest up for 10K>
    31-Oct: 6.37 miles (Jay's Hope 10K: 1:06:24.75 chip time)

    Upcoming Races:
    14-Nov: FUMC 5K
    05-Dec: Reindeer Run 10K
    16-Jan: Museum of Aviation 5K
    19-Mar: Cherry Blossom 10K
    16-Apr: Running for Ronald 5K or 10K

  • kstarallen
    kstarallen Posts: 116 Member
    Completely bombed my October challenge. Went through some personal issues last week, but onto November challenge to do better!
    I hit about 45 miles out of 60.
  • dpwellman
    dpwellman Posts: 3,271 Member
    MapMyRun took a dump last week and screwed up the whole last week of October. I ended up with 115.88 miles out of goal 100 for October. So, yay me