November 2015 Running Challenge



  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    lporter229 wrote: »
    Does anyone else notice a difference in pace when running in the dark? I always am slower with the headlamp. I think I change my stride a bit because I am more focused on the area directly in front of me. I also think it alters my overall posture.
    patrikc333 wrote: »
    here I am, and I'm so glad that other people have the same experience and it's not my body (completely) falling apart!
    I've got an excellent head lamp, but probably it's the brain that doesn't also have the confidence of putting the feet on the groung, without having 100% visibility (leaves, dark, puddles, potholes hidden etc)

    On your easy runs, concentrate on good form (upright posture, arms swinging correctly, feet fast and landing correctly, quicker shorter strides, ect. Now don't work on everything at once, but always be aware of your form so eventually it becomes subconcious.

    That way, you can concentrate on other things like when it gets darker out, you can be more aware of your surroundings and not as much on your form. But good form comes from practice.

    Don't get so hung up on trying to run faster. At least 80% of your weekly miles should be easy running. Use that time to focus on your form.

  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    Virkati wrote: »
    Question for the snow/outdoors no matter the weather runners...what do you do or use to keep yourself upright in the snow/bad ground conditions? I absolutely dread the idea of having to bring it indoors because of the snow and ice. But we just had a snowfall that was deep enough to give me a snow day off work. I'm supposed to walk today, run tomorrow. So I'm planning for tomorrow. What do I do to get to stay outside??
    Are you worried about the temperatures or the snow on the ground? In case it's about the ground traction, I have one more option to add to Stoshew71 's list:
    Icebug shoes - hard to find in the stores, at least were I live, but I ordered some on amazon and really like them for snowy conditions.

    @Somebody_Loved well done running the 60 min!

    @Pmm5pla and @hopekristal : Welcome!

    @7lenny7 Oh no! I hope the knee will get better fast.

    @kristinegift I'll keep my fingers crossed for your perfect marathon weather

    @kareF , @Elise4270 and @Stoshew71 You are now the first three people I've ever added on Strava B)
    My link is - anyone, feel free to add me.

    Although there isn't any activity on my page for this week yet *sigh* - woke up with a light cold on the weekend. Nothing serious, so I compromised between "running nose = should probably rest" and "beautiful weather, I want to run" and only went for ~20 minute run on Sunday. But since Monday I've been good and rested - it's already dark when I come home from work, then the temptation to go out and run is not as bad - although tomorrow I might just decide that if I'm healthy enough to work, I'm healthy enough to run ;)
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    I generally run only in the dark but I do have a lot of street lamps on my routes.

    @karllundy I like running in wet weather because it helps cool me off and I feel like I can go farther or faster

    so on my long run on fat went numb. I had layers, and I was actually pretty warm. It was mid-30's. My belly, back of my arms and hip fats all went numb. What might be the best way to avoid this?
  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    11/1 3.1 @ 11:15 outside in the neighborhood in the rain
    11/2 rest
    11/3 5.0 @ 10:59 on the treadmill (plus a 1 mile walk and strength training)
    11/4 8.2 @ really really slow (16:04) riking (run-hiking, steep, covered with inches of leaves and treacherous fun)
    11/5 4.0 @ 12:30 recovery run plus .5 walk on the park trail
    11/6 3.25 @ 10:53 on the treadmill (really 3.0 at 10:28, plus .25 at a walk) plus strength training.
    11/7 Rest/Life Day

    11/8 Rest/Life Day
    11/9 5.5 @ 12:30 on the park trail with the doggy--who really enjoyed rolling around in the leaves!
    11/10 2.5 @ 11:38 (really 2.25 at 11:07 and a .25 walk) around the neighborhood in the rain.
    11/11 6 @ 11:32 on the treadmill (really 5 at 11:00 and 1 at a fast walk/jog) plus strength training
    11/12 7 @ 11:45 (this is really like 5 at 10:50 and the rest a little slower), plus 1 at a walk on the treadmill. I am in some pain...yesterday was squats and lunges and this may have been a little aggressive of a run for right after. :( On the other hand, I did get to watch the entirety of "Bring It On". Where are my pompoms?!
    11/13 2 @ 13ish walk/running the dog for my recovery run.
    11/14 Rest day

    11/15 4.5 @ 11:18 in the neighborhood--it was a gorgeous day for a run!
    11/16 5.0 @ 10:51 around the lake trail--my fastest outdoor run yet, in spite of a slow start. The 4th mile split was 9:44!!!!!!!OMG!!!
    11/17 3.5 @ 10:32 (really 3 @ 10:17 and .5 at 12:00) on the treadmill, and strength training
    11/18 7.5 @ 12:06 on the park trail (really 7 @ 11:53 and .5 at a walk)

  • JuliannaEP
    JuliannaEP Posts: 53 Member


  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    01-Nov: 2.61 miles (walk)
    02-Nov: 4.47 miles; 1.00 miles (walk)
    03-Nov: 4.45 miles
    04-Nov: <Life Day> but 4.47 miles (walk)
    05-Nov: 3.27 miles; 3.00 miles (walk)
    06-Nov: 3.56 miles; 1.75 miles (walk)
    07-Nov: 6.42 miles
    08-Nov: 4.00 miles
    09-Nov: 6.42 miles; 2.56 miles (walk)
    10-Nov: 4.46 miles
    11-Nov: <Life Day>
    12-Nov: 4.46 miles
    13-Nov: 4.55 miles
    14-Nov: 9.55 miles
    15-Nov: 3.32 miles
    16-Nov: 4.47 miles; 2.28 miles (walk)
    17-Nov: 4.48 miles
    18-Nov: <Life Day> but 2.12 miles (walk)
    25-Nov: <Life Day>

    Upcoming Races:
    21-Nov: Thanks for Giving 5K (but crazy me is gonna go do my 6.4 miles ahead of the race)
    05-Dec: Reindeer Run 10K, Macon, GA
    16-Jan: Museum of Aviation 5K, Warner Robins, GA
    19-Mar: Cherry Blossom 10K, Macon, GA
    16-Apr: Running for Ronald 5K or 10K, Macon, GA

  • Virkati
    Virkati Posts: 679 Member
    Would you run in 41 degrees with wind gusts of 40 mph? I'm prepared for the 41, not as much for the wind.

    Trying to decide if I'm going to try to make it happen at my lunch break as usual or chance it for later after work.
  • SAfricaChick
    SAfricaChick Posts: 1,143 Member
    1/11 - Planned rest after HM
    2/11 - Travel day
    3/11 - Overslept
    4/11 - 4.7 miles
    5/11 - Migraine, no running
    6/11 - 6.3 miles
    7/11 - 3.3 miles
    8/11 - 15.06 miles
    9/11 - 3.23 miles
    10/11 - 5.49 miles
    11/11 - 5.82 miles
    12/11- 4.24 miles
    13/11 - Rest
    14/11 - 5.12 miles
    15/11 - 12.18
    16/11 -2.45
    17/11 - Rest
    18/11 - 6.4
    Total: 74.2 miles

    Target 125 miles
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Got in a slow run. And have nothing to do the rest of the day (oh sure I could clean my house but it'll just get dirty again). So I figure I'll just go run again later. Why not? Tomorrow is a rehab day and I likely won't be able to get in a run..

    @kristinegift Thanks for suggesting McFarland USA. I watched it last night and all I can think about now is running. (Like I wasn't obsessed before, pfft). Amazing that one man's temper/mistakes ultimately changed the life of so many. Just shows the craziest things we do can have such profound impacts.

    1-2.65 treadmill walk
    2- rehab/ travel
    7- migraine
    8- 8.09
    16-rain run 5.70 then rehab/travel
    17- 2.0 Treadmill/ new Merrell's


    Upcoming races:
    11/26/15 Turkey Trot Ft Worth 10K
    3/19/16 Rock N Roll 5K Dallas
    3/20/16 Rock N Roll Half Dallas
    4/24/16 OKC Memorial
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    11/1 - 10 miles
    11/2 - rest day - sore shins
    11/3 - 5 miles
    11/4 - 5 miles
    11/5 - rest day cross country meet with Skip.
    11/6 - 7 miles
    11/7 - life day off - XC pancake breakfast which turned into still cleaning up until lunch LOL
    11/8 - 6 miles tried something new and ran 9:58 pace :tongue:
    11/9 - 5 miles nice slow pace since my HM is Saturday
    11/10 - rest day
    11/11 - 4 miles - Happy Veterans Day!
    11/12 - rest day
    11/13 - rest day
    11/14 - 13.22 miles HM PR :smile: 2:11.37 so excited!
    11/15 - rest day
    11/16 - 2.7 miles recovery ouch sore ouch recovery sore run LOL
    11/17 - chest cold
    11/18 - chest cold - okay time to go away now I'm tired of coughing

    57.9 out of 110 miles

    @kristinegift you are going to kill it this weekend, you are so ready, with or without cold buns!
    @lporter229 I run in the dark all the time I don't think I run any slower.
    @virkati no I wouldn't run in 40 mph winds, only because it would take so much effort to move and to me that would seem like wasted effort.
  • SAfricaChick
    SAfricaChick Posts: 1,143 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Got in a slow run. And have nothing to do the rest of the day (oh sure I could clean my house but it'll just get dirty again).

    That is exactly my philosophy about cleaning my house! Love it!
  • snha
    snha Posts: 388 Member
    11/1 4.71 miles
    11/2 no run—elliptical for an hour though!
    11/3 5.27 miles — lake path. here are a couple of pictures!
    11/4 no run--elliptical for an hour.
    11/5 4 miles--nice run, but my left calf decided to go crazy today for some reason! I did finish my run, although the last mile was painful, like a cramp, but not fully :(
    11/7 7 miles--wonderful run, felt so comfortable and happy since I thought I won't be able to make the run
    11/8 no run--one-hour elliptical instead
    11/9 5.19 miles--cold, 28 degrees, but a great run!
    11/10 elliptical
    11/11 rest day--trip out of town for five days that made running difficult
    11/12 4.71 -- trip somewhat made
    11/13 none
    11/14 none
    11/15 none
    11/16 5--back to town. Yes!
    11/17 none. forced rest day bc of work!
    11/18 5.19 -- good run

  • dennie24
    dennie24 Posts: 251 Member
    @Virkati I live in Longmont and ran 4.5 miles in the wind this morning and it wasn't pleasant. I am pretty pleased with how well I did through it although I'm not sure what the mph of the wind then was though.

  • DaveThomas1901
    DaveThomas1901 Posts: 58 Member
    1/11 6.45
    3/11 6.28
    6/11 3.45
    8/11 3.02
    9/11 6.32
    12/11 5.04
    15/11 6.39
    16/11 3.22
    18/11 5.20

    total 45.37
    target 50 miles
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited November 2015
    Wow, guess a good portion of the country is windy. I'm Oklahoma and winds we're horrible last night. There was a giant Elm tree (~50ft) down across the trail I run today. Was kinda cool having to climb up and over it though. I heard the winds were 90 but that seems extreme. 20 gusts today.

    dennie24 wrote: »
    @Virkati I live in Longmont and ran 4.5 miles in the wind this morning and it wasn't pleasant. I am pretty pleased with how well I did through it although I'm not sure what the mph of the wind then was though.


  • tdbernrd
    tdbernrd Posts: 510 Member
    11/3--5.28 miles
    11/4--5.03 miles
    11/5--strength training and elliptical
    11/6--3 miles
    11/7--13.03 (woo hoo)
    11/8--rest day
    11/9--5.32 miles
    11/10-Strong Curves workout A
    11/11-5.2 miles
    11/12-Strong Curves workout B
    11/13-3.02 miles
    11/14-13.36 miles
    11/15-rest day
    11/16-5.29 miles
    11/17-Strong Curves workout C
    11/18-5.2 miles

  • Virkati
    Virkati Posts: 679 Member
    edited November 2015
    The wind broke two of our three flagpoles at work. I didn't run. If it doesn't die down by tonight, I'll hit the t-mill and get my time and mileage in.

    ETA...clearly they were compromised long before today. Just realized what my post looked/sounded like and needed to add that in!!
  • siddles11
    siddles11 Posts: 81 Member
  • runner_girl83
    runner_girl83 Posts: 553 Member

    01-Nov: 5.26 km run
    02-Nov: rest
    03-Nov: rest
    04-Nov: 5.18 km run
    05-Nov: 4.02 km run
    06-Nov: rest
    07-Nov: 4.48 km run – avulsion fracture : 6 weeks recovery!
    08-Nov: rest
    09-Nov: physiotherapy
    10-Nov: rest
    11-Nov: rest
    12-Nov: upper body strength training
    13-Nov: rest
    14-Nov: rest 5 weeks recovery to go
    15-Nov: rest
    16-Nov: 8k steps
    17-Nov: 10k steps : upper body strength training
    18-Nov: 3.08 km walk
    19-Nov: 2.18 km walk

    Total: 24.20 km
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    Rest day for me today and hoping I will have time in my schedule for a short run on Thursday. Friday we head to San Diego for the HM on Saturday. Weather should be perfect for the race - 40's and 50's with a light breeze.

    @kristinegift - I hope the weather for you marathon stays nice and dry!
    @MamaMollyT - Hope your HM was a good one!
    @orphia - great job running 2 weeks ahead in your C25k program and just continuing to go! Isn't it a great feeling to hit those milestones and still feel great!
    @patrikc333 - do you use a foam roller on your IT bands? I understand it makes a big difference. I have never had ITBS but my friends who have swear by their foam rollers.
    @ddmom0811 - I don't know, that sounds like an awful lot of extra work to take on teaching 3 classes at the university after teaching all day! The teaching part is the easy part though - it is all the prep and post work like grading that take so much time. Are the 3 classes at least on the same subject so you can reuse across them? I am amazed you would have time for running or biking at all!
    @virkati - I don't think I would run in wind with gusts of 40 mph. I run here with sustained 18-20 mph winds with gusts into the 30's and it is pretty tough. I think a gust at 40 mph would knock me off my feet!
    @skippygirlsmom - I hope you are feeling better!

    11/02.......4.84...........4.84 - + Agility
    11/03.......5.20.........10.04 - + Strength Training
    11/05.......6.23.........16.27 - + Strength Training
    11/06.......0.00.........16.27 - unplanned rest
    11/08......0.00..........26.77 - Dog Beach
    11/09......5.30..........32.07 - + Agility
    11/10......6.44..........38.51 - + Strength Training
    11/12......4.48..........42.99 - + Strength Training
    11/15......0.00..........52.38 - Dog Beach
    11/16......4.25..........56.63 - + Agility
    11/17......4.08..........60.71 - + Strength Training


    These are my upcoming races, let me know if you are going to be running too:
    11/21/15 - USA Invitational Half, San Diego, CA
    12/27/15 - Holiday Half, San Diego, CA
    02/07/15 - Surf City Half, Huntington Beach, CA
    02/20/15 - Special Edition Divas Half, Temecula, CA