My son called me fat.



  • Shanel0916
    Shanel0916 Posts: 586 Member
    Shanel0916 wrote: »
    You raised him, so somewhere along the way this is what he has been taught to do and he is only 5 what a shame.

    This makes me want to resort to name calling but I have more self control that a five year old so I don't. I suppose you've never said something you regret when angry. I suppose every hurtful thing you have ever said or done was something you learned from your mother. Kids at school don't name call. Television certainly doesn't make fun of people for being fat. MUST be the parenting :confounded:

    Yes it all boils down to parenting, you can correct what they learn in school, you can control what they watch on television. So yes its her parenting style or the father's, who is not mentioned. He is only 5, I have a 4 year old myself and he has never done this, and if he does it would be corrected immediately. I wouldn't sit in a corner and cry about what a 5 year old said that's for sure.
  • tbirk
    tbirk Posts: 25 Member
    edited January 2016
    I'm sure we've all heard hurtful words about our appearance at one time or another. It always hurts, no matter the context. I'm sorry you were hurt. I'm not a parent, and this isn't a parenting website, so I'll say no more on the subject.

    Now, onto weight loss. I have several suggestions. I think it's OK to indulge sometimes, in moderation. I cannot survive without chocolate! I buy Hershey dark chocolate nuggets and try to limit myself to two a day. Some people have one cheat day a week. Without allowing yourself to eat some "bad" foods every now in then, you'll go insane! AND you'll be much more likely to binge. The key is moderation.

    The other struggle is finding foods that have the most bang for their buck. You need to find things that make you feel full and satisfied without ruining your calorie limit for the day. Veggies and fruits are always great! Low calorie, filling, make you feel good. I take bananas, apples, peaches, clementines, etc. with me to work. They're easy to throw in a bag and take with me. I keep string cheese in the communal fridge at work. I also largely rely on tea and water -- 0 calories and good for you! Popcorn is actually a great snack in moderation (without all the movie theater butter). For breakfast, I like to eat eggs and half a piece of toast or shredded wheat (unfrosted!) with lowfat milk. If making eggs every day is too much work, then you can hard boil a half dozen or so. Egg Beaters is a quick alternative. Personally, I hate salads! You can still get protein and veggies in other forms. Cut out the bad -- fried foods, alcohol, desserts; MyFitnessPal can help you identify the high calorie foods you may not even know you're eating! Again it's ok to cheat every now and then, but keep it in small portions! If you start eating more satisfying foods, you might actually feel better and like you have more energy. Consult blogs, magazines, Pinterest, and cookbooks for meal and snack ideas. If you slip up and go over calorie limit, try something different. Tomorrow is a new day. The beginning of weight loss is a lot of experimentation and creating good habits.

    The next piece of the puzzle is exercise. At least for me, dieting alone is not enough to lose weight. You have to exercise. Start with taking walks in the morning, at lunch, and/or in the evening. Get a pedometer. Add some jogging intervals to your walk. You can also take a class (zumba, spin, strength), join a volleyball league, take a hike, swim laps, ride a bike, etc. Maybe just running around in the backyard with your kid! It's hard to get into the habit of exercise, but it is so worth it. Exercise makes you feel like you accomplished something and it creates a calorie deficit so you can actually eat more!

    Lastly, STRESS! You sound incredibly busy and stressed. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the stress in your life is negatively impacting your weight loss journey and overall health. I think you should focus on feeling healthy and feeling good about yourself rather than tying your self worth to a number on a scale or the size of a piece of clothing. If you turn to food as a stress relief, then try to find something else. Someone mentioned a nice bath. Going on a walk or other exercise can be a great stress relief that also helps your weight loss journey. Everyone has different stresses in their lives and different things that make them feel relaxed, so that's something you'll have to explore.

    Best of luck. You can do it! I'm sure you're being very hard on yourself - we are our own harshest critics! I'm sure your kid is very cute!
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    edited January 2016
    My nieces are a little older, but I constantly hear them saying skinny and fat while playing. I kinda feel bad for their parents, both of them are obese. Both girls are starting to look at make up and one of their friends lost some weight.

    ETA: I also remember saying a one of my sister's teachers in high school had a nose that was too big. XD
  • tara_means_star
    tara_means_star Posts: 957 Member
    Shanel0916 wrote: »
    Shanel0916 wrote: »
    You raised him, so somewhere along the way this is what he has been taught to do and he is only 5 what a shame.

    This makes me want to resort to name calling but I have more self control that a five year old so I don't. I suppose you've never said something you regret when angry. I suppose every hurtful thing you have ever said or done was something you learned from your mother. Kids at school don't name call. Television certainly doesn't make fun of people for being fat. MUST be the parenting :confounded:

    Yes it all boils down to parenting, you can correct what they learn in school, you can control what they watch on television. So yes its her parenting style or the father's, who is not mentioned. He is only 5, I have a 4 year old myself and he has never done this, and if he does it would be corrected immediately. I wouldn't sit in a corner and cry about what a 5 year old said that's for sure.

    She did correct it so I'd say her parenting is safe.
  • coreyreichle
    coreyreichle Posts: 1,031 Member
    larali1980 wrote: »
    When I was fat, I would get called fat sometimes. Mostly by my friends, just goofing around. Thing was, I was fat. I am not going to get mad if someone calls me bald. I am. I am not going to get mad if someone says I am a bit on the short side. I am. I wouldn't get mad if someone called me fat. I was.

    Are you fat? If so, it's an accurate observation. If you don't like it, change it.

    This x1000.

    No, telling someone that they are fat in order to hurt them does not equal goofing off or making silly jokes among friends.

    Honestly describing a person's physical attributes is "hurtful"?

    Is this how you speak to your loved ones? It may be the norm in some families to use terms like "fatty" when angry, but (even when they are based in someone's genuine assessment of another) it isn't the norm in many families.

    If my kids are acting like *kitten*, I tell them they are. If I'm acting like an *kitten*, they tell me. When I was fat, they said so.

    Yes. I brought up my kids to be honest, and don't sugar coat things.
  • coreyreichle
    coreyreichle Posts: 1,031 Member
    I hate that society has given the word "FAT" a negative connotation and so much power to make us feel less than.

    It's because being fat is a negative attribute. No matter how you slice it. It's an outward sign of being unhealthy.

    And, don't try to pull the nonsense of "You can be fat and healthy!"

    No, you cannot.
  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    OP my son is 4 but when he kissed my belly and asked when the baby was coming I felt so hurt. I'm sorry you went through that and are still struggling through the day; maybe baby steps instead of tackling the whole thing at once?
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    A friend's little girl once overheard me say something about my knees being so bad and asked me, "is that when you are so fat/" She totally mortified her parents and the other people in the room who all paused in shock. I relied to her, "No honey I'm fat because I eat too much."

    That was probably the first time I ever said that out loud even though I knew it was true. Little kids are so honest and it is good to be honest right back with them.

    Anyway OP I noticed you said you are a perfectionist. So rather than focusing on your child's words and how they made you feel back I would like you to think about this.

    When you make that effort to eat right for a day what does that mean to you? Do you start out right away going to the lowest calorie goal for the maximum weight loss? Do you "eat clean" immediately and cut out ALL of the foods you love completely?

    I tried those kinds of things a few times and found them to be impossible.

    How do you eat a bll of string? One inch at a time.

    Maybe you need to ease up. Start yourself out just getting in the habit of logging all of your food and don't worry about losing weight or eating "healthy". Get used to using a scale and being aware of the food you put in your mouth and how many calories that is. Don't judge it as good or bad. Just notice what it is. Then maybe put yourself on a .5 pound a week loss for a while and get used to that. Pay attention to the numbers and find ways to eat healthy food but also work at least a little bit of what you love into every day. As you feel better about things and as you start to become more aware you may be able to increase your deficit for a larger loss. But no matter how slow it might be you will still be heading in the direction you want and every small achievement is going to help to build up your self confidence.

    Weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint. No human on earth is perfect and you should give yourself permission to just be human. Just like for children, our mistakes are not failures they are teaching moments. The lessons are just different. You don't have to do everything perfectly. You just have to do your personal best.

  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,032 Member
    Could be worse. When my friend was 5, she was yelling at her mum and wanted to hurt her feelings. Calling her ugly wasn't good enough, and she knew that if people didn't like their nose they got a "nose job", but she wanted to expand a little and so she screamed at her mum "YOU NEED A HEAD JOB!!!"

    Argument over. Mum had to go to her room and bury her face in a pillow until she stopped howling with laughter.

  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    edited January 2016
    Op, I'm going to skip all the silly advice on parenting that is going back and forth. You do you.
    However, I was recently in a similar situation with one of my older daughters. I've gained some weight these last months and my daughter tapped on my stomach and said "getting slower?" .

    Within our relationship it wasn't bullying, mean or problematic. Sure, it bothered me for a second, but she can honestly talk to me about it - and yes, it's also a motivator to get things together. Use it as such. Channel your self criticism and disappointment into - ok, what am I going to do about this?

