January 2016 Bike Bicycle Cycling Challenge

HopHead28 Posts: 180 Member
Happy New Year!

Welcome to our January Cycling Thread! If you are new to posting on this thread, or if you are new to cycling, We welcome you! If you are returning from a previous thread, We welcome you, too.

This thread is for anyone who rides a bike. Do you bike to work? Do you pull your children to the park? So you ride weekends? Do you spin, at home or the gym? Or, are you just starting out and remembering how much fun you had biking when you were a kid? However you choose to push your pedal, you are welcome on this thread.

There are no rules to how or what you post. You may post miles, minutes, # of rides, what the scenery looks like, anything. Whatever will motivates you to get on your bike.



  • HopHead28
    HopHead28 Posts: 180 Member
    I am shooting for 200-250 miles this month
  • tcaley4
    tcaley4 Posts: 416 Member
    It has been a busy past two weeks. Hoping to get back on the bike soon.
  • Michael190lbs
    Michael190lbs Posts: 1,510 Member
    Its that time of year I'm going to go for 500 miles this month

    Jan 1st 21.23 , HR average 127 , 60 min
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Push those pedals, Baby!
  • Ribena145
    Ribena145 Posts: 201 Member
    Haven't been on my bike for about a month....last year I rode 11 out of 12 months which is great for B.C. So hopefully the icy/frosty roads will clear and I'll get out there soon!
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    Looking forward to getting back on the bike this year. I had knee surgery in May 2015 and haven't gotten back on my bike yet :/ . My plan in 10 miles with weekend; I don't know if that's gonna be one 10m ride, 2-5m rides, or 5-2m rides around the block. And I don't care either, I just want to get back in the saddle. My goal is 60 miles in January, or 15 miles a week.

  • SmurfBunny1027
    SmurfBunny1027 Posts: 150 Member
    I think I would like to join just as a way to push me to get back on my bike. It's been a while. So to start with, I'll shoot for 10 miles. Next month I'll increase it if I make it through!
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    No goal this month as my riding is mostly commute specific so weather will be key here. At least 400 miles though.

    01/01 - 64.8 @ 17.5 mph (Metric Century)
  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    January 1: 6.24 Miles -- Duration 00:40:23

    January Total Miles: 6:24
    January Total Duration: 00:40:23

  • jbranham5
    jbranham5 Posts: 11 Member
    This is my first challenge, so I want to set a very realistic goal so I can attain it. My goal it to bike commute daily for 6 miles a day. In addition, I want to ride 10 miles every weekend. This will make my January goal equal 176 miles. If I am not able to bike commute due to weather, I will use a stationary bike.
  • sandykaunisto
    sandykaunisto Posts: 17 Member
    Resolution Ride
    2 hours spin class. Did one hour strong and some lady got off her bike and put on Ben Gay or some winter green products just behind me. I had to move to the other side of the room and have them open the door open. It burned my throat. Then she complains about the door being open so they closed the door partway and I just could not breath. Left the class and did the second hour on the workout floor sorta got chatty with too many friends. However burned 1,700 calories and stayed in a training range. Most of the classes I get 24 Keiser miles per hour. Not sure what that equals I did not look.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,418 Member
    I'm in for 250 miles in January!
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    Looking forward to getting back on the bike this year. I had knee surgery in May 2015 and haven't gotten back on my bike yet :/ . My plan in 10 miles with weekend; I don't know if that's gonna be one 10m ride, 2-5m rides, or 5-2m rides around the block. And I don't care either, I just want to get back in the saddle. My goal is 60 miles in January, or 15 miles a week.

    That should read "My plan is 10 miles this weekend"...
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,418 Member
    edited January 2016
    I'm in for 250 miles in January!

    1/1 - 13.10 miles

  • konagirl64
    konagirl64 Posts: 211 Member
    I'm in for 375 miles on recumbent stationary bike

    01/01: 23.3
  • SteveCro
    SteveCro Posts: 788 Member
    I'm in for 150 miles. Mostly on indoor bike on a trainer. Will sneak an outdoor ride if Indiana winter allows
  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    January 1: 6.24 Miles -- Duration 00:40:23
    January 2: 23.3 Miles -- Duration 1:24:58

    January Total Miles: 29.54
    January Total Duration: 02:05:21

    WTF? After months and years on the Fitness & Exercise forum, we get bumped over to here?

    C'est la vie...

  • jbranham5
    jbranham5 Posts: 11 Member
    January 1: 6.60 Miles -- Duration 00:43:00

    January Total Miles: 6.60
    January Total Duration: 00:43:00

    Goal: 176 miles
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,418 Member
    I'm in for 250 miles in January!

    1/1 - 13.10 miles
    1/2 - 13.25 miles

  • jbranham5
    jbranham5 Posts: 11 Member
    January 01: 06.60 Miles -- Duration 00:43:00
    January 02: 10:49 Miles -- Duration 00:50:72

    January Total Miles: 17.09
    January Total Duration: 01:33:72

    Goal: 176 miles
    (on track)