

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    @DamitJanit You are correct, I have a mouth, and a brain and they connect and everything. He asked if I wanted to go (plus we have some free visits still on the books with them) It was free, and my brain just heard, "Free Tastes Pretty good"..... I will pay attention... choices are just that....choices. Right then I choose to overeat, and say what the hell... I deserve better than that. Thanks for being that "angel of reason on my shoulder"... :-)

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    DJ - you definitely are not lazy! Anybody that can dance for two hours has amazing stamina! You are such an inspiration.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • samm8911
    samm8911 Posts: 12 Member
    samm8911 wrote: »
    Good morning everyone! I just discovered this group and it looks great. My name is Soraya, I'm 53 and am originally from the New York tri-state area but I´ve been living in Spain for the past 16 years. I love the November gratitude quote. I also set monthly goals for myself on the first of the month so it's nice to find myself in like-minded company. Mine are the following:

    -Tomorrow I start an online meditation program (Deepak Choprah and Oprah guide a free, 20 minute meditation session for 22 days) and another month-long course. Im looking forward to both so I'm planning to get up an hour earlier each day to be able to do them in a relaxed way without feeling like I have to stuff them into my already full day. The real challenge lies there, in the getting up earlier.

    -Log every calorie every day no matter what ( too easy to do a quick add when I mess up; it's never realistic)

    -Stick to my food plan (and within my allotted calories) for 80% of my meals

    -Write for 30 minutes 3x/wk

    -Walk for 30minutes 3x/wk

    Nice meeting you all, and here's to November goals! :smile:


    Hi everybody,

    Hope everyone is happy and well. Just checking in. I'm amazed at how fast this message board moves. I wish I could read and reply more but have to confess that after spending most of my workday at a computer, the laaaast thing I feel like doing is logging into anything and I use that little bit of log-in enegy to track my food. Still I wanted to reach out and send encouragement and support to all of you, especially for anyone having a tough day.

    I had a good first week where I felt pretty much in control but this week is a bit tougher because I have been busier. I find myself needing to tweek my calendar so I can get more done. It's Wednesday and I haven't done any writing or walking but I think I just sheduled these things on days i had too much else going on. Ill get it, just have to work it out. On the positive side, my eating has been pretty clean and I had 84% compliance with the plan last week and I've been tracking and planning well.

    Just want to say something "out loud". Part of the reason I´m here in this group is because feel like I've spent most of my life at the beginning of my weight loss journey and i want that to change. i very much admire those of you who are in the "during". I hope to join you.

    Have a great night out there.


  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,327 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    IrishTerri- Beautiful! What is a Christmas card topper? You sound like you're very artistic!


    Mary from Minnesota

    You stick them onto blank cards and add a message. I make a lot of my own cards and use Peel-off sentiments and decorate them with jewels. I usually write a poem and print it out as an insert. Sometimes I do parchment craft cards, but they are very time-consuming. I will post pictures of some of them when they are done.
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 397 Member
    Just checking in...thanks for the support...still no thank you from DD but I have revised my expectations...Very tired as I wound up spending my entire day off painting one of the bedrooms. Finally got some lunch in at 4:45 pm. I already told DH that next time I have a day off I am going to a day spa or something similarly fun instead!!! What was I thinking? LOL..
    Signing this as
    Betty ROC so Beth and I will no longer be confused together with the WNY!
    Resisting the urge to go out for dessert...
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    We have 'blond' ash-colored kitchen cabinets. I want a change. I'd like to ask DH if they could be sanded and re-stained darker. LOL! He'd probably prefer to paint them instead. I'd just have to figure out what color to use. Actually the dark green counter really needs to be replaced. More because I hate it now. Too dated. I'd love to be able to re-do kitchen and bath. I'd almost prefer not to even have a bathtub if I had to have what I have now. Too deep, too short, hard to get in and out of. We've been here for going on 16 years; and, I am ready to pump it up. If I had my choice; I'd prefer to put a walk-in shower with seamless glass doors where the bathtub is now. I'd like to take the stained glass window and put it sideways up high in the shower. Taking it out of where it is in the utility room. And to have a double vanity and maybe move the toilet to the opposite side of the room. If I could make the door going into the shared bath (MBR and living area) into a pocket door; but, we'd be talking major bucks. We don't have it and won't - so I guess I have to make the best of it. I really want him to paint my DR chairs a dark midnight blue to carry the color of the border of my Oriental rug into the DR and maybe paint the backs of the stools the same color ... I'd leave the seats their original color (which is about the same color as our kitchen cabinets are now; just on the other side of the counter. Put quarter-round up about where the cabinets meet the ceiling. House has settled a little and it is obvious when you look there. The only thing I would also like to have would be some more cabinets, around the window and get rid of the wire rack we have there in front of the window. Live in a house long enough you find and/or see things that you wish you had done differently. Does anybody else have these 'dreams' (like . . . I'd do that if I ever won the lottery). Dream on ... I need double refrigerator. I've got to rearrange my fridge before I shop for Thanksgiving. I think I will put my protein shakes up on the top shelf; and then decide where to put all the jars of pickles and jellies. I need an organizer in all areas of my life insofar as the house and my art studio are concerned. I really don't even know where to begin. I've only got about 4.5 feet of book shelving about 7 shelves high and my DYS comes in and looks at it when he comes home as if to say ... can't you clean off some of the tchotchkes? When my DOS comes over at times, I feel like he is casing the place for things he'd like to have when we go to greener pastures. I think Thanksgiving is a time that I am going to sit down with the guys and talk to them about where to start; Wills are with our Financial Advisor; that is where they need to go first.

    We had a dear friend die last night. They had taken him to the local hospital after he blacked out; then sent him home, the 2nd time he did so last week, they sent him up to Emory in Atlanta. He had some sort of lung disorder. He was a Taxidermist all his life. DH called DYS and told him, he was really 'upset'. He had planned on going by to see him when he comes home the weekend before Thanksgiving. Now our DOS will have to find out when the funeral will be - and if it is going to be here or in Albany. I'd 'think' here since he's lived here all his life. No children, just nieces and nephews. He looked a lot older than I think he is. Sad.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,672 Member
    Damnit - they r running him thru the ringer today. His schedule will change tomorrow and I suspect speech therapy won't b part of his day
  • RobinS1957
    RobinS1957 Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks for the warm welcome. A little about me: 58, work full time, married, no kids but a lovely stepdaughter all grown up now. We live in a rural area and I commute about an hour and a half to work (each way) most days so usually gone from the house for 12-13 hours at a stretch and sitting way too much. I enjoy walking, gardening and most all things musical. I play the folk harp, something I took up when I turned 50. Compared to many I am really blessed-- good health, good family. The work is more stressful than I would like but so many people are unemployed or have terrible work-- I have nothing to complain about. Just need to lose weight to maintain that health and take some energy with me into my retirement when that happens!

    Good night to all from Robin in Nova Scotia

    PS the beautiful photos and talk about Christmas cactus had me checking mine, which I've had since 1985 through 2 cross-country moves. The buds are just beginning to form! It's in an east window and seems to like it there.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,381 Member
    barbie - I'm so sorry you're still in pain. I hope it gets taken care of real soon

    Mary - when each of the kids were baptized, their godmother made this bonnet out of a handerchief. The plan is when they get married, you take out a few stitches and they carry this handkerchief down the aisle with them. That'll be her "something old" (that is...assuming I can find it. Well, I found Bryan's and just carried it in my pocketbook)

    cheri - this is season 6 (Downton Abbey) which won't be shown in the US until Jan. It's interesting some of the twists and turns that are happening. In a way I like watching it now and then when it's shown in the US because I've found in the past that there were things that I missed the first time around. Wish you lived closer, too

    Did 55 min of a Biggest Loser Calorie knockout DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Strength Training with the Band DVD.

    Had a general meeting for the Newcomers today. We had a REALLY good speaker talking about Daniel Boone. He is so dynamic. Tomorrow I'll volunteer at the green room, Vince is getting his hair cut (finally! But not short enough for me), then in the evening we go to the Hickory Community Theater.

    We started putting out the Christmas decorations today. Did the "fence" and changed the lightbulbs in the landscape lights from white to red and green.

    drkatiebug - yes, I wear my rings. My father got them for my mother and when she died, he put them in the safety box and when I got married I used them. I wear them. Denise has always said (and she even said it to Pete) that she wanted them. I have no idea why he didn't ask me for them knowing that she wanted to wear them. He said that he wanted to get her something that shows he loves her. Well, a ring is just a "thing". To me, a better expression of your love for someone is to put your feelings aside and do something that they want you to do. But what's done is done. He could have asked me for my rings and gotten her something else, like a necklace that she can wear. this way Denise and he would get what they wanted. Your bp being high might just have been a fluke. Sometimes that happens to me. My bp is rarely high, but occasionally it is and it usually isn't the next time I have it taken.

    katla - our neighbor at our first house liked my rings so much that she had a jeweler design rings like it for her. Of course, they aren't made this way any more, the setting etc. so that's why she had to have it special made. I'm just sad that Denise is sad and isn't getting what she wanted. At first I couldn't get over that Pete's mother said that Denise could take the diamond out of the ring and put it on a necklace. Even Denise said to her "never". Remember the ring I gave to Dianna (Bryan's wife?). I'm sure she's not wearing it. Now in a way I wish I hadn't given it to her, but what's done is done

    Margaret - I, too, think the mother is somewhat convincing Pete to do what she wants. Remember, she co-signed for an apt for them, they skipped out leaving her owning thousands of dollars and she cosigned for ANOTHER apt? She's the one who bought them a truck. To me, we aren't buying Denise a car, but we did pay for her education. A car is fine today, but what happens when it breaks and she's no longer here or able to buy them another one? To us, at least Denise has an education she can fall back on. I suspect maybe she's (the mother) into having "things". We're thinking about the future, not the immediate present.

    Hi Robin! So glad you came out from behind the drapery.

    Sylvia - good for you resisting those donuts! I bet you did real well talking to those kids

    DJ - Denise just isn't the type of person who will say that she'd rather have my rings. Don't ask me to explain it, she'll tell me, but she'd be afraid of hurting Pete's feelings by telling him. I don't think this is right. She should at least say to him (at least to my way of thinking) "I love that you got me a ring, but I really do wish I had my mother's rings." But I know she won't ever do that. To me, she should only so that something like this doesn't continually happen.

    Lenora - one day Vince was in the office and the doorbell rings. He opens the door and there is a state trooper. He tells us that he got a message that the alarm on our detached building went off. We have a speaker in the house so should it go off, we would know. However, this time it went off but the speaker was bad so we didn't know it. It wasn't broken into or anything, just a malfunction. But we didn't hear a thing. We have a special code word, too. So sorry about your friend

    Am doing a load of darks right now. Bot some of the paint from ceramics on my pants, so I want to wash it out. This paint can be washed out unlike acrylics.

    Soraya - we'd love to have ya. Keep coming back. I have to ask, what took you to Spain?

    Welcome everyone new!

    Michele in NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Pat: Thanks for the information on the mattress pad. I suggested the idea to DH but he wants a blanket. :ohwell:

    Tracie: I've been working hard to avoid emotional eating since I started here and I'm doing much better than ever before. I'm sure I will always have to keep an eye on this. My best advice is to nibble on celery without any cheese spreads or topping. It actually takes more calories to digest than it contains. :flowerforyou:

    Miriam: I hope you have a good trip. :flowerforyou:

    Barbie: Your blanket solution is excellent. We shopped for an electric blanket today and didn't find what we were after. I'll tell DH your idea, but I really think he wants to have his own giant heating pad. It will be fine with dual controls If I can keep my side turned completely off. :flowerforyou:

    NSV for me today! I just got the results from yesterday's blood test. The calcium and D3 levels are just right and parathyroid looks good, too. Doctor says to avoid calcium supplements, although I do still take one caplet, which is a quarter of what I used to take. Being my own science experiment is working for me. :bigsmile: Just so you know, it makes me feel competent and just a little powerful. :devil: :bigsmile:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    November Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • KristinaHajjar
    KristinaHajjar Posts: 24 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    When you reach a certain age, losing weight is just different. Our metabolism changes, it's harder, our body is changing, our willpower changes and it's very discouraging. I look at these younger women losing weight like I used to be able to and feel like a failure, I'm a stress eater and blow it every time. If I could keep that same 10 lbs off that I have lost over and over again, I would be one slender woman! I am so discouraged and feel so bad about myself, I really need encouragement and motivation from women with my own struggles, I can't be the only one out there!

    smiley-happy026.gifYou have come to the right place....if you keep coming back and reading the posts, you'll meet awesome women who have found some great ways to lose weight even with the challenges of age, family, job, stress, and health. It can be done. Just reading this thread every day is encouraging and motivating to stay with the plan you've chosen.

    t116009.gif Barbie from beautiful NW Washington t0464.gif

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,672 Member
  • KristinaHajjar
    KristinaHajjar Posts: 24 Member
    I have been away for a while, but I am back at MFP. I am now 57 years old and have been struggling even more with my weight loss. It does get harder when you get older. Menopause and metabolic decline really suck! I went back to the doctor and my blood sugar is not doing well. My A1C was 7.1. I am upset. It should be 5.5 or less! I don't seem to be able to handle all of this and do what I need to do to take care of myself. Am I just getting lazy? I need to reassess and motivate. My doctor gave me a prescription for Contrave, but after reading the MANY dangerous-sounding side effects, I am scared to try it now. I feel so stuck. I can relate to anyone out there struggling tonight.
    Kristina from Southern California
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited November 2015
    Katla - mattress pad warmer with dual controls is great. Better than an electric blanket; probably better than a 'heating pad' . . . runs about $100 (more or less - can usually find them at any large Dept. Store on sale) for a king-sized bed. Love mine.

    exermom - I don't know where the conversation about 'rings' started (haven't read that far back apparently) and making pieces from them; but, when my DYS was looking for a ring, one of my DDnL#2's friends had one and wanted $7K for it. DYS said 'why would he want to give her a ring from a broken marriage'? They went to a jeweler and had him design one from 2 different settings. Beautiful. He only wanted a thin wedding band. I was 'supposed' to get the ring that my MnL bought for herself and I was with her when she bought it many years ago; unfortunately my 'darling' [no pun intended - HA!] decided one day that she did not need it where she was (A.L.F.) and took it from her and we never saw it again; and then when the list that was made to attach to her Will was seen, she had scratched through my name and put hers there instead (including a Christmas gift I had painted for her) - that she'd never allow me to take back in order to 'sign' it. She (step-daughter) would not return it - her last communication with her Dad was with a 'sticky note' attached to death certificate which told him 'if he needed anything else, he could contact the funeral home himself'. WOW! What a "kiss my @$$ note'. Have not seen them since and that was more than 8 years ago. But, her daughter and my DH are missing a granddaughter/granddaddy relationship which is only hurtful to DH. No telling what she has said to her husband about why we don't communicate - doubtful it was truthful; and, I am sure that her step-father is and has always been her "Papa". Why do adult children use their own children as 'pawns'? Like I have said before Karma is a *kitten*, and she will come back to bit you. Sad state of affairs. Needless to say she is specifically written out of his Will - she got her (more than) share under her "Nana's" Will. Devious little Devil.

    If I were him and the materialistic side of this woman has come out prior to any engagement; he probably needs to turn around and run. If he buys a house with her before being married to her and they break up - he is stuck with the payments if she forces it. I'm not even sure that I would even co-mingle funds.