    Sometimes getting upset helps to move the switch to "IM ON IT".

    Best of luck.

  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    kbmnurse wrote: »
    Your son is a bully.

    Calling a spade a spade is hardly "bullying".

    I agree. Kids are brutally honest!

    I got called fat when I was fat, because I was fat. Such is life. I didn't want to be fat anymore, so I lost weight.
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    When I was 5 I called my mom fat. She slapped me. (She denies this, but it is burned in my memory of one of the 3 times she slapped me). But I only called her fat because she called herself fat in front of me. Kids also repeat what they here you say.
  • troelsy
    troelsy Posts: 3 Member
    I don't actually think there's anything wrong with acknowledging someone is fat/overweight. Whatever you wanna call it. It is what it is. I like honesty and not playing pretend. Like two obese women telling each other how they don't eat anything. I'm the one saying "yep I have zero self control. Food, alcohol. I mean look at me, it should be obvious." lol

    It's the taboo attached to it that's the problem. If only we were more open about it. That might even make it easier for people to get out of morbid obesity.

    But speaking of alcohol. That's gotta be the best way to lose weight. Giving up alcohol. It can also *kitten* with your thyroid. And I know I get the munchies, grabbing a pizza on the way home from a night out. lol

  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    larali1980 wrote: »
    When I was fat, I would get called fat sometimes. Mostly by my friends, just goofing around. Thing was, I was fat. I am not going to get mad if someone calls me bald. I am. I am not going to get mad if someone says I am a bit on the short side. I am. I wouldn't get mad if someone called me fat. I was.

    Are you fat? If so, it's an accurate observation. If you don't like it, change it.

    This x1000.

    No, telling someone that they are fat in order to hurt them does not equal goofing off or making silly jokes among friends.

    Honestly describing a person's physical attributes is "hurtful"?

    Is this how you speak to your loved ones? It may be the norm in some families to use terms like "fatty" when angry, but (even when they are based in someone's genuine assessment of another) it isn't the norm in many families.

    If my kids are acting like *kitten*, I tell them they are. If I'm acting like an *kitten*, they tell me. When I was fat, they said so.

    Yes. I brought up my kids to be honest, and don't sugar coat things.

    Families have different ways of interacting with each other. It's certainly possible to be honest without name-calling or using language, in anger, that is designed to hurt people.
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,242 MFP Moderator

    Hey folks - we've been getting reports about this discussion so I'd like to remind you of the following:
    15. Divisive Topics Are Better Suited For Groups, Not the Main Forums

    Divisive topics and posts, particularly those that seek input from or are relevant only to a select group of users, are better placed within an appropriate Group rather than the Main Forums. For example, topics relevant to only one religion should not be placed on the main forums but rather within a group related to that religion.
    ****Parenting? We don't all do it the same, and we all have strong opinions regarding what is and is not appropriate parenting. Divisive topics often lead to the following, all of which I have seen in this thread:
    6. No Intentionally Hurtful Posts

    Topics or posts which are started with the intent to belittle others, either directly named or through enough descriptive commentary to be possibly identified, are prohibited. This includes stalking a poster through the forums, posting about past events gone sour, divulging personal information, or spreading gossip or rumors. At our discretion, any post referring to the behavior or posts of other users of the site will be removed.
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    Please stay on-topic in an existing thread, and post new threads in the appropriate forum. Taking a thread off-topic is considered hi-jacking. Please either contribute politely and constructively to a topic, or move on without posting. This includes posts that encourage the drama in a topic to escalate, or posts intended to incite an uproar from the community.

    No one's parenting is or should be at issue here, as this is a fitness site not a parenting site. Please keep the focus ON the OPs fitness issue and off of the parenting hot-topic. If parenting continues to be an issue in this discussion, it will likely be closed.

    I leave you with a wish that we can all get along as well as my pooches:



    Anyway, happy Friday Eve. And may the odds be ever in your favor.


  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,032 Member
    larali1980 wrote: »
    When I was fat, I would get called fat sometimes. Mostly by my friends, just goofing around. Thing was, I was fat. I am not going to get mad if someone calls me bald. I am. I am not going to get mad if someone says I am a bit on the short side. I am. I wouldn't get mad if someone called me fat. I was.

    Are you fat? If so, it's an accurate observation. If you don't like it, change it.

    This x1000.

    No, telling someone that they are fat in order to hurt them does not equal goofing off or making silly jokes among friends.

    Honestly describing a person's physical attributes is "hurtful"?

