

  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    I am distracted by pain so just know that I love you all.

    this has NOT been my month for cats. I got a bad cat bite on my foot yesterday. woke up with my foot all swollen and toes not able to bend. Spent the morning in the ER getting a tetanus shot, IV antibiotics and IV pain meds, multiple blood tests and pus test, x-ray, oral antibiotics and oral pain meds. See the podiatrist in the morning to make sure it is getting better. I have a really high tolerance for pain but have been crying it hurts so bad. I screamed when the doc touched it and especially when he SQUEEZED it to get a pus sample. the cat is in quarantine for ten days. I am lying in bed, feverish, with my foot elevated. Not fun.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    OMGoodness Miriam....thinking of you and wishing your pain away!

    Cheri in increasingly colder NE Ohio
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Wow, Miriam! That must have been one cranky car. I'm so sorry you are in such pain!

    Just to give y'all a giggle...I've mentioned joining a dating site. Well, last night while I was texting Frank and messaging with Bob, Gary called! It's raining men!! There are more who are sending me messages but I can't keep up. Why is it always feast or famine? LOL

    Happy early anniversary, Heather!

    The boy child is going to get checked out by an orthopedist tomorrow morning. He's still having some neck/upper back pain and said one of the puncture wounds in his hand was bothering him. Get this--he wants me to go with him!! As soon as we leave the doctor's office, I'm certain that he will suddenly become all grown up again. He also thinks he's found a temporary job as a de-icer for the Charlotte airport. I guess now I can worry about driving in ice and snow to get there! This child is going to be the death of me!! LOL (sorta)

    I have the drill sergeant for PT this week and next. I'm so tired when I leave there that I'm almost afraid to dive home. Hopefully, the torture will work.

    I'm ready to sleep now and it's only 8:45 p.m. I must be getting really old. :smile:

    Carol in NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Miriam: I hope your are able to get the cat bite situation under control. I'm so sorry you are in pain. :flowerforyou:

    Carol: It is so good to see you have been flooded with men. Enjoy the nice ones and cut the others loose. :wink:

    I'm not feeling the greatest and have a low grade temperature. I hope I'm well enough for my riding lesson tomorrow. We are planning a family trip to KY that starts later this weekend. I will be very thankful if I feel decent. This is NOT a good time to be headachy. :noway:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,991 Member
    edited November 2015
    :'(Miriam,so sorry to hear about your pain and all the treatment you've gone through.

    :)Becca, there are elk around here and on the highway there is a yellow light that flashes if the elk are in the vicinity of the road (some of the Roosevelt elk have a radio collar that signals the light if they get close to the road). In our neighborhood we have deer that wander freely through yards and along the streets

    :'( My mother had shingles and it was horrible for her, so the day the doctor told us that there was a shingles vaccine we went right out and got it, in spite of the fact that our insurance didn't cover it. :'( ....our feeling about it was that we would "give anything to not get shingles" so the anything turned out to be money.

    :o I go tomorrow for the nerve conduction test....I don't know much about it, so I'll just show up and do what they tell me....it will be the beginning of the diagnostic process..who knows what the next step will be..just taking it one day at a time.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Stats for today:
    15,000 steps
    139 minutes of dog walking
    108 minutes riding the exercise bike---maybe a few more before bedtime
    line dance class (including practice for the holiday program)

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    Strategy is stronger than willpower.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    two pluses peeps -

    i have electric wall heat that still works (what it had when we got the house) so i turned it on for the night so he doesn't come to an icebox. i still can't get the gas heat to work!

    my doctor is mailing me another prescription refill of percoset (or however you spell it) so it will come to me in the mail!!!!

    gotta go back to the hospital now..
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    Good thing you went to the ER Miriam. Sounds like some serious blood poisoning. Hope you feel better tomorrow.

    I did 60 minutes on the elliptical and about 30 minutes of yoga which wasn't a big calorie burner but I needed to stretch. Didn't do so great with the tracking food and not snacking But I didn't do horrible either.

    Good night.

    Kimses in MA

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Miriam - wish there was something I could say to you to make you feel better. Know that you're in my thoughts and prayers

    NCCarol - you hussy, you!...lol

    katla - feel better fast

    barbie - good luck on the test. Let us know exactly what it's all about

    Michele in NC
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Barbie, I wouldn’t trade having had Max for anything in the world. It is worth all the pain and heartbreak to have had the pleasure of having him. DH has been mourning him so much that I told him today that I doubt if he would take my death that hard. I knew how much I loved him but I think DH has been surprised by his feelings.

