The January 2016 Running Challenge



  • MorningGhost14
    MorningGhost14 Posts: 441 Member
    I do a lot of my miles running along country roads... no sidewalks... and I am constantly making adjustments for road camber in order to avoid running injuries. This often entails me running with my back to traffic which can be a little nerve-wracking... but I find if I keep the miles fairly evenly divided between running against traffic and with traffic, I avoid those hip and knee issues that crop up from running exclusively facing traffic. And as you can see from the picture, the shoulders here are virtually non-existent, so many times I find myself just running in the lane...which means I never run with headphones... and am on perpetual high alert to take evasive action. I don't encounter that many vehicles (mostly pick-ups), but the ones I do seem to have no concept of speed limits or painted lines...

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @morningghost14 I've read quite a few things now about the camber of the road and changing. I used to run in the middle of the street, still do sometimes, since I'm in my hood and it's Oh dark 30. I was thinking of changing my route, but duh that doesn't change the road pitch, I'll need to start running on the other side or back to the middle to see if that helps my ITB.
    @honunui ha ha! On a good day I might be able to pass your running mate. Is he as big as he looks in the picture?
    @runner_girl83 great job on the PR.
  • Virkati
    Virkati Posts: 679 Member
    The ITB issues I was having I'm blaming on the camber of the road. I run on one similar to @MorningGhost14 but while the traffic is light, they aren't very accommodating and the only way I feel safe is to run facing them. Otherwise if I move my elbow just right, it will hit a passenger mirror. And I wear neon orange shirts or jackets EVERY run so I know they see me. And I've stopped using earbuds too. I still play music, but I'm more aware of my surroundings without them. Too many dogs have invisible fences that aren't always activated.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I do a lot of my miles running along country roads... no sidewalks... and I am constantly making adjustments for road camber in order to avoid running injuries. This often entails me running with my back to traffic which can be a little nerve-wracking... but I find if I keep the miles fairly evenly divided between running against traffic and with traffic, I avoid those hip and knee issues that crop up from running exclusively facing traffic. And as you can see from the picture, the shoulders here are virtually non-existent, so many times I find myself just running in the lane...which means I never run with headphones... and am on perpetual high alert to take evasive action. I don't encounter that many vehicles (mostly pick-ups), but the ones I do seem to have no concept of speed limits or painted lines...


    Oh good lord! Well, least your not cycling that.. I stick strictly to sidewalks and trails. Or roads within a park, and I still have regular encounters with vehicles that don't mover over.
  • deannaaaaaaaaa
    deannaaaaaaaaa Posts: 238 Member
    January 1st- 3.5 miles
    January 4th- 6 miles
    January 5th- 3.5 miles
    January 6th- 4 miles

    Total so far: 17 miles
  • MorningGhost14
    MorningGhost14 Posts: 441 Member
    edited January 2016
    When I took that picture, I had just hit my turn around point and was heading home... which is on the other side of that hill in the
  • ceciliaslater
    ceciliaslater Posts: 457 Member
    edited January 2016
    I do a lot of my miles running along country roads... no sidewalks... and I am constantly making adjustments for road camber in order to avoid running injuries. This often entails me running with my back to traffic which can be a little nerve-wracking... but I find if I keep the miles fairly evenly divided between running against traffic and with traffic, I avoid those hip and knee issues that crop up from running exclusively facing traffic. And as you can see from the picture, the shoulders here are virtually non-existent, so many times I find myself just running in the lane...which means I never run with headphones... and am on perpetual high alert to take evasive action. I don't encounter that many vehicles (mostly pick-ups), but the ones I do seem to have no concept of speed limits or painted lines...


    I think the most shocking thing about this picture is that they bothered to paint (and repaint) the white line that designates the "shoulder." On the roads like that near my parents' house they just didn't bother with the outside lines at all. I guess when the road is so narrow that the only way to stay on it is for your driver's side tires to sit on the yellow center line, you don't really need the white line to tell you where the edge is...
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    So I'm really annoyed at my Garmin watch right now. I just downloaded my runs and it doesn't have a bunch of miles from June, August and October. It shows me with 30 in October and August each and I was at 130 each month. Ugh. I'm terrible at downloading the info I have to admit so I need to make sure I do it more often. The upside is that I was able to go back to every challenge month here and pull my mileage since I do I running tally each run. Something to do when I have no work - I can input it all manually ha ha!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited January 2016
    So I'm really annoyed at my Garmin watch right now. I just downloaded my runs and it doesn't have a bunch of miles from June, August and October. It shows me with 30 in October and August each and I was at 130 each month. Ugh. I'm terrible at downloading the info I have to admit so I need to make sure I do it more often. The upside is that I was able to go back to every challenge month here and pull my mileage since I do I running tally each run. Something to do when I have no work - I can input it all manually ha ha!

    I wonder if it was a capacity issue. If its still in the watch history another try may get it.

    Mine syncs over Bluetooth so I plug it in to the computer every other month or so and that deletes my watch history.
  • MorningGhost14
    MorningGhost14 Posts: 441 Member
    This video is to welcome all our friends here (some I have not formally met yet) from Australia... Xavier Rudd is an awesome artist from "Down Under" and one of my all-time favorites so when I have a five or six hour trail run ahead of me , many times I pull up my Xavier playlist on my iPod and drift away for the day...
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    @MorningGhost14 - We have sidewalks but I run on the streets too. Where I run we have pretty wide streets with a parking area then a bike lane and then the actual car lanes so where I can, I run in the parking lane and/or the bike lane and mostly run against traffic. It is safer than on the sidewalk which is uneven and never gets cleaned so there is a ton of slippery debris. Even once I am on the trail, which is split, I run against traffic with Hobbes the Vizsla on the left. I am mostly afraid of the cyclists who say nothing and come flying up behind me giving me little time to move myself or Hobbes out of their way (on the road and trail both). Apparently it has gotten pretty bad on the trail as they have put up a bunch of signs telling the cyclists that pedestrians have the right of way and to slow down. What makes it even crazier is just across the river there is a bike trail that extends for miles along the river to the beach so I am not even sure why they ride on our little trail.

    @skippygirlsmom - I hate it when I lose data or it doesn't get recorded at all! I am pretty much a geek and love all the numbers so I enter it every day in a spreadsheet and have them going back to when I started running :)
  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    @runner_girl83 Congrats on the 5K pr! I am insanely jealous and tempted to try a sub-30 tomorrow just to see if I can do it (I also need to weight train, so we'll see...).

    @MorningGhost14 I ran on a road like that when I was in PA for Thanksgiving. I will say that it inspired me to run faster...I was in a hurry to get to the trail where I could run a little safer! I also had my dog with me (not a good idea) and he was very distressed by the traffic. On the other hand, I knew when the cars were coming before I heard them!

    @snha I hope you can solve the achilles issues easily. I will say that I can't tell by *looking* at my shoes if they are wearing out. I used Sharpie to mark my old pairs so I can tell which ones are which (I have a couple pairs of the same shoe in the same color). The only way I can tell is that I start to get tweaky little aches and pains in my achilles, my arch, or my knee that don't have any other explanation. I get similar pains when I wear my trail (neutral) shoes on pavement for more than a mile or so, so I attribute it to the cushioning/support wearing out.

    1/1 5 @ 10:36 on the treadmill
    1/2 4.75 @ 10:42 on the park trail (20.75/20 miles for the week)

    1/3 5.25 @ 11:14 (5.0 @ 10:51, .25 walking) on the trails near my house. It was a beautiful, blustery day!
    1/4 10 @ 12:00 on the treadmill. While running from Indominus Rex.
    1/5 3 @ 11:14 on the treadmill and strength training
    1/6 Rest Day and feeling fairly sore from yesterday's PT (and maybe Monday's run?)
    1/7 4.75 @ 11:53 on the park trail. The middle three miles were under 11:30, but the first and last were really slow. I was cold and it was drizzling, so it was hard to get started. I don't really know what happened at the end--I headed off into the woods for the last little bit...I guess the terrain slowed me up. Oh well...overall the run felt good, and the pace was slow enough that my cold-induced asthma didn't kick in.
    (23/30 miles for the week)

    Upcoming Races:
    January 18: MLK 8K at Burke Lake Park, VA
    February 21: Disney Princess HM, Orlando, FL
    March 6: Reston 10-miler, Reston, VA or March 12: Lucky Leprechaun 5K, Reston, VA

    Oh...a question! Would I be nuts to sign up for a 10-miler 2 weeks after my half? If I don't do that, there's a 5K 3 weeks after I'm going to sign up for.


