Week 1 - 30 Day Shred (June 1st Group)



  • ChChCharlie
    *oops sorry didn't mean to post twice :(
  • chezkie
    chezkie Posts: 55 Member
    hello all!! ive lost 5 pounds since last week! amazing!
    hope everyone is still pushing!! :)

    Great job on the loss....keep it up! :flowerforyou:
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    Day 9 done, not too bad, though my ear was bugging me when I was doing the cardio which was rather irritating!
    I think tomorrow I might try level 2...scary!!!!
    What do you guys who have tried it think??
  • persian_star
    persian_star Posts: 197 Member
    So, did day 2 of level 3 today. Finding it just as hard as I did level 1 and 2 when I started them, but I think (as someone else has already said they thought) that it works out different muscles, so it's not that you're not getting stronger, it's just moving around to less strong muscles. The one thing it does do is intensify some of the moves (hate jump rope or star jumps? Just wait til you're doing double jump rope and star jumps with weights!!!) and introduces some killer ones, but those are mostly to do with cardio. I'm hoping by next week I will be able to do it all the way through (still stopping, like, 5 times each workout) but do feel like I may be neglecting muscles from workout 1 & 2 now! So hopefully it's still working on my endurance (which was pretty pants before) even if I feel like I could be doing some better strength moves. The one thing that gets annoying is Jillian keeps saying after all that work we should be keeping up with Natalie by now, and I can't even keep pace with Anita! Oh well, I'm sure I'll get there eventually *l*

    I also found that the biggest difference to my muscle tone happened in the first ten days. I haven't lost any weight at all (been doing this 17 days now) but it feels that although I'm still struggling and pushing myself , the massive difference I first noticed (plus the debilitating soreness!) has eased off. I'm hoping that the daily workout means that the soreness was just a reaction to no workout, and that I'm just getting used to having muscles in my tummy, but all the same I can't help but feel a bit de-motivated. I can see why people quit at level 3 - apart from anything else you wonder "Haven't I done enough already?"

    Anyone else find that they're chugging water like it's going out of fashion? I've NEVER been so sweaty (on purpose) and I'm finding it's really helping with water intake - I suppose that can only be good :o)
  • meggyannpt
    meggyannpt Posts: 73 Member
    Yesterday ended up being a rest day. I wasn't really intending for it to be that way, but I think my body needed it.

    Today was Day 3 Level 2 (day 8 total since I missed a day). I only made it through circuit 2 before my glut started cramping up really bad and I had to stop. I'm hoping it's just from dehydration or something like that instead of an injury, but we'll see. I'd hate to have to stop now!

    And great job everyone! Keep up the hard work!
  • jae6704
    jae6704 Posts: 458 Member
    Day 10 Level 1 done. Tomorrow I go to level 2. It looks killer.
  • ssstephanie1715
    ssstephanie1715 Posts: 44 Member
    I struggled through day 8 not because of the workout but I've just been tired lately. Then everything came crumbling down. School, work and workout has taken its toll on me. I had to leave work today because my mind and body completely shutdown. After some serious napping, I feel much better. I was still able to finish day 9 today. I just feel that if I don't, I won't finish.
  • OBXoceansoul
    OBXoceansoul Posts: 89 Member
    Day 9 level 1 done. One more day of level 1 to go. I have knee issues and my right knee is starting to bother me with the every day intense workouts but I am determined to make it 30 days straight with out backing off the moves to much. I just started iceing my knee for 20 minutes after each workout. Is anyone else having knee pain issues?
  • harliesmom
    harliesmom Posts: 25 Member
    Yes I have had some knee issues with my left knee. And I have never really had issues before. For about half an hr after the work out it is sore, or kind of feels like a pulled muscle....

    I am just going to take it easy with that knee and try not to put too much pressure on it
  • bwyne03
    bwyne03 Posts: 137 Member
    Hi all! I'm on Day 7, been switching between levels 1 and 2 (missed 2 days). I haven't lost anything, but TOM is around this week, so I'm hoping next week I will have a loss! Keep up the good work everyone :happy:
  • debjason65
    debjason65 Posts: 13 Member
    did day four first level..
  • michelle_mareshfuehrer
    michelle_mareshfuehrer Posts: 312 Member
    Day 9 level 1 done. One more day of level 1 to go. I have knee issues and my right knee is starting to bother me with the every day intense workouts but I am determined to make it 30 days straight with out backing off the moves to much. I just started iceing my knee for 20 minutes after each workout. Is anyone else having knee pain issues?

    I'm not having knee pain, but my left ankle is KILLING me--especially when I do the cardio part; which is odd, considering I do zumba and it doesn't bother me with that.
  • michelle_mareshfuehrer
    michelle_mareshfuehrer Posts: 312 Member
    Day 10 Level 1 done. Tomorrow I go to level 2. It looks killer.

    I start Level 2 tomorrow--I haven't been brave enough to do a sneak peak!
  • DesiTapp
    DesiTapp Posts: 5
    Hope it is not to late to join in!!!

    Completed Day One 6/9/2011
    Day Two when I get home from work in the AM !!!! Hurting bad even after one day!!!

    SW: 175
    CW: 166
    GW: 130
    Neck: 14.5 Inches
    Waist: 40 Inches
    Hips: 42.5 Inches
    (5'5" Tall)
  • BeccyBerry
    BeccyBerry Posts: 312
    Day 10 level one completed. On to level 2 tomorrow eeeeeeeek where has the last 10 days gone hopefully the next 10 will fly just as quick!!!
  • lexiwho
    lexiwho Posts: 178 Member
    I've had to take a couple of rest days due to knee pains but I finished day 8 level 1 earlier tonight. I'm looking forward to moving on to level 2! I honestly thought I'd quit by now but I've noticed a huge change in my stamina and strength. The squat and lifts used to kill me, I couldn't make it all the way through but tonight I got to the end with no issue.

    I've modified the program a bit for my bad knees, instead of jumping jacks/jump rope I do butt kicks and punches. I am still feeling a great burn but I'm able to walk to next day. When I was doing the jumping jacks and jump rope, I could barely walk due to the horrible pain in my knees. I hadn't felt pain like that since my car accident 2 years ago so I knew I had to change it. I'm hoping next go round I'll be a bit stronger in the knees and able to handle it.
  • angie_pangie
    angie_pangie Posts: 50 Member
    Day 9 is complete. I do the shred during my son's nap time which is around 1pm. Last night I found myself home alone so I decided to take on Level 1 again. (I have been doing level 3 of the shred) Today my legs are SO sore from Level 1.
    I guess it is good to mix it up since they both work completely different muscle groups! Feels good though!

    Is there going to be a Week 2 thread or will we be posting in this one?
  • michelle_mareshfuehrer
    michelle_mareshfuehrer Posts: 312 Member
    Last night I finished Level 1, Day 10 of the Shred. I'll be starting Level 2 tonight. In the spirit of progress, I lost 2.4 lbs. and no inches from the measured areas. I took a front and side pic on Level 1 Day 1 and did the same today after Level 1 Day 10. Hopefully I see more obvious results after Level 2.

    Before Side:

    After Side:

    Before Front:

    After Front:

    Sorry the photos are so big; I couldn't figure out how to resize them!
  • ChChCharlie
    Sooo glad to be doing level 2 tomorrow...can't believe I have actually done level 1 10 times! Feel like I know it inside out now.
    Definitely feel stronger and think I'm more toned but as I said before I'm weighing and measuring at the end
  • 1crazymom
    1crazymom Posts: 434 Member
    Day 9 complete.