

  • Bialetti62
    Bialetti62 Posts: 49 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    When you reach a certain age, losing weight is just different. Our metabolism changes, it's harder, our body is changing, our willpower changes and it's very discouraging. I look at these younger women losing weight like I used to be able to and feel like a failure, I'm a stress eater and blow it every time. If I could keep that same 10 lbs off that I have lost over and over again, I would be one slender woman! I am so discouraged and feel so bad about myself, I really need encouragement and motivation from women with my own struggles, I can't be the only one out there!

    smiley-happy026.gifYou have come to the right place....if you keep coming back and reading the posts, you'll meet awesome women who have found some great ways to lose weight even with the challenges of age, family, job, stress, and health. It can be done. Just reading this thread every day is encouraging and motivating to stay with the plan you've chosen.

    t116009.gif Barbie from beautiful NW Washington t0464.gif

    Couldn't agree more! It's somehow more rewarding when the weight starts to move downward, though. I feel better about the little losses than I ever did when I was younger. Took it for granted then.

    My goals are for different reasons now, too.
    Anyone else?

    At 52, I want to live healthier/ longer so I can enjoy hubby's retirement & see my kids graduate college, find their personal & professional niche, move into their first home, adopt their first pet, start families, etc. Changing comfortable habits is hard and if you're making yourself a little uncomfortable by challenging yourself to do this, that's wonderful! If the changes you're making only frustrate you and you aren't seeing improvements in the way you feel/look then check with a doctor. Maybe they can make better suggestions.

    We are here to give support and I do wish you the best. I have more to lose than 10lbs but, no matter what the goal is, losing weight is hard work!
  • Bialetti62
    Bialetti62 Posts: 49 Member
    phyllis115 wrote: »
    Happy November! Thanks Barbie for the new thread and the quote.

    November goals
    1- Log everything. I've been doing well with this, I just need to keep it up.
    2-Limit television viewing and increase housecleaning in preparation for the holidays. If I can just do 15 minutes a day of extra housework, I might be able to make some progress with the clutter.
    3. At least 10 minutes of ME time to read, reflect or write in my journal.

    Prayers and hugs to all who need them.

    Phyl in Cincy

    I share your goals!!
  • flossyjai
    flossyjai Posts: 9 Member
    Hi love the thought for today ,I try to remember to be grateful ,succeed a lot of the time ,but not perfect . I have had a slow start to my goals ,am at least doing some exercise 3_4 Times a week ,mainly moderate/light swimming and gym work . Had a goodloss the other week but this week shows a plus . I know my pain meds have an unwanted affect on my body so I'm hoping that's been thereason ,as my food choices have been pretty good andlikeI said more exercise. But whatever caused it ,I want it to know it will not derail me ..I'm in for the long run !

    Getting back to being grateful and appreciating, it's so easy in our busy life's to miss so much beautiful moments,a leaf being moved by the wind,a cloud rolling ,a bird taking flight,a child's words,a friend's love in their look , a summer flower still in flower in winter . Moments that will never be again. I read on a site recently that were always aiming for . The next thing ,the destination,when in fact the destination is here and now the journey ...so I'm going to aim to be grateful and appreciate each moment now ,the changes that come along,the silence,all of it ..and that includes my weight lossjourney the ups and downs . Of it.
    Have a lovely day all
  • flossyjai
    flossyjai Posts: 9 Member
    When you reach a certain age, losing weight is just different. Our metabolism changes, it's harder, our body is changing, our willpower changes and it's very discouraging. I look at these younger women losing weight like I used to be able to and feel like a failure, I'm a stress eater and blow it every time. If I could keep that same 10 lbs off that I have lost over and over again, I would be one slender woman! I am so discouraged and feel so bad about myself, I really need encouragement and motivation from women with my own struggles, I can't be the only one out there!

