NO carbs and fat in a diet.



  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    edited January 2016
    yarwell wrote: »
    senecarr wrote: »
    The initial ones caused horrible malnutrition because the protein came from bad parts of meat such as hooves, and thus the protein coming from it was incomplete, and left people with amino acid deficiencies.

    yeah, like 30 years ago that happened.

    My ex did a popular one up here and I don't know if it's really so great either. The foods were all comercially available foods on an approved list and she had to take B12 shots, a multi-vitamin and an extra potasium pill. She decided to get off the diet about 5 weeks in when she forgot to take the potasium pill for a couple days and they told her that she could have dire health consequences if she didn't take the pills daily. At that time she figured it was just too dangerous.
  • Chaagy
    Chaagy Posts: 109 Member
    Eating faces would also help you lose weight! So... win-win all around.

    Seriously though, I did low carb (ie. start at less than 15g of carb, then maintain in the 20s). Much less emphasis on calories, lots of emphasis on not eating carbs. You eat a lot of protein and low carb vegetables. You can eat bacon. Eggs. Steak. Salad. But you have to do it all the time, you can't do it one day and not the next. I found my body changed, and I think because you've deprived your body of carbs (which are easy energy sources) it begins to burn fat and protein as energy (fat on you, as well). But there's lots of speculation as to why it works. And it does seem to work.

    BUT, I couldn't maintain it. I can't eat that way all the time. I love me a salad with some protein on it. But I also like having toast sometimes. Having rice. Having a bowl (small bowl) of pasta. I really like food, and I couldn't do it. I also got constipated, and your breath begins to change odour, and you begin to have a metallic taste in your mouth (at least I did, and many report so).

    It could work for you. But I think many report the long term of this is that many fall off the wagon, and then go back to eating before they ate low carb. And then gain the weight back. I think if you do it, you need to have a long term plan as well, for what happens when you stop doing it. I like MFP because it sort of teaches you what a proper meal size is for you. Everyone learns a way that works for them. It doesn't restrict what you can or cannot eat.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Wouldn't faces be pretty high in fat?
  • KittyHeaven74
    KittyHeaven74 Posts: 68 Member
    It sounds like she's put her body into ketosis, where it uses fat for fuel because it's not getting fuel from blood sugar. I did a guided, medically proven program similar to this and it did work; however, tons of supplementation was needed and when I hit my goal I needed a month of transition before I could go back to eating carbs and fats again. You cannot live without carbs and fats forever; if you do, you're starving your body of essential nutrients. While that other program worked for me, I found that I did not closely monitor the types of foods I ate once I went on maintenance - though I was given guidance and it would not have been hard to do so to keep the weight off (I just didn't follow the guidance I was given). In any case, I'm not returning to that program now that I'm needing to lose 40 lbs (I originally lost 70 and have put more than half back on). It is too much deprivation for me and as a vegetarian, I need protein from sources other than eggs and tofu. That's why I'm here at MFP - so I can learn to think differently about food in the long-term. I AM cutting out some carbs and sugars (grains and all sugars, including fruit) for a few weeks to empty my sugar tank and sort of "reset" myself to lessen those cravings. But I will then start to reintroduce them slowly back into my routine. Carbs and fats are not only good, they are necessary for your body to be healthy. The key is to eat the healthy carbs and fats and reduce the amount of unhealthy ones. Easily said, not as easily done ... but just keep in mind that giving them up entirely (and for life) is basically the equivalent of starving yourself.
  • CrystalMayfield1
    CrystalMayfield1 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm doing a low carb high protein woe. In the last week I've lost water weight of 4 lbs. Should go down to 1 to 2 lbs a week here soon. My fat is whatever. I try not to go over I think 45 on my fat grams. And keep my protein between a min. of 89 and 146. My carbs I try to stay below 60. Calorie intake between 1000 and 1200 so I don't get yelled at by this program. I eat a lot of meats and veggies and beans and protein shakes. You can't live without fat your body will starve itself and feed off it. And then gain it all back. Just my opinion though, take it for what it is worth.
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    It sounds like she's put her body into ketosis,

    Hi protein, lo fat would be almost the exact opposite of keto
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    edited January 2016
    Okay guys, so a woman on Youtube said she lose 40 pounds in 2 barely eating carbs (20 or lower) and no fat..and kept it off for the last month. She said carbs and fat is the enemy. And a person can't lose weight if they eat 20g or more of carbs and fat. My question is can you live off of 20g or lower in carbs and fat? I'm just curious. Opinions, please?

    Last summer, my neighbor lost 30 pounds in a short time on a low carb and low fat diet. Looks like she's gained half of it back. (I asked her about her progress when she was losing weight, but not since she started putting it back on.)

