Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Welcome all you newbies! Glad to have you aboard! These are some great ladies to Lose with!!!
    Today... I am all over the place... Way too many treats and I am eating like crap! =(
    Doesn't help, my fitbit must've fell off in the middle of the night so I am way behind on steps! =( Planning to bust my butt tonight and still hit 10K! Let's see if I can do it!!
  • sunrisetrout
    sunrisetrout Posts: 15 Member
    I am really enjoy reading everyone's updates today. All of you are providing great motivation and reminding me that some days are better than others but every little counts.

    Today was a great step day with a total of 24,000. My eating was so-so, with a few too many bites of Trader Joe's roasted plantain chips.

    Hope everyone had a good day.
  • Bboyle1028
    Bboyle1028 Posts: 3 Member

    I'm looking for friends to help keep me motivated I have used MFP before and liked it. My wedding is coming up and looking to get into better shape for it. I have tried dieting before and tracking my food, my 1st issue is I don't stay motivated to keep doing it, and my second issue is I have UC and can't eat a lot of "healthy" things. So I'm looking for friends to help me stay motivated and to just shoot the breeze with.
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    Bboyle1028 wrote: »

    I'm looking for friends to help keep me motivated I have used MFP before and liked it. My wedding is coming up and looking to get into better shape for it. I have tried dieting before and tracking my food, my 1st issue is I don't stay motivated to keep doing it, and my second issue is I have UC and can't eat a lot of "healthy" things. So I'm looking for friends to help me stay motivated and to just shoot the breeze with.

    welcome to the group, there is a great bunch of people on here. Add me if you wish :) i log on daily :smiley:
  • got2rockit
    got2rockit Posts: 41 Member
    Hey all, I just "creeped" your thread and would love to be part of your group. Been on mfp for awhile and not much has changed for me. Gain and lose the same 5 lbs over and over again. I need to figure this out!!

    I'm 47, married, with a couple of teenagers and work full time. Have a good 50lbs to drop. I'm on here daily!
  • RebekahRN83
    RebekahRN83 Posts: 115 Member
    I am really enjoy reading everyone's updates today. All of you are providing great motivation and reminding me that some days are better than others but every little counts.

    Today was a great step day with a total of 24,000. My eating was so-so, with a few too many bites of Trader Joe's roasted plantain chips.

    Hope everyone had a good day.

    Wow, 24,000 steps is great!
    Today's a new day, and another chance to get our food choices back on point
  • RebekahRN83
    RebekahRN83 Posts: 115 Member
    Welcome @got2rockit ! The more the merrier!

    The scale was still going down as of this morning, and I'm feeling better each day. I wasn't one to drink hardly any water before this, but I now get a minimum of 8 glasses a day, and I think that makes a huge difference in how I feel.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    This is such an incredibly positive, welcoming group of people! I also creeped on your thread and love the sense of community and support.

    I'm new to MFP (I'm a convert from loseit). I previously got to my goal weight eating extremely low calorie, over-exercising, bingeing, rinse and repeat. I kept the weight off for 2 years before I started to feel a little crazy. I took a year off to help heal my relationship with food and now I'm back to make a sustainable change. This time around I'm taking the slow and steady approach, listening to my body, and enjoying the journey.

    Today we have a lunch office holiday party at the local pizza place. I am so excited to share pizza and treats with my coworkers and then have a wonderful fresh chicken salad for dinner that I already prepared at home. I honestly never realized how much less stressful losing weight could be with a higher flexible calorie range!
  • zenjen13
    zenjen13 Posts: 174 Member
    It sounds like everyone is crazy busy and we're all in the same boat.

    I've been here lurking for the past week because I've been super busy also. I had to perform a Christmas concert last weekend. My Little went home during intermission because she became sick and then she was off school for two days. Then my Hubby and I caught her cold. Plus, trying to get everything done before the big holiday! It's my last rehearsal tonight and then we have two weeks of LAZINESS! Which gives me some more time to work out - been slacking there lately.

    Keep up the positive spirit everyone! We may slip occasionally but it's the getting back up that is the important part!
  • sunrisetrout
    sunrisetrout Posts: 15 Member
    Bboyle1028 wrote: »

    I'm looking for friends to help keep me motivated I have used MFP before and liked it. My wedding is coming up and looking to get into better shape for it. I have tried dieting before and tracking my food, my 1st issue is I don't stay motivated to keep doing it, and my second issue is I have UC and can't eat a lot of "healthy" things. So I'm looking for friends to help me stay motivated and to just shoot the breeze with.

    Welcome! Feel free to add me. I try to log in daily.
  • sunrisetrout
    sunrisetrout Posts: 15 Member
    Rachel0778 wrote: »
    This is such an incredibly positive, welcoming group of people! I also creeped on your thread and love the sense of community and support.

    I'm new to MFP (I'm a convert from loseit). I previously got to my goal weight eating extremely low calorie, over-exercising, bingeing, rinse and repeat. I kept the weight off for 2 years before I started to feel a little crazy. I took a year off to help heal my relationship with food and now I'm back to make a sustainable change. This time around I'm taking the slow and steady approach, listening to my body, and enjoying the journey.

    Today we have a lunch office holiday party at the local pizza place. I am so excited to share pizza and treats with my coworkers and then have a wonderful fresh chicken salad for dinner that I already prepared at home. I honestly never realized how much less stressful losing weight could be with a higher flexible calorie range!

    Keep up the good work!
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    Happy Friday everyone, weigh in day and its another 1lb down yippeeee. hope everyone is doing great and have a good weekend :smiley:
  • RebekahRN83
    RebekahRN83 Posts: 115 Member
    Happy Friday everyone, weigh in day and its another 1lb down yippeeee. hope everyone is doing great and have a good weekend :smiley:

    Way to go! Another pound closed to your goal!

    People are starting to bring in mounds of cookies, pastries and other goodies because of the upcoming holidays. So far so good with sticking to the plan. I was extra hungry at lunch but thankfully I had healthy things to munch on in my drawer, and my mind never went to those other sweets. Win!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Great job Rebekah and Gillian! My office is definitely full of treats as well. I've set up around 200-250 calories a day as treat food. That way I size up all the treats through the day, choose the best one of the batch, and enjoy every bite. So far it's been working really well knowing tomorrow is a whole new treat day!
  • got2rockit
    got2rockit Posts: 41 Member
    I am officially on holidays for the next two weeks! Yay!! I'm away from all the treats at work which is a good thing! For next few days, I plan to workout hard, eat well and enjoy my time off!
  • RebekahRN83
    RebekahRN83 Posts: 115 Member
    Survived a potluck today, and did great with my choices! Also realized the black pants I've been wearing to work are too big in the legs now. Yay for my first NSV!
  • zenjen13
    zenjen13 Posts: 174 Member
    Someone I see often asked me what I had done differently to my hair. I hadn't changed anything, I think my face is just less fat! Sometimes even a few lbs lost makes a big difference.
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    Good afternoon everyone!! I've done very bad at my #dailycheckin - the holidays are about to throw me over the edge. So much fun but too may treats! Oh well it will all be over soon! How's everyone holiday time going? I am flat out exhausted... :tired_face: Tis' The Season! The next week is going to so much fun though... Sleep is over rated anyway ...right??!! :wink:

    Hope to be better at checking it... I'm so far behind reading everyone's posts. Welcome to all the newbies! This a great group/thread! Learn, laugh and celebrate!

    {Happy Holiday Hugs} to all of you. :smiley:
  • mysteps2beauty
    mysteps2beauty Posts: 493 Member
    Good Monday Morning All....!

    Well I've been off MFP for the last few days so my streak is back to one. I'm okay with it. Tracking my food while I'm going every which-a-away for these last few days was just one more thing I had to worry about, so I let it go. Still ate pretty much at maintenance. I gained 2 lbs. since Thanksgiving. But I'm okay with that too. I refuse to feel badly for enjoying food during my favorite holiday season. Moderation is key to everything. But doesn't mean I'm giving up. Day after Christmas I intend to focus on me and what I want cause let's face it moms run the Christmas day program in the house, and I for one plan to take some days away while everyone is occupied with their gifts. My gift to me is one of solitude. If the weather stays good and my foot cooperates, I will do some walking.

    Countdown to Christmas!
  • danan01
    danan01 Posts: 136 Member
    Happy Monday! Well, I am so excited we are heading to see family for Christmas this year! We are leaving on Wednesday, so I will be busy packing and getting all my last minute shopping done before then. I am trying to stay on track with my eating as much as I can, but the work outs have been non-existent lately. But at least my weight is staying about the same, so I am not beating myself up about it. After the holiday chaos I will be back to a normal schedule and hopefully can find time to get moving! Hope everyone has a great week!