    When my former SnL (who I have kept in contact with) after the divorce gave my MnL back the pink diamond ring that had been given to her - since step-daughter took all the jewelry - she got that one, too. It's not like she did not have 'any' jewelry. One of the rings that was given to her prior to "Nana's" death was never worn.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,970 Member
    :) We got new vertical blinds installed in three windows of our house. The salesperson came at the end of October and said that it would probably be four to six weeks 'til installation. They called yesterday and said the installer would be here mid-day today. At noon two guys showed up and the old blinds were down and the new ones up by 1:30. We celebrated by going to see the new James Bond movie.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Stats for today:
    14,000 steps
    127 minutes of dog walking
    54 minutes riding the exercise bike
    two minute plank
    line dance class
  • nissanmama
    nissanmama Posts: 26 Member
    *waves* Hi...I'm sneaking in here. I'm actually 49 and determined not to turn 50 next summer looking and feeling the way I did on my last birthday. (Also, I suspect there will be some weddings of my adult children in the not so distant future) I am a former two-sport NCAA athlete and Star 3 certified spin instructor that can't find work because I'm carrying around an extra 75 pounds! I'm also menopausal and have had a rough last couple of years. Right now I'm trying to control the things I can, and that includes my eating. My November goal is to buy a serious piece of exercise equipment before the snow starts to fly here in northeast Pennsylvania. As a SF bay area native, this California girl is a total fish out of water. It's important I don't feel like I have to drive in the snow to get to the gym and as an instructor, I'm motivated to use the equipment rather than using it as an expensive drying rack. I was able to get hubby into the equipment store and we've got a deposit on a refurbished Precor elliptical. Here's my "before" picture. I'm down about 10 pounds since then, but I'm feeling like the rest is so far away. Every day is a struggle.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Grits: I tried to get DH interested in a mattress pad warmer but no luck. :noway: He's ordered an electric blanket from Amazon. I will have the ability to turn off the part that is on my side of the bed. :ohwell:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Gayle, my DH is on an antibiotic because he has a wicked bowel infection. Some days we think the antibiotic is working because there is less pain and some days we don't think it is working at all. He has ulcerative colitis also which is not in control at all so he naturally has a lot of diarrhea. So he is a mess.

    He didn't go to his usual Wednesday night Karaoke haunt. They only have a one stall bathroom and it has made him soil himself one to many times. He didn't go anytime last weekend either. I can get him to sing to me some times. If I ask him to just sing to me it won't work. But some times I will be sneaky and ask him a question about a song and he will sing it. Or I will get him to whistle for me.

    Sylvia, your middle school DGD may have a crush on a guy and that is why her head is in the clouds. When my oldest was in middle school I asked her what kids her age do when they are going steady. She said they don't do anything because usually the guy doesn't even know the girl likes him. It's just something between her and her girlfriends!

    I bought at a yard sale many years ago an ugly blanket. It was probably sold from a catalogue like Collections etc. It is a heavy brown blanket with a picture of a bear on it. But I use that thing year round. It is small enough that when DH and I were sharing a bed, I wold only tuck it in on my side of the bed so he didn't have any use of it. Now it is under my heavy quilt and feels wonderful. I had often thought of an electric blanket but I to have a cat who loves to chew on cords and that just scares the jeeby jeebies out of me that she would electrocute herself some day. as it is when I plug my phone and iPad up each night in my bedroom, I have to thoroughly cover them up or she would chew them. When I got my new phone about 6 weeks ago it came with a really nice set of ear buds. Well they were chewed up the fist night. I thought that since i had them on my bedside table it would be out of her reach. Cat's are smarter than humans I think.

    Anyone here in the midwest, stay safe in the wake of the storms. It went north of us and didn't hit us like predicted.

    I humbly thank any of you who are veterans or were the wives who had to stay at home and worry about your husbands or sons. My husband was in the Vietnam war but stayed state side his whole deployment. I had one son in law who was and still is in the National Guard. He was in Iraq 3 times. He is my ex SIL now. He kept singing up without consulting my daughter. Not the only reason,

    Love you guys. Joyce, Indiana, another emotional eater
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Pat and Cheri; The Christmas cactus are quite beautiful.

    Becca - Just push reset. Tomorrow is a new day

    Lenora - I'm sorry about your friend.

    Katla - Having good test results is an awesome NSV.

    Trying to stay ahead of the game at work. Went to Costco this afternoon and spent way too much. I did find the sweetest dress for DGD for Christmas. She doesn't think she can wait that long to wear it. I don't blame her.
    Found DGS a birthday present. It will be a little late as birthday was on the 10th and I still have to mail it.
    Tomorrow going to a Young Living presentation. I've already told DB's girlfriend that I am not getting involved in anything with an auto ship. No thank you.
    Snow is gone and back to wearing just a hoody.
    -Sharon in Lethbridge