  • MorningGhost14
    MorningGhost14 Posts: 441 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    I hate it when I lose data or it doesn't get recorded at all! I am pretty much a geek and love all the numbers so I enter it every day in a spreadsheet and have them going back to when I started running :)

    I sync my Garmin after every run because I don't want to lose any data. I have a notebook where I log every run in by hand and make little notes about the run. I have every mile logged since I started running four and half years ago (about 6,200 so far). I also have a separate notebook where I keep track of my weekly and monthly totals, along with my training programs. And I also keep a log for every mile I put on each pair of shoes I have so I can see which ones hold up the best.... I have a pair of New Balance MR00s with 850 miles on them... they are essentially rags at this point, but I can't part with them. One benefit to running in minimalist shoes, there is no padding to begin with so they seem to actually get better with age. Like me.

  • MorningGhost14
    MorningGhost14 Posts: 441 Member

    Oh...a question! Would I be nuts to sign up for a 10-miler 2 weeks after my half? If I don't do that, there's a 5K 3 weeks after I'm going to sign up for.

    You can handle that easily. Do it. You would be nuts if you didn't. :) Why settle for 3.1 when you know you have the opportunity to pound a 10?
  • instantmartian
    instantmartian Posts: 335 Member
    patrikc333 wrote: »

    You should change your screen name to "Lucky"...

    how many people here do swear loudly when running? :D

    I do take advantage of the early morning quiet to, let's say, express my disappointment

    it's not a good period, but that means that a better one is coming (easy to say now laying on the sofa, I won't be of the same mood tomorrow at 5am in the cold/rain with a hip falling off B) )

    I swear mostly to myself, and all the time in my head, but a loud one slips out of my mouth every now and then. You can ask my boyfriend about the time he was cheering me on near the finish line of a very windy and cold 15K last spring, and I accidentally flipped him off. I honestly intended to give him a very sarcastic thumbs up, but my brain decided to do otherwise without my knowledge. Oops.
  • instantmartian
    instantmartian Posts: 335 Member
    01/04 2.74 mi
    01/06 3.13 mi
    TOTAL 5.87 mi
    GOAL 70.00 mi
  • Calli1616
    Calli1616 Posts: 1,911 Member
    @shanaber – I am in SoCal. We had a window in between rain storms and thunder/lightning and I went for it! The poor dog was very disappointed in me for not taking her for a second walk, but I really needed to get out myself. I hope you get an awesome rain run in today! 0h – and LOVE Hobbes the Vizsla!!
    @runner_girl83 – Congrats on the PB! How fun to have it be a surprise! The sub-30 5K is my goal this year.
    @WhatMeRunning – 38 and raining? Brrrr!! Good luck!!
    @ddmom0811 – I hope you feel better soon!
    @kristinegift – wow! Twice a day! I’m inspired!
    @juliet3455 – love the Shoe Destroyers club!
    @MorningGhost14 – I get the “high alert”! Running with my back to traffic is always scary!!
    @skippygirlsmom - I walk the dog in the dark morning hours and always worry for runners. For some reason in my area, the car drivers apparently believe they are the only ones up that early and no longer obey traffic laws! I’ve seen some close calls when a car blows through a stop sign while a runner is in the crosswalk.
    @virkati – Yikes! Elbow to mirror = too close!

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @runner_girl83 Congrats on the 5K pr! I am insanely jealous and tempted to try a sub-30 tomorrow just to see if I can do it (I also need to weight train, so we'll see...).

    Oh...a question! Would I be nuts to sign up for a 10-miler 2 weeks after my half? If I don't do that, there's a 5K 3 weeks after I'm going to sign up for.

    Uh, not me. After my first half, 3.1 would have been good. But that's just me. You should have a good feel for it during your training, after a race pace longer run.

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    patrikc333 wrote: »
    how many people here do swear loudly when running? :D
    What the eff you talking about? Lol... I exercise the full limits/depths of my potty mouth on most of my runs... most of it centers on MF-ing myself for being such a pu$$y...


    I haven't done this in a while but I did all the time used to cry out "SOB!" Not the actual acronym but what the acronym meant. lol

    There were also a few cries to Jesus even tho I didn't actually want to communicate to Him at the time.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Virkati wrote: »
    Not leaving! Just pulled back from the mileage goal for this month. Been too sick to do anything at all. Never meant to give the impression that I was leaving. This group means way too much to me

    I am so sorry that you are sick. Hope you feel better. Glad you are staying.