    Is this how you speak to your loved ones? It may be the norm in some families to use terms like "fatty" when angry, but (even when they are based in someone's genuine assessment of another) it isn't the norm in many families.

    If my kids are acting like *kitten*, I tell them they are. If I'm acting like an *kitten*, they tell me. When I was fat, they said so.

    Yes. I brought up my kids to be honest, and don't sugar coat things.

    Families have different ways of interacting with each other. It's certainly possible to be honest without name-calling or using language, in anger, that is designed to hurt people.

    I don't think raising kids to be honest, and raising kids to be tactful and not hurtful is mutually exclusive.

    If your kid mentions you being fat in the context of a conversation, and you are, then maybe getting upset over it is unnecessary.

    If your kid says you're fat, and it was not in the context of a conversation or a question, then then maybe getting upset over it is unnecessary but you should have a talk to them about being tactful and how, although some things might be true, it also isn't appropriate to state baldly in that manner.

    If your kid tells you you're fat with the intention of being hurtful then they need to be educated on not being deliberately rude and hurtful.

    Just because something is true doesn't make it OK for a kid, or an adult for that matter, to throw it in someone's face.
  • samanthastavitz
    samanthastavitz Posts: 5 Member
    Does he know you're sensitive about your weight? That may be why he said it. Just to hurt you when he was upset, absolutely not because he's ashamed of you!
    My son is only three, and my boyfriend and I watch how we talk about weight and body issues very carefully.
    Calling people names like fat, being ashamed of your body are all learned behaviors. When I was younger (hard to believe this, but) I battled anorexia and bulimia. My Mother tried putting me on a diet when I wasn't even in first grade because I was a little chubby kid and she would say she didnt want me to be fat like her when I grew up. That it's so hard being fat and life is just easier if you can be thin.
    I'm going off topic-- I'm sorry, but I just wanted to try suggesting maybe give yourself some self love infront of your son? Maybe don't talk about losing weight, but wanting to get back in shape and be healthy.
    That's what I say to my son when he asks why I'm working out. Mommy wants to be in better shape so I can be nice and healthy and be around for a long time.
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    edited January 2016

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    Josalinn wrote: »
    When I was 5 I called my mom fat. She slapped me. (She denies this, but it is burned in my memory of one of the 3 times she slapped me). But I only called her fat because she called herself fat in front of me. Kids also repeat what they here you say.
    Yep. It's much more common to learn stuff from a parent at home at that age than a stranger or just people they run into.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    edited January 2016
    First about the kid, honestly, as a mother myself, I am torn about what is the right answer. He needs to understand he should not hurt people, and it sounds like in this case, he did have the intention to hurt.
    On the other hand, as one of my kids once pointed out to me "If it is ok to say someone is tall or someone is blonde, why can't I say he is fat? Why is it different? Do you mean he does not know he is fat?" He was not trying to be smart, he was really confused. And honestly, unless the intention is to hurt, I think my son was correct in his thought process. So, in my family's case, I have tried teaching the kids that it is ok to use words to describe people, it is not ok to use words to hurt people. So, explaining to another kid that your cousin is that short or that big kid over there, is fine. Describing your cousin as a dwarf or a whale, it is a completely different thing.

    Back to the main topic, do you mind being overweight? Would you be happy as you are, if no one ever said anything? Would you be happy if only you could see it?
    Yes, your kid knows when someone is visibly overweight. Yes, the other kids know it. Yes, they do talk about parents and adults in this way, again as a description:
    Who is Mary's mother? The short lady over there.
    Who is Tom's father? The fat man with the beard who looks like Santa.
    These are things the kids notice, and adults notice, although usually they do not tell it to your face. If you know you are fat/skinny/tall/bald/have glasses etc, the rest of the worlds knows it too.
    The question is does it annoy you or not?
    What I consider unattractively overweight, might be someone's else definition of attractively curvy. What I consider as unhealthily skinny might be someone's else dream body.
    So, regarding "words" and "appearance", the question is, what are you happy with? If your child has hurt you because what he said was describing how you feel, then no one but you can change things. If you hate it enough, you will change it. If not, stop worrying about it, unless it is to a point where there are health concerns.

    I also have one question: kids learn their eating habits from parents. You mentioned going to the store to buy some treats, which I assume you do not consider the best eating choices, or they would not have been mentioned in this way. If you feel these eating habits are affecting your appearance, and as you said you do not want your child to be embarassed because of your appearance, are you having these same food choices available to your child? Because if your eating habits are makign you look in a way you do not like, they will have at some point the same effect on your child' body too.
This discussion has been closed.