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NTHG 2-week challenge



  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed and unsure where to go at this point. I hit the bottom of my goal weight range and am not sure what to do about my calorie goal now. I had a really hungry day yesterday and I think it's because I lifted so heavy on Sunday. Gonna do some research on calories when muscle building/burning fat and see what I come up with. I am happy with how my body has been changing the last 2 weeks and hope to get some pics up later.

    We can do this together!!!! Have a great day!!!

    I'd be interested to hear what you find!

    An additional goal for the wedding I'm attending on Sunday is to follow cutmd's advice on getting event ready. Until Saturday I am

    -Not eating bread or dairy products
    -Drinking 60 oz. a day of Jillian Michael's flush formula (not too terrible)
    -Doing a bit of extra sweating in my exercise
    -Drinking more tea to up my caffeine

    Already the dairy and bread was challenging when I went to eat dinner last night just because there were only so many options, but I figure I can do it for a few days :)
  • nab22
    nab22 Posts: 168
    Checking in ladies

    Alcohol: doing better, going canoeing tomorrow so that might involve drinking...

    Eating: awesome, still until like 8 pm. Oh well, if I am really that hungry that I stuff my face at night I must not be eating enough during the day, right?

    But... I've gained 4 pounds! That's basically everything I lost since joining MFP :(((((( Oh, and consistently gained, like two pounds last week, two this week. My measurements aren't moving down either. Everything fits great though, what is going on??

    Its very frustrating, since my 1st vacation is coming up on the 29th. I may need a new challenge, like no dairy or getting event ready or something.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    If your clothes fit ok then you might be building muscle while losing fat. 2 lbs last week and two pounds this week probably isn't fat but you know better how you feel, if it is water retention.
    My scale isn't moving really, but I put on a bra that was too loose the other day and I most of my pants aren't too tight anymore.
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    I am very happy, I was able to have a SERVING SIZE of chips! I got to have what I was craving without binging. This is one of the first times I controlled my eating with my big binge food.. I would say that this is a success for this challenge! Next is to work on more strength.. if I can get my butt out of bed tomorrow morning I'll try to get some in :)
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Well done, shander!

    Nab22 - you didn't really gain 4 lbs (14,000 excess calories? I doubt it!). But it does suck to see the scale go up. It's probably water retention. I think that when I make dietary or exercise changed my body often reacts by holding water. Chin up! You're doing great!

    I did a 90 minute yoga class last night. Not strenuous but everytime I do it I am reminded that I need to continue to practice to help counteract some of the harmful effects of my effects of my other types of training, which can be hard on your body. My core is definitely stronger than last time I practiced though. When I got home we had nothing easy that wasn't dairy or bread and I was STARVING. I finally found a frozen meal that wasn't too terrible in the back, threw it in and after it was done and I was sitting down to eat it realized it had both pasta and cheese in it :(

    So I stopped, gave it to my sister, and ran to panera for a bowl of soup. Traumatic.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Well, I am on day 4 of no beer and I have my bag for the KISS workout tonight. Sumo deadlifts and crocs, that's all I can remember right now...
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    I've not posted for a few days as I've had to re-think my approach. Those of you on the NROLFW thread will know that I'm now eating at maintenance (eeeeek!!!) and creating my deficit through exercise as the severe calorie restriction was the thing that was causing me problems - I am fine with the workout part.

    That said I've been working really hard to get my protein intake up to at least 100g per day and today I finally did it. I had to put a lot of though and planning into it but I did it. Also have been doing excellent with the NROLFW strength training 3 x per week.

    So today = a successful day for me

    How are you all getting on?
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I got some activitiy in yesterday - walked my dog with a little running so got about 45 minutes of cardio in. It was really nice in KY....not too hot and my doggie had been with sitters for 5 days so I needed some quality time. I have my gym bag packed for today's strength session at the gym, but I think I need to work a little late and my husband is at home with a sinus infection and bronchitis! Yuck. More than likely I'll skip the gym so I can be home with him and may try to get a couple mile run in. Or maybe I'll paint the basement. Ewww. Or maybe do some free weights. Or maybe I will decide to be a lazy couch potato......Hope you all are having a great day!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    I got some activitiy in yesterday - walked my dog with a little running so got about 45 minutes of cardio in. It was really nice in KY....not too hot and my doggie had been with sitters for 5 days so I needed some quality time. I have my gym bag packed for today's strength session at the gym, but I think I need to work a little late and my husband is at home with a sinus infection and bronchitis! Yuck. More than likely I'll skip the gym so I can be home with him and may try to get a couple mile run in. Or maybe I'll paint the basement. Ewww. Or maybe do some free weights. Or maybe I will decide to be a lazy couch potato......Hope you all are having a great day!

    Ha! This sounds like me somedays! Off to do KISS soon. Front squats today. Roughhhh. But I can do it!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I got some activitiy in yesterday - walked my dog with a little running so got about 45 minutes of cardio in. It was really nice in KY....not too hot and my doggie had been with sitters for 5 days so I needed some quality time. I have my gym bag packed for today's strength session at the gym, but I think I need to work a little late and my husband is at home with a sinus infection and bronchitis! Yuck. More than likely I'll skip the gym so I can be home with him and may try to get a couple mile run in. Or maybe I'll paint the basement. Ewww. Or maybe do some free weights. Or maybe I will decide to be a lazy couch potato......Hope you all are having a great day!

    Ha! This sounds like me somedays! Off to do KISS soon. Front squats today. Roughhhh. But I can do it!
    How heavy do you go on front squats? I did 45 last time but I could barely get it up to my chest, so I felt a little ridiculous.
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Looks like everyone is making some nice choices and progress! My trainer kicked my *kitten* this morning!! I love it :)
    He retook my weight and bodyfat and after only 2 weeks of more discipline, I've lost 3 lbs and 2% bodyfat bringing me to 106.8lbs and 19.75% bodyfat. The lowest I've ever been is 104 and 15.4% bodyfat. I would be happy maintaining between 16 and 17%.

    I tried going lower carb yesterday and only had 1 pc of bread in the morning. The rest of my carbs came from veggies. I think I am going with the some sort of carb cycling and keeping the bigger amounts of carbs within one hour before and one hour after my workouts. I have 3 weeks left before I leave for the Zumba Convention and really love to have some resemblance of abs, lol! I posted a collage of my ab progress in my pics if anyone is interested.

    Love having this challenge to be held accountable!! Have a good night!
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Jenomaha for what it's worth I think your abs look fabulous and your body percentage is ideal, in any case your goal is coming up fast, so congrats!

    I need to rethink things, I'm unsure of what to do with my calories but all the water retention is making it hard to figure out what works! I'm a little lost but short of master cleanse all. Can do is hang in there
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    Jenomaha for what it's worth I think your abs look fabulous and your body percentage is ideal, in any case your goal is coming up fast, so congrats!

    I need to rethink things, I'm unsure of what to do with my calories but all the water retention is making it hard to figure out what works! I'm a little lost but short of master cleanse all. Can do is hang in there

    In response to to your water retention have you tried either drinking dandelion tea or taking water balance tables (herbal). I suffer with WR during TOM and these both really help although they make you pee every 5 mins LOL
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Jenomaha - totally agree! Your abs looks amazing! I would love to have even your "before" abs :) keep it up! That's an awesome amount of fat to lose in only 2 weeks!

    Cutmd - I hear you on water retention. I've lost almost 3 lbs on the scale since Monday morning drinking the JM mix, etc. When you do it do you generally gain the water weight you lost back? I would think so but its not like I'm dehydrated in any way right now! I'm logging it...but I figure I will have to log it back up. Also, liking the feeling of no bread/dairy, but it's not easy!!

    Asjerven - Front squat went well. I did 95 lbs the first 3 sets and 100 lbs the last three sets. (I've always been naturally pretty strong in my legs) Don't feel ridiculous!! Squats are TOUGH...why do you think you see so many guys over working their arms all the time but less so on the squat machines? Just keep doing what you're doing and you'll get stronger. A few other things I've learned/noticed: I don't know how you are holding the bar but doing a cross over grip is more comfortable for me. Also, usually by the end of 5 I am breathing pretty heavily. I take this to be a good sign :)

    Other good news: my negative chin ups were much better this week! I've definitely made progress!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    And the verdict is.......lazy on the the couch last night. I didn't get home from work until 7:30. I have a rule that if I have to work past 6:30 a workout is usually out. I'm drained after working all day. Tonight I have a meeting and will probably be working till about 9 so looks like this week is pretty much a bust. I plan on doing strength after work tomorrow. May get a run in Saturday morning as well.

    I concur on Jenomaha's abs. Makes me want to take up Zumba. :smile:

    I am feeling like a bloated piece of crap today. My digestion is not working as well as I would like it you catch my drift and I had Chinese for dinner last night so am retaining water too. A good sweat would make me feel better......

    Good job ladies!
  • Rogiefreida
    Rogiefreida Posts: 567 Member
    It's seeing what Zumba can do for people like Jenomaha and my instructor that keep me going back! Unfortunately my life is currently keeping me from going :sad: , at least until Monday. The convention sounds like so much fun-my instructor is so pumped to go (mostly because of Pitbull, lol).

    I am probably not going to get to my goal of 3 strength training sessions this week as my job has been requiring extra hours this week, and going to the gym after working until 7, or 8, or 9 (like last night), just isn't in the cards. But, I went to the gym Tuesday night, and I'm going tonight, so I'll get 2. Tomorrow and Saturday is out of the question, as are mornings (I cannot bring myself to get to the gym at 6am). At least I can say that I have not visited the godforsaken coffeestand in nearly 2 weeks now! So one goal will be accomplished. And, by avoiding the coffee stand, I have been paying more attention to what I eat and am making better choices than ever!

    I am so glad to see everyone conquering their goals! Great job everyone!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Well, I did the KISS workout last night. I did planks instead of crocs. I also had a beer. I met a friend for dinner and ordered a marg and then after that I wanted a beer and couldn't resist...
    Jenomaha, your abs look great!
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    mini check in:

    - workouts going great this week particularly boxing
    - upping my calories has been a great move for me, it has put me in a much better place mentally
    - still a little low on the protein though - need to stay consistent in this

    Hope you're all getting on well:smile::smile: :smile:
  • Stephinow
    Stephinow Posts: 273
    Jenomaha, you look fab! Great job. I love, love Zumba...do it almost every day. I just ordered TurboFire, and it will be here tomorrow. I am very excited!!

    I've been doing well on the challenge, no alcohol, and more sleep...however, I had a relapse and started eating trail mix two days ago. I gave the rest to my friend today just to get it out of my office. It is my trigger or binge food or whatever you want to call it, but all I know is I can't stop eating it once I start...ugh!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    looks like I might get 100 grams of protein today-with my crustless quiche of egg and egg whites and ham, lunch of chicken breast and salad, dinner of NY strip and snack of almonds. I could not do this everyday! Either the counts are wrong or this is nearly impossible.
    So I shared my daily menu for 100 grams, lets see what other people have found. Any recommended menues for 100 grams of protein?