Just for today --- daily commitment thread



  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    debmcfly wrote: »
    J4T Wed 13/01

    I have a group therapy thing today, 2nd week and I am so nervous. I totally binged after it last week so need to try not to do that today.
    1. Plan todays food and stick to my calorie allowance
    2. Go for a walk after the group and see if I can walk off the anxiety rather than eating it.
    3. Work tonight after my dinner so I can make up my hours for work (lucky to work from home when I need to)
    4. Be nice to myself and try to enjoy the session and speak to other people that are there.

    sorry bit deep but that's my day and I have stuck close to my calorie goals for the past two days by doing this. First time in months :) x

    Debmcfly, good for you for taking action! I too have just started meeting with a group & I have to say the first day or two after I was somewhat emotional but I knew I needed to be there. After my mind had a chance to reflect I'm already looking forward to the next meeting. I've shared some of my challenges with the JFT group & received support. It's a great group! Best wishes on this journey:)
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    Love reading the posts!!
    Walk the dog (in the snow) & get some sun!
    Pack a healthy snack.
    Prep for potluck tonight. I meet with a group of moms who have special needs kids every month...these women are awesome!
    Do some paperwork.
    Drink 9 cups of water.
    Try to make Pilates class.
    Read for inspiration.
    Call a dear friend.
    Remind myself WHY I'm taking measures to live a healthy life.
  • shrcpr
    shrcpr Posts: 885 Member
    shrcpr wrote: »
    JFT, 10/12

    1. Stay within calorie limit :)
    2. Walk the dogs :)
    3. Cardio workout at they gym :) 35 minutes on the elliptical.
    4. No alcohol o:)

    JFT, 10/13

    1. Stay within calorie limit
    2. Walk the dogs
    3. Strength workout: Lean Circuit 2
    4. No alcohol

    It's been harder lately staying within my calories since my cardio has been so reduced. Harder to keep positive as well. I just want to go to bed and not think about it.
  • beckyhunnable
    beckyhunnable Posts: 23 Member

    Just for Today Jan 12/16
    1. 75 oz water
    2. Track everything
    3. Wear my Fitbit
    4. Continue to take care of myself even if LO is sick. Ask for help from my husband if I need it.
    5. Rest where possible.

    Just for Today Jan 13/16
    1. 75 oz water
    2. Track everything
    3. Wear my Fitbit
    4. Do not let the success on the scale dictate choices today. There is no room for self-sabatoge. Keep my eye on the goal. 10% = 250.2 lbs. Put in the work now so I can enjoy my first achievement reward.
    5. Focus on choosing 1st reward.
  • shrcpr
    shrcpr Posts: 885 Member
    Just For Today, Tuesday (1/12)

    1. 85 oz of water
    2. Track every bite
    3. No added sugar
    4. Gratitude Journal

    Have been fighting a cold since New Year's Eve and then had knee scope done to repair 2 meniscal tears last Thursday on top of it, so not much activity for me this week.

    Tracie in Green Bay
    I'm not "dieting". I'm changing my lifestyle so I can feel better, and if I lose weight in the meantime, well that's just the gravy on top!

    Hope you heal quickly!
    bri170lb wrote: »
    I've really had to struggle the past few days to stay under my calorie limit. I wrote the word "courage" on my hand where I would see it often. It's silly, but it has really helped me get through a difficult day today.

    Last night I REALLY wanted to snack beyond my limit. I drank water and finished watching a movie. I feel like I accomplished a lot, just by toughing it out.

    If I could do it last night, I'm know I can do it tonight too.

    Way to stick it out! Glad you were able to get through that.
  • pinkninja81
    pinkninja81 Posts: 11 Member
    Just for today 13th January 2016 I will not have wine with my dinner
  • jet0505
    jet0505 Posts: 69 Member
    jet0505 wrote: »

    JFT Tuesday
    1. Try another taekwondo workout, mindful of foot :neutral: Didn't happen - enjoyed evening with family though
    2. No sugar :smile:
    3. Keep decluttering paperwork ... :smile:
    4. Be happy! :smile:
    JFT Wednesday
    1. Racquetball
    2. Stretching foot 3x
    3. Blood work follow up - create a plan with doctor
    4. Keep decluttering paperwork - can't believe there is so much paper in my house!
  • aerochic42
    aerochic42 Posts: 822 Member
    aerochic42 wrote: »
    JFT Tuesday
    Take care of my back. I think I slept a long time on my back last night and n ow my lower back is killing me. Easy walking, some stretching, painkiller and a hot bath when I get home are in order. Right now I'm just trying to keep it warm and supported while still trying to move around some, so I don't have it lock up from lack of motion. I didn't realize it was this bad when I left forwork this morning so I don't have any pain killers with me.

