

  • mtowne002
    mtowne002 Posts: 152 Member

    Hello Everybody!


    I haven't read any of today's posts as I have had company for the day. It's been raining all day but my SIL who is my best friend and I went on a mile and a half walk anyway and we didn't melt! I told her about Barbies, Penny's or Pips saying..sorry CRStuff ...that there is no BAD weather just BAD clothing! Then we came home and did twenty minutes on the machines. Then we made a beautiful organic salad w butter Boston lettuce red peppers shredded carrots and shredded cheese, organic bacon crumbles and vine ripe tomatoes. New bottles of organic dressings..chunky blue cheese for me and Asiago cracked peppercorn for her. Followed by a slice of warmed broccoli quiche. Measured all. Totaled roughly 600 calories. Have officially given up soda. It's ridiculous. 150 cal of chemicals and sugar. No weight loss this week. Did add in a new supplement suggested by a wellness coach at work Reishie. Does anyone have experience w it? Supposably it's good for your immune and cardiac systems. Observations will be noted next week.

    I have decided to do a humbling thing in order to be accountable for a situation that is dominant in my life. I am overwhelmed w clutter. I live in and recently inherited my parents home of sixty years and she was a collector to be said nicely. I have been selling some things on eBay and gathering non eBay worthy items in a few places in my home. These piles consist of things to keep things to donate things to discard and some things for ideally a yard sale. The first Avalanche I wish to eradicate this week is in my family/excersize room. I think besides being an embarrassment it keeps me from wanting to use the machines. So I have photographed it and am going to post before and at the end of the week after pics.

    To some ladies I can actually remember something I wanted to comment on..

    Pip. Glad the baby girl is doing well. Your a good doggy mummy. Congrats on the new bug. Stylish!

    Ugg I can't remember who posted the gma analysis scale link but thank you I bought one. Will evaluate after I get it.

    People looking for Fitbit feedback...I love mine it was super expensive at 250 but I earned 50 in kohls credit for buying it. I attribute my thirty pounds lost in five months to using it. It tells my heart rate sleep Evans and has many other functions I have yet to explore. I especially like the challenges that I can set up vs myself or friends. And I only have to charge it about once a week. It is a fashion eyesore I admit.

    This is getting long, I apologize for forgetting what I wanted to respond to so many of your successes and challenges.

    I love you all

    Boston Mindyw0hcxhxnnt73.jpeg

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    Wow... Almost 100 posts since I was on last night!

    Sylvia ... Good idea. I'm Beth near Buffalo, Ny ... Originally from Pittsburgh, Pa. I'm 53 and have been married 31 years ...

    Two sons 29 and 18. The oldest was born at 24 weeks gestation and is wheelchair-bound due to cerebral palsy. Extremely intelligent and multilingual, He Lives independently but requires 24 hour aide care due to his disabilities... Care aides are often unreliable and a lot of my time is spent training new aides, filling in, etc. Three years ago he was diagnosed with sudden onset mental health issues ... Still dealing with that ... Today he was delusional ... The younger son has chronic migraine issues that have greatly impacted his education. Currently receiving homebound instruction from the school. He's a senior in HS ... A gifted guitarist he plans to go to Nashville to study commercial music ... We'll see.

    I'm 5'8" and significantly hearing impaired. Waiting on cochlear implants. Husband is beyond frustrated with me. My heaviest was about 280 ... Stopped weighing. I was down to 202 a little over a year ago, but stress eating put 27 back on. Did the best when I had a personal trainer .., can't afford that right now... But I am back at the gym. I Cook most everything from scratch ... Originally because of migraine son ... Now because it tastes better. While I have an economics and communication degree, life circumstances required my presence at home. I've been a nanny, school lunch lady (with prerequisite flappy arms), owned/operated an appliance repair business (husband was repairman) and currently am a part time housekeeper for my church with very, very flexible hours.

    We have an aging black lab, Zeke. He's feeling better, btw.

    Well there's more than you wanted to know! Sheesh!

  • jmok01
    jmok01 Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks Sylvia, for the suggestion of re-introductions! Great idea.

    I’m Joyce in South Dakota, am 55 and overweight all my life. Am married to my first husband for almost 11 years. We have no children – human or fur babies – but do have a small business that takes much of our energy and time. I also work full time at the state university in my home town and we manage a small set of apartments owned by DMIL. I’m also working to complete my MED degree. I have about 70 pounds to lose.

    Shame on me – I didn’t log my food this weekend. Celebrated my Mom’s 91st birthday today and I reverted to old, Last night DH & I made a birthday cake which turned out to be the ugliest birthday cake ever, but mom loved it because we made it. She is always so gracious. But I couldn’t resist the temptation to eat significant amounts of frosting during the process. :embarassed:

    Michele – I admire your ability to bake for your hubby and not eat all of it! This weekend I proved myself to be untrustworthy around any type of batter. You mentioned you are married to a picky eater; I am also married to a picky eater, so I let him do most of the cooking since he doesn’t always eat what I cook.

    Barbie – what a hurtful thing for your mother to tell you. You have risen above it and are a great example to countless others. Thank you!! :flowerforyou:

    Pip - glad to hear Bullwinkle is doing OK after his surgery - and that is wasn't as expensive as it could have been.

    Joyce in SD (still faceless since I can’t get my picture to post)

    Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. ~Winston Churchill

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
    Hi gals,

    Mindy –
    You can do this!!!

    Mindy’s pictures made me think of something I use that you all may or may not know about… on Yahoo.com there is a groups area, and there are chat groups (set up like our forum) for everything ! but the one I use is freecycle – so it is a group based on your local that lets you post things you would like to give away or get for free.. So for example Mindy’s picture has some moving boxes and those are always on freecycle in my area for giving or getting… The group name in Boston is FreeCycleBostonArea you join and then post stuff, others email back that they want it and you arrange pickup – everything is free.

    I have gotten soap, tea, a printer, lights for my bathroom, garbage bags, I have gotten rid of pots, plastic lattice, Christmas lights, it’s a great way to share!

    Kim from N. California
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Kimses: We have a lot in common: birthday on 1/14 (I’ll be 60), work from home, travel a lot and corporate office in NYC (mine is corner of 5th and 37th—where is yours?)

    I have had 3 careers: show business, financial services and now non-profit fundraising, where I’ve been with the same organization in three locations, (Honolulu, NYC and Denver) for 20 years. I grew up in Southern California and had never experienced 4 seasons until I was in my 40’s. Married 27 years to my one and only DH, and although we have no kids or grands, we have a big blond boy cat name Mars who walks on a leash and keeps us laughing. My top weight was 184. Today I’m 158. More than the pounds, I’m most pleased with the newly developed strength and fitness. I’ve never felt better, and I’m wearing the same size clothes I wore in college.

    This weekend I had the opportunity to take the 1st and 2nd levels of Reiki. Out of 15 participants, there were 2 of us who were not already trained as massage therapist or other body work specialties. I felt like I had the steepest learning curve around meridians, chakras and even how to work on someone on a table. But, I loved it! Now, I need to continue to study and practice on myself, on others and via long distance.

    Stay well. We can do this.
    Colorado Foothills

    January Goals:
    Benchmark my average daily step count, and increase by 20%
    Eat mindfully
    Start a gratitude journal
    Reach out to 3 friends
    Get mammogram, physical, haircut and eye exam scheduled
    My word for 2016: Optimism

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited January 2016
    Hi everyone! I am staying at a hotel with DH in the cities because he has a Dr apt in the morning. I just read everything and noticed the introductions. So here is mine...

    Hi, I'm Mary from Minnesota! I am married to my 3rd husband and he is the charm! I would say he is the best man on the planet but I know that several of the women here would happily say that about theirs. I have a 36 year old DS, DDNL and DGD, DGS. I also have a 34 year old DD, DSnL. My DH has 3 DD, 2DSnL, and 2DGS. There is friction with his DD's. They hate us occasionally. I think it's more they hate the divorce.

    I'm a retired Earth Science Teacher of 20 years. I'm 58 years old and just got a puppy. I needed the companionship. I taught 8th grade and retiring from the constant high energy of the kids to complete silence and nothing to do really changed my body and mind. I think I was well over 200 lbs but didn't weigh myself. I am 5 '5" tall. I started here October 2014 at 178 lbs. I now weigh 153 but due to weight lifting and Kettlebell swings I wear a size 6-7. I want to shed the last layer of fat and my goal weight is 125.

    I use to do 24 hours of cardio a week until I discovered Stronglifts 5x5 in March 2015 and in 3 months I loss 17 inches. Now I only do weight lifting 3-4 hours a week and Kettlebell swings 20-25 minutes on my rest days from lifting. Now I have a lot of free time thus the PUPPY!

    I'm happy to be here on this thread! Welcome to the new ladies, you will get a lot of support and motivation here!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    It's my turn now.

    My name is Joyce and I always sign Joyce from Indiana since that's where I live!!!! I am 67. I am a preachers kid and darn proud of it. I love to sing in the church choir. I have been married to my one and only but frustrating husband for 43 years. Him having meningitis this year made me realize how much I really love him. We have two daughters ages 38 and 35. The oldest one is married with two wonderful daughters ages 9 and 14. The younger one is happily divorced and has decided that living with 4 furbabies is easier than with a man. I am/was an RN and had to quit work 2 years after diagnosed with MS. My husband enjoyed very good health and didn't understand al that I was going through until 2 years ago when everything got dumped on him, heart attack, 2 stents one year. The next year 2 more stents, atrial fibrilation and Parkinson's disease and then this year severe ulcerative colitis, meningitis and then an awful colon infection. So I used to be what my family was so concerned about and now it is their Dad and this has softened his heart toward his girls and me throughout all this. My weight story is much like most of the other women here have yo yoed a good part of my married life. Been on many diets, none of the structured diets. Being an RN I always believed in the diabetic diet and when I was younger it would work until I gained it all back. So this time I found myself at 233 pounds and pretty unhappy about it. Hated to look at myself in the mirror, hated shopping. Never allowed myself to be photographed. You all know the story. One day after being told I had Diabetes 2, went for diet training and started my journey. The trainer told us about MFP, I looked it up and started logging my food. I found this forum and found a home. I think I have been here now for about 2 years. I have fallen back into my yo yo pattern and gained back 30 of my 60 pounds lost. So I am having to start back. Some of the ladies here are real good at kicking my butt when I need it.

    Well Evansville had 2 inches of snow and as usual it paralyzed the city/county. Most everything was closed today so no church. School is already canceled for tomorrow. I ate 2 pieces of brioche french toast tonight so I consider today as a failure. I also need to get back to the Y.

    Penny, here in Indiana that greenery would be considered just a ground covering you use in landscaping. But it's cute.

    You know I bought this phone for Charlie for Christmas and we were going to give his old one to Christina so she could have a phone that actually rings so I can talk instead of just text her. We texted about it last night and she didn't like it at all that he would be getting the new one and not his old cheap flip phone. One of the main reasons I wanted her to have a phone was so I could call her if anything happened to her Dad. They have an old pre-paid phone also so the decided to activate it at $14/month. That will give her about hour each week she can talk. We hope since she has officially gotten another phone this will make him try harder to learn how to use this new phone. I am going to remove the apps I put on it since they scare him so much and let it just be a phone and camera.

    Taking Michelle into doctor tomorrow for some kind of nerve injection in her neck.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited January 2016
    Mindy - Good for you for being brave and posting your chaos to make yourself accountable! Strangely enough, I find all those the piles of stuff inspiring. They make me want to go tackle some of my own problem areas. :blush: It's so obvious that you have a lovely room underneath it all. That alone will reward all your efforts, but you'll probably also find it considerably easier to exercise if the room isn't nagging at your conscience. I'm looking forward to the "after" pics!

    Tracy in PNW and Becca and others who are thinking of visiting Norway - Just do it! It's such an incredibly beautiful country! I'm free to say that because I'm not Norwegian.

    Heather (who WILL be visiting Norway B) ) - I do sometimes miss trees. When I visit my parents in New Hampshire I'm always stunned by how huge the birches are. Then I go visit my sister in Seattle and see trees that are even bigger! I envy you your ancient oaks. To my mind, the coppery color of newly unfurled oak leaves is one of the reasons for living.

    Incidentally, we have shrubs that grow considerably taller than our trees. One of our tallest plants grows to a full foot high in protected places. It's a species of - heather smiley-laughing002.gif

    Joyce in SD - Have you tried resizing your picture? I've had trouble posting pics that exceeded a certain file size. I don't know if you're on PC or Mac so this may not help you, but on my PC I open the image in "Paint" (a totally basic program, included with Windows), hit the "resize" button, and change the number of pixels from whatever it is to 800. IMPORTANT: If you do any experimenting, make a COPY of the image and work on that! Otherwise you may lose your original. Hope that helps.
    /Penny at the emoticon-object-026.gif
  • lvk62
    lvk62 Posts: 9 Member
    Good Morning Everyone, I saw where ya'll were talking about pictures. I was thinking about taking mine once a week until I meet my goal of 145. Ok
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,832 Member
    morning all~
    slept 11hrs and 20 minutes.. both of us were tired yesterday...Tom finished the backsplash in the kitchen, looks great.. and took the dogs for walks, I did laundry and cooked..
    totally went of eating well this weekend.need to get back on track..
    I weight more than my husband does and that is just down right depressing..
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,377 Member
    edited January 2016
    Mindy - good for you! I find putting things on here makes me accountable. If I've said I'll do it, then I do. Love the pics. It doesn't look like an impossible job. <3

    Loving all the biogs. Beth - I'd somehow missed your hearing problems. Hope you get those transplants. :flowerforyou:

    Penny - Here's a photo I just took of the view out of my bedroom window. The nearer tree is a birch and the far one an oak. The neighbours recently took down a lime to let in more light, but thankfully spared the oak, which they trimmed a little. The birch tree is a fantastic perch and playground for little birds, so we are kept amused while we have our morning cup of tea. :D


    Guinea fowl tonight. DH is going off to get some veggies - I thought we might have parsnips for one of them as we haven't had them since Christmas Day. We eat the breast hot one day and make something with the legs etc the next, like a curry. DH likes a sandwich.
    I have to admit I'm not looking forward to contacting the phone company. Kim - I can't even get into the website at the moment and I don't think they have a chat facility. There is nowhere to email anyone. Total #×÷+ , in my opinion. :sad: I can feel myself putting it off. :ohwell: No one actually makes haggis. I only buy MacSweens, (sp?) , which is by far the best. Our local supermarket and the butcher stock it. My brother can't come, so it's just four of us.

    With all the decluttering everyone is doing, I am reminded that one reason I love holidays so much is that you have so little "stuff" with you and only your nicest clothes. Very freeing. We really need so little. I wear the same things all the time anyway. :)

    Love to all. Heather UK
  • Sunnygirl_2015
    Sunnygirl_2015 Posts: 184 Member

    ❤️ Rosie in So Cal
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Okay, okay i too will join the decluttering fad o:) there is a corner of our basement with so many hardware odds and ends, leftover paint etc that we can'tmove around down there, if i knew how to post a pic like mindy i would be brave enough for the accountability :*
    bethyou are one strong lady, hope the cochlear implants work out to improve your hearing, my dh is completely deaf in one ear and wont even look into hearing aid for his "good ear"
    Cheers to a good week of logging and moving to everyone!
    Katen from ny
  • Hope228
    Hope228 Posts: 340 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I am new to this thread but have been on MFP for quite sometime. I was doing really well...Lost 20 lbs and felt great. Over the last year it crept back on me. I am 55 years old. I'm going to lose the weight and keep it off this time!
  • majesticmoose65
    majesticmoose65 Posts: 1 Member
    edited January 2016
    Good morning everyone,

    I am completely new here - just kind of went from an email from Panera Bread into MFP and saw this group and voilá, here I am. I have been struggling with my weight for over 20 years and have not have any success with programs and nutritionists, always ending with shoulders shrugged and and telling me I should not be at the weight that I am. I have been kind of giving up on things a bit - divorce and several health issues have been piled onto a stressful life of managing my aspiring classical singer, completely renovating the whole downstairs of the house and starting my own company of coaching and photography. I recently turned 50 and feel I have to do something, I owe it to my awesome girls. A group like this might be just what I need - not to feel alone, have some accountability, I think you know what I mean.

    Well, time to drive to school. A happy Monday to you all! ~ Barb from MA
  • lvk62
    lvk62 Posts: 9 Member
    Good morning ladies. Today is my new day. I CAN DO THIS!! WE ALL CAN DO THIS!! Getting my act together for a healthier & happier me. :)
  • lvk62
    lvk62 Posts: 9 Member
    lvk62 wrote: »
    Good morning ladies. Today is my new day. I CAN DO THIS!! WE ALL CAN DO THIS!! Getting my act together for a healthier & happier me. :)

    Nothing taste as good as being skinny feels.
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Hi. I'm new here and just started with this app on 1/7/16. I have 80 or so pounds to lose. Has anybody but me considered bariatric surgery, specifically the sleeve?

    Hi, Tawnya - I had gastric bypass as well, more than ten years ago now. Don't know much about the sleeve, but my research tells me that gastric bypass is still the gold standard, as in it's the most effective, more people keep the weight off, etc. Getting insurance to pay for any bariatric surgery is usually the issue--every insurance has different standards, but mine was that you had to be at least 100% over your "ideal weight" for insurance to pay for it. At 5'1" tall, with a 109 pound ideal weight, and actually weighing 303, it wasn't an issue for me. It has also not been an easy road. I had a Petersen's hernia (finally being recognized as a long-term complication), which nearly killed me, and also had to have my gall bladder out, which was months of pain, as it's non-life-threatening and they don't rush to do the surgery.

    Not advising against it, just saying do the research. It's not an easy road.

    Lisa in West Texas
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    lvk62 wrote: »
    Good Morning Everyone, I saw where ya'll were talking about pictures. I was thinking about taking mine once a week until I meet my goal of 145. Ok

    Morning - I think it's a great idea, my comparison pictures are always helpful. Make sure you take them in the same place each month. In front of an outside door is handy, as they have lines and indentations, so you can really tell the difference.
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    Good morning --
    Mindy that looks like it could be a lovely room once it's cleared out. I see some nice hardwood floors in there! And there's nice light coming in the windows.
    We had to clean out my MIL house. Yours looks very clean in comparison. We had a horrific hoarding situation. Being able to turn off the emotional attachments really helps with the clean up. (we took out 6 tons ...dumpsters full...from my MILs house).

    Food is logged for the day. My weekend wasn't very solid on the food front, but it wasn't too much off.

    Yoga class this morning. Work the rest of the day. It's my husband's birthday today (we have 3 birthday's in this house in January). I'm making a blueberry pie since that's what he loves and it's one of the easier things for me to not over indulge in.

    I'm enjoying hearing everyone's stories. Impressive successes here that just reinforces the fact that middle age women and be powerhouses!

    Kimses in MA