What's the funniest comment you have had..



  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    To all you youngsters out there, younger than my 53 years, it is not harder at my age, it was most difficult in my 30's. I don't have to worry about cooking for my kids, who is going to watch them when I work out, I am way less stressed now than when they were young. So tell those ladies older than you the truth. Weight loss has challenges at every age, they may be different challenges, but it always requires a will to change and dedication to your goals.

    ++++Infinity. I'm in better shape now at (almost) 45 than I was at 30.
  • StrengthIsBeautiful
    After running into an old classmate that I haven't seen since grade school- she said, "WOW! You were bigger than that in Girl Scouts!"
    We cracked up!
  • ColinsMommaOC
    ColinsMommaOC Posts: 296 Member
    Convo in the car with my son on the way to the gym:

    Son: Mom, I like that you are getting healthy. But can you not lose too much?
    Me: Well, I have a lot to lose. What is too much?
    Son: Well, when you lose you are going to get smaller, but your head doesn't get smaller. I just don't want a bobble head mom. So don't lose enough to be a bobble head.

    Hilarious!! How old is your son?

    He is 6. And the things he thinks up are always entertaining.
  • Domicinator
    Domicinator Posts: 261 Member
    My wife and I were at a Halloween party over the weekend and there were a lot of people there that we hadn't seen in a year or two. The host of the party came up to me as we were leaving and told me everyone was in the kitchen asking her if my wife dumped me and got remarried. She had to tell them all I was actually the same husband she's always had.

    I was very flattered. The host herself even told me when we got there that I didn't look like the same person anymore.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    My husband, while I was filling fish tanks:
    Your a** is shaping up nicely.

    Appropriate fish tank conversation, huh?
  • pearso21123
    pearso21123 Posts: 351 Member
    Convo in the car with my son on the way to the gym:

    Son: Mom, I like that you are getting healthy. But can you not lose too much?
    Me: Well, I have a lot to lose. What is too much?
    Son: Well, when you lose you are going to get smaller, but your head doesn't get smaller. I just don't want a bobble head mom. So don't lose enough to be a bobble head.

    Hilarious!! How old is your son?

    He is 6. And the things he thinks up are always entertaining.

    Yup, that is a fun age. My youngest is 7.
  • cdcllcga01
    cdcllcga01 Posts: 71 Member
    I had someone ask me "are you going to keep it off or gain weight back and lose again". Couldn't quite figure that one out?! LOL I said I was going to do my best to keep it off!

    Bulk and cut cycles perhaps?
  • randomsue
    randomsue Posts: 179 Member
    Hmm...or the comment that people say, "oh you only lost that much..."

    Yes, people are def wacky doodle
  • brilliantwords
    brilliantwords Posts: 97 Member
    This isn't really "funny" but kind of insensitive-

    I lost a total of 80 lbs over the years, but gained some for a pregnancy this year. Now AFTER having a baby 7 months ago, I've been working hard and lost 25 lbs. Some of this was pregnancy weight that remained after delivery, and some was extra. I am below my pre pregnancy weight and WAS feeling good about this progress lately.

    Then the other day, a few of us were chatting when someone mentioned not liking their weight, and one of my relatives says "Who cares? We are all fat." Yeah. That just motivated me to lose more before I see those people again. I have about 45 more lbs to reach my goal weighht. Sigh. I've had another relative say things in conversations such as "us big girls" and referring to us as fat, knowing how hard I work. Its true, but still insensitive.
  • ajff
    ajff Posts: 986 Member
    I am a high school teacher, I taught a kid as a freshmen 2 years (and 92 pounds ago). We would see each other in the hall his sophomore year as I was losing, but I didn't ever talk to him. He saw me this year during homecoming and just looked me up and down and up and down.

    "Mrs. F... did you get a hair cut?"

    "No, it actually hasn't been this long in years"

    "Are you sure, something is different....?" puzzled look on his face....

    I just left him to figure it out. Dork. :)

  • mousie1973
    mousie1973 Posts: 438 Member
    a co-worker at work noticed my skirt seems longer... (it used to only come to my mid calf.. now it is almost ankle length) and i mentioned that yes it does seem longer, and his comment to me "well you have less terrain it needs to go over!" LOL I love it!
  • TuffChixRule
    TuffChixRule Posts: 190 Member
    My fiance actually told me that I was tiny and petite. I've still got about 24 pounds until I reach my goal weight, but I've NEVER been called tiny in my life, even when I was a kid. Love that man :)
  • KaterinaDokuzova94
    dawniemate wrote: »
    about losing weight? ?? My husband said wow you have hip bones! I always knew I had but now the fats melting they seem to have appeared lol :)

    "Do you pay for MFP ? " :D:D
  • incisron
    incisron Posts: 550 Member
    JustSomeEm wrote: »
    I had an aunt I hadn't seen in over a year tell me that she didn't want to have lunch with me "because you're so fit that you won't let me eat any of the bad foods that I like". I just laughed and offered to show her my food diary, which has beer, chips, cookies, ice cream and other random 'bad' (ha) food in it... and we had a lovely lunch.

    Sounds sweet :)
  • incisron
    incisron Posts: 550 Member
    My grandmother was the hardest on me. She told me I had a big butt. I LITERALLY demonstrated by standing behind her it was HALF of hers. Then I started losing, her comment then was I look sick I had better stop. So I just realized that no matter what I did she would never see me in a positive light. Why are the people who are supposed to love you the most the most hurtful.

    Just ignore it. Hugs
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    Today an old friend who I haven't seen in a while was so amazed at the way I looked. I've lost 111 pounds.

    After sitting together talking for about an hour, she said, " You know, you really do look incredible, If I wasn't married..and you weren't married......."

    The really funny part is were both women and we've both been married more than 30 years!

    The first time anyone has flirted with me in 34 years (besides my husband) and it's my middle aged girlfriend! :smiley:

  • Duchy82
    Duchy82 Posts: 560 Member
    I've had people call me skinny minnie while I was still obese, that one always used to crack me up.

    Lately when I meet health professionals or people that I haven't seen in a while they ask if I lost the weight on purpose.

    The last example being the occupational health nurse at my new job. She saw my passport photograph, said you have lost a lot of weight, I said yes I have, was it on purpose? Yes, yes it was.
    It sort of annoys me I see it as a polite way of asking if I lost the weight through illness and that just takes away from the hard work I've put in.

    I do love my hubby's comments at the moment though, with a naughty twinkle in his eyes he keeps telling me I'm sooo tiny. I'm still technically overweight but in his defence he has never seen me this thin i was about 9kg heavier when I met him 14years ago.
  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    From HR while filling out the I9 form (IRS form for proof of work eligibility): "Holy *kitten*! That's not you!"
    My driver's license photo is from when I was 230 lbs and around 40% body fat. I'm at 180llbs and 20% now.
    Any day you can get the HR rep to swear is a good one.
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    CipherZero wrote: »
    Any day you can get the HR rep to swear is a good one.

    You know there's probably a form you could fill out to report them for that! :wink: