
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Janetr - when I woke up this morning the room was not spinning like yesterday. However, I do feel lightheaded and headachy. I think it might be some type of allergy symptoms with my stuffed sinuses. I painted the kitchen and I did have the windows open this time. I know that I am allergic to latex and I'm using latex paint so that could be causing the allergy type symptoms. Good thing we have that cabin that we can go to for sleeping at night. I am glad that you are feeling better! You still have 3 days to recover. Take it easy!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Heather - So glad you had a good time with the grandchildren. Sending good job hunting wishes to your son.

    Lisa – Nice to see the ribbon cutting went well. How delightful that all of your effort may possibly be rewarded with lower insurance rates!

    Sylvia – Sorry to see you had such a hideous day on Monday. I hope as I continue to read that things have improved. Good for your son being willing to give you POA for the kids so they get taken care of. Sad that he won’t let you do the same for him, but he is old enough to make his own choices for good or bad. I know it hurts your heart that you cannot fix things for him.

    Rori – Delighted to see your husband is doing well post surgery. It must be a relief for you.

    Pip – Kirby is looking better and better. Good to see he will be going home soon.

    Grits – Every time you post something about Cracker I get a smile on my face. It is clear she brings you great joy.

    Miriam – I love you. You have such good advice to offer all of us and are so willing to share yourself.

    Sigh. I’m now on page 38 of 40 and don’t just want to skip everything and start anew on page 40. I know no one would fault me for it. I just really enjoy reading what everyone shares here even when I don’t comment on every single post. Off to a meeting so will continue to play catch up later.

    Mia in MI

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    a bunch of Kirby's co-workers are planning on coming over on Sunday around 9ish and will be putting up the Christmas lights for us. Kirby will be so excited (so will I). he doesn't know anything about it.

    Yippee! It's so nice to have friends that care!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,078 Member
    UPDATE: Kirby has been cleared to walk around the floor on his own without the wheelchair!
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Audit complete, flew threw with flying colors. I pretty much just bragged about myself for 10 minutes.

    Pip - that's cool about the Christmas lights ! :)
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,614 Member
    Hello folks!
    Before I forget (again) I would like to say how much I loved Pat's? DGGS and Betty's? poem. <3

    Good going Sylvia! Great news Pip!

    Katla - I would mail them, but I'm not a fan of carrying heavy stuff around. I have got to take presents up to London next week. :grumble: Some museums etc don't like taking stuff into their cloakrooms that they can't check. (Understandable) Hope it works out.

    DJ - grief takes its own time. <3

    This afternoon I spent some time opening a savings account with my rental money. :ohwell: Lots of stops and starts and dead ends. No one seems to want your money. :laugh: They certainly don't make it easy. Wasted a lot of time. Then I hit a dead end trying to get a transfer between my old accounts. Long conversation on the phone. All sorted now, but I needed a drink!
    I know I am very lucky to have any spare money when many of you are living week to week, and I do appreciate my good fortune, but I don't have hardly any monthly income, so it's all depleting savings. I always say, as long as I have enough for my hair and teeth, it's OK. :laugh:

    Did some typing of my book today. Word told me I hadn't done any since the 2nd of November. ;) Still haven't got back to the solicitors about our wills and LPA. Must do tomorrow.

    Almost got all the Christmas presents. Just DDIL and DS. They are deciding about a suggestion I made. Want to get it all sorted and cards sent out before we go to France.

    Love Heather UK
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 448 Member
    DJ, so glad you are feeling slightly better. There is nothing wrong with showing emotion over a loss, though. Sounds pretty normal to me! Everything takes time, doesn't it?
    Yay for Kirby!
    Mia, I agree about Miriam. Such wonderful advice and wisdom!
    Went to the Y for the first time since vacation and cold--of course it has not shown on the scale, just have to keep at it.
    Betty ROC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,078 Member
    forgot to say that when I went home to do a load of his clothes and take a shower and check on the cat and mail, I saw that I got a card from my sis (I know her handwriting). when I opened it, along with the card there was a check for $1200.00! she said it was from mom and her to help us out.. wow, that was really nice, I obviously called them both when I got to the hospital I put him and I on speaker phone so we can thank them for their generosity.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    forgot to say that when I went home to do a load of his clothes and take a shower and check on the cat and mail, I saw that I got a card from my sis (I know her handwriting). when I opened it, along with the card there was a check for $1200.00! she said it was from mom and her to help us out.. wow, that was really nice, I obviously called them both when I got to the hospital I put him and I on speaker phone so we can thank them for their generosity.

    That is amazing!
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    forgot to say that when I went home to do a load of his clothes and take a shower and check on the cat and mail, I saw that I got a card from my sis (I know her handwriting). when I opened it, along with the card there was a check for $1200.00! she said it was from mom and her to help us out.. wow, that was really nice, I obviously called them both when I got to the hospital I put him and I on speaker phone so we can thank them for their generosity.
    How nice that your family stepped up to help.
    Chris in MA

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,871 Member
    Woke up to rain now turning to snow. Glad I am inside working 6-5:30 shift. Yesterday doing the schedule with the new surpervisor went a lot better then I expected. Prayed about it before and know that made the difference. So the new schedule is out for Dec and first week of the New Year.

    Janetr--Looks like my car last week, lucky it didn't last long and was melted. I have had this crud for almost 2 weeks and doctor said it just has to run its course. Cough keeps me up nights.

    Heather--Party time!! Glad you got your money and that whole deal is behind you.

    Terri--Sorry to hear things at work are not going well. I understand and am just taking it one day at a time. Great news about DH's AC1.

    Grits--Congrates on the 4 pounds lost.

    Sylvia--Glad you got the papers signed you need to protect the kids. I remember being 15 and going to WW meetings. I wish I could of had someone go with me and exercise with me. DGD is so Blessed to have you caring about her.

    pip--Great news about Kirby coming home Friday. Sounds a good surprise his co-workers coming over and putting the lights up. I think DH will work on that the Sunday after Thanksgiving as I work that day. Sounds like your family really stepped up. That is very nice.

    Michele--I agree that we all think a lot a like and I will go to say something and find it has already been done several times. But it is nice to know we are here and care.

    Katla--Sorry you are having a tough time. One Day at a Time, One step at a Time. I know I am pushing myself to get things done for the holidays and it's my favorite time of the year and this year I am just not into it yet.

    Joyce--Glad to hear Charlie is going to go out with his group and taking care by wearing the diaper. My mom wears one a lot of the time and I can not tell the difference.

    Allison--Sorry to hear about DFIL. I admire you for keeping up with all that is going on with him and being there.

    terri--Congrates on flying thur the audit. You should be proud!!

    Well ladies time to get some work done. So far the snow is melting fast as it is coming down. Really wet out. Got to wear my new coat today. Sending prayers and hugs to each of you. Stay strong as the holidays come. I am going to try and think more about the people I am around then the food.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE

    November Goals
    1. Weigh less at the end of the month then at the beginning.
    2. Log every bite.
    3. Stress less--Pray more
    4. Write down something each day I am Thankful for
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Betty ROC – That Wendell Berry poem is so lovely. Someone (Irish Terry?) posted it here a while ago and I immediately copied it and printed it to post in my cubicle here at work. I read it every time I start to feel stressed.

    Katla – No Summer b-day here, but definitely suffer from SAD. I appreciated seeing your mention of your SAD and your self-care list for dealing with it. Even though I have been told that I have SAD, even though I have been told I have classic symptoms and that there is no shame in having SAD, I tend to attempt to ignore it and just power through the blues when they hit. I needed a reminder that there are self-care things I can do that will help.

    Mia in MI

  • dd18235
    dd18235 Posts: 3 Member
    edited November 2015
    62 yr old chubby skinny gal needs to lose about 15lbs.. I'm only 5ft tall & prefer to weight about 100. I had a <3 transplant 4 years ago & have been creeping up in weight since then.. I'm basically lurking & trying to get familiar with the group..

    I started yesterday & it's already become apparent that I need to add bulk low calorie veggies to my diet.. maybe a pot of weight watchers soup will be a good idea so I can feel full longer..

    Thanks Mary for accepting my friend request.. it was cool looking at your diet so I could get ideas..
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Vicki- we have had 3 inches of rain which would have been over 3 feet of snow. I am glad that it turned out that way. How much snow do you usually get during the year?

    Mary from Minnesota
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Mia - she does bring me a lot of joy and the companionship is even more important since I am home alone all day unless I have appointments or need to run errands. She likes to 'talk' a lot; but, rarely barks, which is nice. Staying outside longer and longer and not requiring or expecting me to go out with her. The only thing she does that gets her into a lot of trouble is pooping on the deck, which, so far she hasn't done today. She knows she has done wrong and I hate to swat her on the backend unless I catch her in the act; so, I usually scoop it up and show it to her and tell her 'no, no, bad puppy' and either throw it in the bushes or flush it down the toilet. Then she tries to bury his head in the corner of her bed or cover herself up with her stuffed toys.

    Vicki - thanks. Was told to 'up' my water intake and to 'up' my time on the treadmill (UGH)!! I'm going to start doing my hula hooping again. That will help on getting my waist down, too.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Stupid Auto-correct. Flew *through* with flying colors.

    Pip - So nice of your mom and sis. Good karma can rear her pretty head when you least expect it. SO happy for you ! ! !

    I don't know if I have SAD, but I do remember a time when DD was having what I then called Cabin Fever (she had chickenpox followed by mono followed by a sinus infection, and we had just moved to a new town so she didn't have any nearby friends). I made sandwiches and koolaid, we cranked up the heat to 80, and had a picnic on the living room floor while listening to Beach Boys music.

    Hugs !
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited November 2015
    nccarolb - we had bootleggers to buy beer from in town, if under-age; but, because my Daddy was an attorney - never tried doing so. There was a place in the city we lived near that 'if' you were able to reach the counter to put your money on it, they'd sell to anybody. No ID or questions asked; even if you were knee-walking, commode-hugging drunk. Just the bottom line for them. Once was taken to a 'juke joint' mainly to buy booze; but, to dance. I was terrified because I knew I would be recognized since there were a lot of my Daddy's clients there. I got asked, 'you're Mr. "X's" daughter and you better get outta here now'. I did so but not without a fight with my date and the other couple with us. I wanted to cry and go home; too far to walk and not where I'd want to. They brought me home and went back. One of the boys got into a fight, so I was happy I did not stay there for that fiasco.

    There was also a great BBQ place where the black carhops would take your order and they'd get it right every single time without writing it down, even if y'all would change seats in the car. Then, they'd reach into the car with your order and repeat it. Some of the best BBQ in town, and we had some of the best BBQ on the way to another town around us. After playing football games, the band and cheer bus would always stop there for us to eat.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Ah DJ no worries, thanks for your kind offer. I shall purchase a new suit come December, and this one shall be a keeper for a bit longer than my brown one from Goodwill! Thanks for the offer though :-) Yep I shall get down to a smaller suit, its in the STARS ya know!

    Speaking of STARS, the power went off last night at 12:15 AM, and both husband and I PINGED our eyes open when it happened. Its weird seeing night without ANY lights on around the neighborhood. I could PHYSICALLY feel the darkness, and it was both comforting and eerie at the same time. Didn't last long and at 12:45 AM I was in the kitchen resetting oven, microwave, and resetting the coffee pot for son.

    Today, has been a great day so far, even with it being laundry day. Had granola for breakfast, and I must say Quaker Simply granola is awesome. Big chunks so I eat it as a snack if I have 200 calories available.

    For lunch I splurged and made some Champelle noodle-ly pasta (3/4 cup dry). Saute'd with 1 tsp olive oil some beef kelbasa 2 oz, chopped zucchini 101 g, and shitake mushrooms 37 g. Then I added some chicken paste 1 tsp, and let everything mix and make merry. I put in the pasta, then poured the mixture over 1 cup of fresh spinach (leaves just torn with hands) and sprinkled the bowl with parmesan cheese 1 tsp. Oh I forget when I saute'd everything I put in cayenne pepper, tumeric, pepper. Love Love LOVE all those flavors.

    Tonight I shall keep it simple and make some soup with 1 tsp beef boullion, and add more shitake mushrooms. Then for snack later I will have a whole wheat Slim (like a really skinny muffin) and add 1 tblsp of chunky peanut butter.

    Need to buy fruit, but I fed all my apples to my elk......ok ok I know terrible. But really they are quite oblivious to me and I throw them from my 2nd story apartment balcony. They eat them and look to the sky for more. The herd presently is about 20 (in my area only though). The bigger herd is further south down hwy 101.



    Happy Wednesday all :smiley:
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Becca, super pic of the elks.

    Just wondering, when you make these delicious things, are you the only one that eats them or does your family eat them also? Today, I made turkey burgers that turned out well....93% lean ground turkey, splashes of Worcestershire Sauce, Lite Teriyaki sauce, catsup, and mustard seasoned with garlic. Mixed in about one cup of shredded potatoes. It made 6 large patties and was very moist and tasty. Even the DH liked.