

  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I am just saying hi on this thread. I may be tired or just burnt out but I really can't find anything compelling to reply to any of this since my last post so I'll just let you guys know I haven't abandoned this thread!

    Welcome back.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    edited December 2015
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    I confess that I really hope TK gets me a romantic and meaningful Christmas (and birthday for that matter) gift. I don't have anything specific in mind, just something that he put some thought into that shows he cares. He did well last year with a necklace and earrings. I also confess that I don't know if I should remind him my birthday is coming up or not. I will not but it may come up when talking about our day - the kids and I will celebrate it while TK is traveling.

    Nothing wrong with that :) I confess I'm hoping for something romantic and meaningful from SO as well <3

    My husband is not really good at that kind of gift giving. Last year I got new pots and pans and the year before it was a Keurig. Appreciated gifts for sure, but romantic gestures they are not.

    Mine bought me a KitchenAid mixer the other day. I said, oh good and early Christmas gift. He told me he knew better than to get me anything like that for Christmas, even if I asked for it.

    Ha! That's cute!

    Maybe it's because I really enjoy cooking, but I totally think pots and pans or a mixer is a romantic gift.

    A couple of years ago my husband bought me the glass bowl for my Kitchenaid for Christmas after our roommate accidentally smashed mine and I nearly cried, I was so happy to stop having to use the stainless one I hated, and I thought it was really sweet of him to pay attention and know that I missed my glass one.

    I love this! I try really hard to listen to what people want and to get them something they won't get themselves, but really really want. I sometimes wish the folks in my life would do the same for me. I actually feel a bit hurt when people get me something I have no need for and would never want...that says you don't know me at all!

    I love jewelry but with the barn and running, etc. I never wear it anymore except for a few key items that never come off so its kind of a waste now too. I have mostly learned to just buy for myself anything I want, so I am not disappointed when people don't get me something I really want (but I usually still am...).

    This makes me worry that I'll get you something you hate! I'm a REALLY bad gifter, even when I wrack my mind for hours over people I've known forever. I don't know why, but I'm just horrible at it! :-/

    Don't worry about it...if you got me anything I would be truly appreciative. You don't see me day to day and listen to me day after day so I would never expect you to know I wouldn't like x but was really hoping for y and you bought me z because YOU thought it was cute.

    ETA: Sorry that probably didn't come out right in how I intended it so thought that needed some editing. You thought it was cute (but I would NEVER wear and nothing I own indicates I would wear it) or because you have one (but I would never want one). Like buying me a massage. I hate massages. I would never use that. Everyone knows I hate them. But because you think I should like them you buy me a gift certificate for one. Yes, sister, I am thinking of you.

    I definitely don't do that. I try to think of what the person would like, not what I would like! I'm hoping to get you something traditionally Omani, so that it will be completely unique. :)

    Are there traditional.Omani horse blankets, because I think that would be a cool thing to show off at the barn.

    I have no clue, actually, but I do know that His Majesty loves horses and maintains a large stable where Omanis can learn to ride for free, so who knows what kind of horsie blankets I can find... I actually wouldn't know where to go to find horse stuff, though!

    Can I go ride there when I come visit? Do they accept visitors?

    Not at the royal stables, but we do have plenty of regular ones where you can rent horses by the hour. :) (They aren't cheap though, so be warned--my mom says it's a whole lot cheaper in the U.S. to ride by the hour/day than it is in Oman).

    It must be crazy expensive then, because riding by the hour around here is not cheap either.

    Well, her riding experiences were from 30 years ago, so I assume it was cheaper back then! It's about 16 dollars an hour, is that crazy expensive? I have no clue how much riding costs over there...

    Closer to $100 or even more. We charge $75 an hour for an hour lesson. $65 if it's your horse. And we are relatively cheap compared to other barns. Trail riding I am unsure as I rarely go but in Montauk I think it's $65 for an hour and a half usually.

    You have to pay to ride your own horse?

    ETA: I realized by Susie's comment after that you were talking about lessons.....
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Confession: I reached my pre-Texas weight of 164(.4) pounds and then proceeded to eat at maintenance for the past two days!

    I'm angry with myself for this new complacency. As if 164 is good enough. It's NOT!
    Jumping back on the wagon today even though I want nothing more than to delve into a celebratory burger and fries combo with a strawberry milkshake.
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    I think I may be a bit of a control freak. Watching my 10 year old son hang Christmas ornaments last night was excruciating. If I don't move them so there's some symmetry to it I will go insane.

    Are you my twin?
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    I think I may be a bit of a control freak. Watching my 10 year old son hang Christmas ornaments last night was excruciating. If I don't move them so there's some symmetry to it I will go insane.

    Are you my twin?

    Does everyone in the BatCave have a twin? Laura S is mine.
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    I think I may be a bit of a control freak. Watching my 10 year old son hang Christmas ornaments last night was excruciating. If I don't move them so there's some symmetry to it I will go insane.

    Are you my twin?

    Does everyone in the BatCave have a twin? Laura S is mine.

    I want a twin!!
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    Susie is my food twin. :)
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    The post before mine (mentioning ME! YAY!) is literally the 50,000th post here on the dot! :smiley: (Also, food twins forever! <3)
  • cake21
    cake21 Posts: 13 Member
    I weighed in at 7am and I'd put on 700g (just over 1lb) and was so disappointed I ate all my day's calories before 8am. But I knew I'd had a bad week so should have been pleased with such a small gain!!
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    cake21 wrote: »
    I weighed in at 7am and I'd put on 700g (just over 1lb) and was so disappointed I ate all my day's calories before 8am. But I knew I'd had a bad week so should have been pleased with such a small gain!!

    It's easy to get discouraged, especially during Food Everywhere season (aka Christmas). Hang in there.

  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    I confess that I am irrationally angry at the people who parked in my space in front of my house to go to my across the street neighbor's Christmas party. And the one who parked in my husband's space too. Mostly because I am going to have to go move my truck and our SUV later when they leave.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    The post before mine (mentioning ME! YAY!) is literally the 50,000th post here on the dot! :smiley: (Also, food twins forever! <3)

    Wow! 50K. I am impressed! And jealous you were mentioned in it and not me!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    I think I may be a bit of a control freak. Watching my 10 year old son hang Christmas ornaments last night was excruciating. If I don't move them so there's some symmetry to it I will go insane.

    Are you my twin?

    Does everyone in the BatCave have a twin? Laura S is mine.

    I don't think I have a twin. I think I may be a bit unique in the thread. ;)

    And in life...
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Confession: I reached my pre-Texas weight of 164(.4) pounds and then proceeded to eat at maintenance for the past two days!

    I'm angry with myself for this new complacency. As if 164 is good enough. It's NOT!
    Jumping back on the wagon today even though I want nothing more than to delve into a celebratory burger and fries combo with a strawberry milkshake.

    Allow yourself a bit of congratulations. Its Ok. Then get back on the bandwagon. Great job!
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    The post before mine (mentioning ME! YAY!) is literally the 50,000th post here on the dot! :smiley: (Also, food twins forever! <3)

    Yay!! So I made the 50,000 post n the best thread ever?! How cool!!
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    I think I may be a bit of a control freak. Watching my 10 year old son hang Christmas ornaments last night was excruciating. If I don't move them so there's some symmetry to it I will go insane.

    Are you my twin?

    Does everyone in the BatCave have a twin? Laura S is mine.

    I don't think I have a twin. I think I may be a bit unique in the thread. ;)

    And in life...

    POF, the one and only. <3
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    I confess that I am irrationally angry at the people who parked in my space in front of my house to go to my across the street neighbor's Christmas party. And the one who parked in my husband's space too. Mostly because I am going to have to go move my truck and our SUV later when they leave.

    I hate when people park in "my" spot on the road too. Most of the street has driveways & garages, why can't their guest park there or in front of their house? I have a 2 spot parking pad, but on the weekends there are 3 cars to park.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    I think I may be a bit of a control freak. Watching my 10 year old son hang Christmas ornaments last night was excruciating. If I don't move them so there's some symmetry to it I will go insane.

    Are you my twin?

    Does everyone in the BatCave have a twin? Laura S is mine.

    I don't think I have a twin. I think I may be a bit unique in the thread. ;)

    And in life...

    POF, the one and only. <3

    Probably most of the world is like... thank goodness. Multiples of me would probably be a lot to deal with!
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,454 Member
    I confess I am eating protein bars for breakfast and lunch so I can save my calories for Italian food with the coworkers after work.... :/
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    I confess I am eating protein bars for breakfast and lunch so I can save my calories for Italian food with the coworkers after work.... :/

    I confess I ate Christmas cookies for breakfast and am trying to make them fit into my day in reverse.