    Please don't get discouraged and definitely don't feel bad about you ..you are not alone :) I think most of us can understand and know that place of loosing,gaining,loosing etc. It is harder in our 50+ but it is doable ,it's slowly slowly ,it's not giving up,it's knowing what we're eating is mostly good stuff and moving our bodies..we can still have treats but moderate them ,we can still have duvet days but move our bodies most days, it's not about mad e x exercise its about doing some,and liking what we do....and its about loving ourselves along the journey . I'm here any time you want to chat
    Jan :)
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    nissanmama[/b], welcome i am have been using mfp and found this group about 2-3months ago...a real good thing for me. Accountability and consistency are powerful agents for change. As for menopause, it kicked me to the ground but i talked with my doc and got some relief from my very heavy cycle and now i can say that it is getting better.
    I focus my goals like having more energy and improving my health, not just for the family in the future but the family now. since i started exercising and choosing to eat for fuel, not starving and bingeing, i am a happier person in general....would be nice to be the size i was in college but not the goal that keeps me motivated.
    It is great sharing the nsvs and the stresses with folks that are accepting, and supportive.

    Off to another busy couple of days with work and school events.
    Karen from ny
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited November 2015
    Morning all, afternoon and evening...

    On Tuesday, I ran for three miles and painted concrete floors and outside steps at the warehouse all afternoon, nine miles of steps all told for the day. Yesterday, on the other hand, felt like a mule kicked me in the stomach all dang day. Finally remembered about midday that I had forgotten to take the stomach medication that I've been taking for months--OTC Nexium--for two straight days. The two are not unrelated, I'm aware... So I ended up flat on my back all day. Sometimes, your body just won't cooperate, and yesterday was just one of those days. I have little patience for my own weakness, while having enormous patience with others'. What's up with that? >:) The ribboncutting for the warehouse is Monday, and I really didn't want to take a day off--but my body let me know I didn't really have any options.

    Woke up feeling better (and thankful for it). Yesterday was all tea and crackers, but my usual coffee is going down a treat today.

    Writing, on the other hand, is stalled out. It's a familiar place... I get to this point every time, where I despise the story, can't get the characters kicked into action, can't come up with a reason why anyone in the entire world would be even slightly interested, wonder why in God's name I ever thought I could write, and on and on. It will eventually end when my head gets out of its current snit. It's just a temporary thing. One of the things I love most about being this age is that I know the ending to the kerfuffles and crapolini that my own mind drives me into... So I can be much more patient with my mind than my body for some reason...

    Welcome to those of you who are new... Susquehanna/nissanmama, welcome, along with all the other new ones. I've been on MFP since April 23, and decided I was going to lose weight beginning April 1, after tracking my eating for the first time in a long time from January to March on paper. I was utterly horrified at not just how much I was eating, but how often... I tend to graze. And then 'forget' that I've eaten. Anyway... I'm down 42 pounds since April 1, and the support and love in this group have been a large part of keeping me honest and accountable and moving... It does work. Oh...and I'm 55, and I went through menopause at 40, after a full hysterectomy.

    Have a great Thursday, all...
    Lisa in soon-to-be-sunny West Texas (still dark out :))
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Just wanted to share my ideas about blankets. I had a total hysterectomy at age 39 and went through a year of H@#$ afterward trying to get estrogen supplements to work. My DH left me for 6 months because he said he couldn't live with me. Now at age 67, I am finally able to do without the supplement. But, sleeping is awful. I have an overhead fan going year round and take turns sleeping with no covers at all and then snuggling under the bed spread. There is no way I could stand an electric blanket. DH on the other hand goes to bed with a knitted cap, sweat shirt, and jeans. He snuggles under the covers all night long and is never hot.

    Peach - Carol
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    Reading ... Not much to add right now!

    Beth BUF (since Betty went to ROC) We are both considered WNYs
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Lisa, I am sorry you are having doubts about your writing. I am enjoying you book and look forward to the sequel.

    Miriam with Cats, you have had so many life experiences. Your expertise in so many areas is a plus to us here.

