November 2015 Running Challenge



  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @juliet3455 your run sounds beautiful with the snow, not that I want to experience that, but is sounds beautiful :smile:
    @shanaber there was a girl at the HM on Saturday who ran 12 halfs in a year, this was her 12th and she had a picture taken with all the medals on her arms. Made me think of you.

    Can't stop coughing ugh! Went out to run this morning, got a half mile and thought I'd die from coughing. Came to work, a guy down the hall just came in and asked if I was okay. Actually my nose is barely stuffy anymore and except for wanting to cough up a lung I feel fine.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    11/2-Strength Training
    11/3-5.0 miles
    11/4-3.2 miles+ strength training
    11/5-5.2 miles
    11/6-4.5 miles +yoga
    11/8-Another crappy day of nada
    11/9-4.5 miles
    11/10-5.1 miles+ strength training
    11/11-4.4 miles
    11/12-3.0 miles (dreadmill intervals @ 5K pace)
    11/13-3.7 miles
    11/14-5.0 miles
    11/15-10.0 miles
    11/16-Strength Training
    11/17-5.6 miles
    11/18-3.2 miles w/ Hubby
    11/19-5.3 miles

    Yesterday evening I ran with my hubby. He impresses me. Yes, he's slow, but he doesn't regularly run. He decided he wants to do a Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving with me, so he has been running to prepare. He can literally go from couch to 5K in a day. He pretty much does this anytime he wants to do a race...the two week training plan. I told him to imagine what he could do if he just stuck with it!

  • beachhouse758
    beachhouse758 Posts: 371 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    Did my PB at parkrun (5k) this morning!

    40:30. Don't laugh, I only started running on Sept 22, and I'm 48.

    It was a lovely morning for a run, too!

    22968399386_2ddbe0fb59_c.jpgMisty Lake by Orphia Nay, on Flickr

    What a beautiful picture. My 5k time is going to be slightly longer than yours. I am on Week 8 Day 1 of C25K and I was kind of bummed when I realized that there's no way I will be able to do it in under 40 minutes.
    But then I started thinking about the fact that I am doing this for me. I don't have to run. I don't plan to ever compete. I just want to be able to complete the program and go through with the Turkey Trot.

    As a matter of fact, today's 28 min. run was so brutal that it felt like I was running with those tiny conditioning parachutes that pro athletes use to give them extra resistance...only I was trying as hard as I could, lol. Aaaaaaaand I still sucked.
    But it is still way better than sitting on the couch, or in front of the computer thinking about working out, right?
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    11/1 - rest day / Halloween Hangover
    11/2 - 5.25 miles, 55° at 5:30 a.m. in Iowa! Nuts, but I love it!
    11/3 - 4 miles on indoor track followed by weights / abs. After running mostly outside for six months, you can run pretty fast on a flat, indoor surface.
    11/4 - 5.1 miles, again about 55° at 5:00 a.m. Getting spoiled by the weather!
    11/5 - woke up with some major heel pain...a touch of plantar fasciitis perhaps. Decided to take my rest day early and try again tomorrow.
    11/6 - 4 miles on indoor track + weights / abs. Heel feeling better, but not completely pain free.
    11/7 - 6 miles on a gorgeous morning!
    11/8 - 4 miles on another gorgeous day! Tried to get my daughter to come with, but she just wanted to I did that first.
    11/9 - 4 miles on indoor track, followed by lots of stretching
    11/10 - Rest Day.
    11/11 - 4 miles on indoor track, then weights and abs.
    11/12 - 5.1 miles on treadmill (Trek class)...always seems to be the most difficult run of the week.
    11/13 - Unplanned rest day due to catastrophic appliance failure in my home :/
    11/14 - 6.2 chilly but lovely miles in DSM...running out of these kinds of days I am afraid.
    11/15 - 4.7 beautiful miles around my neighborhood...lots of stinky female gingko trees
    11/16 - planned rest day
    11/17 - 4 miles on indoor track, with weights and abs after (soggy, rainy day here...definitely November)
    11/18 - 5 miles before it started dumping cold rain again. Not sure why, but this was a GREAT run! Felt good, relaxed, enjoyed the damp, windy and warm-for-November weather. Runs like this are super!
    11/19 - 5 miles on treadmill (Trek class)...lots of speed work


  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    @skippygirlsmom - take care of that cough! For me that always seems to be the worst part and hardest to get rid of!
    I laughed at your comment on the 12 HMs in 12 months... I can't imagine! The most I have done is 5 in 9 months. I would like to try to do one in every state some day :)
    What a beautiful picture. My 5k time is going to be slightly longer than yours. I am on Week 8 Day 1 of C25K and I was kind of bummed when I realized that there's no way I will be able to do it in under 40 minutes.
    But then I started thinking about the fact that I am doing this for me. I don't have to run. I don't plan to ever compete. I just want to be able to complete the program and go through with the Turkey Trot.

    As a matter of fact, today's 28 min. run was so brutal that it felt like I was running with those tiny conditioning parachutes that pro athletes use to give them extra resistance...only I was trying as hard as I could, lol. Aaaaaaaand I still sucked.
    But it is still way better than sitting on the couch, or in front of the computer thinking about working out, right?
    @beachhouse758 - When I started running I never expected to a) continue running after I lost weight, b) enter a race, c) complete a race... lol - 4 years later I run still because I love it, the way I feel and that I can eat and still keep my weight in check. I ran one race and had so much fun that I have now run many, because I love the community and the experience of all the different runners of different levels. I compete - with myself, to get better times sometimes and others just to run and enjoy it with family or friends. Just sayin' you may find you enjoy it more and it is more fun than you ever expected :)

    I got an email yesterday about a Divas virtual race if anyone is interested. I am doing a Divas race here in February and it looks like it will be really fun. I am not sure how fun a 'virtual' would be or what they are charging to do it but if you are interested the info is here:
    They don't ship internationally and unlike other virtual races it doesn't support a cause or charity.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    So we will be in the Tampa area for Thanksgiving and we found a race in New Port Richey to run on Thanksgiving. I lost my mind and signed up for the 15K challenge. You run a 5K at 7:30 and the 10K at 8:45. Skip wanted to do both (5K for time and 10K for fun with me), but they only had 1 slot left in the 10K she so kindly offered to let me have it ha ha! I did email the race director begging for a slot for her so hopefully I can get one for her.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    So we will be in the Tampa area for Thanksgiving and we found a race in New Port Richey to run on Thanksgiving. I lost my mind and signed up for the 15K challenge. You run a 5K at 7:30 and the 10K at 8:45. Skip wanted to do both (5K for time and 10K for fun with me), but they only had 1 slot left in the 10K she so kindly offered to let me have it ha ha! I did email the race director begging for a slot for her so hopefully I can get one for her.

    LOL, you lost your mind. Hope Skip gets a spot! What's one more tiny runner?
    I'm doing a bike ride with some people from my group on Thanksgiving morning - around 50 miles I think. Then I might 1 run mile too! First Thanksgiving I haven't cooked in about 25 years. My son and his fiance are hosting!
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    edited November 2015
    ddmom0811 wrote: »
    So we will be in the Tampa area for Thanksgiving and we found a race in New Port Richey to run on Thanksgiving. I lost my mind and signed up for the 15K challenge. You run a 5K at 7:30 and the 10K at 8:45. Skip wanted to do both (5K for time and 10K for fun with me), but they only had 1 slot left in the 10K she so kindly offered to let me have it ha ha! I did email the race director begging for a slot for her so hopefully I can get one for her.

    LOL, you lost your mind. Hope Skip gets a spot! What's one more tiny runner?
    I'm doing a bike ride with some people from my group on Thanksgiving morning - around 50 miles I think. Then I might 1 run mile too! First Thanksgiving I haven't cooked in about 25 years. My son and his fiance are hosting!

    @ddmom0811 I figured if I run both just to run and don't worry about time and enjoy it I'll be okay. Skip said you can always wimp out at the last minute! I just want the challenge mug. I'm not sure how long I'll be in FL, if we hang around I'll let you know. Thought about checking if you were running, but even if we both drove half way it would be a way early day to get a race in between. I have to watch where I post stuff because my mom doesn't know we are coming down for the week. We want to surprise her.
  • rogue024
    rogue024 Posts: 1,484 Member
    Hey all, I haven't posted much the past couple of weeks but I have been reading everyone's posts.

    11/1 - 2 miles
    11/2 - strength
    11/3 - 3 miles
    11/4 - strength
    11/6 - 3 miles
    11/7 - strength
    11/8 - 3 miles
    11/10 - 3 miles
    11/11 - 2.5 miles
    11/16 - 2 miles
    11/19 - 3 miles

    November: 21.5 of 45 miles completed

    @7lenny7 I hope you figure out what's wrong with your knee/leg and that it heals quickly. I've had ITBS before and it's no fun. I got it from running on uneven surface, where one leg was running on higher ground than the other.
    @ddmom0811 I didn't know you're a computer genius! How cool.
    @moyer566 glad to see you around here! I don't know the answer to your question about feeling numb but @Stoshew71 usually can point you in the right direction. Hopefully he sees your question. Good running so far!
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    Ohhim wrote: »
    PRed at a Half Marathon over the weekend in the 50s with gusts of 45mph... so definitely a fan of those conditions!

    Always a fan of PRs! WTG!
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    So we will be in the Tampa area for Thanksgiving and we found a race in New Port Richey to run on Thanksgiving. I lost my mind and signed up for the 15K challenge. You run a 5K at 7:30 and the 10K at 8:45. Skip wanted to do both (5K for time and 10K for fun with me), but they only had 1 slot left in the 10K she so kindly offered to let me have it ha ha! I did email the race director begging for a slot for her so hopefully I can get one for her.

    Hope Skip gets her slot - but you got this (5K, then 10K)! A less-fat but still-old man I know did that last weekend, and had a great time! :smiley:
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    @beachhouse758 What a lovely picture. That must have been quite a run!
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    9voice9 wrote: »
    So we will be in the Tampa area for Thanksgiving and we found a race in New Port Richey to run on Thanksgiving. I lost my mind and signed up for the 15K challenge. You run a 5K at 7:30 and the 10K at 8:45. Skip wanted to do both (5K for time and 10K for fun with me), but they only had 1 slot left in the 10K she so kindly offered to let me have it ha ha! I did email the race director begging for a slot for her so hopefully I can get one for her.

    Hope Skip gets her slot - but you got this (5K, then 10K)! A less-fat but still-old man I know did that last weekend, and had a great time! :smiley:

    ha ha !! Thank you race director, Skip now has a slot in both races!
  • dperich1968
    dperich1968 Posts: 235 Member
    Super busy today, but got my run in. So much to catch up with on the pages and pages I have missed.

    Nov 3 - 4.73 walking
    Nov 5 - 7.00
    Nov 6 - yoga and stretches
    Nov 7 - family time
    Nov 8 - family time
    Nov 9 - 3.2
    Nov 10 - 4.59
    Nov 12 - 5.15 (3 run, 2.15 walk)
    Nov 13 - 3.27 walk
    Nov 15 - 5 - took our Shiatzu mix out on my run this morning. I was pleasantly surprised she never slowed down.
    Nov 16 - household chores
    Nov 17 - 4.84
    Nov 19 - 5.23 (4 run, 1.23 walk)


    Upcoming races
    Nov 21 - Wumble Rumble, Lodi Lake 5K
    Dec 5 - Runkeeper Global Virtual 5K
    Dec 19 - Santa Run 5K Sacramento CA
    Jan ?
    Feb 6 2016 Tiny Smiles 10K Galt CA
    Mar ?
    Apr ?
    May ?
    June 2016 See Jane Run HM - My 1yr BMT anniversary. I'm scared, nervous and happy.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    moyer566 wrote: »
    so on my long run on fat went numb. I had layers, and I was actually pretty warm. It was mid-30's. My belly, back of my arms and hip fats all went numb. What might be the best way to avoid this?

    Usually when something goes numb it has to do with poor bloodflow? Were you wearing something that was super tight and cutoff your circulation? Maybe dehydration too can cause poor circulation?
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today. Miles for November

    11/1 REST DAY
    11/2 10 miles - 10
    11/3 11 miles - 21
    11/4 4 miles - 25 << Recovery Day
    11/5 11 miles - 36 << Threshold Day
    11/6 6.2 miles - 42.2 << Recovery Day
    11/7 15 miles - 57.2 << Long Run (1 week till Huntsville Half)
    11/8 REST DAY
    11/9 REST DAY
    11/10 7 miles - 64.2 << Brueggers taper run (.5 w/u, 2.5 ~ghmp, 4 easy)
    11/11 4.1 miles 68.3 << Easy taper run in my neighborhood.
    11/12 5 miles 73.3 << PPounders taper run (all easy paced)
    11/13 REST DAY
    11/14 1 miles 74.3 <<< Warm-up before 1/2
    11/14 13.1 miles - 87.4 << Huntsville Half marathon (1:39:38)
    11/15 REST DAY
    11/16 5.5 miles - 92.9
    11/17 10.5 miles - 103.4
    11/18 5.65 miles - 109.05 << Rainy Recovery Run
    11/19 10.55 miles - 119.6


  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    9voice9 wrote: »
    So we will be in the Tampa area for Thanksgiving and we found a race in New Port Richey to run on Thanksgiving. I lost my mind and signed up for the 15K challenge. You run a 5K at 7:30 and the 10K at 8:45. Skip wanted to do both (5K for time and 10K for fun with me), but they only had 1 slot left in the 10K she so kindly offered to let me have it ha ha! I did email the race director begging for a slot for her so hopefully I can get one for her.

    Hope Skip gets her slot - but you got this (5K, then 10K)! A less-fat but still-old man I know did that last weekend, and had a great time! :smiley:

    ha ha !! Thank you race director, Skip now has a slot in both races!

    Sounds like fun. Good luck to both of you guys.

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    9voice9 wrote: »
    So we will be in the Tampa area for Thanksgiving and we found a race in New Port Richey to run on Thanksgiving. I lost my mind and signed up for the 15K challenge. You run a 5K at 7:30 and the 10K at 8:45. Skip wanted to do both (5K for time and 10K for fun with me), but they only had 1 slot left in the 10K she so kindly offered to let me have it ha ha! I did email the race director begging for a slot for her so hopefully I can get one for her.

    Hope Skip gets her slot - but you got this (5K, then 10K)! A less-fat but still-old man I know did that last weekend, and had a great time! :smiley:

    Yeah, I did this at Cotton Row on Memorial Day this year.
    I raced the 10K then paced my wife during the 5K. I was signed up for the 10K and did the 5K as a bandit but then turned off just before crossing the finish line. I also took the timing chip off my bib just in case.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    msf74 wrote: »
    patrikc333 wrote: »
    don't know what to say. woke up in pain, run 4km then leg was absolutely fine. I'm fed up with this, I rest it gets worse, I move it gets better, but if it's an inflammation I should rest - it's frustrating to have this pain constantly when it's on

    Without wanting to be all "I'm not a doctor I just play one on the internet" have you tried heat therapies on the affected area when at rest to see if it produces the same results? If so it would appear that the running helps promote blood flow to the injured area and clear lactic acid which alleviates the pain from the overworked muscles.

    The problem which arises is that the activity may not be doing anything to make the injury better, in fact it may be making it worse, but this is masked by the temporary pain relief which occurs.

    I think you must consider resting and / or seeing a sports physio / doctor to help pin down the cause and appropriate treatment.

    I get it. I am bored out of my mind at the moment. Even though my foot is just about back to normal I will still leave it another few days. There will always be another day to train.

    This. If there is a serious problem that is only getting worse, you will need to get an expert opinion.
  • runner_girl83
    runner_girl83 Posts: 553 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    When I started running I never expected to a) continue running after I lost weight, b) enter a race, c) complete a race... lol - 4 years later I run still because I love it, the way I feel and that I can eat and still keep my weight in check. I ran one race and had so much fun that I have now run many, because I love the community and the experience of all the different runners of different levels. I compete - with myself, to get better times sometimes and others just to run and enjoy it with family or friends. Just sayin' you may find you enjoy it more and it is more fun than you ever expected :)

    Love reading everyone's stories about how they got into running :) Thanks for sharing @shanaber

    @skippygirlsmom Skip is an inspiration! How nice of her to give the 10k spot to you like that! She sounds like an amazing person and you are an amazing parent for all that you do! I'm glad you both got a spot in the race in the end :smile: Wish my daughter liked running! lol Hope that cough goes away soon, too!!
    lporter229 wrote: »
    Yesterday evening I ran with my hubby. He impresses me. Yes, he's slow, but he doesn't regularly run. He decided he wants to do a Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving with me, so he has been running to prepare. He can literally go from couch to 5K in a day. He pretty much does this anytime he wants to do a race...the two week training plan. I told him to imagine what he could do if he just stuck with it!

    That is amazing @lporter229 .. Glad hubby has decided to run the trot with you!

    @beachhouse758 Keep at it! You will get faster with time. I know it feels disheartening, but you are right.. we all have to start from somewhere and you are running marathons around those sitting on couches at home! Keep going and we are all cheering you on!! :smiley:

    @siddles11 Are you in Oz too? How good is summer!! :smile: (sorry, not deliberately trying to upset everyone experiencing the cold lol)

    Fantastic blue skies here! 4 weeks of recovery to go... I am nearly counting down the hours :lol: