

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    His schedule at his new hospital

    UPDATE: tomorrow's schedule:
    7:00am-7:45am - dressing
    8:15-8:45 - meal
    9:30-10:15am - physical therapy
    10:30-11:45am - psych
    12:00-12:15 - meal
    1:15-1:45 - speech therapy
    2:00-2:15 - occupational therapy
    3:30-3:45 - physical therapy
    4:00-onward nothing else

    He has got a full day tomorrow
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I'm finally home from my trip to Kansas City. The doctor's visit went really well. I liked her a lot. She spent at least an hour with me. She read a bunch of the records that I hand carried. She asked questions and actually listened to my answers! Unheard of! She ran some lab tests today and scheduled some kind of test for next Monday and a special kind of endoscopy thing December 17th. I've got to do a MoviPrep thing like before a colonoscopy. She is concerned that the "seam" in the colon from the resection in February may have gone bad somehow (she told me exactly how, but I can't remember), so she's checking on that, or that I may have an internal hernia in the intestine wall.

    I went to Trader Joes and went a little crazy. Got all kinds of fun stuff. Pumpkin cornbread mix? Three kinds of olive oil. Advent calendars for the kids. A bag of different colored baby potatoes.

    I never made it to Costco. I went to a clay supply store instead, then wanted to get home before dark. It was a long day of driving.

    Well, I had to get up early this morning, so I'm going to bed early tonight. Have a great evening.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Pat: My Christmas Cactus plants are not as far along as yours. They are putting on buds and one has a couple of blooms but none has anything approaching the number of blossoms yours does. :flowerforyou:

    Terri: The blood-work was today and I don't know when the results will be posted to my online chart. I know it isn't there yet. :smile:

    Michele: I am impressed with your 2 minute 45 second plank. Wow! I'm sorry about the wedding ring business, mostly because it seems to make you sad. I gave my mother's wedding rings to DS for his bride. They sold the diamonds to the jeweler to help pay for the ring she liked. It is lovely and suits her. I was a little surprised at the time, but let it go. Mom's rings were his to do with as he wished. They were nice diamonds but the settings weren't particularly pretty. :ohwell: I really like Mary from MN's advice. Giving them to her as something old is sentimental and lovely. :heart:

    I'm having a weird day. I'm tired because I didn't sleep well last night, and a bit more emotional than usual. I hope I'm not coming down with anything. I did get my blood draw done this morning & wonder when the information will be available. I'm guessing it will take a few days. The lady in the lab was good with the needle and it didn't hurt. She made me show her my id and asked for details about my name, birthdate, and so forth. She said it is standard procedure to make sure I'm the person I'm supposed to be. I spoke to DH about it and he said they'd done the same to him so I guess it isn't that unusual. I don't remember anything like it before.

    Have a good evening.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    November Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,659 Member
    Thanks for the input on the horse, I decided to make 3 pillows and put it on the back of a cranberry sweat shirt and take orders if I need more.

    Mary – I do love knotty pine, but as an accent, sometimes it can be overwhelming – and not worth it if you are allergic!

    Grits – the challenge we all seem to face at least some times is how to let go of things others what us to get involved with

    Heather – glad things are better! Good girl !!! Love that you are getting ahead of the holiday

    Betty – not much I can say, but no worries about ranting, it goes in the white space and gets sweeped away!

    Terri – hang in!!!

    Pat – pretty cactus, I have a new one from a start do you know how many years until it blooms?

    Michele – glad the trip went well

    Barbie – fleece lined leggings???? I walk early (late compared to you) and do silk longjohns under jeans but fleece lined leggings sound great – where do you find them?

    Sylvia – I am so glad you have a doctor that listens!!

    Katla – the questioning has happened to me too….

    November Goals -
    Attend yoga each wednesday evening
    Walk everyday –would like to see 160 miles
    continue counseling and hold my weight where it is as I deal with my current set of emotional issues
    weekly fun things
    W1 – football – we won! Working on craft show crafts
    Kim from N. California
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Well, my husband is the ULTIMATE saboteur! I know I make my own decisions but he is NOT helping.... Today I went to our local pizza shop for their lunch buffet. Their salads are to die for with marinated mushrooms (I had two medium sized ones), halved creamy hard-boiled eggs (I had a whole egg), then the normal salad stuff. I then had two large slivers of a mushroom and olive pizza (like 1 large slice) and a slice of their taco pizza (which was mostly dry chips on top and lettuce)....then 3 cookies...I need to be more accountable!!!

    Today I checked in with an amazing lady that was one of the receptionists for my husband at the Transplantation Center. She has many hardships in her past, but I compared her to a broken Japanese ceramic bowl. Let me explain..... You see in their culture they would take a broken pottery piece and take it to an artist they knew and the shards were fused together using a mixture of gold dust (and other stuff) but the point is that the bowl was transformed into a work of art, better than before. The bowl would be stronger, and even though the damage was on the outside, there was beauty in it. I see many similarities in how they respect pottery, and my friend. She has said in the past that she felt broken, but I see her far from broken. I think in each of us there is a broken part, but there can be strength in the mending.

    Like my marriage, there was hardship, but it was worth the mending. With that, we found strength, a strength to rely on each other, and realize that we are two halves of a whole. Seeing the world with a significant person by your side, gives you another point of view.

    So with these realizations, I don't settle for anything less than what I deserve. I say what I mean and mean what I say. To have that as my mantra is liberating. A freeing way of thinking. I am not a religious person but I think (and hope) my mother is smiling down on me.

    ((((((hugs))))) to you all :-)
  • mtowne002
    mtowne002 Posts: 152 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    Doing well today...day three of no walking no work and my hip feels good as new. Back to work tomorrow which is a good thing. Other good things are that my daughter came home at noon hopefully for good. She is a bit of a wreck but on the mend now. And my son IS going to come up from Florida bw Christmas and New Years! I am Psyched! Got my daughter to her therapist today and picked up all her meds. Went to food pantry as missing Sunday's time and a half is going to set me back a hundred dollars that I was counting on for groceries. We are very lucky to have a very good food pantry in our town. I confess I have been a bit over my calories most days since Melly had moved out. Looking back I can see lots of reasons this happened so I am recommitting to sticking w plan as my scale hasn't budged this week. I so appreciate all the caring responses you have all sent my way! Thank you.

    Barbie last I remember the boots were helping? Are you still wearing them? I was on a med for mood stabilization a long time ago Topimax ...it curbed my desire to eat and I lost fourth pounds in four months. I was thrilled..but as my level increased I got numbness and tingling in my hands and feet really bad and I had to stop. It was an uncommon side effect but my maiden name is Murphy after all. Could you be taking a med that might be causing this?

    Pip I have a plate and screws in my right elbow. Your X-ray looks similar too mine. Isn't it weird to think of those screws sticking in you? I know it weirds me out a little. I don't set off any alarms at the airport or at the courthouse btw. You mentioned a speech therapist for Kirby...is his cognition affected by the accident? I sure hope he continues to heal rapidly and well...and I have to admit he is really handsome.

    Becca I love the story about the mending strengthening things analogy. Thank you.

    Carol congrats on twelve pounds! That's huge!

    Heather congrats on the transfer.

    Katla the first time someone asked for my id to prove it was me for a drs appt was for my MAMMOGRAM! I seriously thought the girl was joking! I had burst out laughing and it took me a minute to realize she was serious! I mean REALLY?!? Who would sneak in to get that done?

    Afraid to switch pages back to double check who did what bc I have lost half written replies before...wanted to mention that I really like the horse embroidery and I think pillows and sweatshirts are a perfect item to use! Good luck!

    Gotta go as my daughter can't sleep and I am going to lay w her and talk her to sleep.

    Gnite All

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    edited November 2015
    OK, who in the world IS coming to Kentucky for Christmas???? I do believe my mind is slipping.

    Mindy, I find if I need to go back a page to double check something, I write what I want to, then act like I am going to copy and paste, go back to the other page and then click on my reply again and paste what I had written and then continue on. Hope I made sense.

    Irish Terri, that card you made is so beautiful. I think of my Mom and her scrap booking every time I see your work. She would have loved to see what you make. It would give her so many ideas.

    Well when I got to my sister's house I plain forgot that I didn't have my password to her husbands router for my iPad. Before I got my new phone I had always used my phone as a hot spot. So I tried to go by the directions on my phone on how to use it as a hot spot and it never worked. but silly me, I plain forgot that I can get on facebook on my phone. So I did that and it pretty much looks like the facebook that she has on her cheap tablet. So I was able to help her. When she got the tablet last year she put 4 friends on it. She has gotten comfortable with it and her niece set up very strict privacy settings so she is asking for more friends. So I helped her to send a friend request to one of our nephews. He is the guy who was a heroin addict and is making a complete turnaround and is a very healthy in mind body and spirit now. His new addiction right now though is the gymn. I know that that can be a good place to be but I don't want him to forget about rebuilding the rest of his life.

    Barbie, I sure think of you a lot lately. Your attitude and physical abilities is such an inspiration to all of us and you are having so much trouble now with pain. I sure hope they find a solution for you.

    Sunday school lunch was today. everyone brings a sandwich and the host takes care of the rest. Well I went ahead and took my carrots with me anyway. Shirley made the most scrumptious cake, pumpkin pie cake. MMMMMMMM GOOD

    Joyce, Indiana
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,819 Member
    morning ladies~
    I slept 10 hours last night :open_mouth: must have needed it.
    woke up with banger of a headache..
    Tom talked to the countertop people and he said you called to give me a time you are coming thursday and they said no, we are coming on the 19th..grrrr, the pellet stove people are coming then and I was supposed to get a haircut that day.. will try and call my hairdresser today and see if she has an opening tomorrow.. if not will have to wait .
    going to check on hotels for the cape and sanibel in decemeber
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Today is my day to exercise, reconnect with dh, plan for the upcoming holiday feast and deal with a wonky fridge.

    Counting my blessings because none would be possible without the service of our military folks past, present and future.
    Karen from ny
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Mindy, people who have no insurance and need medical care are who would give a wrong name for a mammo. It has become a bigger and bigger problem as so many employers no longer provide health insurance, or keep their workers on part time permanently so they don't have to. The health insurance industry is what has ruined our medical system to make profits for stock holders, in my opinion. I worked for a national insurance company that manages Iowa's Medicaid system and I saw how regulation could have prevented the destruction because our contract with the state had strict limits on the amount of profit the insurance company could make. One percent. And it was profitable for them but not like the unrestrained profiteering of normal insurance companies. My opinion.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Michelle great job on the plank. Sounds like it his mother that is doing the pushing. Hope it doesn't cause a problem in Denise's relationship to her and to him,

    Becca loved the story about the bowl.

    Irish Terri beautiful candle.

    Cheri I have gotten a Christmas cactus to rebloom a number of years by putting it outside in the summer. I do have to make sure I water it well. It will often bloom in the summer and then again in the fall.

    Working today and looking forward to their Veteran's Day assembly.

    :heart: Margaret
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,991 Member
    edited November 2015
    GodMomKim wrote: »

    Barbie – fleece lined leggings???? I walk early (late compared to you) and do silk longjohns under jeans but fleece lined leggings sound great – where do you find them?

    Kim from N. California

    :)Kim, I found the leggings in the sporting goods store. I went there to buy another pair of gloves and spotted the leggings. The owner said they had just come in. The brand is "Gold Medal" and they are called "fleece lined seamless legging". I think you can get them on Amazon. I got other leggings to wear under my jeans at Big Five Sporting Goods in the department where they have stuff for skiing.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,991 Member
    mtowne002 wrote: »

    Barbie last I remember the boots were helping? Are you still wearing them? I was on a med for mood stabilization a long time ago Topimax ...it curbed my desire to eat and I lost fourth pounds in four months. I was thrilled..but as my level increased I got numbness and tingling in my hands and feet really bad and I had to stop. It was an uncommon side effect but my maiden name is Murphy after all. Could you be taking a med that might be causing this?

    :)Mindy, I don't know if the boots are helping, they may be slowing the progression of whatever is wrong...but at least they aren't keeping me from sleeping. About the possibility of meds being the culprit, both the chiropractor and the doctor agree that it is some sort of nerve compression syndrome. I'm scheduled for a nerve conduction test on November 20 that will give the doctor and me more information. In the meantime, I'm grateful that I can still walk the dogs a bit and dance.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
  • RobinS1957
    RobinS1957 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm new so I think I should stop lurking and just jump in. I'm Robin from Nova Scotia, enjoying a day off for Remembrance Day (Veteran's day) and trying to get used to the MFP site. Good to meet you all and nice to know that there is a group of 50+ here.
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Barbie, nerve compression problems are one of the many symptoms of celiac disease. I have issues in this area. I often find that shoes cause it. About the only shoes I can wear without numbness in my feet is sandals, so I end up wearing them almost year round. Anything snug around my ankles causes my feet to go numb, from ski boots to roller blades to hiking boots to a snug elastic on sweat pants. Sometimes my feet will go numb just from being in one position too long. I was part of a study here at the University of Iowa where they had isolated a gene for "sensitive to compression nerves" which now that I know I have celiac makes me wonder if it isn't also related to this. (Researchers often focus in too closely and miss the overall picture, just like docs did with diagnosing my celiac. I was the one that said that all my various issues HAD to be something systemic and I searched for a cause.) I have had problems in this area since childhood. I also had to have BOTH wrists done for carpal tunnel, which is not the norm. The carpal tunnel symptoms started when I was about 21 and had a job at a senior center where at lunch I carried two pots of coffee (caff and decaff) around for an hour during lunch. So it really doesn't take much to trigger.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,819 Member
    I have fleece lined leggings....got them at Ocean State Job Lot for 5.00 a piece.. love them....
    having a 3rd cup of tea, and then off to work... fed DFIL was dressed and sitting in his room..
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member

    Mary from Minnesota