    Sylvia, so glad things were better with your son! I do hope your DGD likes Zumba and will keep it up.

    Allison, I can’t believe the pipe will cost that much more. Holy moly. Did you say this is replacing a different type of heat in the house? Congrats on getting things done in the kitchen. I know you will be thrilled when it’s finished!!

    Katla, our poodle has been scratching a lot lately, too. We don’t think he has fleas and he is treated regularly. I got some medicated itch cream to see if that does the trick.

    Mia, I like the way you think about restaurant costs. I’m a people watcher too and that is always entertaining for me. You have a wonderful attitude about your colonoscopy but I hate you had to go through the prep for nothing. That’s the bad part as far as I’m concerned.

    Pip, so happy that Kirby is doing well enough to go home. I hope the transition is easy for both of you. We will all be thinking of you and wishing you well.

    IrishTerri, we have a fireproof safe too and don’t lock our either. Like your DH, we have important papers there in case of fire.

    Mary, congrats on that pound. Yes, everyone in the right direction is a victory.

    Terri, so nice of you to include your dad for Thanksgiving. Lol sorry your DS got cut from basketball, but like you said, maybe fewer sports will be a good thing.

    Miriam, so sorry about your cat bite. I hope you get better really soon. ((Hugs))

    CarolNC, congrats on the fact that “It’s raining men”. Lol I hope one ends up being a keeper.

    Katla, I do hope you aren’t getting sick. Sending healing thoughts.

    Barbie, I hope the nerve tests are a breeze and that they can find out what the problem is.

    Heather, Happy Anniversary and enjoy your special celebration.wub.gif

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    My insurance wouldn't pay for the shingles shot till I turned 60, so I did get it finally. Hubby had a very mild case a few years ago but a friend had it really bad, all over her face and neck. She was in a lot of pain. Hubby got a shot too, the same time I did, although we weren't sure if he could get shingles again or not. The nurses at the clinic thought he could and that a shot might help prevent another bout of it.

    I was sitting in my recliner tonight, watching the news, and Molly came up to me and started yowling in the universal language of "move so I can have your chair". I said "NO, under no circumstances will I give you my chair". She persisted for quite a while, but I was firm. Finally she got up on the arm of the adjoining sofa and started trying to force her way in. One foot at a time, she slowly wriggled her skinny self in behind me. She did not look comfortable, but I was strong. Her long bony legs were sticking out everywhere. Hubby was trying to take pictures. Eventually she twisted around till she was squeezed in between my butt and the arm of the chair, then later draped across my lap. The whole time Spot was watching bewildered, and clearly not happy. He thinks he is the boss and that I belong to him, (I think it's the herding dog in him) and he doesn't like for the other dogs to get too much attention from me, but he didn't know what to do about this situation. Molly is a daddy's girl and seldom has much to do with me, so this was very unusual. So I feared there might be a dog fight right there in my lap. Finally, after about 2 hours she gave up. She may be the princess, but I am the queen!
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,780 Member
    Heather ... Thank you for thinking of me... No official respite here ... But I did get some retail therapy in today! :smiley: I don't shop often, but had some coupons and couldn't resist.

    Miriam ... Hope you heal quickly!

    Carol ... Enjoy the feast!

    Terri ... So sorry your son didn't make the basketball team. Seriously though ... High school basketball focuses on height. They'll pick an awkward six footer over a shorter player regardless of ability. Of course that means nothing to a boy who had his heart set on making the team.

    The winds last night knocked some shingles loose from the roof... Found them on my "outdoor time." Thought about getting on the roof ... Really, how hard could it be? But gave up when I couldn't get the ladder off the wall. Husband and son nearly had a stroke when I told them what I had planned to do! Aww .. They do care!

    Off to bed ...

    Beth near BUF
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Karen - that sounds like a good workout!

    Heather- Happy Anniversary! I hope you have fun celebrating!

    Allison - you must be so happy to finally see an end to the construction!

    Miriam- I'm sorry to hear that! I hope you are better tomorrow and the cat is also.

    Katla- I hope you feel better. Have a great trip!

    Barbie- let us know how your testing goes. Hopefully they can get to the bottom of what's going on.

    Kimses- great job exercising! Stretching is really good for you.

    DJ - thanks, but it was only .1 pound! But I was feeling stuck so I'll take it! (((hugs))) for both you and your DH.

    Sylvia - LOL! I could picture Molly trying to squeeze in! That would be a cute picture.

    Pip - I bet you're excited to have Kirby coming home tomorrow. He is probably very happy.

    We got most everything cleaned up from painting. We are putting the floor on hold until after Thanksgiving. We moved furniture back in and hung most of our pictures. It is much nicer painted. We don't feel like we're living in a box anymore.

    Have a great night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Barbie, good luck with the nerve conduction study,. I have had several of them. You do experience discomfort but it is only for a split second and I have never had a big problem with them.

    Heather, happy aniversary! Your trip to France sounds so heavenly, just like you will be living there for awhile. How long are you saying, or rather are you ever coming back??

    Allison, why in the world would your brother care about how you are taking care of your father in law??? So glad the kitchen is progressing. Sorry about the stove top pipe though.

    I called Charlie's GI doctor's office today to let them know of his lack of progress on the antibiotic and tomorrow is his last day. So he goes in tomorrow at 9 for a rectal swab (sorry) to get another culture and see what he weighs. He was actually upset that it is tomorrow morning. This is a guy who would hardly ever go to a funeral home for anything unless it was family. If one of his friends died he would say why do I need to go, I don't know the family and I can't talk to my friend. Or if it is a family member of a friend, he says he didn't know that person, why should I go. Also when he would go out and do his Karaoke thing, he would sit with his two Over the Hill gang members, no one else. Now he sits with a lot of friends. The whole purpose I am saying this is that a Karaoke friend died and the visitation is tomorrow morning before the funeral. This appointment is messing up with his plans. It is more important for him to go to visitation and talk to a family member of a Karaoke buddy than for him to go to the doctor and see if this bacteria is gone. He asked me what he should say to the family. I just told him to let them know who is is to their loved one and then he can relate one of his favorite songs that the guy would sing. Give them something to hold onto that thier loved one did and they didn't know it. Let them know why he was loved. So the appointment is at 9:15 and visitation ends at 11 and I think he will be OK. But my boy is growing up.

    I'm sure some of you ladies like the Kuerig coffee makers. Is there a way of making coffee that does not entail buying the expensive refills. Michelle wants one for Christmas but I don't want to buy her something that is going to be expensive for her to maintain. She wants one of the mini ones that is a single cup. It also needs to be one that has a lot profile. I have the number of it from her Amazon wish list. Just can't remember which one it is.

    I thought all places had to honor any of the bariatric surgery patients access to the childs plate. Although I agree with you all, It's mostly chicken strips, mac n cheese or hot dog. The chicken strips can be grilled. In fact that's what I am getting tomorrow. Our old nurses group is going to Cheddars for lunch and I get the chicken strips, grilled, and brocolli.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • samm8911
    samm8911 Posts: 12 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Did an hour of a yoga, pilates, cardio fusion DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do some of a yoga DVD, hold my plank, then take the extremepump class. I have to also stop on my way home from exercise and pick up one of Loki's meds

    Sharon - you asked if I'd miss my rings. To be honest, I'd really rather my daughter be happy and if having them makes her happy, then that's what I want. but her having them is not to be, so oh well..... Glad to hear the cancer markers came out good. So sorry about dd's friend's father.

    Remember I told you about the lady who fell last night at the social? Well, we called her hubby. He sounded really tired. He said the hosp gave her some pain pills and released her at 4. Later she tried to get up to go to the bathroom and fell. I'm guessing that the pain pills wore off. He couldn't pick her up so he called the EMT. They got her in bed and told her to take lots of these ibuprofen. Really, it's not my place to say, but you shouldn't be taking ibuprofen for extended periods of time. Vince said that he's heard from her that they won't do knee replacement until she loses weight. Why she's not trying is beyond me. I realize that she has a thyroid issue which makes it hard, but from what I see she has to eat at Mexican Train, she's really not trying. I would think that being able to see your children/grandchildren would be motivation. Right now she really can't get into her children's house. But it's not for me to say what she should do

    Soraya - Am I wrong, wasn't there talk at one time about the Catalan's wanting to break free of Spain? What ever happened with that?

    katla - I agree with you, this group is so very diverse. There are all diofferent types of people/schools of thought. Someone will mention something that you never thought of. To me, that is one of the greatest things. We're all trying to get the same thing (I know I've said that wrong, I mean a healthier lifestye but yet not completely eliminating something <like no parties> and how we each cope with things). I'd never heard of that reflective spray, but it sounds really good. I googled it to see how long it last before needing to be reapplied. I really couldn't find much but someone did say that after a year it still had reflective properties. Not sure if it's as reflective as when it was first applied, but what a good idea!

    pip - I do hope Kirby isn't developing a clot. Vince developed one about 25 years ago when they did an EP study on him the first time, and ever since then he's been taking Warfarin just to be on the safe side that he doesn't develope another one. Update: oh, pip, I'm so sorry that they found a clot, but at least they found it before it got too large or broke off and traveled to his brain or lung or heart.

    fearlessfaith - welcome! Don't mind one bit if you join in, glad to have ya

    Tomorrow senior bowling and then ceramics then mahjongg

    Michele in NC

    Good morning from Tarragona, ladies,
    My week has not been going so well goal-wise. This week no writing, no walking, and I've been eating well all day but totally blowing it at night with supper. I notice a pattern. I weigh in every 2 weeks so I have a loss and get happy and sloppy with suppers. The I gain and buckle down again. Can't seem to break out of it. Maybe now that I've confessed I can plan a clean weekend.

    Exermom, to answer your question on the catalan issue: the catalans have voted pro independence but there are national presidential elections in Spain on the 20th of December so depending on who wins, Catalunya may have to vote again based on the ruling government they will have to deal with in the next four years ( there are candidates who are willing to negotiate more favorable conditions for Catalunya if they don't seceed). I agree this isn't the place for political discussions, though, so I'll leave it at that.

    Hugs for everyone, and hope for a fantastic weekend.

  • samm8911
    samm8911 Posts: 12 Member
    DamitJanit wrote: »
    It is with much sadness that I tell you that my Max passed away last night. :'( When we went to see him at the emergency vet yesterday he was doing well and we expected to pick him up this morning to bring him home. He started having seizures last night that they couldn't control and passed away. He was such a sweet dog and will be missed terribly. Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts.
    8p4qjde10miv.jpg RIP

    I love you ladies,
    Myrtle Beach, SC

    So sorry about Max, DJ. Hugs to to you and your family.

  • samm8911
    samm8911 Posts: 12 Member
    Sylvia, best of luck with your difficult situation. I'll keep your family in my prayers.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    edited November 2015
    Anniversary today! Woke up early so just sneaked out to talk to you all. Without my glasses! Excuse any mistakes.

    Joyce - All my life I've wanted to live in France, but I also love Britain. Buying a holiday home didn't seem to work for us as I didn't want the worry and upkeep. Also we like exploring different areas. Therefore I try to get there when I can and hire a property. We used to go in the summer when the kids were young, but I really enjoyed Menton in February a couple of years ago and I'm hoping Montpellier will deliver a good experience. I much prefer a place without all the tourists. It is a university city, so has some life. We got a good off season deal on the apartment in Place de la Canourge. (Streetview?) which looks very comfortable. We like two bedrooms and two bathrooms nowdays to allow for not sleeping or coughs. I often change beds in the night. Even on our cruise next year we have two double beds in our cabin to make night time restlessness easier! :laugh: We are there for two weeks, hence having to get Christmas stuff done early. Plus we have to pack the kitchen for the painter. :ohwell:
    I expect we will catch a train once or twice out to Avignon, or Nimes. It's a long time since I went there. It was my first experience of Avignon at 10 pm when I was 10 years old that made me fall in love with France. I couldn't believe that the place was so alive! People out in the streets, eating in restaurants under the trees, a carousel, mayflies flying under the street lamps, shops open. Quite a change from my provincial backwater at home. We were on a camping trip (tent) and our car kept breaking down with radiator trouble. It was 1960 and we were in an old Ford Popular.

    Must make the anniversary boy a cup of tea and greet him with a kiss! :laugh:

    Heather UK
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Joyce, the keurig has a thing called "my k cup" which you spoon your own coffe into, saves $ on those expensive pods.
    Soraya, i often struggle when the scale shows progress and start overeating and what a surprise, the scale moves back up! I think it was Barbie who said she has stopped seeing food as entertainment, which is a smart way to think about it. The more you notice patterns and make adjustments, the more likely you will be to stay on the healthier path. That being said "dont let perfect be the enemy of the good" you are doing great during the week, use that to help with the weekends.
    Karen from ny
  • relater2000
    relater2000 Posts: 43 Member