
  • Natasha8890
    Natasha8890 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi all, so I'm starting again after being off for several months and surprise gaining back all I had lost plus more! I suffered an injury and then everything seemed to take over. I'm about to get the all clear for exercise (at the end of January) which will help. I'd love the support to get me back on track. My goals for 2016:

    1. Live my life the way I want to, not the way everyone expects me to live it;
    2. Respect myself and take ownership of the decisions I make (food choices);
    3. Focus on what's most important to me....my family;
    4. Try not to continually get sucked into the vortex at work and take on other's issues (not sure how I'm going to accomplish this one);
    5. Get back to running;
    6. Eat well balanced nutritious meals;
    7. Have balance in my life;

    My goals are not in any particular order...although my family and balance in my life are the most important ....I think.

    Natasha (Rural Ontario, Canada)
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,964 Member
    evening ladies~
    well today has been a day... Sylvia I have gained back 30 lbs from my lowest, and this past year as you know has been alot on me emotionally.
    I brought the subject of us up on the way out for pizza this afternoon and his answer is he has no answers..
    What a crock... he says he is devoted to me but doesnt love me,well what is a marriage without love?
    I told him he has alot of thinking to do, I am committed to the marriage but if he can't figure out what is going on, then he needs to speak with someone if he want's this to continue.. the renovation and where he works have taken a toll on his head ,but I told him it is not shameful to ask for help..
    I said you have kept me in limbo for the last 6 months.. get your butt in gear and figure out what you want.. because I don't deserve a loveless marriage...
    Jane~ keeping your MIL in my prayers...
    just got our mail, gonna go through it and hit the hay~ up early to grocery shop tomorrow
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    mollywhippit - I would not weigh myself every day; but, when I do weigh myself (every other Tuesday) then I am usually pleasantly surprised; I weigh at the same time (10:00am). I know it is difficult not to eat all those fattening or fried foods, especially if that is what everybody else is doing. But, you can do it! Don't be ashamed; you can get back into those 'a little snug' size 14's. Just keep asking for support and try to either stop the bad things and get back to the 'good' things. YOU CAN DO IT! You might need to revisit the number of calories you are taking in; and for a while try to eat less of them during the day. I know my MD (when he 'ordered' me into their weight loss program); he told me, that for me to lose weight I would have to take in less calories than is the range of 'maintaining one's weight. It took me 2 weeks before I was no longer hungry; but, it worked. Now, I find that about 1/2 of the time; I am within the 'caloric intake' set for me; and, the other 1/2 I might go over but just a little and I am not at all hungry. I do give in to my Molly Mooks (Cheese Straws) and I only eat 1/2 ounce of them (about 3 pieces). It satisfied my

    I will only take a steroid for a week; after that I will tell my MD that I don't want a 2nd round. We just need to think of something else. But, for me, a steroid will just about clear anything, such as a lingering cough. Found that out when my lung MD put me on one for a week.

    Woo-hoo - something on other than football while DH is hunting! :D Watching reruns of "House".

    Gee, I could not take "Prozac"; sent me to the hospital for a week. I have to be very careful of the drugs that are Rx'd for me. Some OTC drugs I can't take because it interacts with something I am taking. One reason I keep a list of what I am takin. Sometimes I even get the MD to call my Pharmacist to double-check it. I can't take Tyelnol; Advil, or Aleve. I can take regular aspirin. Crazy.

    Coffee doesn't seem to bother me, day or night; but, I have cut down on it - usually pour a 2nd cup and before I know it, it is no longer 'hot'. So doing that in the morning and doing it at night I cut back by 3 cups. I drink water during the day and with my lunch and dinner.

    I need to jump on my treadmill for a while. Can do that while DH is hunting and still watch TV - have to turn it up so I can hear it over the treadmill running.

