Time to stop taking ourselves so seriously! Tell us something embarrassing about yourself.

OneHundredToLose Posts: 8,523 Member
Something I've noticed on MFP is that a lot of people tend to take themselves really seriously. Humor is a major part of my life, and I strive to never take myself so seriously that I can't laugh at myself. To that end, I'd like for everyone to share something embarrassing about themselves. I'll start.

I am literally the worst dancer of all time. If you think you've seen bad dancing, you haven't, because you haven't seen me dance. In fact, virtually no one has, because I'd rather lose a digit than allow anyone to see me dance.


  • blu_de_ville
    blu_de_ville Posts: 4,296 Member
    I snort when I laugh
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    I walk into things, a lot. There's is this one bright yellow pole I walk by almost daily and almost walk into it every time.

    I'm slow getting jokes sometimes and when I do like 10 minutes later will start laughing randomly
  • Hey_Its_That_One_Guy
    Hey_Its_That_One_Guy Posts: 21,763 Member
    I cry at chick flicks.
  • Calmquiet
    Calmquiet Posts: 39 Member
    Baking makes me very emotional to the point I can just break down crying or yelling while making desserts for absolutely no reason.
  • cdudley628
    cdudley628 Posts: 547 Member
    I don't know how to walk lightly. My downstairs neighbors probably think I'm wearing bricks on my feet.
  • kinkyslinky16
    kinkyslinky16 Posts: 1,469 Member
    Sometimes I can take a big ol *kitten*
  • sw33tp3a11
    sw33tp3a11 Posts: 4,646 Member
    I accidentally of course, tend to walk into men's restrooms when I'm out. The pictures or letterings don't help me much in that department lol
  • pie_eyes
    pie_eyes Posts: 12,964 Member
    I drink alot
  • jbuzzed
    jbuzzed Posts: 10,172 Member
    I fall down stairs a lot. Constantly.
  • Nograce80
    Nograce80 Posts: 8,443 Member
    I shattered my radial head in my right elbow because I fell off a bike! Just a simple fall. I can't walk and chew gum so factoring in other objects is deadly!
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    I like romantic comedies.
  • finny11122
    finny11122 Posts: 8,436 Member
    Sprained both my ankles while running , got up and tried to pretend like nothing happened
  • KT_3009
    KT_3009 Posts: 1,042 Member
    edited November 2015
    Any kids, Rom-com or drama movie I watch there is a 99% I will cry.. Haha I'm a super emotional person :)
  • _HunterKiller_
    _HunterKiller_ Posts: 544 Member
    I got really drunk one Christmas eve when i was a lot younger and at some point after i had got home decided I needed to go for a pee. I got interrupted by loud shouting mid stream as I was pissing up the wall in my Mum and Dads bedroom while they were asleep in bed. I knew nothing of this until they told me after blanking me all morning on Christmas Day. :s
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    I was walking out of a store once and my pants got caught on the automatic door and pulled me along with it. 2 guys were driving by and saw and laughed at me. I gave them a big old thumbs up.
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    When I was like 4 years old, my parents and I were standing in a line. I went closed my eyes and went to pinch my dad's butt. I accidently pinched the butt of another lady. She turned around and when she realized it was a little kid, she laughed.
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,452 Member
    My mum made me an awesome white crocheted bikini when I was 17.....I loved it..wore it to the public pool for a month nearly everyday..a cousin came with me oneday...we went for swim..got out of pool..and she was yelling at me to cover up....totally see through when wet.. :o

  • Soopatt
    Soopatt Posts: 563 Member
    When I was 22 I got really drunk the first time I was invited out to dinner with the boss as I was super nervous. I was not paying attention to who was ordering what and when the waiter got to me, before placing my order I decided to crack a joke and said "Gosh, what kind of a PIG would order this 600g steak special??" There was an awkward silence and then the bosses wife said, all haughty like: "Well. I guess I am that sort of a PIG then!" (she had just ordered it just before me and everyone heard her except me).
  • Cindy4FunFit
    Cindy4FunFit Posts: 2,732 Member
    It's hard to choose just one...I love to make that obnoxious, gleeful slurping sound at the bottom of an icy cherry Coke fountain soda with straw, I sing awful and extremely loud in the car with stereo cranked, windows down- even at stop lights, might even chair-dance a little bit.