10lbs by January 9



  • Ladyconductor13
    Ladyconductor13 Posts: 7 Member
    Hailing from Mississippi. I'm a 26-year-old music teacher who gained about 20 lbs last year during my first year teaching high school (and getting mononucleosis). At almost the 6 month mark since switching jobs, I've lost around 10 lbs by moderately changing my workout habits. However, I'm ready to kick this into high gear for the new year!!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    I started this challenge at 164.4

    And, currently, I a 159.2

    So, no matter what, this challenge has been a 'success'....even if I don't hit the "magic 10".

    Having said that, I have one more month....and I have put a calorie-deficit plan in place to help me get through all of the upcoming functions, and the xmas party season.

    For now, I am only going to eat half of the plate(s) that are served....that strategy worked well for me in 2013 and 2014. And, I am going to drink 2 glasses of water prior to any eating.....hoping to pop my water intake back up to the 10- to 12- glasses per day range.
  • Shull_rachael
    Shull_rachael Posts: 430 Member
    Beeps2011 wrote: »
    I started this challenge at 164.4

    And, currently, I a 159.2

    So, no matter what, this challenge has been a 'success'....even if I don't hit the "magic 10".

    Having said that, I have one more month....and I have put a calorie-deficit plan in place to help me get through all of the upcoming functions, and the xmas party season.

    For now, I am only going to eat half of the plate(s) that are served....that strategy worked well for me in 2013 and 2014. And, I am going to drink 2 glasses of water prior to any eating.....hoping to pop my water intake back up to the 10- to 12- glasses per day range.
    I agree it has helped me too even if I don't hit 10lbs.

  • CanuckLove
    CanuckLove Posts: 673 Member
    That's great you guys!
    I'm down a few pounds.. Not really sure how that happened but it's motivating me anyways! Great workout today and feelin good :smile:
  • prestonjennifer
    prestonjennifer Posts: 6 Member
    I haven't been regular about weigh ins but so far I'm down four pounds since making the goal of 10 pounds by January 9th. January 9th is right before my birthday so it will be a nice birthday gift if I hit the goal! Keep up the good work everyone!
  • knolan147
    knolan147 Posts: 69 Member
    I would love to join! Feel free to add me. We can keep each other accountable. :)
  • Shull_rachael
    Shull_rachael Posts: 430 Member
    I haven't been regular about weigh ins but so far I'm down four pounds since making the goal of 10 pounds by January 9th. January 9th is right before my birthday so it will be a nice birthday gift if I hit the goal! Keep up the good work everyone!

    Keep going you'll get there! If you need more support feel free to add me!(=
  • Shull_rachael
    Shull_rachael Posts: 430 Member
    Welcome to the group!
  • samazog
    samazog Posts: 2 Member
    So - we're doing weigh ins on Friday's still, right? Roller coaster ride this week - almost got up to 130. I decided to focus less on staying under my low calorie count goal (only 1290 calories per day!
  • CourtneyLomonaco
    CourtneyLomonaco Posts: 562 Member
    Small successes. I have been super stressed this week and have avoided stress eating! Pretty proud of myself.
  • mom2kanda17
    mom2kanda17 Posts: 8 Member
    SW: 160
    CW: 157.8!

    This week was tough and I'm amazed the scale said this today... We baked Xmas cookies last Sat. I've done better than years past but I did have far more cookies/cals than I wanted too..
  • KaiUneeda
    KaiUneeda Posts: 46 Member
    I would love to join as well, please.
  • Lliggy
    Lliggy Posts: 50 Member
    SW 165
    CW 161.2
    GE 155
    I was able to get back on track this week, but the weekend is here. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can....
  • prestonjennifer
    prestonjennifer Posts: 6 Member
    SW: 284.2
    CW: 279.3

    Baking Christmas cookies tomorrow keeping the goal in mind I'm gonna try to only have a 1 or 2
  • lmcginley02
    lmcginley02 Posts: 38 Member
    SW: 182
    CW: 176
    GW: 172

    No weight loss this week, stayed the same as last. 3 out of 4 holiday parties down so the drinking and eating should go down a notch soon lol!
  • Shull_rachael
    Shull_rachael Posts: 430 Member
    Sw- 271.8
    I'm so close! But I've been having such bad weeks I've ate like crap and haven't exercised at all!)= hoping at my next dr appt I'll be down another lbs its the 21st.
  • Marikanna
    Marikanna Posts: 73 Member
    I would love to join to get thru the holidays with support!
    SW: 201.6
    GW: 196.6

    12/11 201.6

    Mari from N.Y.
  • oceansfar7
    oceansfar7 Posts: 14 Member
    I lost 3 lbs. More cardio and salads in general. But I do find myself enjoying small bits of chocolate here and there. Not too much...but just enough. I'm in to loose 10 lbs!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    So I poured it on this month: i started this challenge at 164.4

    And, currently, I a 156.0

    I hope to get below 155 and hold that through to end of 2015....and then a quick "cut" to succeed by Jan 9!!


  • CourtneyLomonaco
    CourtneyLomonaco Posts: 562 Member
    Nice Beeps! Way to go! I hope I do as well tomorrow!