    When (and if) my DOGD comes over to help with the house; I am going to get her to start in the bathroom (cleaning and decluttering). I know if I tell her to declutter as if it was her own; she will do a wonderful job and then I can decide if I want or need to keep it. I'll be rearranging my lower kitchen cabinets. Something is leaking in my corner turn stile; which mean I will have to get something to load it off and then wash the stupid thing, I need to go through my cabinets up top and rearrange my cup cabinet, I probably should put the dishes on the side where the cups are; and cups where the dishes are. I'd have to put the things we use a lot closer to the cup cabinet, in order to be able to reach it easily. Oh dear, I wish I had had some say-so about how my kitchen would look; I would have put in more cabinets; but not one over the end of the peninsular. What a wasted space; nor would I have those corner cabinets, another wasted space. Probably would not put a window that overlooks the carport either. That would probably have made a good space for 'extra' cabinets. I've tried to get DH to see if he can get cabinets made to fit that space. I'd like to have one of those narrow ones beside my fridge where when you pull the door - you can put cans there and see all of them. cabinets under the window and make a cushion to go on it as a window seat. Some over it; and then down the left-hand side. We'd have to move the electrical switches or cut the space out of the cabinet. Actually, he is still 'thinking' over my idea to paint the cabinets the same Velvet White that is everywhere else on the trim of the house. I love, love, love the new color of the walls! But, I am like the cobbler's wife - no shoes; House Painting business - last house to get painted. Good thing that all but MBR, bathroom, utility/mudroom/computer area and kitchen are the only sheet rocked walls; 1 down, 3 to go. LOL! The rest is paneled in pecky cypress and outside is cypress. Metal roof. Low maintenance to none.

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,722 Member
    I put on a few lbs over Christmas, but am already losing them again.

    January 2016 Goals

    Start weight: 220lbs (Spring 2014)
    Current weight: 166 (on 1/01)
    Goal weight: 162 (for 31/01)
    Weight lost this month: 0 lbs

    Daily goals:
    :star: Pre-log/follow through
    :star: balance carbs/protein/fat
    :star: 8+ cups liquids
    :star: 30+ minutes each Strength/flexibility/cardio
    :star: 8000+ steps daily
    :star: finish eating at 9pm 5/7 days per week
    :star: finish eating at 10pm 2/7 days of my choice per week
    :star: post daily goals/progress - Just for Today
    :star: post progress - No Late Night Snacking
    :star: complete Hogwarts/GoTs/ 12 week weight loss challenges
    :star: Post weekly progress reports here :sunglasses:

    You girls are amazing. I am working through the posts but there are so many.

    :heart: Healing thoughts and prayers to those who need them! :heart:

    :sunglasses: Welcome to our Newbies. Sit a spell! :sunglasses:

    :star: Let your light shine out in the darkness :star:

    :star: Each one of us is a vital cog in an infinite universe. :star:
    We may not know our purpose, but each cog needs to be oiled and tended.



    Irish Terri harp.gif
  • SoCalGal2016
    SoCalGal2016 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all....2015 held a lot of changes for me...moved clear across the country to start a new life...new home, got married and new job! All of this at the ripe old age of "61"! It was, all in all, very positive but along with all of that, I let my exercise program go by the wayside, so now...it's time to start it all over again! I'm pumped and ready for the challenge!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    SanfordRoberts, what kind of art do you do? Is it your studio or a community studio of some kind? I love my pottery studio but it is terribly lonely there. I'm working on ways to get some more people in there, like turning my gallery into an artist's coop. I hope that works out. I have a load of plates in the kiln right now that some kids made at a birthday party, but it was too hot to unload. They were really cute going in, so I hope they turn out well. San Diego is such a beautiful place!

    Seachellseeker, I hope you can get the steroid weight under control. That was part of my initial problem, but one I got serious it came off just like it's friends. I love your name. Do you live near the beach?

    We came out to the lake and went to walk the dogs across the dam. I told hubby that I was not going to let Spot go in the water (because it's about 45 degrees), but he stopped at the top of the boat ramp and whimpered softly. That did it. I unhooked his leash and he raced toward the water like a rocket, frolicking with such gleeful abandon that I was ashamed of myself for wanting to deny it to him. He so loves the water. And it appartently wasn't too cold for him.

    Now we are snug in the cabin with a roaring fire and I'm sitting comfortably at the puzzle table with my new pooter. Any minute now I'm going to start dinner. Left over christmas ham for him, with grits, and chicken and sweet potatoes for me. That was one of my favorite dishes when I was losing, so I'm going to get back to it. Just chicken breast chunks sauteed in olive oil along with chunks of sweet potato and seasoned with Mrs. Dash Garlic and Herb. So Yummy! I haven't had it in a while.

    Grits, yes, I do know what to do. I just have to get my butt in gear and do it. Monday morning I'm going to call the doctor to get a referral to an orthopedic doc to have my hips and knees looked at. I don't want to do even more damage, but maybe there will be a simple solution, and not the big scary hip replacement I'm afraid of. But getting the food under control is already in the works.

    Well, time to make the dinner. Have a great evening.

  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Sylvia, I highly recommend working with a physical therapist for hip and knee pain. I am able to do so much more since I started working with one. Much less pain by far!
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Hello lovely ladies. Happy New Year to all of you. Welcome newbies. I've been around a long time (since 2009).

    Thank you so much Barbie for keeping this forum going for many many years.

    I was MIA for a while, and can't promise to keep up with all of you on the forum this year either. I am planning on slowing down from fulltime to working 4 days/week. Retirement is on the horizon. Meanwhile, I will be sporadically posting on my page (mostly weekends) and responding/interacting to my MFP friends on the Home page.

    I regained some weight last year, which is entirely my own doing. I will be working on getting that under better control. My main intention is to continue with practising mindfulness and not worry about what I cannot control. As far as activities go, Yoga once a week and walking at lunch time as well as biking (once the weather improves.)

    We have a new grandbaby on the way in June, so we are pretty darn excited.

    <3 Renny
    Vancouver Island, BC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,016 Member
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Sylvia, scootch over on that wagon seat... I'm right there with you. About a hundred more miles and I'm home. The scale is there waiting.... For tomorrow's come-to-Jesus meeting.

    Lisa, back in West Texas, and nearly home...
  • judy0149
    judy0149 Posts: 2 Member
    Okay - I'm new to this site and I have never done this before, so bear with me, please. I've read a lot of the posts here and I'm really hoping that with your help, I can get the support I so desperately need to lose this weight. No resolutions here, just a few January goals:
    Enter every morsel of food that goes into my mouth, no matter how guilty it makes me feel.
    Walk at least 15 minutes every day on my treadmill and another 15 with my beautiful dog.
    Empty my file cabinets (like a grammiekb is doing) and make them more manageable.
    Smile more.
    That's a good start for January. Here's hoping and Happy New Year to all of you.
  • wadele581
    wadele581 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Everyone my name is Adele, im from Adelaide. I am 52 and really want to lose weight this year. I am a stress eater and put a lot of weight on last year when grieving over the loss of my little dog. 2016 means a fresh start, a new beginning and I want to grab it with both hands and make the most of it. I plan to exchange some full cteam coffee's with peppermint tea, and water, eat less chocolate, less bread, and move more.
    Happy New Year.....Adelew
  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    Vicky - yes, small world. I grew up in Sioux City but live in the Des Moines area now.

    Kristina - Glad to see another Iowa girl in the group. What part of Iowa are you from?

    Becca - Sorry you are not feeling well.


  • TexasGal1
    TexasGal1 Posts: 65 Member
    One hour of Zumba this morning, burned 401 cals, and reached 10,000 steps at dinner time today! Wooot!

    It's a good day!
  • lisaandersonmann
    lisaandersonmann Posts: 3 Member
    I'm new here, too, and starting rather small. January goals: enter my meals at least 5 days a week. Get 10,000 + steps a day. Drink more water.
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Adele, I'm so sorry about the loss of your pup! Several of us here completely know how devastating that is. Talk about the loss if you need to. Have you considered getting another dog? When my elderly whippet passed it was about 6 months before I could think about another dog, but then saw a picture of a puppy on Petfinders and soon Bruno was part of our little family. He doesn't take the other dog's place, but he has his own personality and make us laugh. A lot!

    Renny, we've missed you!

  • bskts4ver
    bskts4ver Posts: 14 Member
    Kristina, Linda is in Des Moines, and I am in a small town a half hour from Iowa City. Vicki has family in Cedar Rapids. What part of the state are you in? Oh, and Meg is in Omaha, which is almost Iowa.

    Alarms. I saw a video showing that kids sleep through alarms. It was promoting alarms that you can record your voice calling the kids by name, since that will penetrate their sleep. It was a bit eye opening.

    I am in a suburb of Des Moines. :) Glad to see that Iowa is well represented.

  • bskts4ver
    bskts4ver Posts: 14 Member
    I also wanted to chime in about the book I've seen mentioned in this discussion "The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up"....I'm a VERY organized person with a well organized home (well, there is always room for improvement) and I love reading organization books, so I bought it, but I'm going to be honest and say that I think the author of this book is a little bit nuts....anyone who was organizing her family at five years old has some issues and some of the things in the book were just plain stupid.....No...I am not going to thank my purses for doing their job and NO, I am not going to not ball our socks and NO, I'm not going to take every piece of clothing we have in our home and pile it on the floor......IMO there are better books out there. I gave it away.

    I bought this book ten years and I still get it out once in a while to re-read. Peter Walsh has written many other also.
