Natural Remedies for health



  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,562 Member
    Too late to edit, so I'm commenting again to add, in case it was inobvious:

    None of my comments above should be taken as critical of current medical standard of care for breast cancer. I'm quite certain I wouldn't be here typing today if not for my standard medical treatment.

    I had bilateral mastectomies, 6 months of chemotherapy, unilateral radiation, 7+ years of estrogen agonists/antagonists. I've been in remission for 15+ years, and my odds of staying in remission are excellent at this point.

    Certain less traditional complementary medical interventions (massage, visualization, more) helped me get through treatment, but "modern medicine" is what put me in the remission that I hope will be permanent.
  • GemFromJannah
    GemFromJannah Posts: 58 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    I don't take supplements I eat the actual food. Eg I chop up two cloves of garlic & drink them down with water or I drink turmeric milk (Google golden milk) I eat cinnamon on my porridge or fruit salad. So it's all safe. Or I cut out wheat so don't eat bread pasta etc

    I have noticed a positive difference to be honest. I haven't needed pain relief for my arthritis lately and my medication for asthma was reduced.

    My mum has really bad cancer and they said she needed chemotherapy and to remove her breast, but she refused! She changed her diet, only ate organic, cut out dairy, ate things like Spirulina etc and they operated to just remove the lump and she got better, when they had said she only had 30% survival rate.

    So I strongly believe there are properties in certain foods that aid the body & fight illness, just how certain foods damage the body & cause illness. It's not false, it's like saying a kiwi doesn't have vit C and doesn't fight infection. We know fruit has vit C eg lemon & vit C fights infection. Other foods has vitamins & minerals that help the body.

    Scientific studies have been done on wheat that proved it had a negative impact on mental health patients, because it causes a release of certain hormones, which activate the "addiction" type behaviour.

    All foods have properties in them that help the body or destroy it. My friends grandma was badly diabetic & couldn't have tomatoes but after a few weeks of cinnamon in her herbal tea she could have tomato.

    I'm not sure about pill-form supplements, I'm refering to the real food form

    So let me get this straight. Your mom's oncologist recommended chemotherapy and a mastectomy to improve her predicted 30% survival rate, and instead she decided to ignore that advice, choosing dietary modifications, and then later only a lumpectomy was required? How long was she on her dietary restrictions? What did the doctor say when she initially refused to follow his recommendations and then later when he determined that only a lumpectomy was required. Did the tumor shrink as a result of her diet? By how much? Did she have to have radiation or any other treatment following the lumpectomy?

    My mum's story: she was diagnosed 15yrs ago, her breast cancer had started growing through her rib cage towards her lung and was very large. Doctors said they wanted to remove her breast, give her chemotherapy and some pills tamoxifen after. They said AFTER all of this she has about 30% survival rate. She said to the doctor "you want my children to see me weak, my hair falling out, my womanly breasts removed - you want me to feel like a dying zombie and then after all that you can only say I will have 30% ??" Our family never really stick within the box and we accept we all have to die at some point of some thing. So she said, if she was facing death she would rather her children see her die looking strong. She didn't tell us about the cancer for a long time and just got on with it. She continued to work for a long time and her normal business. She totally changed her diet, everything organic, dairy free, no meat/chicken only wild salmon and fish or free range organic eggs. She was obsessed with organic porridge oats, she took supplements like Spirulina and would eat a lot of raw greens eg raw spinach and raw broccoli, ate a lot of organic fruit & veg. She did stress-busting stuff eg exercise, yoga, meditation, holidays etc. NO alcohol, no smoking, no drugs etc she wouldn't even take a paracetamol. She took multivitamins and some other supplements and she ate a LOT of bird food (she wanted the seeds). All of this was under the eye of a doctor. She was then just given a lumpectomy & 1 small dose of radiation therapy, it didn't burn her skin or weaken her, it was a very small amount. She continued to do her healthy eating & has lived this lifestyle for years.

    She's (Thank God) fine & healthy. A very educated woman with Masters, her own business, she continued to work study & raise 5 children. She strongly believes the mind has an effect on her body, she would talk to her body daily and do visualisation techniques as a relaxation method.

    I guess there is no cure for everybody. We all have to accept death is inevitable and we will all die some day from something, you can't stop death! But these diets may not cure people, simply because it's their time to go but even with results of death, the patients I've seen had a better quality of life in their last years using natural methods without chemotherapy poisoning them, radiotherapy burning them etc. They had more energy & less pains, then died. Even patients who take medicine are not garunteed survival. When God wants you back He will take you. But sometimes if you're meant to be cured it will happen through food or medicine, I personally have seen people in more comfort using the natural methods.

    Each to their own, the beauty is we all make our own choice & have the right to do it. Death isn't an accurate measure of failure or success because people die from natural and medicinal treatments, you can't stop death if it's meant to be. But measure via quality of life! Was somebody on high meds & living in pain, weak, etc etc or were they doing natural but had more energy and less negativity etc?

    I personally take a balanced approach. I have asthma, I take inhalers, but the minute she wanted me to now use steroids and increase my dose I realised meds alone won't help. I used turmeric milk & cocnut oil and garlic & now I hardly use my inhaler. But did I stop my inhaler all together? No way! But natural definitely helped me keep meds reduced, stopped side effects of me needing steroids etc.

    I would say don't rely too heavily on either side. Balance it! My mum had treatment combined with natural remedies. She didn't lean too heavily one way or the other. And it helped to keep medical treatment to a very basic level, stopping many other unwanted side effects on her body. Gave her a better quality of life, she wasn't bed-bound during her cancer from bouts of high radiation & chemo, she didn't have major surgery & years of psychological therapy from having her womanly breast removed (just a smaller surgery to remove breast)

    I'm 28 and only 1stone overweight, I was an athlete - so don't think I have health problems due to a terrible diet & just losing weight will help. I was very premature which caused lungs developing fully. I'm not going to pump my body with medicine chemicals and take on a bunch of other side effects if there's a better way. And using turmeric garlic & cocnut oil dramatically helped me. I've not taken pain pills for a good few weeks now and hardly use my inhaler. I was on strong pain relief and it caused addiction, extreme drowsiness etc, I could hardly function! I became reliant on inhalers, my body got used to them & I needed them more & more. Doctors threw pill after pill at me. Only when I started natural remedies did I notice a strong difference & hardly take meds now.

    So I support everybody making their own decision & having their personal opinion. But for me it worked & im sticking to it.

    As for my lymphs, I was constantly getting blocked glands. I have had many tests over the years, HIV test, Hepatitus test, checks for cancer etc... NOTHING! doctors can't find nothing wrong (Thank God) so I started rebounding as there was no medicine they would even give. The lumps would be large & painful at times. I've had enlarged glands continuously for about 8yrs. It's not due to just a bug my body is fighting, and even if it was, help your body right it by giving it nutrients like Vit C and detox and do anything to help your body drain out germs and toxins
  • GemFromJannah
    GemFromJannah Posts: 58 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Too late to edit, so I'm commenting again to add, in case it was inobvious:

    None of my comments above should be taken as critical of current medical standard of care for breast cancer. I'm quite certain I wouldn't be here typing today if not for my standard medical treatment.

    I had bilateral mastectomies, 6 months of chemotherapy, unilateral radiation, 7+ years of estrogen agonists/antagonists. I've been in remission for 15+ years, and my odds of staying in remission are excellent at this point.

    Certain less traditional complementary medical interventions (massage, visualization, more) helped me get through treatment, but "modern medicine" is what put me in the remission that I hope will be permanent.

    Exactly right! Don't totally forgo medicine, but strongly support it and limit it with other things. This is my exact point. I hope you live a vet comfortable cancer-free life now
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Too late to edit, so I'm commenting again to add, in case it was inobvious:

    None of my comments above should be taken as critical of current medical standard of care for breast cancer. I'm quite certain I wouldn't be here typing today if not for my standard medical treatment.

    I had bilateral mastectomies, 6 months of chemotherapy, unilateral radiation, 7+ years of estrogen agonists/antagonists. I've been in remission for 15+ years, and my odds of staying in remission are excellent at this point.

    Certain less traditional complementary medical interventions (massage, visualization, more) helped me get through treatment, but "modern medicine" is what put me in the remission that I hope will be permanent.

    I got where you were coming from. :)
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Too late to edit, so I'm commenting again to add, in case it was inobvious:

    None of my comments above should be taken as critical of current medical standard of care for breast cancer. I'm quite certain I wouldn't be here typing today if not for my standard medical treatment.

    I had bilateral mastectomies, 6 months of chemotherapy, unilateral radiation, 7+ years of estrogen agonists/antagonists. I've been in remission for 15+ years, and my odds of staying in remission are excellent at this point.

    Certain less traditional complementary medical interventions (massage, visualization, more) helped me get through treatment, but "modern medicine" is what put me in the remission that I hope will be permanent.

    Exactly right! Don't totally forgo medicine, but strongly support it and limit it with other things. This is my exact point. I hope you live a vet comfortable cancer-free life now

    Are you advocating limiting conventional medicine to use more natural methods? If so, I disagree. If not, can you please explain what you mean?

    If natural methods actually cured cancer and other diseases, conventional medicine would be secondary and natural methods primary. When it comes to cancer and disease, conventional medicine is very important. The caveat is that a lot of doctors who practice conventional methods also use some natural methods (mine does).
  • GemFromJannah
    GemFromJannah Posts: 58 Member

    This website is very useful & interesting for anybody who supports natural remedies - Dr.Mercola is a qualified & experienced nutritionist
  • GemFromJannah
    GemFromJannah Posts: 58 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Too late to edit, so I'm commenting again to add, in case it was inobvious:

    None of my comments above should be taken as critical of current medical standard of care for breast cancer. I'm quite certain I wouldn't be here typing today if not for my standard medical treatment.

    I had bilateral mastectomies, 6 months of chemotherapy, unilateral radiation, 7+ years of estrogen agonists/antagonists. I've been in remission for 15+ years, and my odds of staying in remission are excellent at this point.

    Certain less traditional complementary medical interventions (massage, visualization, more) helped me get through treatment, but "modern medicine" is what put me in the remission that I hope will be permanent.

    Exactly right! Don't totally forgo medicine, but strongly support it and limit it with other things. This is my exact point. I hope you live a vet comfortable cancer-free life now

    Are you advocating limiting conventional medicine to use more natural methods? If so, I disagree. If not, can you please explain what you mean?

    If natural methods actually cured cancer and other diseases, conventional medicine would be secondary and natural methods primary. When it comes to cancer and disease, conventional medicine is very important. The caveat is that a lot of doctors who practice conventional methods also use some natural methods (mine does).

    Im saying try to use the lowest dosage & quantity of medical treatment as possible, by using the bare minimum that works. And this can be achieved with the help of good nutrition & natural remedies. Eg if you are able to keep medicine low with positive results, don't increase it! And try to slowly reduce medical treatment by using natural remedies & nutrition to support your health. All under the watchful eye of a doctor.

    For instance, say you have bad joints and pain, currently taking strong pills. Do NOT stop the meds straight away! Start taking natural remedies for inflammation eg turmeric etc. After a while if you notice less pain & inflammation, ask your doctor to reduce your pain relief to a lower dosage.

    If you're on strong anti-depressants, do NOT stop taking them straight away! Start limiting sugar, reduce wheat, drink camomile, increase exercise, etc etc research natural methods for treating depression. Then if after a while you notice positive changes, ask your doctor to consider reducing your medication.

    If you have asthma, try to limit use foods that aid the lungs & realities system. If after a while you notice a positive effect, needing inhalers less, ask your doctor to reduce your prescription.

    Do not stop anything instantly, do not rely too heavily either way but try to take a balanced approach & try it all.
  • ForecasterJason
    ForecasterJason Posts: 2,577 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Too late to edit, so I'm commenting again to add, in case it was inobvious:

    None of my comments above should be taken as critical of current medical standard of care for breast cancer. I'm quite certain I wouldn't be here typing today if not for my standard medical treatment.

    I had bilateral mastectomies, 6 months of chemotherapy, unilateral radiation, 7+ years of estrogen agonists/antagonists. I've been in remission for 15+ years, and my odds of staying in remission are excellent at this point.

    Certain less traditional complementary medical interventions (massage, visualization, more) helped me get through treatment, but "modern medicine" is what put me in the remission that I hope will be permanent.

    Exactly right! Don't totally forgo medicine, but strongly support it and limit it with other things. This is my exact point. I hope you live a vet comfortable cancer-free life now

    Are you advocating limiting conventional medicine to use more natural methods? If so, I disagree. If not, can you please explain what you mean?

    If natural methods actually cured cancer and other diseases, conventional medicine would be secondary and natural methods primary. When it comes to cancer and disease, conventional medicine is very important. The caveat is that a lot of doctors who practice conventional methods also use some natural methods (mine does).

    Im saying try to use the lowest dosage & quantity of medical treatment as possible, by using the bare minimum that works. And this can be achieved with the help of good nutrition & natural remedies. Eg if you are able to keep medicine low with positive results, don't increase it! And try to slowly reduce medical treatment by using natural remedies & nutrition to support your health. All under the watchful eye of a doctor.

    For instance, say you have bad joints and pain, currently taking strong pills. Do NOT stop the meds straight away! Start taking natural remedies for inflammation eg turmeric etc. After a while if you notice less pain & inflammation, ask your doctor to reduce your pain relief to a lower dosage.

    If you're on strong anti-depressants, do NOT stop taking them straight away! Start limiting sugar, reduce wheat, drink camomile, increase exercise, etc etc research natural methods for treating depression. Then if after a while you notice positive changes, ask your doctor to consider reducing your medication.

    If you have asthma, try to limit use foods that aid the lungs & realities system. If after a while you notice a positive effect, needing inhalers less, ask your doctor to reduce your prescription.

    Do not stop anything instantly, do not rely too heavily either way but try to take a balanced approach & try it all.
    I agree that this is the right approach to dealing with a variety of health issues.

  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Too late to edit, so I'm commenting again to add, in case it was inobvious:

    None of my comments above should be taken as critical of current medical standard of care for breast cancer. I'm quite certain I wouldn't be here typing today if not for my standard medical treatment.

    I had bilateral mastectomies, 6 months of chemotherapy, unilateral radiation, 7+ years of estrogen agonists/antagonists. I've been in remission for 15+ years, and my odds of staying in remission are excellent at this point.

    Certain less traditional complementary medical interventions (massage, visualization, more) helped me get through treatment, but "modern medicine" is what put me in the remission that I hope will be permanent.

    Exactly right! Don't totally forgo medicine, but strongly support it and limit it with other things. This is my exact point. I hope you live a vet comfortable cancer-free life now

    Are you advocating limiting conventional medicine to use more natural methods? If so, I disagree. If not, can you please explain what you mean?

    If natural methods actually cured cancer and other diseases, conventional medicine would be secondary and natural methods primary. When it comes to cancer and disease, conventional medicine is very important. The caveat is that a lot of doctors who practice conventional methods also use some natural methods (mine does).

    Im saying try to use the lowest dosage & quantity of medical treatment as possible, by using the bare minimum that works. And this can be achieved with the help of good nutrition & natural remedies. Eg if you are able to keep medicine low with positive results, don't increase it! And try to slowly reduce medical treatment by using natural remedies & nutrition to support your health. All under the watchful eye of a doctor.

    For instance, say you have bad joints and pain, currently taking strong pills. Do NOT stop the meds straight away! Start taking natural remedies for inflammation eg turmeric etc. After a while if you notice less pain & inflammation, ask your doctor to reduce your pain relief to a lower dosage.

    If you're on strong anti-depressants, do NOT stop taking them straight away! Start limiting sugar, reduce wheat, drink camomile, increase exercise, etc etc research natural methods for treating depression. Then if after a while you notice positive changes, ask your doctor to consider reducing your medication.

    If you have asthma, try to limit use foods that aid the lungs & realities system. If after a while you notice a positive effect, needing inhalers less, ask your doctor to reduce your prescription.

    Do not stop anything instantly, do not rely too heavily either way but try to take a balanced approach & try it all.

    Thank you for the clarification.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Too late to edit, so I'm commenting again to add, in case it was inobvious:

    None of my comments above should be taken as critical of current medical standard of care for breast cancer. I'm quite certain I wouldn't be here typing today if not for my standard medical treatment.

    I had bilateral mastectomies, 6 months of chemotherapy, unilateral radiation, 7+ years of estrogen agonists/antagonists. I've been in remission for 15+ years, and my odds of staying in remission are excellent at this point.

    Certain less traditional complementary medical interventions (massage, visualization, more) helped me get through treatment, but "modern medicine" is what put me in the remission that I hope will be permanent.

    Exactly right! Don't totally forgo medicine, but strongly support it and limit it with other things. This is my exact point. I hope you live a vet comfortable cancer-free life now

    Are you advocating limiting conventional medicine to use more natural methods? If so, I disagree. If not, can you please explain what you mean?

    If natural methods actually cured cancer and other diseases, conventional medicine would be secondary and natural methods primary. When it comes to cancer and disease, conventional medicine is very important. The caveat is that a lot of doctors who practice conventional methods also use some natural methods (mine does).

    Im saying try to use the lowest dosage & quantity of medical treatment as possible, by using the bare minimum that works. And this can be achieved with the help of good nutrition & natural remedies. Eg if you are able to keep medicine low with positive results, don't increase it! And try to slowly reduce medical treatment by using natural remedies & nutrition to support your health. All under the watchful eye of a doctor.

    For instance, say you have bad joints and pain, currently taking strong pills. Do NOT stop the meds straight away! Start taking natural remedies for inflammation eg turmeric etc. After a while if you notice less pain & inflammation, ask your doctor to reduce your pain relief to a lower dosage.

    If you're on strong anti-depressants, do NOT stop taking them straight away! Start limiting sugar, reduce wheat, drink camomile, increase exercise, etc etc research natural methods for treating depression. Then if after a while you notice positive changes, ask your doctor to consider reducing your medication.

    If you have asthma, try to limit use foods that aid the lungs & realities system. If after a while you notice a positive effect, needing inhalers less, ask your doctor to reduce your prescription.

    Do not stop anything instantly, do not rely too heavily either way but try to take a balanced approach & try it all.

  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    edited December 2015
    Caitwn wrote: »
    Mercola is one of the biggest fear-mongers, quacks, and snake-oil salesmen to plague the internet...

    +1000. MercoLOLa is 100% quack.

    One good article from (just one of many articles discussing what a woo peddler he is) - Nine Reasons to Completely Ignore Joseph Mercola.

    One of the first things they say is highly telling: is a horrible chimera of tabloid journalism, late-night infomercials, and amateur pre-scientific medicine, and is the primary web presence of Joseph Mercola. Unfortunately, it is also one of the more popular alternative medicine sites on the web and as such is uncommonly efficient at spreading misinformation. I am not a fan, and have addressed his dross in the past.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    edited December 2015
    I'm not one to be swayed by woo (or salespeople for that matter), but "natural remedies" have their legitimate place in science. For example, when I had cholesterol issues my numbers were only borderline high and the doctor didn't think I should be put on statins. I was encouraged to eat more garlic, watch my calories, exercise more and had medical strength fish oil prescribed. Same with blood pressure (was pre-hypertensive), I was told to lose weight, exercise and drink hibiscus tea.
  • FunkyTobias
    FunkyTobias Posts: 1,776 Member

    This website is very useful & interesting for anybody who supports natural remedies - Dr.Mercola is a qualified & experienced nutritionist

  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Caitwn wrote: »

    This website is very useful & interesting for anybody who supports natural remedies - Dr.Mercola is a qualified & experienced nutritionist

    Mercola is one of the biggest fear-mongers, quacks, and snake-oil salesmen to plague the internet.

    Your beliefs about what did or didn't happen with your mother's illness are your business, and if you want to jump up and down on a trampoline because you think it clears your lymph nodes, that's also your business. But your telling someone how to treat their asthma or chronic depression is just plain wrong. The recommendations you're posting about depression and asthma are irresponsible and dangerous. Trying to sidestep what you're doing here by saying "take it slowly and talk to a doctor" don't make it any better.

    I'm disappointed that MFP has allowed this thread to continue to this point. I just don't know what these boards even represent any more.

    So much this. I've been struggling with a polite way of saying that I feel that there are some borderline dangerous recommendations being floated in this thread, and the story of mom's approach to dealing with her breast cancer diagnosis is compelling but wildly concerning since early detection, diagnosis and treatment is so crucial, and so effective with that horrible disease.
  • ultrahoon
    ultrahoon Posts: 467 Member
    edited December 2015

    This website is very useful & interesting for anybody who supports natural remedies - Dr.Mercola is a qualified & experienced nutritionist


    Mercola is a snake oil salesman who has been sanctioned by the FDA multiple times.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    I use tumeric for inflammation
    ginger and peppermint for my stomach
    mint for headaches and stuffy noses
    b complex helps with energy and mood
    catmint, chamomoile, valarian, st johns wort, hops help soothe and sometimes help improve mood
    cinnamon helps avoid spikes in blood sugar
    honey helps with sore throats
    magnesium can help with all sorts of things
    evening primrose helps with pms

    I try and eat things as whole foods like spinach for b vitamins and iron. or drink them like primrose or honey and cinnamon.
    this has helped me avoid some medications for an autoimmune issue that i have, ulcer medication, minimized pain medication, etc. My doctors are happy with using these as treatments

    while cico is important, what you eat can help improve your health
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member

    This website is very useful & interesting for anybody who supports natural remedies - Dr.Mercola is a qualified & experienced nutritionist

    No, he's a quack.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    moyer566 wrote: »
    I use tumeric for inflammation
    ginger and peppermint for my stomach
    mint for headaches and stuffy noses
    b complex helps with energy and mood
    catmint, chamomoile, valarian, st johns wort, hops help soothe and sometimes help improve mood
    cinnamon helps avoid spikes in blood sugar
    honey helps with sore throats
    magnesium can help with all sorts of things
    evening primrose helps with pms

    I try and eat things as whole foods like spinach for b vitamins and iron. or drink them like primrose or honey and cinnamon.
    this has helped me avoid some medications for an autoimmune issue that i have, ulcer medication, minimized pain medication, etc. My doctors are happy with using these as treatments

    while cico is important, what you eat can help improve your health

    All of those things you mention are good to do, but if the tummy ache or sore throat or headache persisted despite the natural remedies, it would be appropriate to go to the doctor. :)
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    edited December 2015
    Caitwn wrote: »

    This website is very useful & interesting for anybody who supports natural remedies - Dr.Mercola is a qualified & experienced nutritionist

    Mercola is one of the biggest fear-mongers, quacks, and snake-oil salesmen to plague the internet.

    Your beliefs about what did or didn't happen with your mother's illness are your business, and if you want to jump up and down on a trampoline because you think it clears your lymph nodes, that's also your business. But your telling someone how to treat their asthma or chronic depression is just plain wrong. The recommendations you're posting about depression and asthma are irresponsible and dangerous. Trying to sidestep what you're doing here by saying "take it slowly and talk to a doctor" don't make it any better.

    I'm disappointed that MFP has allowed this thread to continue to this point. I just don't know what these boards even represent any more.

    This is very true.
This discussion has been closed.