I do what with butter...?



  • Mallybear2020
    Mallybear2020 Posts: 82 Member
    If this is true, and I'm not saying anyone is lying....then I have lived a damn miserable life for the past 5-8months.
    I'll try it and see if it helps me lose weight.
    I just don't understand if someone's doing low carb diet in order to lose weight, and gets enough calories in...why shouldn't they eat all the carbs they want?
  • ultrahoon
    ultrahoon Posts: 467 Member
    edited December 2015
    If this is true, and I'm not saying anyone is lying....then I have lived a damn miserable life for the past 5-8months.
    I'll try it and see if it helps me lose weight.
    I just don't understand if someone's doing low carb diet in order to lose weight, and gets enough calories in...why shouldn't they eat all the carbs they want?

    Most people aren't doing low carb to lose weight, they are doing it for other health reasons, or personal preference in how they like to fill their calorie allowance, or based on the demands placed on them by their lifestyle/goals.

    Another common reason to go low carb is that some people find it helps to eliminate or reduce their sugar cravings, which may have resulted in them going over their calorie allowance in the past.

    Another reason would be people who compete in competitions with weight classes. They often go low carb during part of their training camp to cut some water weight, as they want every last fraction of a pound of muscle they can in their weight division.
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    If this is true, and I'm not saying anyone is lying....then I have lived a damn miserable life for the past 5-8months.
    I'll try it and see if it helps me lose weight.
    I just don't understand if someone's doing low carb diet in order to lose weight, and gets enough calories in...why shouldn't they eat all the carbs they want?

    Personal preference. Some people prefer to eat low carb and find in easier to meet their daily calorie goal by eating this way.

    Find what works for you to meet your calories. It sounds like low carb is pretty miserable so far, so try something else!
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    @Mallybear2020 I implore you to check out group I linked to in my other post. If you want to learn about low carb and the right way to go about it, they will set you on the right path.

    This OP has so many false beliefs about weight loss in general, I think she needs to get her basic understanding of how the energy balance works, rather than joining a specific group.

    OP, as people have been trying to explain to you, calories are a unit of energy. You burn calories all day long just being alive, and the amount burned increases with increased activity (whether purposeful exercise or an active job, going dancing, etc). The total number of calories you burn in a day is your TDEE, your maintenance calorie level. If you eat less calories than your TDEE, you will lose weight, regardless if those calories are made up of primarily carbs, fat, or protein. The balance between those macro nutrients can help lead to satiety and sustainability with a way of eating, but the bottom line is that if your maintenance calories are 1800, you can eat anything under that and you will lose weight.
  • Mallybear2020
    Mallybear2020 Posts: 82 Member
    Well I expect to see major results with this then!!
    I'll make a post in a few days talking about if it worked for me. I'll entitle it either 'It didn't work' or 'It worked'
    So far I'm 125lbs...and have worked hard to get here. So if ya'lls way doesn't work I'm going to be pissed and hold you all accountable for my weight gain.
    Thank you ALL for listening to my rant and what maybe seems to be MY possible ignorance.
  • OyGeeBiv
    OyGeeBiv Posts: 733 Member
    If this is true, and I'm not saying anyone is lying....then I have lived a damn miserable life for the past 5-8months.
    I'll try it and see if it helps me lose weight.

    Honestly, I had a hard time with this too at first. I'd done the low carb thing years ago, lost a boatload of weight, and then gained it ALL back again -and more- the minute I started eating more carbs again. It wasn't sustainable for me.

    This time around, I need to lose the weight and keep it off. I'm so DONE with fads and yoyo'ing. So I'm doing a balanced diet. I'm sticking to the basic recommendations MFP is giving me, and so far so good. I've committed to doing it this way until the end of the year, to see if it's really working or if I need to tweak anything. That's only 31 more days. As it stands now, I have no intention of changing my eating plan in the new year, because I'm losing weight at a slow and steady-enough pace. My goal isn't to lose weight fast, it's to lose and keep it off forever.

