Just for today --- daily commitment thread



  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    tbowz75 wrote: »
    I love this post! Thanks for the "clucking on the star advice!"

    !!!!♡♡♡♡☆☆☆☆......when you cluck upon a star!!!!......♡♡♡♡☆☆☆☆!!!!!


    ( i know you meant "click" , but I just made myself LOL thinking about Jimeney Cricket singing that.....I'm easily amused!)
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    Well, it's my turn....i though I posted today's goals, but they disapeared...or I dreamed that I posted it....

    Did good on saturday, but I wasn't feeling well and didn't exercise. Went over just a bit on calories.

    Today I did well, also. Went jogging with a friend, then spent a couple of hours with another friend showing her how MFP works.

    She has been watching my success and asking questions for a long time now, but I think she might start for real now.

    Hey Miss B! If you log on and find me. I love you!

    Met my goal today to walk and / or jog at least 5 miles today. 11/30

    Major NSV for me today. I am wearing size 14 jeans for the first time since about 6th grade!

    J4T Monday

    1. Focus on sticking to calorie goals one meal at a time
    2. Make a plan for dinner
    3. Clean windows
    4. Get rid of more clothes that are too big or don't make me happy.
    5. Put up Christmas lights
    6. Go to gym

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,790 Member
    JFT Sun 15/11
    :) 1. Pre-log/follow through; 80 mins of Cardio/flex/physio; 6000+ steps; Drink 8 cups water
    :) 2. Clear up after last night
    :) 3. Visit family after lunch

    JFT Mon 16/11
    1. Pre-log/follow through; 80 mins of Cardio/flex/physio; 6000+ steps; Drink 8 cups water
    2. Prep/attend Creative Writing this morning
    3. Attend Peace lecture after lunch
    4. Attend RSPB meeting after dinner
    5. Update Group accounts

    @bri170lb That happens to me regularly. I tend to forget to hit the post reply button. Well done on the NSV! :star:
    @68myra Did you have surgery for your hip? I had mine done on 4th September. Keep up with the PT. it's so worth it!
  • shrcpr
    shrcpr Posts: 885 Member
    bri170lb wrote: »
    shrcpr wrote: »
    I think I had a reaction to the teeth whitening stuff.
    I think something weird must have happened. I've never heard from anyone that teeth whitening actually hurt, just that it was a little unpleasant.

    Ok, so I'm finally getting better although my jaw is still swollen and very sore. Had to go back in to the dentist and the only thing we can figure is some kind of allergic reaction. I'm thinking maybe to the toothpaste they gave me to use after. So, my whole weekend was shot as I was zoned out on painkillers the whole time. Still hurts a bit today but more manageable.

    JFT, 11/16

    1. Stay within calorie limits
    2. Walk the dogs
    3. Workout: Burn Circuit 1 (at least try it and see how it goes)
  • jennalennafur
    jennalennafur Posts: 80 Member
    Just for today:

    1. I will not snack at work-- not even when the left over cookies are brought back for employees
    2. I will walk up at least 10 steps of stairs
    3. Go to bed at 11pm and not a minute later
  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    @bri170lb congrats on the NSV!
    @TerriRichardson112 no, I have not had hip surgery. x-ray says my bones are fine, all the pain is in soft tissue. i was told i have a muscle imbalance, but that dr.'s advice hasn't solved it. I have a physical therapist (who helped me with tailbone pain earlier) saying my pelvis does not move properly, and she is trying to help me with that.
    @shrcpr YIKES! i'm sorry you had to go through that experience. hopefully you are over the hump!

    Just for Monday, 11/16
    1. pt/foam rolling/walking/yoga
    2. log everything
    3. breathe
  • abacus93jp
    abacus93jp Posts: 55 Member

    Ok, so I'm finally getting better although my jaw is still swollen and very sore. Had to go back in to the dentist and the only thing we can figure is some kind of allergic reaction. I'm thinking maybe to the toothpaste they gave me to use after. So, my whole weekend was shot as I was zoned out on painkillers the whole time. Still hurts a bit today but more manageable.

    JFT, 11/16

    1. Stay within calorie limits
    2. Walk the dogs
    3. Workout: Burn Circuit 1 (at least try it and see how it goes)[/quote]

    Glad to hear you are feeling better!
  • abacus93jp
    abacus93jp Posts: 55 Member
    I'm still here just haven't posted for awhile. Still going strong JFT! Lost 14lbs so far. Yay me! Doing a lot of heavy chores but still not excercising regularly, will try to do this again tomorrow. I must remember, I can do almost anything for one day!
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member

    J4T Monday

    1. Focus on sticking to calorie goals one meal at a time :smile:
    2. Make a plan for dinner
    3. Clean windows
    4. Get rid of more clothes that are too big or don't make me happy.
    5. Put up Christmas lights
    6. Go to gym


    Gee, I guess I should have read my goals today. Maybe I would have remembered to do some of them!

    I went jogging in the morning and then sat in my chair and watched movies all day. Ate too much, didn't accomplish much and was bored. All in all, not a very productive day. :neutral:

    J4T Tuesday
    1. Remember my goals
    2. Get up early enough to make breakfast lunch and snack to take with me to work
    3. Stick to calorie goals!
    4. Go to gym

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,790 Member

    JFT Mon 16/11
    1. Pre-log/follow through; 80 mins of Cardio/flex/physio; 6000+ steps 10130 :) ; Drink 8 cups water
    2. Prep/attend Creative Writing this morning
    3. Attend Peace lecture after lunch
    4. Attend RSPB meeting after dinner
    5. Update Group accounts
    :) Managed all my goals :)

    JFT Tues 17/11
    1. Pre-log/follow through; 80 mins of Cardio/flex/physio; 6000+ steps; Drink 8 cups water
    2. Wear Purple for Premature Awareness Day
    3. Attend patchwork this morning
    4. Laundry and chores after lunch

    KYOG40DAYS Posts: 12 Member
    1. Put my clothes in the wash.
    2. Run 3 miles tomorrow morning.
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    bri170lb wrote: »
    tbowz75 wrote: »
    I love this post! Thanks for the "clucking on the star advice!"

    !!!!♡♡♡♡☆☆☆☆......when you cluck upon a star!!!!......♡♡♡♡☆☆☆☆!!!!!


    ( i know you meant "click" , but I just made myself LOL thinking about Jimeney Cricket singing that.....I'm easily amused!)

    LOL-I love this thread!!
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    Shrcpr-hope you've healed. Maybe an allergic reaction. I seem to be sensitive to everything on my skin. No fun.
    For those of us who are healing or having to cope with pain, I hope you get relief soon.

    I'm on track for water. Added 24 oz plus first thing in the am. Head feels clearer.
    Need to take a hard look at the processed foods/sugar that I've allowed back into my diet. My joints are already burning & aching.
    My son & I are meeting with a nutritionist soon since he's been having stomach problems & needs some guidance. I have a fear that my bad habits will be picked up by him (no matter how hard I try to hide them). It amazes me how I can say the same thing as what the dr is saying but my kids & husband don't hear me & yet they hear the dr. loud & clear LOL.
    Walk briskly.
    Weight lift.
    Prep a healthy supper-extra veggies.
    Make a fruit salad.
    Pack a bag of food for the church food drive.
    Be grateful for how quickly my body responds in a positive way when I eat healthily & practice healthy habits (sleep, exercise, selfcare).

    "Discipline is just choosing between what you want now & what you want most."

  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member

    JFT Mon 16/11

    Great pictures Terri. My daughter (now 9) was a month early. She's come so far. Thank you for reminding me of this time.
  • shrcpr
    shrcpr Posts: 885 Member
    abacus93jp wrote: »
    I'm still here just haven't posted for awhile. Still going strong JFT! Lost 14lbs so far. Yay me! Doing a lot of heavy chores but still not excercising regularly, will try to do this again tomorrow. I must remember, I can do almost anything for one day!

    14 lbs! That's awesome!
  • shrcpr
    shrcpr Posts: 885 Member
    shrcpr wrote: »

    Ok, so I'm finally getting better although my jaw is still swollen and very sore. Had to go back in to the dentist and the only thing we can figure is some kind of allergic reaction. I'm thinking maybe to the toothpaste they gave me to use after. So, my whole weekend was shot as I was zoned out on painkillers the whole time. Still hurts a bit today but more manageable.

    JFT, 11/16

    1. Stay within calorie limits :)
    2. Walk the dogs :)
    3. Workout: Burn Circuit 1 (at least try it and see how it goes) :) Got it done.

    Thanks, @68myra, @Saragirl2 and @abacus93jp! Still sore but getting better!

    JFT, 11/17

    1. Stay within calorie limits
    2. Walk the dogs
    3. Cardio workout - thinking of going to the gym for some elliptical time since I need something low impact
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member

    J4T Tuesday
    1. Remember my goals
    2. Get up early enough to make breakfast lunch and snack to take with me to work
    3. Stick to calorie goals!
    4. Go to gym

    Hi everyone. I'm just here working on goal #1. Don't want to do what I did yesterday and forget to do what I wanted to do!

    The following will be a short bout of bitching, moaning, complaining and wallowing in self pity...feel free to skip it...

    I'm feeling very BLAH today (TOM) and I'm trying to not eat lunch too early. Mostly I'm bored because it's snowing and work is really slow and I don't want to be here.

    So, I'm going to drink more water and do a cross word puzzle, no I'm going to go outside and get some fresh air, then I'll do a crossword puzzle, then I'll have lunch. Then I'll do my least favorite job at work, balancing the checkbooks. I promise!

  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    Ok. I'm back and feeling a little more positive.

    I walked down to my daughter's coffee shop and bent her ear with my tale of woe. She made me my regular coffee with just half and half and said she added a tiny spoonful of magic, sparkly cinnamon and sugar. And she said because it was magic I don't have to count the calories!

    The very first clue on my puzzle was "to thine own______be true"

    My husband went out to get his lunch and brought me back a stuffed bear and told me, "I love you 'beary' much".

  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    bri170lb wrote: »
    Ok. I'm back and feeling a little more positive.

    I walked down to my daughter's coffee shop and bent her ear with my tale of woe. She made me my regular coffee with just half and half and said she added a tiny spoonful of magic, sparkly cinnamon and sugar. And she said because it was magic I don't have to count the calories!

    The very first clue on my puzzle was "to thine own______be true"

    My husband went out to get his lunch and brought me back a stuffed bear and told me, "I love you 'beary' much".

    Awwww, you must be doing something right, you have such a sweet family! :-)
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    edited November 2015
    bri170lb wrote: »
    J4T Tuesday
    1. Remember my goals :smiley:
    2. Get up early enough to make breakfast lunch and snack to take with me to work :smiley:
    3. Stick to calorie goals! :smiley:
    4. Go to gym :smiley:
    5. I'll do my least favorite job at work, balancing the checkbooks. I promise! :smiley:

    Pure determination got me through this day!

    J4T Wednesday
    1. Stick to calorie goals
    2. Laundry and cleaning
    3. Clean windows
    4. Get rid of more clothes that are too big or don't make me happy.
    5. Put up Christmas lights
    6. Take kids to youth group and go to gym while they are there.
    7. Don't forget to remember to do 1-6!