    Grits, my house is over 30 years old and I hear you about wanting to remodel. I too would love to get rid of the tub and get a walk in shower. The older your house is it looks like there is always something that needs to be repaired or taken care of. At the moment my mother's house needs a new roof, a new air conditioning system, plumbing work, painting, and huge, huge oak trees that need to be removed.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Got to go back to dentist today to have some of the stitches taken out of my mouth. YEAH! I think most of them have dissolved; but, he wants to check on them. Could not handle the gum like gunk they put on my gums, part of it fell off the next day after surgery and then my upper lip felt like it had just been numbed. Thinks it was the stuff, so they took it off. That's when I could feel the stitches. Not so much today. Get weighed-in on Tuesday; but out of the last 9 days I have stayed under my 'daily caloric intake' 7 of those days.

    Gee, I sometimes wish the shakes I drink daily had just 1 more ounce in them; that would be just the right amount.

    Lisa - great weight loss. I've gone down from a 16-18 to a 12-14 after losing 29 pounds since mid-May when I started my MD-ordered 'diet'. I can now bend over and tie and buckle my owns shoes! LOL! Moving so much better and gracefully. Less stumbling because I can see where my feet are heading now instead of guessing. By the time my BMI gets to a healthy number I hope to be wearing an 8-10. Feel so much better than I have remembered in a long time.

    Miriam - hope you have a great trip. That is about as far as we drive to go visit DYS and DDnL#2; but, I don't think I would want to make it just for the weekend. DYS was so upset about the death of our friend; he had been planning on visiting with him when he came home. I'm sure he will go see Marie while he is here and to introduce his wife to her. He really wanted Bob to meet his new wife and show her off. They are planning on spending one night with a college buddy and his wife one of the nights. Maybe, I hope, on Sunday night on their way home; but, I don't always get what I wish for.

    Got to go get dressed for my appointment.

    Cracker is loving her new bed; she is fussing at her toy babies. It is so fun to watch her do this. She flipped one over her shoulder and now when we watch her play with them, we are laughing all the time. She has even started 'talking' to us now, too. She, thankfully, uses her 'inside' voice. She went outside yesterday when DH came home - she loves to run, run, run; and then she comes in and sleeps, sleeps, sleeps. Bathed her yesterday ... that was a job that I 'think' I will leave to DH. She did ok; I just hope that I rinsed all the soap off her. She always scratches right around her 'jewelry' (collar and tags); but, she doesn't have fleas. Taking medication that deals with fleas, ticks, and mosquitos. We buy it month-to-month because it is nearly $30 a pill. Boy, this little 'pound puppy' has certainly had a lot of $$$ spent on making her comfortable and healthy. Got a bag of puppy food 'free' at the Pet Smart with one of the coupons I got. I think she likes it better than the puppy food I got at the vet. It is smaller and maybe a little softer; but, I will still finish it off. It's too expensive to just throw out.

    Well, TTFN!

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    <---stress eater

    Sylvia, I love that imagery. Her brain floats on a sea of stardust. Sounds much nicer than my reference to my "clueless" soon to be daughter. Although she is definitely NOT clueless now that I got her on medication for her severe ADHD. Her teacher this year cannot imagine that she struggled with learning! She is one of the best students in the class now.

    I am busy preparing for a road trip this weekend with the girls. Their baby brother, adopted by their dad's brother, is going to be baptized. His new mom has a HUGE family of sisters, all with boy children only! so it will be a wild weekend. Drive all day Friday, Friday evening probably hit the pool. Saturday morning hit the pool. Saturday afternoon there is an OU game so everyone but me will be glued to the tv for that! Sunday church and a brunch afterwards then head home. It is a nine hour drive each way. Anyway, I am renting a car since mine is very old and not so trustworthy that far from home. So preparing also means remembering all the things that I have in my car like tissues and wipes and sunglasses, as well as choosing appropriate clothing for all. I am the hardest one in that regard for I am a jeans and tee shirt/ sweat shirt type of person, but this will be much dressier than that. Even hanging around the hotel. My sister is the VP of a hospital, and the baby's new mom's family is very formal as well. I always feel like an odd man out at functions like this. My sister doesn't even OWN a pair of jeans! I feel like I am "dressing up" when I wear a pair of corduroy jeans! LOL

    Safe travels this weekend! We are heading to Chicago to help our daughter move from her 8th floor Jr. Studio apartment to the 4th floor into a 1-bedroom. Excited for her AND us because now when we travel to Chicago to visit her and our son (who lives around the corner from her) we can stay over in her apt and not have the expense of a hotel room. A 6 1/2 hour drive for us.

    Our daughter functioned as an entirely different human being once she was medicated correctly for her ADD, OCD and Sensory Disorder. Took till she was in the 10th grade! So many different doctors and so many different opinions regarding medicating children.

    Like you I only wear jeans and t-shirts. That's my favorite flavor of clothing. When I have to wear something more appropriate to an event I am so uncomfortable I sometimes don't enjoy the actual event. I mean really, there are some really nice jeans and tops out there! I have 3 pairs of "dressing up" cords in my closet...te he!


    Cheri NE Ohio

  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Cheri, yes! The feeling of being uncomfortable is a large part of what I like to wear. I have realized, as I got older and my mood disorder symptoms stabilized, that I also have ADD (not the hyper part, usually) and many people with ADHD or ADD get distracted by their clothing! My middle son cannot wear pants with a zipper; I had to cut tags out of all his clothes. I am also allergic to latex which is in elastic, spandex, etc. So wearing a bra makes my skin very red and itchy! I cannot wear underwear. I can wear elastic IF it is covered by fabric, so an elastic waistband or sleeve is ok. I really don't like anything form fitting, even though it makes me look bigger than I am. It just is not comfortable and I am conscious of it. I know I "should" wear smaller clothing so I don't look as big as I do, but I just hate it. So of course, in the photos I look even bigger than I am. Argh! I am going to try to wear more form fitting clothing this time, and I also bought a wide belt to put over my long shirts to give me back my waist. But I would much rather wear my jeans and tees!
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,433 Member
    edited November 2015
    Grits So sorry to hear about your friend. Losing people is a fact of life for us as we age, and can be difficult to deal with. We have such mixed feelings. It makes us aware of our own mortality, but grateful for our own existence.
    I think when you have lived in a house for a long time you can't help but think there are things you would like to do to improve it. DH revamped our downstairs shower room about 10 year ago himself. He built a porch/utility room onto the back of,the kitchen and we moved the washing machine out into it. It gave us room to have a double walk-in shower, but he had to move the toilet to install it. I talked him into getting a lovely new vanity unit with a basin on top. We put in a glass wall for the shower. Now it's a pure delight to shower and a cinch to keep clean. I haven't had a bath for over 40 years. I much prefer showers.

    Barbiecat About time with the blinds. Now you can settle them in.

    Pip Hope Kirby is holding up. I'm sure he will take all the bring on in his stride. He is such a trooper!

    Katla Great news about the bloods. I bet you are chuffed,to bits! Your post reminded me that I hadn't taken my calcium this morning. Thanks!

    Computer woes! :( More later. Have to,run as I have to pick up a friend to go to Flower Arranging.

    :heart: Healing thoughts and prayers to those who need them! :heart:

    :sunglasses: Welcome to our Newbies. Sit a spell! :sunglasses:

    :star: Each one of us is a vital cog in an infinite universe. :star:
    We may not know our purpose, but each cog needs to be oiled and tended.

    :heart: May peace and joy shine on your day! :heart:


    Irish Terri
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    :heart: Margaret
  • Kberly531
    Kberly531 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I am new here, my name is Kim, I am from MA. I am 51 and have been struggling with my weight this time (lol) since 2012. It seems the more I try the more I gain. I have gained about 30 pounds since 2012. My current weight is 153, I am 5'3". I am so tired of trying this time, so I need support I guess. I have tons of clothes that don't fit and its so depressing. #1 thing that I need to concentrate on is increasing my H2O.
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    I am not sure where this week has gone. I feel like I have been busy, just not sure what I got done.
    I am working 6-noon to day and then 6-5:30 the next 3 days. So hoping I can get caught up. This cold has really been kicking my b**t. Not been sleeping well. Keeping you in my prayers and thoughts.

    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND-NE

    November Goals
    1. Weigh less at the end of the month then at the beginning.
    2. Log every bite.
    3. Stress less--Pray more
    4. Write down something each day I am Thankful for
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,734 Member
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Hey Kim, welcome, logging every bite is a great first step, as well as drinking a lot of h20, of course you will get in a lot of extra steps running to the bathroom, lol! I can tell you from my short experience on mfp that the accountability and consistent logging is a real helpful thing, even when I overeat, I just log it, instead of giving up. Tomorrow is another chance to do better if and when you overdo. Eventually you will feel the clothes loosen up and then you will start to get exciting about the progress. When I put on 20 extra pounds (I called them my pregnancy pounds, even though my kid is 17!!!!) I felt so down and frustrated with myself. Now I realize that I can always find another way to distract myself from eating, even if it means coming to this forum and just reading about everyone else, instead of overdoing it with food. Good luck, stick with it this, it works!
    Karen from NY
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member

    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Heather, I always thought broccoli was a fall plant? Shows what I know.

    Terri, good luck with breaking the plateau. It’s nice to have a plan B if it doesn’t change soon.

    Sonja, if you can find the time to read most of the posts here, you will soon be with those of us that are “during” our journey. I’m at the point that I want to get to the maintenance part of my journey but I’ve been at it for just over a year. Even at that, I’m not discouraged because I never thought I’d be able to lose 60 pounds. I have 20 to go but I’ll just keep on keeping on until I get there. Hang in there and good luck.

    Beth ROC, yes what were you thinking? But good for you on getting the painting done.

    Lenora, sorry about your friend.

    Robin, I would have to absolutely “Love” my job to commute 1 ½ hours each way. Wow. There are many of us that are very blessed but I think sometimes we forget how lucky we are. Thanks for the reminder.

    MicheleNC, I’d love to see a picture of your rings. So if Denise got them, you would be without rings? Once you are gone maybe she can pass them to her daughter when the time comes. I just hate that the whole thing has you so upset. (((Hugs)))

    Katla, congrats on the results from your blood test.

    Kristina, welcome back. First of all take a deep breath and take it one day at a time. When I started this journey just over a year ago, I was diabetic and taking two metformin a day. Now I weigh 60 pounds less, am totally off metformin, and my last A1C was 5.2. I don’t exercise nearly as much as I should so that is mostly just from healthy eating. All this is to say, You Can Do This. Start with baby steps and add to it. Planning ahead on what to eat is probably the best thing I learned. This group of ladies have so much knowledge and are so supportive that I do suggest readying the posts daily if you can. Good luck.

    Barbie, how wonderful that you got the blinds earlier than expected. I’m sure you will enjoy them.

    Nissanmamma, welcome. We are happy to have you even though you are sooooooooooo young. Heck we were all young once….I think? This is a great place for support so come often. We ask that you sign each post with the name you want to be called. Good for you on doing something about your weight before I did. The sooner the better. Good luck.

    Katla, I’m sure you will enjoy the dual control blanket. The part I liked best about it was being able to warm the bed before I got in it, on cold winter nights. smiley-sleep012.gif

    Lisa, so sorry your body told you to take a day off but glad you are better. How exciting that the opening is almost here. I’m sure it will be a huge success.

    Kim MA, welcome. This is the right place for support and information. We have come to learn that healthy eating must become a life journey and most of us gave up the idea of dieting. At least you have smaller clothes you can wear when you lose. That’s great. You can do this.

    Vicki, I’m sure many weeks just come and go with all of you that are working full time. I know when I did, I would be in the next week with the blink of an eye. Sending you the best thoughts for restful nights and productive days. (((Hugs)))

    m1277.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I’m so excited about having guests for Thanksgiving dinner but of course now I’m concerned about the menu. Just because I only want turkey and dressing and roasted veggies doesn’t mean that our guests will. So I’m looking at options to add a bit more to the meal. I don’t eat sweet potatoes but saw a recipe for sweet potato and butter nut squash with roasted pecans on top. I might add that as DH will eat it and I can send some home with guests. It would add a little color to the meal. I’m thinking about going to a gym to check it out. I like exercising at home but since I’ve done such a poor job lately, this might get me going againloopy.gif.

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC