40+ Club: Summer Slimmers



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Swissmiss, that's a tough question about your daughter. She isn't too young to 'diet' per se, but she's still young enough that you don't want to make her weight an issue. Has she noticed it? Has she said anything about it? Because if she has, then it is fine to sit down and talk to her about eating healthy, proper portion sizes, etc. She'll probably be open to it if she initiates the conversation and won't take it as criticism. But if she hasn't mentioned anything about it, then it's a touch dicey because, again, she's still young enough that she could take any suggesions you make as criticism and rebel against it. In the case that she hasn't brought it up, it's probably best to set the healthiest example you can for her and leave it at that. You might also be able to talk to her boyfriend and let him know that he's setting an example for her too. I understand why she may be gaining weight because of her boyfriend. It is so hard to realize that we women just can't eat like men do. I know I had that problem when I was younger, and, in all honesty, have only gotten my arms wrapped around that as I've approached middle age! Anyhow, if she does want to lose some weight, she will be fine on a somewhat restricted calorie intake (not too low!) that is balanced. I'm hoping some of our parents on the thread will jump in with some help because, of course, all my suggestions come from what I've read/ heard since I'm not a parent.

    singfree, so glad you enjoyed Hershey with your grandson! Sounds like it was a good time.

    TxMs, sorry to hear you are still not feeling well. Don't push yourself too hard on the workouts....but let us know how the river aerobics go!!! I can't wait to read about them.

    zebras, congrats on the walking challenge!!! You've done so well!!

    Good to see so many new faces! I wish I had time to respond to everybody, but my days keep getting busier and busier right now. But I love reading so many posts! All here is well. I'm getting in some good workouts each day (started my second week of Asylum yesterday) and my eating is getting better and better. I'm happy with where I'm at right now. I'm more motivated with my eating than I have been for some time. Must be summer!!
  • mikec100
    mikec100 Posts: 2
    Hey I've just found this thread and so I thought I'd a bit. Im from Australia. Trying to lose weight - god ! am i trying.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Welcome mikec100 I am sure that you will find the encouragement you need to lose the weight in this thread. Let us know about you.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: stiring...thank you so much for caring about my situation with my daughter. I have talked to her boyfriend. Believe it or not he says that his weight is mostly muscle. Maybe but, it doesn't look like it. He truly looks overweight. He is into marshal arts. I may not have spelled that right. I know that boys in sports can weigh more and have more fat on them and be healthy. My daughter has NOT mentioned anything about this to me. So, that really makes it more difficult for us. I have dicided to ask her to join me at the YMCA. I have done this in the past just to get my girls active but this time I asked for her own good. To let you know what her body is like: I am just over two inches taller than she is and she weighs about five pounds more than I. I really need to lose 15 pounds to be at a good weight. Now....she is only 17, so she can weigh a lot less than I can. When I was her age I was 30 pounds lighter. I could never weight that again. As we age we sort of have to weigh more or else look like walking death. So, my thoughts are that she could lose 40 pounds to be at a healthy weight. I hope that everyone understands this. I know...it is sort of complicated.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :ohwell: Well, today is a new day and I am back to work after a four day weekend. Glad to be back. I always eat better when I am working. I only have healthy food choices here. So, I am not tempted to eat the wrong stuff.

    I have a feeling that my bathroom scales are not working correctly. I can weigh on Saturday and on Sunday be up 6 pounds. I think I will have to stick with the scales at the YMCA. Unfortunately, my scales are new. I bought them about four months ago.

    Hope everyone's day is going well. Watch what you are consuming and drink lots of water.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Swiss: The least your broken scale could do for you is go in the opposite direction! I think you are setting a great example for your daughter, and as such you should be able to have a discussion with her. My Mom would try to talk to me, but would do nothing for herself, so I was resentful. It is such a tender age for girls, as one comment from a boyfriend or even stranger could set them on a lifetime of an eating disorder. I'm sure your good example speaks more to her than any words you could say.

    I managed a 20-minute walk with my lunch bunch yesterday and then about 97 minutes on the treadmill at the gym last night. Last day of the walking challenge, I have to do about 8,000 today to complete the week.

    Welcome all the new folks, keep posting! This is the place to be.
  • Victorious_One
    Victorious_One Posts: 174 Member
    Hey there, everyone! I've dropped 100 lbs since my weight loss surgery! I can't believe it. A year ago, I weighed 100 lbs more than I do today. That's crazy to me. I hope to lose 8 more pounds, which will put me at a 21.6 BMI, almost smack dab in the middle of normal weight range. Just in time for my 25th class reunion. '86 rules! :bigsmile:

    I've been enjoying the summer with swimming and lots of walking. I've even been drinking more water. Miracle! :laugh:

    Everyone have a great day!
  • pverbarg
    pverbarg Posts: 490 Member
    Hi Swissmiss - I also have a teenage daughter with a little to lose - my daughter just turned 18 last week. it's hard to tread that fine line between helping and hurting feelings. I did things a little backwards this last time - started the gym before watching my food, and what I did was ask her if she wanted to join with me. She then confessed that she wanted to lose 20 or so pounds. We looked at where together and decided on the location we like the best (she wanted racquetball courts and spin classes) and joined. We then did activities together to get started. She then started asking for more healthy snacks, etc. She's already dropped about 15 pounds! YEA FOR HER!!! She's had to back off the gym due to her music schedule, but with marching band she will be dropping pounds easily over the next 6 months anyway. thankfully she was very self motivated, but has been watching what I've been doing since I turned into the nutrition/fitness freak in the house too!

