I have more than 50 lbs to lose. Comment and I'll add you as a friend!



  • FitMizz
    FitMizz Posts: 32 Member
    Mmmm chips and dip. We've got this thing!
  • brandonjcrist809
    brandonjcrist809 Posts: 3 Member
    CanaDana11 wrote: »
    @SexySlimRN I keep putting small goals in my head. Make it past the first week of the body feeling horrible detoxing. Then I will focus on a month then three. I just started 3 days ago so I haven't started exercising but I will. I noticed over Christmas the shopping was killing my ankles and I'm pretty sure it was the weight I've gained to blame

    Looking to loose 45 myself. I love pizza too
  • Kosmanagic
    Kosmanagic Posts: 2 Member
    I have 50 to lose too! I think it'd be helpful to have buddies who know what we're going through. I never joined the community before, but I'm trying it out now. This is my year! Good luck to you!!!
  • lindatheobald
    lindatheobald Posts: 1 Member
    I have 60 pounds to lose. I ask over 50 fight with fibromyalgia and work a desk job. Looking to make this eating a habit not a diety
  • kimmurray0709
    kimmurray0709 Posts: 2 Member
    I am glad there are so many of us trying to lose what I consider a large amount of weight! I am trying to lose at least 75 lbs would be happier with more but not going to be sad if I don't!
  • ruthiepoo72
    ruthiepoo72 Posts: 2 Member
    Feel free to add me as well! I just started this journey and could definitely use friends!
  • _fitjennamarie
    _fitjennamarie Posts: 5 Member
    I've got 75 lbs to lose! We can do this!
  • You can so do this girl!! My first big goal is 20 .. And my ultimate goal is 10 more after that! 30lbs total!! Let's do this!! Together! :)
  • JanetMMcC
    JanetMMcC Posts: 410 Member
    edited January 2016
    You can do it. I have, after decades of faffing around. My peak weight was 213 in November 2012. I hit 140 in November. I've sloughed off one-third of myself.
  • silverdz302
    silverdz302 Posts: 2 Member
    good luck and kick butt! With a good community around you, you can do anything. im times of weakness reach out to the people you love. Stay trong and stay true to yourself.
  • nsfd27
    nsfd27 Posts: 15 Member
    Hey everyone....think we're all here for the same reasons, purpose and goals. So if I can be of any assistance please feel free to add me and let's help one another obtain those goals together!
  • nsfd27
    nsfd27 Posts: 15 Member
    I was 324 pounds at one point and I lost 124 of it and toned up. Then I started a new job where I was traveling a lot and have put back on 70 of it. ENOUGH with excuses! I am back on the right path and I started the new year at 272 and in my last weigh in (1/10) I was back at 256. Anything I can do to be of any assistance I would be glad to help and hope for the same.
  • Jterpil
    Jterpil Posts: 4 Member
    I have 100 pounds I'm letting go of, started Keto in September, down 29 today :-)
  • saketsharma413
    saketsharma413 Posts: 4 Member
    I have got 30 lbs to loose! Got to get the healthy life back, nor more binge drinking!
  • thehobo2011
    thehobo2011 Posts: 1 Member
    I want to lose 50lbs
  • Tokye1
    Tokye1 Posts: 14 Member
    I have 57. Lost 48 through weight watchers but plateau sent me here
  • Chaagy
    Chaagy Posts: 109 Member
    I got 50lbs to lose to. Could use all the MFP pals I can get.
  • phyllis731
    phyllis731 Posts: 58 Member
    We're all in this together. Nothing about this process is easy. I hope we can be helpful for each other.

    Take care,
  • peachy1717
    peachy1717 Posts: 44 Member
    Feel free to add me! I have 80 pound to lose and need active friends so we can encourage snd motivate each other! All my current mfp friends haven't logged in for months and months.
  • Amberleah21
    Amberleah21 Posts: 55 Member
    Ok I started with 90-100 to lose. 25 lbs long gone. 70+ to go. Looking for motivation and support. Send a request if you want.