Week 1 - 30 Day Shred (June 1st Group)



  • OBXoceansoul
    OBXoceansoul Posts: 89 Member
    Day 10 of level 1 done! Is it still hard for anyone else? She is still making me sweat buckets. I'm excited for the change to level 2 but a little scared. I have looked ahead and it looks tough. I may do level 1 again tomorrow because I work tonight and won't be at my best tomorrow and I want to be fresh for a new level. I guess I'll decide when I get up in the afternoon.
  • Wendyma1
    Wendyma1 Posts: 289 Member
    I just did day 7 of level one last night and I'm still sweating buckets as well, although it is getting easier, or I should say, my endurance is getting better. I decided last night that I could handle some more exercise so I started to do level 2 after I finished my level 1 workout. New moves, more difficult and more sweat. I was able to handle the first to circuits before I finally layed on the floor and was begging for mercy. So I think I will finish the last 3 days of level 1 without additional JM workouts. But man, am I not looking forward to level 2!
  • harliesmom
    harliesmom Posts: 25 Member
    I am 1 day ahead of most- I started May 31st...

    Just did day 11, and the first day of level 2. It honestly wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I was still sweating a lot and breathing hard, but it was a good workout. I think I needed the change from the level 1 routine. I got done my workout about an hour ago, and my legs and arms are still kind of shaky.

    BUT I liked level 2!!! Bring it on Jillian!!
  • jae6704
    jae6704 Posts: 458 Member
    Day 11, and 1st day of level 2. WOW what a work out. my arms are on fire but boy did it hurt so good:)

    Tomorrow will be harder, I have the 5k Girls on The Run my sons bday party then I will do the shred and homework.....
  • bex481
    bex481 Posts: 70 Member
    Did level 2 day 1 today. It is killer on my shoulders!! But it went by quick. For me it's just getting through the first circuit then it feels like I'm almost there. Definitely happy for something new- I had to start muting level 1 because it got on my nerves!! lol
  • bex481
    bex481 Posts: 70 Member
    Did level 2 day 1 today. It is killer on my shoulders!! But it went by quick. For me it's just getting through the first circuit then it feels like I'm almost there. Definitely happy for something new- I had to start muting level 1 because it got on my nerves!! lol
  • lexiwho
    lexiwho Posts: 178 Member
    Completed day 9 of level 1, I'm REALLY looking forward to moving on to level 2. I've noticed a huge increase between day 9 and day 1, I feel good afterwards and I'm nowhere near as shaky/panting afterwards now. I looked ahead to level 2 last night and it looks a lot better than level 1, can't wait!
  • DesiTapp
    DesiTapp Posts: 5
    I was going to do level 1 day 2 today however my legs still are in so much pain from the first time she kicked my butt that i am going to wait a day and cont. i am afried that i could hurt myself if i try to much at one time. Am i the only one that has these issues???
  • 1crazymom
    1crazymom Posts: 434 Member
    Day 10 level 1 done.....Level 2 tomorrow!
  • lillianelise
    lillianelise Posts: 49 Member
    I will be doing day 9 today 2nd day on level 2. I had to miss thurs and fri do to an unexpected trip to see family. But I've noticed I have a spot between my shoulder blades that kills me when I'm jumping around. It almost feels like a pinched nerve or something. I thought taking a couple of rest days it would be better but I've been helping someone move thurs and fri and it seems to be worse!! But I guess I'll press thru. Not sure what to do about back pain. Suggestions?
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    Skipped yesterdays workout Day 5 Level 1....had my daughters graduation and lots of errands to run.So today I will make it up and then we will go for a walk tonight,but for now I am at the POOOOL!!!!!
  • lucero22
    lucero22 Posts: 75 Member
    Yay lost 3 lbs on to the first day of level 2 tomorrow!!
  • ssstephanie1715
    ssstephanie1715 Posts: 44 Member
    Just finished Level 2 Day 1. I definitely was gargling my heart. Geez. This workout is insane. Many times I wanted to quit and curse Jillian out - You want me to do what??!?!?. I stuck with it and finished it out. I'm hoping by day 4 I'll be able to keep up. Until then I'll just push it.
  • meggyannpt
    meggyannpt Posts: 73 Member
    I will be doing day 9 today 2nd day on level 2. I had to miss thurs and fri do to an unexpected trip to see family. But I've noticed I have a spot between my shoulder blades that kills me when I'm jumping around. It almost feels like a pinched nerve or something. I thought taking a couple of rest days it would be better but I've been helping someone move thurs and fri and it seems to be worse!! But I guess I'll press thru. Not sure what to do about back pain. Suggestions?

    My upper back has been hurting more since I began doing this, but I have a history of back pain. I would recommend either heat or ice to relieve the pain, or even some ibuprofen. Maybe try the workouts without hand weights for a few days to see if that helps. If it doesn't improve, you may want to see your doctor. Massages are also very helpful!

    Day 5 of level 2 and it's finally getting a little easier, though it's still an intense workout. I just wish there wasn't so many plank exercises, those are what really get me!
  • sunshinesher01
    sunshinesher01 Posts: 82 Member
    So... here are my stats after the completion of the ten days of Level 1:

    Weight 277 (-5.5)

    Arm 16 (-0)
    Waist 49.75(-0.25)
    Hips 56.5 (-1.0)
    Thigh 32.75 (-1.75)

    Total inches lost in 10 days: 3 inches!!!

    We start Level 2 today... Honestly... I am scared! LOL Good luck everyone!
  • stephy52604
    stephy52604 Posts: 31 Member
    So...after 10 days at Level 1, here are my stats:

    Weight - 280 (-4)
    Arms - 16.5 (0)
    Waist - 46.5 (-1)
    Hips - 54 (-0.5)
    Thigh - 32 (-1.5)

    That's a total of 4 lbs and 3 inches lost! Can't wait to see what Level 2 has in store for me! :wink:
  • chezkie
    chezkie Posts: 55 Member
    Level 2 Day 1 completed today.

    Anyone else feel like their head was going to explode because they got so hot!? My max heart rate was 179 BPM! OMG that was hard, maybe I was just really pushing myself - I'd better see some great results!!

    Note to self: kick hubby out of living room before commencing workout - chuckling about my grunts during my workout does not prove to be helpful!

    Measurements today:

    CW 152.5

    Bust: 36 (-0.5)
    Waist: 29 (Same as Day 7)
    Waist at Belly Button: 32 (Same as Day 7)
    Hips: 39 (-1)
    Right Leg: 23 (Same as Day 7)
    Left Leg: 22.5 (-0.5)
    Right Arm: (Same as Day 7)
    Left Arm: (Same as Day 7)

    All in all I'm pleased with my progress, everything's going in the right direction at least :bigsmile:
  • corrinnebrown
    corrinnebrown Posts: 345 Member
    Did my measurements after day 10
    weight 194 (-3)
    L thigh 27.5 (-.5)
    R thigh 26.5 (-.5)
    Hips 45.5 (-1.5)
    Stomach 40 (-1)
    bust same
    waist same
    l arm13 (-2)
    r arm 12.5 (-1.5)
  • SandersWifey
    SandersWifey Posts: 387
    OMG..L2 D1 about killed me!!!!!!! Got through it though..was DRIPPING w sweat!
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    L2 day1...well...not as bad as it looked, though I admit that I had to do the modified versions for now. Hopefully in a few days i'll be able to do half mod/half "advanced"...or you know, a step above the modified. I have a feeling i'm going to be sore tomorrow though, definitely feeling my abs and arms!