    Tried the direct confrontation route before too, but that was just not that effective with her - at the time she was just not ready to hear it - this time she was! Good luck in providing her positive role modeling and support!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: pverbarg..thank you for the encourageing words. Funny thing...my daughter is also in marching band but she is in the pit so no actual marching...just standing there with the bells and such. I have noticed that she seems very laid back lately. (That is a nice way of saying that she has gotten lazy).:smile: I am have to remove the TV.

    :flowerforyou: Nicole...that is wonderful. Congratulations.:flowerforyou:

    zebras, I think I mentioned that my daughter's boyfriend told her sister that he is thinking of breaking up with her because of her weight. I certainly do not want him to hurt her and cause any eating problems. I really like this boy but am now wondering if he is right for her. After all...she is more than just an overweight person.

    I didn't have time to pack a healthy lunch this morning so I bought from the cafeteria. Very unhealthy...chicken and noodles. Lots of calories.:ohwell:
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Swiss: That boy so does not deserve her, then. I was only dating my husband when my underactive thyroid caused my weight to begin spiraling out of control, and caused many other awful symptoms before it was diagnosed and treated. He stayed with me, makes sure I take my medicine in the morning, etc. etc.
  • pverbarg
    pverbarg Posts: 490 Member
    Swissmiss - funny thing - my daughter is a percussionist too - spent her first year as a "pit chick" - her term, not mine - and is marching snare for the 3rd year this year! Love our marching band! Pam
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I agree about the boyfriend but up until now he has been great. Now if he was concerned about her health and threatening to leave if she doesn't get active and healthy then maybe he is trying to scare her into it. But, he didn't say this to her but to her sister. I think he and I need to have a talk. I tried to get my daughter to do some Zumba with me but she won't.

    pverbarg...I have heard the term pit chick also. In fact she may have that on a t-shirt. I love your tracker with the music measure.

    I burned 277 calories tonight. I will be signing up for a water aerobic class at the YMCA.
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,443 Member
    Mid week Good Morning!!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good morning LadyPersia. Hope you have a wonderful day.
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Good Morning, Swiss,Lady P and everyone else!

    Yesterday, got 20 minute walk in at lunch, then at the gym, the treadmill died in the middle so maybe I got 20 minutes on it, then switched to elliptical, which I hadn't done in a long time. Well, all the hill work I did on the treadmill paid off, as I now can do the full range of motion of the treadmill all the way up to the 20 incline without feeling like my short legs are going to be ripped off. Since yesterday was the last day of the walking challenge, I wanted to take that pedometer and smash it, but I didn't it might come in handy some day despite being taped together. Dinner with sister-in-law and brother-in-law from out of town tonight. Hope I make decent food choices!
  • Texssippian
    Texssippian Posts: 235
    Hi all! Its River Aerobics Time!!!! I had to miss last week due to this stupid cold which is still not all the way gone. I was so happy to see my river friends when I went on Monday night. The instructor is not as hard as ones we have had in the past. There are lots more people taking the class, about 35 compared to around 12 to 15 in previous years. I think in the past, people dropped out after a few classes because it was too hard. A group of us decided last night we would push ourselves harder and do our own thing if need be. I am getting a good workout. We did mostly leg work on Monday and arm work yesterday. Tomorrow will be cardio so hopefully we will have more laps against the current. It was 103 yesterday, so the water was wonderful to run in.

    The school district swim team has the competition pool for practice when we used to do water polo last summer. So, we may not get to have our woman's (unofficial) water polo team. I am going to talk to the manager next time I see her to see if there is any time we can have the pool for an hour. We play for an hour and would get very competitive. Treading water and sprint swimming for an hour is a great workout.

    Victorious: congrats on the 100 pounds! I know it has been a struggle but you did it!
    pverbarg: that is great that your daughter and you figured out how make positive healthy moves together.
    Swiss: have fun with water aerobics. I love exercising in the water!
    Zebras: You go girl! You are so inspiring with all of your working out.
    Everyone else: have a great and healthy Wednesday.
    Those of you with all the rain, please send some to Texas!

    Take care all! TxMs
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Oh my!!! Not so sure I can catch up, sorry...I am still around, eating well, exercising, etc etc...just been very busy, busier than usual all of the sudden...will try to post more soon. :flowerforyou:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: tex...it is too bad that people drop out of classes due to them being too hard. My feelings are that we should do the best we can and not try to keep up with any of the others in the class.

    :flowerforyou: zebras...I certainly hope you do make good choices. I always have the hardest time when I am out with other people. It is so hard to be good while they are ordering all the yummy stuff. Have you ever ordered the salad while your husband, friend or relative orders a huge steak?

    I am finding that I am feeling better already. I just started trying to be good this past weekend. Monday is when I began to exercise again. I am feeling light even. I don't know why I let myself go like I did. I felt horrible.

    Hope everyone's day is going well and that everyone is drinking enough water. Especially if you are having hot weather.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Who all wears a HRM ?
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Swiss: I have one. I bought it back when I was doing a lot of stuff at home, and had no idea which exercises were doing the most for my heart rate. The heart rate tracking was accurate, but the Timex algorithm for calculating calories burned is so off, its not really a useful tool for calculating calories burnt. I'm sure some of the other brands are good for that. I'm not currently counting calories, I'm trying to eat better and workout a lot. When I get to a plateau I will probably go back to counting, so I can fine tune everything. Then a better heart rate monitor, or me figuring out the right tweak to the Timex numbers will come in handy.