

  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
  • 2katlover
    2katlover Posts: 72 Member
    edited November 2015

    We had problems with fleas and used the flea medicine that you put on their skin. Also we bombed the apartment. We were fine upstairs but when we moved downstairs they had flea problems and I even got bit by them. We did that for quite a while but it finally worked and no more problems, thank goodness. Of course I see the date of your note and you probably have it taken care of already.
  • 2katlover
    2katlover Posts: 72 Member
    edited November 2015
    Just learning this things yet, didn't know how to delete so. Hope everyone has a great day. Making myself look pretty dumb here. LOL.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,078 Member
    Betty great doormat!

    Pat my Christmas cactus blooms at odd times too because I take it outside in the summer.

    With DH they have to figure in his clotting problem into his treatment, so DH is waiting on some tests.

    :heart: Margaret
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    At work, so just popping in and reading the posts from yesterday and today.

    Betty WNY: I have been through things like this with my adult children and my stepchildren. It's emotionally draining and can make you physically ill. My thoughts and prayers are with you to help you find peace. It's a tough one, I know.

    I cannot remember who made the beautiful horse pillow, but I loved it! I have granddaughters who would want one. You could even make the ribbon around the horse's neck have a child's name on it...or adult, whichever the case may be! Ha!

    It's a pretty nice day here in Green Bay,WI today. Sun is out and it's in the 50's. Supposed to have some rain and crappy weather moving in for tomorrow though, so I'm thinking I'll walk outside tonight instead of the gym. Getting to that time of year where it gets tougher and tougher to find nice walking weather.

    We moved to the city last December, and I am missing the countryside so bad. We used to live in the woods and I love nature. Being in nature or by water is how I recharge. I need to make it my mission this weekend to find a nature trail or a nice wooded park where I can walk and just get some "me" time. Since my DH has been off work with an injury for 7 months now and our granddaughter has come to live with us for a while, I find that I don't have any alone time anymore. I crave it. I'm hoping finding a nice nature trail will help fix that so I can de-stress a little bit!

    I'll try to read more and touch base with you more personally next time, but i have to get back to work now.

    Have a beautiful Tuesday.

    Tracie in WI
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,966 Member
    :) Just finished watching DWTS so now it's safe to go online without a worry about finding out who was eliminated before I got a chance to watch. Jake fixed lunch for us and we watched during lunch then I rode the exercise bike during the rest of the show. My favorites are still dancing but I was sad about the team that was eliminated.

    :) I'm headed out in a few minutes for a haircut, trip to the library, and some other errands. I'd rather hang out at home but I need a new book to read at bedtime (e books on the phone aren't as satisfying to read in bed as real books) and I've waited at least a week too long to get my hair cut.

    <3 hugs to all of you having to find your way with toxic family members

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washingtont116008.gif

    November Resolutions (with week one comments)
    *walk an average of 13,000 steps a day (just barely making it)
    *organize music files on computer (slow progress because I forgot all about it)
    *meditate for 10 minutes a day four or more days a week (super)
    *answer a friend's e mail that I've put off too long (haven't started)

  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    2catslover. We are slowly conquering the flea problem. I used Frontline (you put on the skin), bombed, sprayed, powdered, put flea collars on, and then this month instead of Frontline we tried a different one, Advantage. Again, it goes on the skin. The cats are all looking to be flea free, but the environment isn't- last night in bed I got bitten several times. So I got up, sprayed the bed, let it dry, and went back to bed. The label probably would say not to do that, but I was so tired I didn't care.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    terri_momm - My DH also says, "You can't fix stupid." and he tells me 'not to worry about it. RITFLMAO!

    patceho - beautiful Cactus; enjoy it no matter when it blooms. I've been told you can force them to bloom by letting them dry out completely and ignoring them. I've heard people putting them in the dark, heard them letting them get cold. I don't know. I've only had one of mine bloom which for a while I kept inside. They all got a little scorched sitting on the covered deck; so I moved them so they would not get any sun and they have 'greened up' and putting out new leaves (not buds).

    Miriamwithcats - my husband is a professional painter and he would not paint a house that he had not pressure-washed down first. He scraps the old peeling paint and using bonding material to feather out the edges and usually uses a primer - especially if he is changing paint. Latex cannot be painted over oil unless a primer has been used; you can paint oil over latex, just not the other way around. He usually takes a rag and uses something that tests for whether it is oil or latex based. He has clients who call him every year or every 3 or 4 with ... 'please come pressure wash the house and drive and tell us if you think it needs a new coat of paint'. He's been doing this for nearly 35 years (first part-time on his own for the first few years, and now with a crew of 3). Maybe DOS will take the reins and take over the business; but, when DH stops painting his brother will go, too (both in their 70's (74 and 72 respectively). Then DOS won't keep the black guy either because he is older, too. Hard worker when the boss is there; but, can't read so he has to have supervision.

    fancy - it is my DDnL#1 not my DD (don't have a girl, although I do consider my DDsnL as my DD (until this one next door) goes 'crazy-@$$ mean to me'. One day, she is going to find herself picking up her teeth off the floor by surprise. Most people don't deal with her very well. She tried to pick a fight with my DYS because DDnL#2 did not timely respond to a text (several in a roll) and then when she did she was obviously 'miffed' and make the HUGE mistake of sending her 'feelings' to DYS who call DOS to find out what 'the hell was going on with her' and also to forward him the texts. Says they don't get good reception out where they live during hunting season; and then when DDnL#2 finally saw them, she wrote a response but did not send it until DYS got home and read it. He told her to go ahead and send it. She had said she had only be 'in the family for 6 months and that was WAY too soon to be caught up in family feuds' and to 'never send her that type of text to her or to Will'. DDnL#1 apparently told her she was 'having a bad day' or something ... I doubt that she actually apologized to her. She does not apologize even when she knows she is in the wrong.

    It's 'cold' down here in SW GA (USA) and dreary and misty, too. Supposedly, it was to clear up today; but, that never happened. Need to get my plants inside because they are expecting a 'freeze' before the weekend ends. UGH. This time I put them up, they won't come out again until Spring (after the Pecan trees start to put out green shoots). Pecan Trees are what we judge when they will no longer be a 'freeze' here. Zone 8.

    GRITS a/k/a Lenora

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    I painted all day yesterday and am really wore out today. It was in effort to do the weightlifting.

    Squat- 5X 65/75/85/95/105, 5X5X 110
    Sumo Squat- 5X5X 95
    BP- 5X 65/70/75, 5X5X 80
    BR - 5X5X 85

    After this I will be painting all afternoon and evening again. I think that should count as exercise!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Betty - I understand. I tried to raise a strong, resiliant daughter, but she continues to allow her life to revolve around love, not reality. She used to call and beg me to move her and BF to my area, but when I said I would get her settled in first, then go back to get him, she said "never mind, if he can't come right away I'm not coming either". Like it's no big deal to suppport 2 unemployed adults for however long it takes for one or both of them to get jobs. And whether it is me or her Grandpa that sends her anything, I have to specifically remind her to say (or e-mail or text) thank you, like she never had to do it her entire life, or like it was our responsibility to supply her with whatever was sent. I KNOW I didn't raise her that way, so I just keep trying, and secretly remind her to thank her Grandpa, so he thinks she is not ungrateful. Just because she gets away with all the bad stuff from her dad. Yuck ! ! ! All we can do is our best, and be confident in our attempts and abilities.

    My work day is almost finished, and my supervisor is not hovering anymore trying to prompt me to clean or organize things (it's just better if she says what she means instead of hinting around the subject. I don't have the clean gene).

    I hope everyone is able to find some joy today, and accepts a few more Hugs ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,269 Member
    edited November 2015
    Sylvia It's great that your DGD got her leotard. It's so important at that age to fit in with their peer group. You are an ace GM! Your potters are using classic manipulation tactics. I would be like DJ and do the promo stuff with what you have. They would not be so tardy next time.

    Joyce Sorry that Charlie still hasn't got his meds sorted. It's sad that he is missing his karaoke nights.

    Pip We all wished Kirby hadn't been hurt. You don't need that sort of stressing your lives. Thank goodness for Good Samaritan Hospital. Pity it is further from home. The bike hardly looks damaged at all, but best to get it checked out. Your X-rays look good to my untrained eye. Hope the quack agrees!

    Katla Good luck with the bloods etc tomorrow, or is that today now?

    Kim That horse embroidery is stunning! I reckon they would be very popular!

    Barbie :heart: Healing thoughts! :heart:

    Grits Woo Hoo! Sorted at last. Well done! Grits = 1:::::Technology = 0. You seem to have a lot of work in prospect. Don't forget to take time for yourself in the midst of it.

    Heather DH made Allbran cookies once. They were very tasty and I had several. Several times. I spent a lot of time contemplating the tiles in the bathroom that night! You must feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders now that you have exchanged. I don't know what our agent is playing at. I will have to read him the riot act to get him moving on our sale!

    DJ I had that problem myself many times in the past. At the moment, though, my winter clothes all seem to have stretched beyond fitting. Not complaining about that!

    Patceoh I'm with you on the purse front. I have very specific requirements and I won't buy if it doesn't suit me. My family know me and would never dream of buying me a purse without giving me the receipt. Lovely cactus. Mine has not one single bud open yet.

    So far I have had a busy two days. Today in craft I finished a Christmas card topper, and this afternoon I gave a pp presentation on the Glasgow Boys to my art history study group. I run a Poetry Appreciation group tomorrow afternoon and have my shopping to do in the morning.


    The weather has turned warm again but is still damp. Today we had the hottest November day since they started keeping records and I felt overheated most oft the day. My battery is about to run out so I will post this before I loss it.

    :heart: Healing thoughts and prayers to those who need them! :heart:

    :sunglasses: Welcome to our Newbies. Sit a spell! :sunglasses:

    :star: Each one of us is a vital cog in an infinite universe. :star:
    We may not know our purpose, but each cog needs to be oiled and tended.

    :heart: May peace and joy shine on your day! :heart:


    Irish Terri
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    I do get 'professional help' with my computer. This group of guys are just wonderful. Tell them what you 'think' might be wrong; they will find it, fix it, and make sure any viruses or other things get taken off, clean it up and removed those 'hanger onners' ... those apps that get attached when you open on different websites. Running smoothly now (both laptop and desktop) and I did not have to do anything. They have my back-up program as well my security program and their support. Tech 2 Us ... great bunch of technicians.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    IrishTerri- Beautiful! What is a Christmas card topper? You sound like you're very artistic!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,370 Member
    Well, ladies, it's been a few days since I checked in. Been thinking of you all.

    I'll probably just skim right now because there are over 200 posts to go over

    Let's see, we drove to VA on Sat., met Colby's mom and one of his sisters. Came home Sun, didn't get home until 10:30. Logged in, but not posted.

    Sun. I was able to use the hotel next door's gym. My plan was to do incline intervals. As they say "if you want to make God laugh, make a plan". Well, the incline feature on their treadmill didn't work so I just walked on the treadmill for an hour but at 4.3mph.

    Monday I did about 15 minutes of yoga, held my plank for 2 min 45 sec and then took the extremepump class. Today I did incline intervals on the treadmill. We have a Newcomer general meeting tomorrow. The speaker is this guy, Randall Jones, who does a great job of speaking, he's going to be presenting about Daniel Boone. The plan is to do a Biggest Loser Calorie Knockout DVD.

    Monday went to senior bowling, then made copies of a notice that I put in all the neighbor's mailboxes inviting them to watch Downton Abbey. To be honest, I really don't expect anyone to take me up on it, but at least I offered. Then home to make dinner and then ceramics and then mahjongg. I'm almost finished with 2 coats of paint on the front, then I'll do 3 on the back, then the third coat on the front.

    Jessica "volunteered" me to make three tiers of a wedding cake for her friend and she would decorate it. As long as it's not decorating, because I don't think I could do it justice. Right now I'm making a key lime (that's going to be one of the layers). The bride needs things gluten free so I'm trying my hand at making one layer gluten free. I'll give her samples and see what she thinks. The bottom layer I'm thinking will be the angelfood pineapple. I'm going to give that a try. She wants the top layer to be chocolate.

    Mary - never thought of pushing the crust down on the apples. Thanks for the tip.

    Made some fudge for Vince, tried a new recipe. He liked it, I'm not all that thrilled with it so that's OK. Also made these chocolate cookies for Vince (or if anyone comes over to watch Downton Abbey, Nancie is supposed to come Sun so I'll have something for her at least). You know how I've always had this "desire" to taste the sugar/butter mixture? Well, today I wasn't all that thrilled to do it. I couldn't help myself, but I almost didn't want to

    Miriam - your needlework just took my breath away

    The guy Denise has been living with asked her to marry him. I don;t understand it totally (well, in a way I do) but he even said that many times she's told him that she wanted my rings, I mentioned it to him, he said that he wanted to get her something that shows how much he loves her. Doing something she wanted and forgoing his desires would be a good example of his love. Well, Denise just called and said that she is hurt that she doesn't have my rings. Evidentally she told his mother this and his mother (get this) said that she can take the diamonds out of my rings and make them into a necklace. I almost died. Denise just told her "no way". But Vince said that from his meeting her, she's more into "things", not so much feelings/sentiments. I know Denise didn't like to hear it, but I said to her "well, you can't wear two engagement and wedding rings". She said "I do have another hand" so I just said "denise, these are to be worn on the left hand, it would look silly for you to have two rings". I really wish Pete had taken her wishes into consideration. I have a feeling that his mother pushed him to buy her a ring (which to me and Jess and her friend is gaudy), that's the way she is. Pete said that she's looking for a home for them. You know it'll be near her. Denise just told us that she's going to put a "substantial" downpayment on a house for them. Well, let her.

    Pip - so glad you friend is going to help you with the kids. So glad to hear hot kirby is progressing so well.

    Rori - how big is your heart????? What a wonderful gesture you made to pip

    becca - how sweet of you to follow thru and call janetr!

    Carol - welcome home. sorry the trip wasn't what you expected. Congrats on the loss

    Kim - FANTASTIC!!!!

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,966 Member
    :)IrishTerri, your holiday card is beautiful...you are very talented.

    :) I had a successful time with my errands....got a great haircut and the books I wanted from the library....used my $5.00 off coupon at Petco for cat food.....bought another pair of gloves and fleece lined leggings for dog walking....I remember what Penny at the Pole said, "there is not bad weather, just bad clothing" so I making sure to be prepared for morning dog walks as the days get colder.

    :'(Mary, I am really missing stronglifts. I thought I'd get back to it when my back healed but now that my back is OK, the pain and tingling in my legs makes me feel too unsteady to be handling heavier weights....I'm going to consider a few lifts that I can do seated and maybe some squats....something is better than nothing.

    smiley-happy026.gif Barbie from beautiful NW Washington where it is getting colder and darker
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Michele - welcome home! I told my daughter that she could wear my rings on her right hand. That way she has them. You can give them to her as something old.

    Barbie - you can always do bodyweight exercises. You don't want to do anything that would increase your pain at this point. Especially if it might be a pinched nerve. We need to get you back in a healthy condition!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Monday went to senior bowling, then made copies of a notice that I put in all the neighbor's mailboxes inviting them to watch Downton Abbey. To be honest, I really don't expect anyone to take me up on it, but at least I offered.
    Michele in NC

    I love Downton Abbey! <3 I'd come if I lived closer! :)

    Cheri in NE Ohio
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    patceoh wrote: »
    My "Christmas"cactus was setting buds in Sept.....kind of confused.Have a couple pics to share.Also have a small yellow cactus about ready to bloom.


    My cactus is blooming also which is a miracle because I can never get them to re-bloom!


    Cheri NE Ohio
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,945 Member
    Exermom, you may have explained this before, but I don't remember. Do you not wear your rings?

    I went to donate blood today and my blood pressure was not good: 138/90. It is never that high. At my checkup if was 118:80. Guess I'll be paying more attention to sodium. Yuk! Yuk! Yuk! I'm going to have it checked again tomorrow. I'm still hoping it was operator error.

    No more time tonight. As Pip says, type to you all later.
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Barbie: So hoping that you find the root cause of the leg pain. I sympathize with you having to take it easy when the rest of your body says 'let's get movin'.

    It's 7:03 and I'm headed to bed. My joints hurt tonight despite having had a therapeutic massage just yesterday. Maybe extra rest will help.

    Take care, friends. Stay well.

    Colorado Foothills where it's supposed to SNOW 4-8 inches tonight and tomorrow.