    Log my food - Eh mixed results, breakfast and lunch but not dinner. this is rather normal but it still helps limit the mindless munching.

    Those of you with chronic back problems, my hat is off to you for actually getting stuff done especially exercising as I'm barely functioning from the pain.

    JFT Wednesday - Continue to take care of my back. My back is still sore but is feeling a lot better from yesterday. Transitioning motions (sitting to standing, standing to walking) are still kind of painful, but not too bad once I'm there. I'll do so laps at lunch in the hangar and maybe walk on the dreadmill some when I get home tonight. I'll also stretch out again and maybe take a bath again. I'm not really a bath person, but they have their place.

    One thing this "injury" (really who gets hurt while sleeping?) has made me appreciate is my flexibility. It's always been there so I really do take it for granted and don't get it when people say they can't touch their toes.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    Tues, 1/12
    1. DO NOT WEIGH myself. Being successful is not about the numbers on the scale :)
    2. No sugar, low carbs :)
    3. Drink water :)
    4. Write in gratitude journal
    5. Sew up 4 more chemo hats tonite :) Actually got 6 more chemo hats sewn
    6. clean house :/
    7. put meat in crockpot :)

    Helped to have dinner ready in the crockpot, and drinking the water. Did OK again, except did have popcorn in the evening. But I took a small bowl, and then just drank my water to keep me from eating more stuff.

    1. Dinner with a friend tonite, so try and eat light during the day
    2. drink water
    3. focus on positives in my life. Had a huge argument with my daughter last nite, so still upset about that. But I have to remember than no one asks for mental illness, and she is doing the best that she can - even though somethings are so hard to understand.

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    bri170lb wrote: »
    I've really had to struggle the past few days to stay under my calorie limit. I wrote the word "courage" on my hand where I would see it often. It's silly, but it has really helped me get through a difficult day today.

    Last night I REALLY wanted to snack beyond my limit. I drank water and finished watching a movie. I feel like I accomplished a lot, just by toughing it out.

    If I could do it last night, I'm know I can do it tonight too.

    Congrats to you for sticking with it, and not going over. You have accomplished so much - you are my inspiration. Like you said, if you can do it one nite, you can do it another nite.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    abacus93jp wrote: »
    Went for checkup with my doctor today. Lost 19lbs since I was there last Sept. Slow but sure wins the race(hokey, but true). One day at a time!

    CONGRATS on the 19lbs!!!
  • grammiekb
    grammiekb Posts: 9 Member
    JFT...off to a good start by shovelling snow for 1/2 hr. Not going to substitute that for my biking though...am proud of myself for biking everyday since Jan 1. Tracking every bite, working on my water, and gotta tackle the clutter by my chair today for sure...didn't do it yesterday.
  • ParadiseLost91
    ParadiseLost91 Posts: 28 Member
    JFT wednesday

    Go for a walk
    Log my food
    Relax with some video games :)

  • organizedme
    organizedme Posts: 8 Member
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,364 Member

    6. Go to see' The Hate8ful Eight' with DH and DD#2. :/Postponed! Daughter had to work.

    did you go see this yet, Terri? I went with my husband. Oh my goodness. All I can say is wow. :smile:

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,364 Member
    Just For Today, Tuesday (1/12)

    1. 85 oz of water - Nope. Only 64 oz
    2. Track every bite - Done. Went over limit because of inactivity but tracked it nonetheless.
    3. No added sugar - Nope. Try, try again...
    4. Gratitude Journal - Fail again.

    Well, since I did so poorly on yesterday's goals, I think I'll try them again today.

    Just For Wednesday:
    1. 10 glasses of water
    2. Track every bite
    3. Make healthy decisions and say no to ice cream tonight
    4. Gratitude Journal

    Have a great day everyone!

    Tracie in Green Bay
    It's not a diet...it's a lifestyle change
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Fighting a very bad fibro flare. I did manage to get to the gym yesterday, but I did not do much. All of my numbers have been off, but I am trying to push myself forward, so today's goals are:

    1. 10,000 measley steps :)
    2. work out (haven't decided exactly what to do yet)--just walked, did exercise bike and rowing machine, very gently! :)
    3. under 75 G carbs :smiley:

    1. 10,000 steps (walk, dance around the house)
    2. swim a mile
    3. under 75G carbs
  • Sora4ever
    Sora4ever Posts: 98 Member
    Remember to breath! Sometimes I just need to breath and let things go instead of letting them work me up.
  • abacus93jp
    abacus93jp Posts: 55 Member
    Good day today! One day at a time
  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    Sora4ever wrote: »
    Remember to breath! Sometimes I just need to breath and let things go instead of letting them work me up.

    OMG, me too!!!! :smiley: