18-25 year olds?



  • lmeldrum
    lmeldrum Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I'm Lanae, 23 and have 150+ lbs to lose. I love to make friends :) and definitely agree that support helps so much. Feel free to add me :)
  • amlasand
    amlasand Posts: 11 Member
    Hey I'm Sunny and I'm a 23 year old student from the US. I've been overweight most of my life and while I've worked out since high school I've always struggled to eat healthy and lose weight. I've become more serious especially to prevent getting any health problems and I'm looking to lose up to 50 lbs to feel good about myself. I look forward to meeting new people to motivate each other and help us reach our goals together. Feel free to add me!
  • KpopGrad92
    KpopGrad92 Posts: 93 Member
    I am Katie, a 23 year old digital media and social media grad student. I looking to lose about 100 lbs. I am also planning on going to teach English in South Korea in August hopefully. I am tired of being judged on my appearance and who I am because I carry a few extra (dozen) pounds. I got out of a 4 year relationship and am slowly starting to date again. I want to be able to enjoy my twenties more than I enjoyed my teen years. I like meeting new people so don't be shy, Add me!

    HW: 257
    CW: 239
    GW: 142
  • MissLincolnTaylor
    MissLincolnTaylor Posts: 66 Member
    19 and 20 next month :) 75lbs to lose x
  • pierson_lauren
    pierson_lauren Posts: 43 Member
    So anyone want to add me that would be perfect! Encouragement is the best and being watched is also the best. Please please cheerful and ready to get fit people add me! (:
  • Carousella204
    Carousella204 Posts: 7 Member
    edited January 2016
    Hello! You all can call me Mo! I'm a 23 year old from New York and trying to lose some excess pounds before my wedding in February of 2017! Gained a lot in college, especially my graduate year and I'm trying to get back on track. This is my first time really committing to something, and no one in my family or friend group has ever made a goal to lose weight before, and so I need support! We got this, folks!
  • sydn3ysmith
    sydn3ysmith Posts: 3 Member
    hey, I'm Sydney, I'm 19. I'm looking to lose about 30-40 pounds. I would love an accountability friend, I have a few at home but none of them looking to lose as much as I do, so they won't be around the whole time of my journey. so befriend me plz!
  • katieclon
    katieclon Posts: 43 Member
    I'm 22! Feel free to add me, everyone! :)
  • Latifah2
    Latifah2 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm 23 years old and recently graduated. I'm hoping to lose 65kg! Please feel free to add me! 2016 will be my year! All the best!
  • irissyang
    irissyang Posts: 11 Member
    I'm in!!! Trying to keep off the freshman 15
  • corrinrosales5
    corrinrosales5 Posts: 58 Member
    I'm 25. I lost 60 lbs the past two years and almost gained it all back in a severe depression last year. I like a mix of home and gym exercises. My goal is to lose 30 lbs by summer at 1260 cal a day. Add me if you want a cool friend :smile:
  • Hi I'm Sarah and I'm 18 and I've gained an unwanted 30 pounds due to stress and depression. Fun stuff, I know. But feel free to add me I'm better at motivating others than I am at motivating myself!
  • alyssadevlin32
    alyssadevlin32 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! I'm Alyssa and I'm 18 and I have about 40 pounds to lose. Would love to add you and give motivation and support!
  • SavannahNoelle97
    SavannahNoelle97 Posts: 31 Member
    I'm savannah ☺️ I'm 18

    I struggle a lot with mental disorders, which end up with me emotional eating and binging a lot. Friend me and we can help support each other. :)

    Starting weight: 320
    Current weight: 306
    Goal weight: 160
  • becca_rup23
    becca_rup23 Posts: 396 Member
    Hey! I'm Becca, I'm 22 and I've always been fairly overweight but being in college/living withere my boyfriend it's gotten much worse! I've got about 100 lbs to lose. I've started and succeed in losing about 10-20 lbs a few times, but I'm really working on making big changes that last!
  • CourtneyLynnette
    CourtneyLynnette Posts: 1 Member
    edited January 2016
    Hi! Im Courtney, im 20 and im looking for motivation buddies (: Ive gained and lost the same weight a lot due to depression and new meds. Hoping to harness some motivation to try and get out of my rut:/ I'd love to have some friends to help support each other and keep each other motivated! (:
  • TReccs4
    TReccs4 Posts: 11 Member
    Evieelena wrote: »
    hi i'm evie! i've been on and off this app for a while now and I'm trying to add more friends around my age. :) im 19 and looking to lose another 60 or so lbs. I've gained some weight from a binging disorder and i'm still trying to fight it but i'd love to have some new people added to my list! Just friend request me or comment and ill friend you! please be active on here though lol.

    I have about the same amount to lose, too :) I'm 21, just starting out losing weight and need the motivation too, haha.
  • Ashleigh_LP
    Ashleigh_LP Posts: 57 Member
    Hey, i'm 25/F/UK. I'm 5ft5 and 73kg with 10 left to lose. Feel free to add me :)
  • Sheks41191
    Sheks41191 Posts: 90 Member
    I'm 24, Female, South Africa - 60 pounds or 30kgs to lose, add away.
  • slwebster997
    slwebster997 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi All I am 18, looking to initially lose 28 pounds.

    I lost roughly 18 pounds around 14 months ago but recently it has crept on, this was because of finishing stressful year 13 a-level year causing me to pile on the pounds and binge on the booze!!

    I enjoy going to the gym, but struggle with different recipes so looking for simple sorts of food.

    Would love to meet people on here who I can relate to as I have stick thin friends who just don't get it!!!

    I know I am not HUGE but I want to get back into the weight bracket where I feel great and have confidence again.

    I am fortunate enough to work for a company who supply free lunch daily, so I can get a make my own salad from a salad bar... but need help with dressings etc!! and salad just does not fill me up!! I love my carbs too much

    anyway please add meeeee