    So, while she successfully LOST weight, she didn't learn habits that would allow her to keep it off.
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    It sounds like she's put her body into ketosis, where it uses fat for fuel because it's not getting fuel from blood sugar. I did a guided, medically proven program similar to this and it did work; however, tons of supplementation was needed and when I hit my goal I needed a month of transition before I could go back to eating carbs and fats again. You cannot live without carbs and fats forever; if you do, you're starving your body of essential nutrients. While that other program worked for me, I found that I did not closely monitor the types of foods I ate once I went on maintenance - though I was given guidance and it would not have been hard to do so to keep the weight off (I just didn't follow the guidance I was given). In any case, I'm not returning to that program now that I'm needing to lose 40 lbs (I originally lost 70 and have put more than half back on). It is too much deprivation for me and as a vegetarian, I need protein from sources other than eggs and tofu. That's why I'm here at MFP - so I can learn to think differently about food in the long-term. I AM cutting out some carbs and sugars (grains and all sugars, including fruit) for a few weeks to empty my sugar tank and sort of "reset" myself to lessen those cravings. But I will then start to reintroduce them slowly back into my routine. Carbs and fats are not only good, they are necessary for your body to be healthy. The key is to eat the healthy carbs and fats and reduce the amount of unhealthy ones. Easily said, not as easily done ... but just keep in mind that giving them up entirely (and for life) is basically the equivalent of starving yourself.

    If low carb works for you then certainly, but the the standard supervised VLCDs aren't usually ketogenic but just really low calories. The one my ex did worked very well for several of our friends and collegues but wasn't ketogenic and only low carb because it was so low calorie, about 750/day.
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    edited January 2016
    It sounds like she's put her body into ketosis,

    Hi protein, lo fat would be almost the exact opposite of keto

    Yeah, you would be converting a lot of protein to carbs and my understaning is that the keto crowd tries to keep their protein rather low as well, something like 50g or so a day I seem to recall seeing but I'm sure someone who does keto can chime in.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    shes an idiot and will gain it all (and more) back when she adds it back in.
  • LHWhite903
    LHWhite903 Posts: 208 Member
    Just don't worry about macros and eat what's right for your body while getting all the necessary nutrients. IMO, getting all worked up about those sort of things adds undue stress to the system and I'm sure we've all read about what such stress can do.
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    LHWhite903 wrote: »
    Just don't worry about macros and eat what's right for your body while getting all the necessary nutrients. IMO, getting all worked up about those sort of things adds undue stress to the system and I'm sure we've all read about what such stress can do.

    I disagree that you should completely not "worry about macros"'s important to ensure you're getting adequate proteins and fats especially. And being mindful of your macros can help with things like meal planning, satiety, and even gaining a better understanding of calorie counting.

    That said, I think micro managing them to the point of ensuring you hit say EXACTLY 30% of calories from fat, or EXACTLY 120 grams of protein each day is completely unnecessary.

  • sarahbuchan465
    sarahbuchan465 Posts: 6 Member
    It sounds like she's put her body into ketosis,

    Hi protein, lo fat would be almost the exact opposite of keto

    finally some sense.....
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    LHWhite903 wrote: »
    Just don't worry about macros and eat what's right for your body while getting all the necessary nutrients. IMO, getting all worked up about those sort of things adds undue stress to the system and I'm sure we've all read about what such stress can do.

    You just told them to not worry about nutrients but eat their necessary nutrients.
  • Thickivory
    Thickivory Posts: 36 Member
    Carbs are basically in everything including fruit. How is this possible?
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    Carbs are basically in everything including fruit. How is this possible?

    That's kind of the point. Ether you eat high fat or high carb, it's hard to go very low carb and fat together. The only way I can see it by manufactured protein supplements but after a couple weeks suicide would probably look good.
  • harrybananas
    harrybananas Posts: 292 Member
    High fat, high carb, high protein. Why limit yourself
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    High fat, high carb, high protein. Why limit yourself

    I like that way of thinking.
  • Colorscheme
    Colorscheme Posts: 1,179 Member
    LHWhite903 wrote: »
    Just don't worry about macros and eat what's right for your body while getting all the necessary nutrients. IMO, getting all worked up about those sort of things adds undue stress to the system and I'm sure we've all read about what such stress can do.

    I disagree that you should completely not "worry about macros"'s important to ensure you're getting adequate proteins and fats especially. And being mindful of your macros can help with things like meal planning, satiety, and even gaining a better understanding of calorie counting.

    That said, I think micro managing them to the point of ensuring you hit say EXACTLY 30% of calories from fat, or EXACTLY 120 grams of protein each day is completely unnecessary.

    Agreed. You do need carbs, fats and protein in order to remain alive. I like to keep my carbs at around 40-50 percent and the rest fat and protein, but I'm not anal about it.
  • mparadise4098
    mparadise4098 Posts: 2 Member
    Shawnrivas wrote: »
    My problem is I'm a binge eater and nothing seems to work.

    Try tracking what you eat for a few weeks. Once I did I noticed a pattern for myself. It seems like whenever I eat regular pasta(think Italian food pasta) I would get crazy cravings and end up binging. Now that I have pretty much cut just that carb out of my diet I get very few binge cravings and can stick to my food plan MUCH better. I don't restrict anything but I do actively avoid pasta as it seems to be a trigger food for me for some reason....I have no idea what/why but it has worked well for me. And know that I am aware this is a trigger on the rare occasion that I do have it I pat extra attention to what is going into my mouth for a couple of days after.