    Are you willing to give it a try for 31 days?
  • ultrahoon
    ultrahoon Posts: 467 Member
    edited December 2015
    Well I expect to see major results with this then!!
    I'll make a post in a few days talking about if it worked for me. I'll entitle it either 'It didn't work' or 'It worked'
    So far I'm 125lbs...and have worked hard to get here. So if ya'lls way doesn't work I'm going to be pissed and hold you all accountable for my weight gain.
    Thank you ALL for listening to my rant and what maybe seems to be MY possible ignorance.

    No problem, we are here to help! But I do need to point out, a few days is just not enough, if you're currently low carbing, and go 'regular carb' you WILL gain water weight, but there is a limit to how much you will gain, it wont keep going on and on. Just don't panic when the scale goes up at first, it's water, not fat.

    Scenario: a person (who always eats under their calorie allowance) eats 200g of carbs per day for a month, then switches to 300g of carbs per day for a month. During the first few days (3-5? Someone correct me there!) they will gain some water weight but no fat, then it will stop, because they have the appropriate amount of water weight stored for that carb level. The other 25 or so days of the month, they will start to lose body fat and the weight will start going down again.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    edited December 2015
    I struggle with calories, but your eating habits sound like a recipe for disaster.

    put the butter in hot sauce and make buffalo chicken. eat/drink full fat dairy. cook with oil. eat peanut butter. eat avocados. I have 2 hardboiled eggs, avocado, tomato and shredded cheese for breakfast. It's awesome, low calorie, low carb, good fat. Sometimes I add an Engligh muffin to the mix.

    Pasta breads and candy doesn't make you gain weight... over eating pasta, breads and candy does. 2 oz of dry spaghetti isn't very much, but that is one serving.

    If your feeling sick at night, there is something else going on. Go see a doctor. A diet by itself won't do that.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I'm on a lowish carb diet, just try to stay below 100g. I started this because i was sick of constantly being hungry and counting down the minutes to my next meal, even though I was eating what is thought of as the most satiating carb choices.
    Now I am happy and full and don't have the burden of thinking about food, food, food all day long. My cravings for sweets has also dramatically diminished.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    Have you thought about checking out the IIFYM group? You seem more concerned about macros than calories so that might be a good method for you. They'll be able to provide you with good info too.
  • bioklutz
    bioklutz Posts: 1,365 Member
    Well I expect to see major results with this then!!
    I'll make a post in a few days talking about if it worked for me. I'll entitle it either 'It didn't work' or 'It worked'
    So far I'm 125lbs...and have worked hard to get here. So if ya'lls way doesn't work I'm going to be pissed and hold you all accountable for my weight gain.
    Thank you ALL for listening to my rant and what maybe seems to be MY possible ignorance.

    Please give this more than a few days. It might take 1- 4 weeks to see movement on the scale. I also want to encourage you to read some of the posts from this thread: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10260517/most-helpful-posts-getting-started-must-reads#latest
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Well I expect to see major results with this then!!
    I'll make a post in a few days talking about if it worked for me. I'll entitle it either 'It didn't work' or 'It worked'
    So far I'm 125lbs...and have worked hard to get here. So if ya'lls way doesn't work I'm going to be pissed and hold you all accountable for my weight gain.
    Thank you ALL for listening to my rant and what maybe seems to be MY possible ignorance.

    I'm concerned that you have unrealistic expectations for how quickly you may see results. As others have pointed out, you may see short term gain followed by the scale starting to go down, but it could take weeks.

    What did you put in as your goal, it should be lose 0.5 lbs/week. What calorie target did MFP give you when you entered your new info?
  • Mallybear2020
    Mallybear2020 Posts: 82 Member
    On MFP I put in a goal of 0.5lbs a week. I currently weight 125.5 and I'm 5'2. My goal is 100lbs (Even though I keep rethinking that) so maybe 110. Depends how I feel/what I look like.
    I totally do get that it may take more than a few days to see results. So I'm willing to give it a chance. Though, tbh...I was happy once I started back on the low carb because I was losing 0.5lbs a day(but its only been 4days) So that's 2lbs. From what you're all telling me it's just water weight.
    What I think I'm going to do for now is stay on the low carbs til I hit about 120, or 117. I need to give myself a challenge.
    Plus, what I forgot to mention was....when I do low carbs. It's not just about the weight, I'm trying to stop my obsessive binge eating. By doing low carbs, I'm teaching myself a lesson that some of you may not understand, or may think could be done another way. But it's about what works personally for me, right? Right.
  • ejbronte
    ejbronte Posts: 867 Member
    Another two cents, if you want to consider them: As well as patience with the weight loss process, OP, I'm going to suggest that you incorporate time during each meal:

    You need to be able to appreciate yourself; this in itself will take time and patience; you'll need to learn to take yourself out into the world and be with yourself out there. It took me about 20 years to get where I am. I can still fall back into my old ways, and I'm still learning, but believe me when I say it can be done.

    Giving yourself time during portions of the day to be with yourself quietly and positively, I think, may be helpful, and meal times can be such times. Grant yourself permission to choose food you enjoy. Find your 30 minutes, or 60 minutes; eat at peace; taste your food; and appreciate the fact that you have chosen to nourish your body with flavors that make it happy. Maybe keep company over your meal with a book (I have a mini-library on my Kindle app at this point), and absorb new thoughts and new stories at leisure while you make sure you linger over your meal. You may find yourself comfortably both within and outside yourself.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    On MFP I put in a goal of 0.5lbs a week. I currently weight 125.5 and I'm 5'2. My goal is 100lbs (Even though I keep rethinking that) so maybe 110. Depends how I feel/what I look like.
    I totally do get that it may take more than a few days to see results. So I'm willing to give it a chance. Though, tbh...I was happy once I started back on the low carb because I was losing 0.5lbs a day(but its only been 4days) So that's 2lbs. From what you're all telling me it's just water weight.
    What I think I'm going to do for now is stay on the low carbs til I hit about 120, or 117. I need to give myself a challenge.
    Plus, what I forgot to mention was....when I do low carbs. It's not just about the weight, I'm trying to stop my obsessive binge eating. By doing low carbs, I'm teaching myself a lesson that some of you may not understand, or may think could be done another way. But it's about what works personally for me, right? Right.

    punishing yourself by doing low carb is in no way healthy and is a great way to develop disordered eating habits.
  • ultrahoon
    ultrahoon Posts: 467 Member
    edited December 2015
    On MFP I put in a goal of 0.5lbs a week. I currently weight 125.5 and I'm 5'2. My goal is 100lbs (Even though I keep rethinking that) so maybe 110. Depends how I feel/what I look like.
    I totally do get that it may take more than a few days to see results. So I'm willing to give it a chance. Though, tbh...I was happy once I started back on the low carb because I was losing 0.5lbs a day(but its only been 4days) So that's 2lbs. From what you're all telling me it's just water weight.
    What I think I'm going to do for now is stay on the low carbs til I hit about 120, or 117. I need to give myself a challenge.
    Plus, what I forgot to mention was....when I do low carbs. It's not just about the weight, I'm trying to stop my obsessive binge eating. By doing low carbs, I'm teaching myself a lesson that some of you may not understand, or may think could be done another way. But it's about what works personally for me, right? Right.

    If doing low carb is the thing you need to get your sugar cravings in check, go for it. But it seems like you're of the mindset that you need to punish yourself to learn a lesson, which simply isn't the case, and is the start of a dark road towards an eating disorder.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    OP I agree with others that continuing with a plan you find incredibly restrictive, to "teach yourself a lesson" doesn't sound like a healthy mindset toward weight loss. This doesn't need to feel like a punishment.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    So you're saying for example:
    If my daily calorie goal is 1300, and I eat 60g of Carbs, 80g Fat and 50g protein, and my calories say '1100' I'll still lose weight even with such high carbs AND fat?

  • Mallybear2020
    Mallybear2020 Posts: 82 Member
    I didn't mean a lesson in a bad way. You'd have to be me to really understand. It's nothing bad, it's a good thing. I'm just teaching myself something new and to kick my binge eating in the butt.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    If you eat too much protein it gets converted into glucose, glucose goes up and that will make fat store. Basically if you eat too much of it it'll turn into sugar/carbs that you didn't mean to put in your body.

    If that's part of what your ex taught you, he lied to you about a lot more than just seeing other girls.